Survival August Changelog roundup 2020 – Giant Crews update
August 31, 2020 4:50 pm in Changelogs, Survival. Leave a Comment

Changelogs are posted live to our discord server in the changelogs channel, make sure you join our Discord server to be the first to see changes and other content!
I’m posting this change(b)log months after these changes have been implemented so please make sure to read later changelogs if anything has changed since.
I’ve removing mentions of updating plugins that don’t have any noticeable changes, as I do this so often its 50% of the changelog. If you are curious about what plugins are updating when, please follow the changelogs channel on discord as they happen.
- Added
as it was requested in-game,with a 30m cooldown. There was a reason I removed it originally, but I cant remember why, so treat this as a temporary thing! Most likely something to do with PVP. - Updated the NPC at
/warp cove
Museum that showcases all Summer 2020 Hell event items.

- Shop Rules Update by @Lego:
- Added “Villager breeders and mob farms are not allowed.”
- Updated the flashing lights rule to include noteblock songs.
- General Rules Update by @Xeron:
- Included enderpearl machines in farms that are not allowed.
- These have been illegal for a few years but I forgot to add them.
- Included enderpearl machines in farms that are not allowed.
- @Bazurka made some helpful changes to the racist & other filters in chat.
- Fixed lighting at
/warp shop8
via suggestions from @BGraph - Updated JumpPads to fix fall damage.
- Updated Mob Farm Manager.
- Now checks more chunks, not just those around players.
- Created
- For Build Leader & Admins to quickly set craftsman without remembering the long syntax and contexts needed, this defaults at 1 week, you can use it multiple times to add more time.
- Fixed
to open EnderChest for Admins. - Updated all info commands as spacing was removed due to a result of an update by @Lego.
- Created 2 big banners for the July BOTM post, I did them as 2 so that I was able to put these both up at Cove!
- This means you can also see the BOTM entries (very small) at
/warp cove
, do make sure to look at the full blog post!
- This means you can also see the BOTM entries (very small) at

- Updated Protocol Hack plugin (Allows 1.16 clients to connect to 1.12.2 server):
- Added 1.16.2 client support for the 1.12.2 survival.
- Updated Bungee server to support 1.16.2.
- Full OS Distribution minor update / Restart.
- Fixed spawn kit still giving out a “Bible” instead of the Pirate Code! So we’ve had 2 sets of named Bible/The Pirate code for ages! Found this by accident testing kits for mark.

- Removed
:- Built entire new
in a much better location for @PIPPIP5789.- First shop with a basement with chests already in it! Wish I did this and not obsidian rooms for all shops.
- Built entire new

- Updated BOTM Missive to September 2020 Link reported by @Tulipss.
- Removed s62:
- Built entire new s62 at
in a much better location for @grafando.
- Built entire new s62 at

- Changed all the prices of Ship-in-a-bottle from £250 to only £150 for schooners!

- Created 6 New Dhow Ship-in-a-bottle Build crates at only £50 each!
- I created all the Dhows at
/warp ships
as buyable Build crates that let you place the ship anywhere in the world! They are only £50 in-game! Find an Shipwright NPC at /warp cove or at/warp ships
- I created all the Dhows at

- Fixed being able to post links into game-chat, with
prefix for everyone! You can now re-send guides to people/forum posts/wiki pages, I had no idea it was broken, found this out myself by accident! - Added Spotify URLS to whitelist for in-game chat links (No, I’m not adding youtube/imgur/reddit/discord anything else so don’t ask!)
- Removed broken crane at
/warp ships
. - Remade all the Schooner ship in a bottles:
- Remade all the Dhow ship in a bottles:
- dhow_dock6, dhow_dock7, dhow_dock8, dhow_dock9, dhow_dock10 and dhow_dock11.
- All of them will now facing the right way (from behind).
- All now place at sea level “Sea” the gold block in the screenshot, this is where you would place them to be perfectly placed.
- Remember even if you screw it up you can
/sb undo
and get it back to re-place!
- dhow_dock6, dhow_dock7, dhow_dock8, dhow_dock9, dhow_dock10 and dhow_dock11.
- Built an area at
/warp ships
where people will be able to place their ship in a bottles, I keep seeing new players buy these and try and place them in cove… even though we have docks for them to buy the same ship cheaper!

- Updated
/warp ships
:- Added 3 holograms to explain the 2 types of buying a pre-made ship (Docks & Ship-in-a-bottle), Dhows for new players and Schooners for Sailor+
- When you click the green question mark in the Shipwright/Ship Shop NPC it will open the how to sail book guide!
- Added How to sail parrot at
/warp ships
. - Created new dock 0 that you can rent for £5 in-game.
- This is an empty dock, for placing a ship-in-a-bottle.
- This acts as a tutorial/demo on how to place a ship-in-a-bottle (At sea level). You could if you wanted, just build a ship in this dock as its empty.
- Moved Shipwright/Ship Shop NPC to middle where you spawn, so there’s no longer 2.
- Moved the warp back a bit to give more room for holograms and information.
- Added 3 holograms to explain the 2 types of buying a pre-made ship (Docks & Ship-in-a-bottle), Dhows for new players and Schooners for Sailor+

- Fixed Depth Strider on
/kit firstmate
Sprinters water heels from an old bug report.

