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  • #5043
    Alex Lazescu
    • Topics: 17
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    • ★★★★★

    I feel like I have to give more credit to Wog, xD When I killed him he said he was a peaceful merchant; and that got me thinking – there isn’t too much of a Merchant aspect to this game: like ships/trades/and stuffs so I felt kinda bad for Wog

    ALSO (And a bit important too xD ) I just realized there is a flaw with the NPC store: which means thus; players get money; more money; this money goes to Player Driven shops: people get MORE and MORE and MOOORE money until everyone has Money and Money becomes worthless. Soo…. and add-on to the whole NPC Trade Port thing is there should be a Tax on the amount of goods you sell AND the place you sell TOO.

    Each Trade Port should have a diverse variant of prices for goods, and with this I came up with another idea: a Server Event this time though. Every know and then, a randomly generated “Merchantile” ship will sink unexpectedly in the Ocean.. players have 1 hour to find the Ship and loot it’s assorted goodies before it is claimed by the waves.. these Goods can mean Trade Items: Crafting Items: Ores: and maybe 1 not so “Rare” tool. Or maybe the Merchantile ship is filed with crap. Idk. Maybe it’s a clever trap by other pirates! Or maybe not. 😛

    My head is literally going to explode with so many ideas… and please don’t shoot this down: or the NPC village thing down they are great ideas, and if there aren’t Plugins for this: we could make our own Custom plugins! We could even have a contest for our hidden dev’s out there in the PirateCraft community so we can make these plugins reality!

    Retired Pirate 6/25/14 -- 6/15/15

    Alex Lazescu
    • Topics: 17
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    • ★★★★★

    @BeckyTheSexy It sounds like you really hate GriefProtect, and it also sounds like you are about to suggest switching from GriefProtection to Factions. So I’ll just take the extra step and say that Factions = Mess. Also, home-setting is a age-old raid tactic. #Tradition

    Also: I’ve noticed a lot that we are unable to run new ideas because of, and I qoute, “.. developers not taking their fingers out of their asses.” Well: why do we have to rely on developers for amazing plugins? I’m sure we could be able to make Custom-Plugins: which would make PirateCraft a more bootiful and unique server then ever! That’s what MC is all about; taking your dreams, and making them a “reality”

    @BeckyTheSexy If you want to complain about anyone’s behavior, I recommend making a Report with at least 3 pieces, of hard, cold, undeniable evidence. This means, A. Screenshots B. Video Also review /rules before making your report; it’ll be embarrassing if you’re just complaining.

    Another suggestion is thus: Trade Route. On the Seas, it was usually Pirates v.s. All, and All included Merchants, Kingdoms, other Pirates etc. And so: we already have the other Pirates and “King”doms, all we need are the Merchants! (TBH: Wog inspired me with this; @Wog hi :3 )

    So maybe we could have NPC towns that deal in specialized goods instead of player driven economy stores. This would add a more Economic aspect to the game; allowing more players to make money; AND it will drive the use of ships for cargo: instead of just doing /warp shop/trade/skyshop

    Ex. NPC Town Fargi deals in Spruce Wood but Needs Iron NPC Town Aradia deals in Iron but Needs Spruce Wood

    – So you would take Wood from Fargi: sell it: use the Profits to buy Iron at low price: then sell it for greater profit back in Fargi. Oh, this is assuming you survive with ships intact and your bodily remains are all in one spot. 😉

    This aspect of the game is quite lacking, not only would it encourage the use of ships and Naval PvP; but add a more Pirate oriented playstyle to the game. Also: the NPC example I gave is a Puuurfect example: we would have to make it a bit harder then that: so player’s actually have to construct trade routes to maximize profits. And maybe in the NPC towns: there is a little marked where you can deal in second hand goods or rare items.

    The trade routes would also spark some Kingdom vs Kingdom rivalry, as players vie for clear and safe passage on the Seas, and maybe we’ll get a war or two on control of the Routes.

    I tried using some paragraphs here: I don’t think I necessarily succeed haha, but I have SOOO many ideas bouncing around in my head 😀

    Retired Pirate 6/25/14 -- 6/15/15


    In reply to: Created Wiki

    • Topics: 82
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    I have vowed to work my butt off to get this rank! I shall not let some prancing unicorn snatch this rank from me even though he is almost always Captain rank anyways! All of this work will be dedicated to helping new players and to getting this rank :P.

    btw on a less formal note, @Tom would you like me to make some videos for piratecraft? I’m kind of bad at tutorials but I have a lot of fun when I’m making videos for servers that are like… back story… it would work for piratecraft because the server is sort of adventure-y so it could be fun with a new backstory.

    ~High (#420) Admiral of the BE Navy and retired News Anchor of the Piratecraft Survival Server~

    • Topics: 82
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    • ★★★★★

    As some of you may know, we were messing aroud with a new gamemode today that many people thought was really fun. The problem is that it needs someone to light the wood. I found Project Hot Foot which can be used if Godsy wants a schematic of an arena with automated lighting system.

    I built the original arena to give all you pirates a taste of Hot Foot X-treme. It was inspired by this video…

    I will post official rules and other stuff related later. 😀

    I am desperately hoping that Gods liked this gamemode and hopefully he will add it to Piratecraft so it will no longer just be everyone playing /ffa j 😉

    ~High (#420) Admiral of the BE Navy and retired News Anchor of the Piratecraft Survival Server~

    • Topics: 794
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    @Reptaria Superb, I’ll open skype up when I get home, Also try not to go offtopic with in-game stuff, thats what the general forums for

    The siege glitch has been a pain in the ass for years, There is a new griefprevention developer that’s really active at present, hes fixing bugs hes created at the moment, but after that settles down, its on my list of things to send him to repair, I had previously asked for this to be fixed 6 times now.

