Fixed website Javascript (Hopefully)

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    A Recent updated broke’s Javascript, Which broke our homepage slider, polls, forum image attachments, broke our image pop-ups in gallerys. I just figured out what was causing it, and should hopefully be fixed.

    The home page slider now works, as does the poll again, going to test the attachments with a screen shot now.


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    Woo im in the pic 😛

    It works btw as you might know yourself xD

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    So glad I got it fixed, I was thinking I would have to redesign the entire bloody website, I mean I will be doing that later on down the line but at least were working again now.

    and yeah, destruction pic! I still haven’t tested out our sunken ship craft file yet!

    Crazy Pirate
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    Group pics seem to be a bit small?  Other than that its fine!

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    Yeah I noticed that change, Ill have to look into it.

    Crazy Pirate
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    Also, sometimes livemap does work as well, and the bar at the top of the page doesn’t show my name or pic anymore. I am running latest java, so hopefully isn’t my end! Also, saw this when I loaded up the page earlier;

    This page ( is currently offline. However, because the site uses CloudFlare’s Always Online™ technology you can continue to surf a snapshot of the site. We will keep checking in the background and, as soon as the site comes back, you will automatically be served the live version.

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    The live map runs directly form the minecraft server, if the minecraft server is having issues, then it wont load.

    Try reloading your page, or testing in another browser, it should be working now, I did see that the website server went down not long ago, that would cause it to not load properly.

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