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  • #5731
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    Wither defeated, Beacon built : let’s apply for town status \o/

    Town Name:
    Town Colors (Icon flag color):
    Grey and Blue
    Post ID URL from Settlement thread (Starts with a # Top right of post)


    In reply to: Ouch.

    Alex Lazescu
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    Hi Tim: Btw look at the Live Map: the building I showed you when it was a wittle baby is growing up. 😀

    Also – There is a simple solution to the uneducated noobish new player base that we seem to be getting into here. Complicated Servers with many plugins, like Economy servers, often have a tutorial room, where as the player walks down, he/she/it is forced to read everything before advancing to the next section. And at the end, is a quick quiz: not too hard, that tests whether the player knows how to access the help commands and understands what the basic ones do.

    Some would counter this and say ” It scares players away “, however, it only scares the players who are either immature, lazy, trollers, or simply people who don’t give 2 sh*ts. Since we are looking for an intelligent and mature (ish 😛 ) player base, this is a pretty good idea…

    *Also Please Consider the Ensign rank and the Ship of the Line ship type unlocked by Ensign!*

    😀 😛 😉 —–>

    Retired Pirate 6/25/14 -- 6/15/15


    In reply to: Ouch.

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    I have two screenshots of Blus4fr calling GodsDead stuck-up and refusing to adhere to speaking English in the main chat.



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    Hi! I finally voted today for the server after a long time and it is a few days into the month and the server only has a few votes. I think maybe Piratecraft should increase the incentive to vote maybe? I don’t mean better vote roulette rewards we can still keep those. I want the admins to maybe think about awarding the top 3 voters during the month with some nice prize or something. I know some servers give away donator ranks or just a spawn egg of some mob to the top 3/5/10 voters for the server so maybe Piratecraft wants to do something like that too? It would increase the urge for people to vote. More voting competition >:D

    ~High (#420) Admiral of the BE Navy and retired News Anchor of the Piratecraft Survival Server~

    Alex Lazescu
    • Topics: 17
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    Hey ya’ll! Athen here with some exciting news.. so ya’ll now how I’m a pretty good builder of sailing vessels, from dhows, to subs, to Indiamen and all that jazz. However I never managed to make an official business with set, fair prices. So please reply to this thread if you would want for me to build you a ship in game! I’ll make the application example right below the prices. See you all in-game, and happy sailing!


    Raft: 5$

    Dhow: 10$

    Schooner: 20$

    Submarine: 20$

    Brig: 30$

    Frigate: 40$

    Galleon: 50$

    Man o War: 60$

    Indiaman: 70$

    MATERIAL PRICES **Does Not Apply If You Supply Materials***

    All Wood Block Types Are 25$

    Glass Panes: 15$

    Wool: 25$

    Black Wool: 25$

    All Other Wool Colors: 30$

    Stone Slabs: 25$

    HULL FORM *The Build Style*

    Merchantile – 20$

    *Larger Hull Space, Medium Sized and circular-y. Usually 1-2 Square Rigged Top Sails, 1 Main Sail, and 1 Jib. Can be 1 to 2 Masted*

    *Usually seen on Schooners, Brigs, and Frigates*

    Sailing – 15$

    *The smallest and most agile type; low, level to the sea, built to be sleek for smooth sailing. Usually 1-2 Main Sails and 1-3 Jibs, and usually 1 masted*

    *Usually seen on Dhows, Rafts, and Schooners*

    Fighter -20$

    *Well built and sturdy; built for log voyages and even battles. 1-5 Square Rigged Sails, 1-3 Masts, Indefinite Jibs Between Masts, 1 Large Main Sail*

    *Usually seen on Galleons, Manowar’s, and Indiaman*

    ((((We Can Adapt these Build Styles for All Ships, not just the ones Recommended.))))

    SPECIALTIES  – The Power of Athen Engineering

    Cannons: 5$ per cannon  *Not including ammo or gunpowder.*

    Auto Firing Cannons AND Auto Loading Cannons: 40$ to install *Not Including ammo or gunpowder*

    Armor: 50$

    -Armor Includes the Angling Technology developed by Yours Truly, which is carefully placed and built so as to absorb as much damage as possible into one block. This enables the ship to take damage and outlast ANY other ships out there.

    Stone Clad (Full) : 200$

    Stone Clad (Mixed) : 100$
    *Wood and Stone. Yes, we can make this look nice. *

    -A New Experimental Ship Development which takes Angling Technology to a new level. By incorporating stone into the armor; we can literally build an almost impenetrable shell which can bounce anything from cluster bombs to diamonds; which can mean the difference between walking away from a fight, or sinking to the depths.

    All Ships Built by Shipsmith’s Incorporated and All Technologies Developed and Services Provided are purely confidential, and we expect you to keep our secrets, secret, and we will do the same about you. Failure to pay may result in injury, loss of items, property, etc. etc. We Promise to give 100% on all Projects Built; Customer Satisfaction is not guaranteed, and if you want to give us a picture to use as a model or guide, feel free to do so.


