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  • #61656
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    Thats your third appeal in 1 month of being banned, do you realise how rude that alone is?

    The fact that this is your 3rd appeal is super rude and shows how impatient you are (considering that your first appeal was made a few hours after your ban)..

    Denied. You need to learn what patience is, the amount of your appeals proofs to me that you are still immature, I get that you miss the server but stop making an appeal every 10 days. it won’t raise your chances of getting unbanned, its the opposite.

    Every other appeal from you within the next 4 months will add an extra month onto your ban.

    Thanks and Closed.

    • Topics: 24
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    I wouldn’t go off topic on a forums post personally, I figured that out I have been banned for awhile and it sucks but use more effort and give a little bit more facts I guess.

    TitansHand sha'll never fall!

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    censoring free speech I see, well you can suck my star-spangled ding dong u political correct, freedom hating hippocritical bitch, u have used ur fair share of foul language, dont take it away from us, and if you dont like how rude it is just turn off ur chat idiot, then use vc and kick anyone in ur crew who dosent have a mic


    Wait you are agreeing with this statement? This is a minecraft server you entitled psychopath. “censoring free speech” get a grip of reality, or leave.

    This is not the place/forum to adverse your political agenders for hate speech.



    In reply to: Using sethomes to raid

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    /back takes a player back to where they last tped. so if im at cove, say at the jailhouse, and I tp to my shop using /warp shop2, and then type /back, I go to my last location, being at the jailhouse. it isn’t exclusive to taking a player back to their death point, on top of, /back was changed, so if a player dies a pvp death (someone kills them) they are NOT tped back to their last death location.


    in short, /back takes  a player back to their last tp point, not only their last death location.

    If I had a nickel for every time I, Ooo hey, a butterfly!! *runs off chasing the butterfly*

    - Former Leader of CoV -
    - A Proud Member of The Asylum-

    • Topics: 11
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    CottageCooper was my last straw.

    ^ I don’t know if I copied the link correctly but here it is @GodsDead

    Rank: First Mate
    Former Member Of The New Roman Republic
    Proud Former Shipwright of The New Roman Republic
    Proud Emperor of the Eternal Sith Empire
    Proud Member Of the Eastern Alliance
    --// Imperium Aeternum \\--

    • Topics: 794
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    If you are asking to put more than 50 mobs in a 16×16 block chunk, you are asking me to allow people and yourself to lag the server for everyone because you will not build a wall around your farm? This isn’t going to happen, Mobs are the no 1 cause of all server resources.

    Do you not understand a farm is a privilege on a survival server? I don’t want you farming infinity items with absolutely no way people can stop you, that’s legit just a way to get free infinite items for nothing, just time setting it up.

    1. You are not entitled to a farm.
    2. You are not entitled to lag the server for everyone else for your own greed (same for everyone), I’m considering adding some new rules that are specific to farms.
    3. You have no proof, it is not up to staff to waste time based on a random accusation, you need to submit evidence.
    4. This isn’t a server issue, if it is stopping more than 50 mobs per chunk its working as it should.
    5. You did not protect them
    6. You haven’t tested this was the cause, the bare minimal would be to test this is actually how it technically works.
    7. This is a pirate server and people being able to destroy your infinity farm sounds like a positive not a negative.

    If anything I need to reduce mob counts in a 16×16 plot, that’s a greedy ludicrous request.


    Topic: Max book size

    in forum Bugs & Glitches
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    I was trying to rewrite an old crew guide that’s 14 pages, to make it more accurate. When I’m almost at the end writing it. I get kicked from the server saying that the book is too large.

    Could you change the book size in the server to make them larger?


    (Okay this is probably in the wrong topic)


    In reply to: Khanye unban request

    • Topics: 94
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    If there’s one thing Gods and I hate in ban appeals, its when it goes off-topic and/or you start accusing others ‘oh so and so did this, why are they not banned?’ or ‘X did it too’. This appeal is about YOUR actions, not someone elses. Their ‘situations’ were all dealt with, and you dragging them in is not helping

    Thank you for the reply anyhow, we’ll be discussing this in the next few days. I’m going to close this as to avoid drama that may arise – although thanks to everyone for keeping it civil, good job. You get +1 ‘max’s respect points’.


    « Build Team leader »
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    Crew History: Red Lotus, 0utlaws, Ottoman Empire, Xenon Empire, The Xanthian Order, The Asylum, Xenia


    In reply to: Khanye unban request

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    I assume everyone has forgotten about these, so ill just leave  them here. you’ve already been unbanned for committing one of the least forgivable acts; cheating. the Ibjinx appeal was made under the same account that started this thread, yet has its own separate name history :thinking:

    knowing this, you’ve now been banned once again, but for staff disrespect, harassment, and just being a pain in the bum for our poor staff to put up with; and only apologizing for it 3 HOURS after they got fed up with you. why not explain why you really think you deserve to come back… honestly, you’ve been nothing but a brat in chat. rude, disrespectful, annoying.. and killing of new players just for kdr, or just because isn’t looked up upon, either.