    We did try more potions, but it was never used so I removed it, There is a drinks plugin we could use, more of a fun plugin, anybody else want to test this?

    The randomly spawning treasure chest, I literally have been workng on this week! So stay tuned, its more manual, but Im sure I will find a better way.

    You are 100% right with a tutorial for newbies, I was thinking we could convert the second layer of the spawn ship, clear the water up a bit, theres plenty of room for signs then. and their only exit would be to the top of the ship, t would be fantastic if you started writing up this on the “getting started” page on the wiki

    I love this tutorial idea, We could even make a warp for it, Lets get all the tutorials written up on the Wiki first (Feel free to create new pages) and then we have the text for the signs!! I can then give build trust for the spawn for people that want to build this, I can give out prizes for helping.

    Also Athen, Please use paragraphs, breaking up that giant piece of text was near impossible.

    • Topics: 2
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    • Total: 19

    It’s not that I mind so much losing my stuff in an ambush from behind by Athenmos12 while I’m peacefully mining, after all it is a pvp server. BTW; the last time I was killed in pvp it was a face to face battle with 4 players not a some guy sneaking up behind me while mining in Deep Ocean, level 12 in the middle of nowhere. Ok  so he swam out to the middle of nowhere, Deep Ocean, sank down and somehow dug into my tunnels. I worked hours to get my armor and sword over powered. I had all Pro IV, Thorn II diamond armor on. My sword was diamond Sharp V, Looting III. Even sneaking up behind me and getting in a couple of first hits as he did a guy in iron armor should not have been able to kill me like I was an unarmed, naked noob. I fought back viciously but he seamed untouched, I was not lagging. Very odd but it could happen ~ I suppose.

    I enjoy building, sailing and making new friends on PirateCraft. Getting to know guys from around the world not seeing how many swear words  I can use in one sentence or how many people I can lie to and make mad. Is that your definition of a Pirate? I personally believe Minecraft is my chance to excel at things like building, business, sportsmanship, strategy and making friends.

    We as players should aspire to a higher level of game play because at the end of the day  how we treat people in game play is how we treat people in life.

    Paul (wog)




    • Topics: 18
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    @tom i finished the animation project and im going to make a few banners and u get to pick! and i need to know please who you would want on these banners. Who would you want piratecraft on the banner? Tell me what to say

    Remeber ill do 4 banners so pick who u want in each banner and what to say in each one then ill post it up on forums or email them to you (your choice)



    • Topics: 794
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    What would make PirateCraft better? What do you want to see here? Can’t be bothered to make a thread for a request? That’s alright because this is the big fat requests thread!

    Viva la France! Nous allons détruire les rois et les reines de Piratecraft . Nous vaincrons tous . Pourquoi ? Parce que nous sommes français !

    In reply to: Unic0rnjunk101

    • Topics: 794
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    For gods sake @Unic0rnjunk101 how many times do we have to tell you to chill out and stop bullying people? You of all people understand how the community at piratecraft works. The fact Athenmos12 has had to make a public appeal is a brave move since he would expect backlash from you reading this.

    This is what happened with WantedRhinoHD, If your mind is set on PVP once you play for a while you can become unstoppable and the only way to stop this is admin intervention.

    PVP is tracked by two plugins, which means soon constant domination of players will publicly be shown for easier action to be taken.

    I suggest if you have reached your max-mode. that you donate your fortune to people and start a fresh.

    Or focus on building something bloody epic!

    • Topics: 82
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    I’d enjoy making videos for piratecraft but right now the easiest way to explain submarines is…

    #1 blocks are allowed

    #2 furnace with coal in it

    #3 its submerged in water

    #4 unblocked by any objects

    and no torpedoes dont work

    ~High (#420) Admiral of the BE Navy and retired News Anchor of the Piratecraft Survival Server~

    • Topics: 794
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    Today marks PirateCrafts second birthday! September 27th 2012 Me and SuperGL released PirateCraft to the public, We never thought for a second we would have such a fantastic community building together.

    Today we had an awesome Treasure hunt around spawn for 8 Custom named diamond swords, along with other loot stashed away (Some could still be hidden) that lasted for around 40 minutes, that turned out to be mental.

    Im planning on doing some more events throughout the week to celebrate our two years hosting a minecraft server, ideas are welcome for events.


    • Topics: 794
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    Players have started to find new ways to play PirateCraft, There are getting to be loads of methods for building ships, stealing ships, protecting them etc, that it’s impossible for me as a solo webpage editor to document.

    So I have created a Wiki, A Wiki system lets the community Create and edit pages with solid formatting throughout.

    At present the wiki is completely empty, Feel free to create an account and start creating content ready to share with others.


    In reply to: I have some questions.

    • Topics: 794
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    Stealing ideas from piratecraft for your own server, the cheek of it!


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    Its amazing we have been around for so long and not had any video footage to show for it!

    Sadly it wouldn’t let me register the channel name piratecraft, so I had to go with piratecraft video, The only video I have ever recorded was rubbish, but I uploaded it anyway so its not an empty channel!

    I think we should all start recording parts of PirateCraft, then we can edit all videos into one place!

    There are thousands of pieces of software used for screencasting/screen recording.

    There are some open source platforms for screen capture on windows, a quick google turned up, Open Broadcaster seems to be the top hit, there are load of options and turn up often.

    I think if we all shoot in the same sizes 1280×720 for instance, we could cut different videos together!

    Videos that need shooting

    • 60 second griefprevention video
    • 60 second ship tutorial
    • 60 second cannon tutorial
    • 60 second bridges tutorial
    • 60 second gates tutorial
    • HD PirateCraft Trailer shot with beautiful shaders mod.


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