- Fixed Discord link saying you get $20 for linking (You don’t any more) via @CreatingWithKass in github.
- Changed
to the same teleport system as/tp
etc so you’ll get the same warmup bossbar timer for spawn. - Added
Block 95
(Stained Glass) to Required Blocks for Barracuda, Seawolf and Submarine to allow the use of stained glass as a required block, they were already allowed just not allowed as a required block via github. - Added Wooden doors to ignored blocks when right clicking a door with an ender pearl in your hand (Very very tiny issue here haha!). Will no longer trigger the enderpearl cooldown via github.
- Fixed spelling mistake that was reported as a bug via github.
- Fixed
portal setting you really high up in the tree for some reason via github. - Fixed being able to “Grief” other peoples water with sponges via github.
- Removed the ability to use redstone sponges from WorldGuard, it was overriding GriefPrevention.
- Added bypass for Captains for
warmup via github. - Big Crews Update – Ranks with Permissions:
- NEW Entire new Crew Rank system where leaders can set permissions per rank to do different actions inside a crew.
- Ranks with permissions allow leaders to have finer control of who can do what, so you can build your empire the way you want to, with your own permissions.
- Crew leaders will need to re-make rank names, as this is an entirely new system. All crew rank features are unlocked at Sailor+ rank.
- Crew Rank Commands:

Now uses a GUI to make things much easier.- The feature to create your own crew banner is not yet out, we are waiting patiently for this! In the near future you will be able to set a crew banner per crew!
Added language support for/crew
crews can set their own native language for their crew.- Chat plugin – Crew pirates are no longer able to message a player that is ignoring them.
- Added permissions for adding crew permissions, listing perms, seeing available and removing permissions from ranks from Carpenter+ from @PIPPIP5789 via bugs chat.
- Removed any crew related fee permissions from previous uses even if they were not active via bugs chat.
- Removed mine and @Lego’s silly login messages that I initially set for a test!
- Fixed
formatting being picked up by the messages file, so its now showing the proper messages (The developer renamed the file and didn’t tell anyone!).

- Updated
to be grey, but I already hate it and want to change it, may change again soon.

- Added Auction 18 (Now ended)
- Removed
entirely from the sign shop plugin as it was creating lag spikes when used! - Moved back all the parrots to spawn that *cough someone cough* stole.
- Summer Crate 2020 went live! Massive thanks to @Xeron creating the crate and all those that have tested it on test server. (Now ended)
- Gave @Xeron use of my custom
command, which does a random drop to someone online just in-case he’s doing an event! - Fixed XP being given in the vote crate, this was due to updating essentials who changed their formatting of how to give XP.
plugin fixes:- Changes crew names to crew tags for
/crew alliances/rivalries
.- Fixes hovering crews for Alliances / Rivalries being too long.
- Fixed roster not switching pages.
- Adds cache for player heads.
- Changes crew names to crew tags for
- Large-scale cleanup around cove area by @Xeron.

- Buffed limits on mobs per chunk, details below;
- Grouped similar mobs together instead of having individual spawn limits to remember: Animals, Monsters, Nether & End. Matched each mob group limit to 30 mobs per chunk so its easier to remember, this means you could have a mix of 120 mobs in one chunk if its a mix of Animals, Monsters, Nether & End mobs, this will never happen mind!
- DOUBLED Guardian spawn limit, which is an exception to the groups.
- REMOVED LIMIT on Elder guardian via @Xeron advice that they don’t often spawn, so they have no limit now.
- Added secret Treasure Hunt Hidden at
/warp cove!
(always active!)
- Updated brewing hints at
/warp brewing
by @Xeron. - Converted to new
System (From Premium Essentials suite for click actions and notifications/sounds).- Mail Sound & Hotbar message when you receive
now. - Send Mail to people with
/mail send
like before. - Click to reply & delete in-chat (Much easier).
- You can still clear all with
/mail clear
. - Much clearer to read with colored usernames & bright yellow messages, as opposed to before!
- Old messages were not deleted, you can read your old messages using the old system with
/email read
but you can no longer reply using the old system, it may be worth running/email clear
to wipe your old mail if you want to keep.- Edited the message for the old
system to explain the change, this is the message you get when you log in and it tells you how many mail you have, you can fully remove this message by doing/email clear
- I created a custom script to see how many messages all 260k people have and its used so little its not worth the conversion, so nice start from scratch!
- Edited the message for the old
- Mail Sound & Hotbar message when you receive

More reading!
- Check out the July 2020 changelogs!
- Keep an eye on our Competitions forum for any upcoming competitions.
- Make sure to follow us on Discord for Announcements and Change logs live as they happen!
Big thanks to @lego for creating me the backbone for this blog post, he went through all my changelogs on discord and copied them in here for me to update (Some of them change quite a bit when we are doing catchup changelog blog posts!)
Thanks Lego

View Other posts by GodsDead
Written by GodsDead
The founder of PirateCraft, Administrator, Systems Operator, Peace keeper.
Categorised in: Changelogs, Survival
Tags: bible, BOTm banners, brewing, buffed mobs, chat plugin, crew ranks, discord, ender pearl, enderchest, entity manager, firstmate, gui crew, guides, jumppads, kit, lighting, mail, mob manager, mob spawns, museum, npc, open enderchest, parrots, Pirate code, regen, rules, ship in a botle, shop, shop rules, shops, sponges, stained glass, Submarine, treasure hunt, urls in chat, warp cove, warp ships
Posted on August 31, 2020