    If I had a nickel for every time I, Ooo hey, a butterfly!! *runs off chasing the butterfly*

    - Former Leader of CoV -
    - A Proud Member of The Asylum-


    In reply to: Khanye unban request

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    First off, I have never seen you write so much and possibly even mean it. I’d like to ask you why you why you want to come back so much. You were warned by staff CONSTANTLY to stop being annoying and to follow the rules. Why don’t you take this ban as a break so you can settle into, I don’t know, life? Go play outside instead of hanging online killing “100+ players a day.” It’s a block game. We all need breaks.

    im a kau

    • Topics: 4
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    Dear Fellow Pirates,

    I have recently finished a minigame that encourages teamwork. It is a basic minigame that requires 3 people to play, two people press color coded buttons and the third person runs through a 2D field and try to press 3 buttons to open a door on top of the map. When on the ‘green’ pressure plate all the green blocks will come out of the 2D playing field for the person to use as platforms to jump on. There are 4 blocks throughout the playing field; diamond, gold, green wool, and red wool. I attached pictures for more information. No death or killing is involved in this minigame, I apologize, maybe next time.

    I am holding a competition to see which team can complete my minigame  the fastest. The winning team will win $300 to be split among the team . To register you must reply your name, your friend’s names, and your team name under my forum post. You may not be in more than 1 team. You have 2 runs the best time will be taken from both of your runs and will be used as your score in the tournament. Any time before you actually compete you may contact me and use the field to practice. All registering stops February 2nd. Note: This is a minor tournament and is only for fun, bigger prizes may be awarded in future tournaments.

    For more information please contact me:

    Discord: DakotaReef#4363

    Minecraft: DakotaReef

    Forums: DakotaReef


    Drink beer and may the best team win,


    You must be logged in to view attached files.
    • Topics: 794
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    Let me explain. I don’t mean to spam a lot, I get into conversations but the auto spam plug in thing as you said “recognizes the same words in each sentence” or something like that. Thing is either I forget to say a . After the sentence that had a similar word or wherever I say welcome back to multiple people it gives me the spam warning and then later on I get a spam kick for trying to explain 1 thing to 1 of my members becuase sometimes people need to be told the same thing Many times over in order to remember it thus my spam record. As for discord, I had an account in there originally (Cosmic; doggo) and then when I forgot my email I made a second account (CosmicKing; Patrick looking down) then when my second account became more active than my (2 months older) first account I decided to stick to it and when I came back to piratecraft after my 2 month long rage quit I put my second account there. I don’t really spam discord all I do is what everyone else does, I have a conversation that hopefully lasts for a minute or two but then me and the other guy get into a 1 hour long debate about thanos car. This is my explination I hope it was not too long; thank you for your time and consideration I guess I’ll wait to hear from you again, CosmicKing.

    The hell are you on about, you absolute deluded nut job. you have 17 autobans for constant spamming, it TELLS YOU to stop spamming TWICE before it gives you a kick to tell you to stop the ludicrous amount spam. You literally have to spam the same things over and over within seconds to even get the first warning, the fact you are ignoring these messages and continuing to get yourself kicked SEVENTEEN TIMES its literally insane.

    No, the reason we have spam prevention is for people like you.

    • Topics: 47
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    Hello it is I VladDracul.

    Just wanted to share a couple of stories.

    So a few days ago Khanye decided to siege me in one of my claims, but eventually left.

    Then I decided to go and repay the visit with one of my own.

    So I went and Sieged Khanye and everthing was going wondeful until guess who showed up? CosmickingFrosty and he killed me.

    Oh I should probably mention that SPQR and Isen were allied at that time, but SPQR was not allied to the crew Th who Khanye was a member of.

    After that Isen unallied SPQR.

    Cosmic said and I quote you { you unallied SPQR that means I can kill you all I want now] or something to that effect.

    I mean that is kinda what he already did. Whats the difference between killing your ally and killing a non ally? Nothing apparently to him.

    I mean what is the point in having a crew ally if one of there leaders doesn’t care about alliances. The point in an alliance is to help each other and build friendships and become stronger.

    Something cosmic knows nothing of.

    Oh that reminds me of another story.

    A while ago a crew called Shreks existed. Many joined them including Cosmic who left his crew joined them. He even changed his name to CosmickingShrek. After a while he left and rejoined his crew SPQR, but he kept his friendships with the shreks WHO WERE RIVALS OF THE CREW SPQR WHO HE WAS A LEADER IN. He also sided with member of the Shreks to attack allies. Isen in particular.

    At that time Isen and SPQR were allied, but that didn’t stop cosmic from turning on one of his allies, Isen, and mass destroying claims and killing those members multiple times. Eventually he went to the locker to pay for his madness.

    I truly wonder if this is the will of Rome or the will of a egotistical emperor.

    We all know what happened to the last emperor of TNRR.



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    just do a ban reset, alot easier. people who were banned probs wont click on the server, only the ones who care about it will. and if they do it again then ban

    I got banned for x-ray but it says i cant because it says i had a hacked client? any help?

    What is your username?

    Sorry for the inconvenience, and the fact that I had used X-Ray. I had my old computer before, and I guess I shouldn’t have let my younger siblings use my computer that day because turns out they downloaded a Minecraft hack called Wurst. I have my own newer computer now, so younger siblings won’t be a problem for me anymore. I request to be unbanned, and I apologize again for any problems or inconvenience this caused.

    If you got banned for a a cheating client, please create an unban request, this is a topic specifically for the xrayers listed only.

    • Topics: 794
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    First related:

    Relevant information

    As you can see from your in-game record, you spam a lot, a hell of a lot. I assume this is the same in discord, we dont have a spam bot in there.

    So nay, Not a fan of the discord being spammed, i did just do a tidy up, which begs the question how you are on discord at present, this was brought to my attention via you on discord?

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