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  • #41824
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    As far as i know you had a sethome near or next to ae0s island, which you kept using to attack


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    Hey everyone, I finished up a new skelly spawner on ae0’s island today! Right now, the only thing left to add is decoration, but it is completely ready for use. For the entire week it will be free and you are able to do it in 10 minute cycles. After this week it will be £1 every 10 minutes. I’d also like to give a special thanks to @SimbadTiger for doing the entrance for me, it was a huge help.

    Coords: X: 322 Y: 63 Z: -2627

    Leader of the Narwhal Syndicate
    Former Official Bitchnugget of the Asylum
    King of the Elves, 2016-2017 (Rumoured)

    Crew History:
    United States Empire
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    • Topics: 60
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    Ae0’s is much better, it shows the first 3 shops, mine, lucifer’s, and ae0’s


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    So, today I just remembered that 3 months ago I took a picture of Ae0’s island from GrimHolder’s ship. (The huge one with blue sails on the west side.)

    So today, I decided to fly around with my elytra, load in the chunks, and take another picture from that ship.

    So here I present, the screenshots of the island then to now.

    There was a huge change, and you can probably notice. It is amazing how much you can accomplish if you just work hard at it. 😛

    Also, check out my kitties <3


    Proud former leader of The Coalition
    Former member of build team
    ez got banned
    pirate veteran and yeehaw'er

    Crew history:

    "Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up." -Thomas Edison

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    I said ae0’s wasn’t Sirius (black)


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    Odi im sorry but, if your gonna take pictures with your ipad and  muscular arms, then atleast do it properly. Take them with 1) the camera the right way up and 2) With actual evidence and quality, very poor on your behalf.

    Also, your ‘most serious’ issues that you are reporting ( the cove and the ae0’s island killings) aren’t even included in the images…Those screenshots show nothing, atleast have your death message photographed from when you was killed at spawn-otherwise this isn’t really a report.


    Leader of the Verussian Empire and the country Verussia.

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    None of you are actually caring about any of the major issues (the ae0’s one and the swear filter one, just, exclude them)


    Crazy Pirate
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    Just going to provide a bit of clarification on the whole cookie thing.

    Cookie joined the BE, and we lent her money and claimblocks (2k worth) so that she could expand and build her base, alongside other such resources. However, she left the BE shortly after receiving these, joined odi, and was therefore at war with us.

    Now, imagine I joined TAS, and got witcher and cysteen to claim large parts of my base, so that I could expand it. A few days later, I quit TAS and declare war on them. Would witcher and cysteen be allowed to loot my base? Yes, obviously. Would they be allowed to destroy the claimed areas? Well, it is technically their claim, so again, yes. Is it also my own silly fault? Definitely yes.

    Nothing claimed or owned by cookie was destroyed, only the walls claimed by BE members. Once cookie paid up, and we had the money/claimblocks back, the base was left alone. But, as I stated, staff have dealt with it all, and so there was no need to include it in this drama inducing report.

    As it stands, odi has accused me of an awful lot; most of it isn’t breaking the rules (declaring war, retaliating at Ae0’s), some has been dealt with already (killing at cove, Cookie’s base), and the rest lacks evidence (bypassing swear filter).

    Can staff just close this already? I don’t really feel like I should have to continuously defend myself from someone’s butthurt and unfounded complaints.

    • Topics: 20
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    Odi, please take screenshots instead. Also, no attacking at ae0’s is not an actual rule. It is just something that players enforce.


    Proud former leader of The Coalition
    Former member of build team
    ez got banned
    pirate veteran and yeehaw'er

    Crew history:

    "Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up." -Thomas Edison

    Crazy Pirate
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    has had some cussing and swear filter bypassing

    Cool. The bypassing swear filter, that’s rubbish. Go fetch some chat logs or something, and if you can’t prove it, don’t include it.

    He attacked me at ae0’s after I punched him with my fist

    You hit me at Aeo’s, when I was afk, from behind. I turn around, you’re in god, so I chase you away. How was I supposed to know you weren’t after my bounty? Anyways, that’s a player rule, not a server one, and not really worth a report now, is it?


    The incident with Cookie’s base is unrelated, it’s been dealt with already, despite the fact you said ‘I want a real mod’ when lucky didn’t take your side. Plus, you’re ‘friend’ is actually part of your crew, who, you guessed it, I’m at war with. Well done genius, I’ve attacked my enemy. Were we supposed to play a game of chess or something?

    declared war on my 2 man crew

    I declared war on you. Really? That’s harassment? Just before I logged off for bed, you said you hoped it would strangle me to death. Only yesterday, cookie threatened to hit me with a bus, and snap my neck in two. You said something earlier about how I lack a life outside of Mincraft, or something. Notice how I haven’t made a report? Its a bloody game, grow up.

    I also apparently need to comment on the ‘Cove Killing’. As far as I’m aware, its allowed, although frowned upon. I believe witcher killed rave some weeks ago, and nothing was done. I’ve also seen cannon salvo’s fired from cannons around cove, and again, no action was taken. And so, I didn’t think this was an issue.

    Should I be in the wrong here, I’ll gladly replace the 13 potatoes, captain gear and boatswain helmet. Not exactly god gear, and certainly not something worth creating drama over, but so be it.

