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  • #5102
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    Hey guys piratecraft animator is here! I’m just doing a test picture involves me and my friend lieutenantmine44

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    Say yes if u can see this!

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    I can see it! Is this what you will be doing for PirateCraft?


    Alex Lazescu
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    We can see it: But It is only one picture…


    Viva le Revolution! Death to the Monarchy!

    Retired Pirate 6/25/14 -- 6/15/15

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    no stuff SHERLOCK of course its a picture, I  mean really now -_-

    im testing for a server banner for now NOT A FREAKING VIDEO

    im making 4 and I said this like 100 times in chat u should really pay attention

    and I told u for the 999th time! im not a queen anymore its not a monarch anymore

    😛 so now I hope u get it and if u don’t well that’s to bad 😛

    and just so u wont pop up any facts on me I did not say it that many times in chat

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    Wow thats looking really good! You doing it in Cinema 4D?

    You asked for players to model before? My answer is pirate skined players if its for the server, also are you using just a static image for the background?

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    Kk gods I’ll make sure I get all piratecrafts most known people and put em on the picture, I’ll make 8 banners the first 4 is staff of piratecraft and the other 4 is people of piratecraft


    give me about 2 days and it should be up on latest topics or mabey even tonight I’ll see what I an do but defiantly check within 2 days

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