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    Players have started to find new ways to play PirateCraft, There are getting to be loads of methods for building ships, stealing ships, protecting them etc, that it’s impossible for me as a solo webpage editor to document.

    So I have created a Wiki, A Wiki system lets the community Create and edit pages with solid formatting throughout.

    At present the wiki is completely empty, Feel free to create an account and start creating content ready to share with others.

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    I have vowed to work my butt off to get this rank! I shall not let some prancing unicorn snatch this rank from me even though he is almost always Captain rank anyways! All of this work will be dedicated to helping new players and to getting this rank :P.

    btw on a less formal note, @Tom would you like me to make some videos for piratecraft? I’m kind of bad at tutorials but I have a lot of fun when I’m making videos for servers that are like… back story… it would work for piratecraft because the server is sort of adventure-y so it could be fun with a new backstory.

    ~High (#420) Admiral of the BE Navy and retired News Anchor of the Piratecraft Survival Server~

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    Superb! This is what I want to hear! There are still ways people play, that I learn about each time I come on! This is why I wanted a way for people to record everything into a wiki, it gives us many options then, and it can be updated by anyone who sees fit!

    The rank I have in mind, is more of a sub-rank, that illustrates in-game you are an active contributor to the server, The same will go for any other media, Like Video creation, Banner Creation, Posters, Animations etc etc.

    I just added a link to the “information” dropdown on the main banner, That list is getting way too long now! I think im going to have to start this website redesign soon.

    Crazy Pirate
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    Just Created a few pages, eg The community bit, enjoy!

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    Working on it!

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    Sorry for bringing that post up again, but you know. Wikia would be better than Wiki ^^, like you cant add images in wiki or colors etc. but you can with wikia

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    • Topics: 794
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    Got told today the Wiki was down, It was, It got fixed, but I noticed the entire thing has been infested with spam bots that have filled it up with complete crap, so I have closed registrations for now, and im going to have to re-install it, Ill try and export the useful information.

    And with the new install lock it down so bots cant spam the crap out of it.

    You have a lot of potential with a wiki, since anyone can update pages, we can keep a vast upto date log of everything on the server.

    So, before I do this, are there people up for editing it?

    What I think I might do, is copy in the pages on the website to it, then people can edit them and update them, then I can push that copy live to the main website.

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    Can we download the wiki in an app and get weekly or daily updates on forums and botm

    on a jk note
    I printed one page and almost the hole wiki got out with out me seen it now i got 20 pages of good informationi wont ever need again


    Posesore of the Ope Ope No Mi

    i realy like One Piece

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    Im sure theres a wiki app, its the exact same software as Wikipedia, I don’t have time to update the wiki continually, that’s exactly why I created it, so players can manage it!

    I will have to fix it first though, read up.

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