    Odi was generally cussing everyone out, myself included, from the safety of captain spawn. So I plonked a cannon on a ship, sailed it alongside, got two shots in the door and killed him. Simple as. The ship didn’t enter cove claims, nor did I abuse claims in any way; I just fired from a passing ship, as any pirate would do. Odi died, and I threw his gear (if you can call it that) into the sea.

    I’m sorry for the fact you’ve all had to read this, both his report, and my reply, because it all just seems rather petty. If you think it was hard your end, imagine how tedious I found it to reply to this, um, ‘report’.


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    alli, correction… ive told you this before. dag doesn’t play anymore. it is me, jmoo, and arti, along with ae0 and chailey that remain.

    as for bringing CoV back. not gonna happen. the legacy will stay as is. a legacy. though former CoV have tried to tarnish it, but they’ve tarnished themselves also in the process.

    If I had a nickel for every time I, Ooo hey, a butterfly!! *runs off chasing the butterfly*

    - Former Leader of CoV -
    - A Proud Member of The Asylum-

    • Topics: 15
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    OMG ITS ALIVE!!! hi dark. Yeah you cysteen, jmoo, Chailey, artificialdemon and ae0 are basically the only former CoV members still here. It would be one hell of an attempt to bring CoV back at this state. Good luck with that

    Dear lord was I cringey when I was 14

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    hey codes! haven’t seen you in forever. how you been, buddy? as for the server, lots of things have changed. heres a summarized list of major events.

    • CoV dead (I asked my friend Cooper to keep the name for me)
    • secondeath and lewboi banned
    • 98% of CoV members quit/banned
    • all player warps removed
    • theres a new public trading island ran by ae0 and I (hes bossman, im a manager)
    • I have made a new crew (which youre more than welcome to join)
    • new staff members
    • astrobolt is now my noob pet (he isn’t too happy with that, lol)

    pretty sure I missed a ton, idk what you already knew, but theres a few things that have changed. cant wait to see ya again <3

    If I had a nickel for every time I, Ooo hey, a butterfly!! *runs off chasing the butterfly*

    - Former Leader of CoV -
    - A Proud Member of The Asylum-


    In reply to: [Report] _Keemster

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    I just want to throw one thought out, doing something about the tp capability to stop mass raiding is good, though there could be annoying side effects. Main thought is places like Ae0’s island, already hard enough for most to get there, untrusted people are always throwing tpa’s there to help each other out.

    One side thought though to counter, donation level for setup of a public warp.

    - Think outside the blocks -


    In reply to: New plugin(s)?

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    what do you mean by “not for personal Gain”? is the entire point of selling a book not for personal gain? and wait, did you just say that the author doesn’t get any cut of the sales? because that’s just ridiculous, somebody could have spent days on a book, and they decide to sell it in the library, but (oh wait) “I don’t get profits from this, oh well, It’s charity. So……” well, i don’t really care, so ok, I’ll just do it the long way.

    I don’t think anyone would want to read your books anyway with that tone attached to it, read my posts, calm down. Im all up for coming to a solution to pay for a copy, the server buys the rights to the book. Nothing is stopping you setting up your own shop, sell for whatever price you want then, No you cannot have a infinite server shop that gives you infinite money, consonantly.

    Here is an example of a well-made book. Disclaimer: it’s mine! ? Having made a number of in-game books, I have to say that it is a major pain in the neck to edit them. It would be great if there were a number of server commands helping with the process, such as: Clearing the entire book and resetting all of its NBT tags (there are a number of issues with /book right now, I can go into detail if anyone is interested). Clearing a specific page. Removing a specific page. Inserting & moving pages around. Replacing parts of a page (something like Find & Replace would be epic for correcting misspelled words). Does anyone know if there are any good plugins that allow this? I know of MassiveBook but it comes with some annoying dependencies.

    Yes! This is the EXACT kind of book I was looking for, you once showed me it, Does the copy & paste function not work on this resource I sent? I thought you could format, add pages and everything and copy and paste directly into a book, this way you can even save copies to the website and go and edit them later? if people cannot use this tool then I will gladly add a better book writing plugin.

    I have never used /book, its an Essentials basic, so its very basic, a plugin could be swapped for better editing, I still think the web UI is the best way to go if you can copy & paste into books from it, way more freedom then, same for all those bullet points, depending on if the copy & paste works from

    I have previously had book editing plugins on the server, Ive used Massivebooks in the past, there seems to be a ton from a quick google, There’s a few older plugins that probs still work BoomManager, BetterBooks I think I used that back in 1.4!

    ikr ae0 the one thing that minecraft should add in 1.11 is a revamp to all books, be able to edit them like a word document sort of, by using the arrow keys or wasd to move the cursor around and insert things. its a pain in the ass to delete everything u wrote only to fix one word. they should also add in upgradable books, like combine 2 book and quills in a crafting table to make it 100 pages, or do it 3 times to get 200 pages

    Hey man, use the website I refereed earlier on in this thread, and reply to ae0, give it a try, I’ve used it for years but only for generating commands, im always in gm1, I have never tried as a player copy & pasting into it, ive posted it out many times to the forum before, but I don’t think its ever been noticed, it literally solves every issue with books if you edit from a web UI and can save your books for editing later or duplicating.

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