    Ship Type: ________ (Ex. Indiaman )

    Will Your Provide Materials? – Yes/No

    Materials You Want Us To Use:

    _______________ (Ex. Wool, Blue Wool, Acacia Wood Planks, Spruce Logs, Glass Panes )

    Hull Form: ________ (Ex. Merchantile)

    Specialties (If None say None) : _____________ (Ex. Stone Clad *Mix* , Auto Cannons, 6 cannons total. )

    Coords of the Claim:

    *This is for me to know where Im building, if I’m in-game, a tp would suffice… I will also need /trust /permissiontrust /accesstrust in the claim so I can build and expand the claim. Also put the materials you are supplying in a chest, in that claim for me to use. Thank you for your Co-Operation! 😉 *



    Retired Pirate 6/25/14 -- 6/15/15


    In reply to: Almost done

    Alex Lazescu
    • Topics: 17
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    Just… do them in this topic xD No need to spam the forums gal

    Retired Pirate 6/25/14 -- 6/15/15

    Alex Lazescu
    • Topics: 17
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    ^ What everyone else said

    Good stuff on the Forums Godsy, alos wb 😀

    Suggestion: New Rank + Ship Type

    Remember way back when? I suggested something like 3 diff ship classes, speed, agility, firepower? Ya. I followed through on that conversation.. if you don’t get the concept just pm me. @GodsDead

    Retired Pirate 6/25/14 -- 6/15/15

    Crazy Pirate
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    Also, sometimes livemap does work as well, and the bar at the top of the page doesn’t show my name or pic anymore. I am running latest java, so hopefully isn’t my end! Also, saw this when I loaded up the page earlier;

    This page ( is currently offline. However, because the site uses CloudFlare’s Always Online™ technology you can continue to surf a snapshot of the site. We will keep checking in the background and, as soon as the site comes back, you will automatically be served the live version.


    In reply to: Almost done

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    I should be posted them tonight! Actually I’ll post another topic and I’ll put up all 4

    Alex Lazescu
    • Topics: 17
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    Id be more then happy to help build/design the ships for the ship battle mode. 😀

    Also if we do the Ship Battle mode and other arenas: We should have leaderboards, weekly, daily, monthly, etc. top Game Winners, Top Kills, Top Deaths

    Retired Pirate 6/25/14 -- 6/15/15


    In reply to: New arena types.

    Alex Lazescu
    • Topics: 17
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    Since we are talking about horses; might I suggest one of the more nobler equestrian sports: jousting!

    Some Ideas lol… We’ve got Gates, We’ve got Drawbridges, We’ve got Kingdoms, We’ve got Pirates… let’s get some Horses!

    Idek.. just because we’re on the topic of horsies xD

    (I was going to suggest Horse Pollo: Horse Archery: Horse Parkour: Idek.. Most of these ideas can be done without Plugins however)

    Retired Pirate 6/25/14 -- 6/15/15

    • Topics: 28
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    yer i was kind of hoping there would be a way that people could enter with nothing and then they would have to find equipment in the arena to help them fight.

    sort of like how the poison splash potion appears in the ffa arena.

    maybe have a chest with a diamond sword over a lava lake, then have a pressure plate that makes the path way appear and disappear, that way you have a chance to get the sword, but the other players have a chance to stop you as well.


    In reply to: ANIMATION TEST

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    Kk gods I’ll make sure I get all piratecrafts most known people and put em on the picture, I’ll make 8 banners the first 4 is staff of piratecraft and the other 4 is people of piratecraft


    give me about 2 days and it should be up on latest topics or mabey even tonight I’ll see what I an do but defiantly check within 2 days


    In reply to: Letter of apology

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    oh please! First Im not a queen I took monarchy down, second I will pay dearly?! ATHEN OPEN UR EYES U used to terrorize me an raid me and kill me multiple times and now since I’m returning the favor u don’t like that so much, now if u would have never made me fear U like U did befor then ur wrong. Plus I am trying to make peace when ur trying to make a mess, I know I didn’t some stuff and u did to don’t put all that on me,

    Athen I said nothing about war, or preparing to attack u, I’m just saying after yesterday’s attack it was pretty hard in my inv so u need to stop thinking its to u.. I am trying to solve this situation I started and u kinda started

    so don’t come to me like I did all this, if u wouldn’t have hurt me all his time and made me fear you then I would not want revenge like others have wanted on you for a long time so reflct on your actions and stop sounding itocen cause we all know your not,

    ever wondered why UNI killed u, it was because u were being a jerk to people and do u wonder why ur city got burned?! do u know who  runed it well I do and if we get on good terms I’ll tell u but I’m not gonna back down to u anymore I’m tired of being afraid so if u wanna start SOMTHING big then I guess we are gonna have something big,

    You make things so hard



    • Topics: 18
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    Have you ever fought with a friend and you each think it’s the other fault? Then work things out using a Friendship Fire! First you make the wood structure which is the soon to be fire. Then you and your friend talk thing out without insulting each other. Start with asking why the person attacked you, and if they say “Because you attacked me first” explain why you attacked them and so on and so forth. If your friend wants his stuff back then give him some of his stuff back and keep the stuff he won’t miss (but don’t tell him). get to the source of the problem and solve it, and make sure you compromise. So now to the good part! burning things! set the top of the fire on fire then just watch the world burn! Btw the only reason I made this is because I was bored, VERY bored, desperately bored even…

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