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  • GodsDead
    • Topics: 794
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    PirateCraft Doubloon Haven.

    Turning back the tides to player marketplaces

    There has been a suggestion recently to remove warps at /warp shop and all its counterparts to go back to the days of player run markets (No warps to shops, PvP, normal player claims), the argument is people don’t create Marketplaces around the world because /warp shops is a better alternative (It is) and there is too much competition at Marketplace, which after talking to people I agree and there will be some drastic changes to the entire marketplace, but before I can start I need you to understand, properly. Discord is a terrible medium to explain such complex history and reasoning, so welcome to this forum thread.

    The theory nearly everyone has explained in their own was is each town/city/crew throughout the map will have its own market in their city and people will travel to your marketplace in your city to buy/sell at your shops. This is lovely in theory and this is what I told people to do from the first day I opened shop signs to players, I didn’t want the burden of having a server managed marketplace.

    In reality? How it really ends up? After years of having players marketplaces with no warps & PvP what actually happens is everyone congregates into 1 or 2 player owned areas, not spread out at peoples city’s around the map, one island/city owned usually by one player that earns themselves the monopoly of the entire server economy.

    This isn’t the solution you think you are looking for, To help you figure what issues you are really having I created micro-polls using the suggestions channel on discord to break down one big problem into lots of small ones to find the real struggles of having a large server marketplace and come to some conclusions and solutions.

    Quick PirateCraft History Lesson

    Here are 2 PirateCraft islands on the map, where we had player run marketplaces before we had a marketplace with warps, It started as one island on the left (Bislo/BE) and that player no longer wanted to run it so a new version popped up basically next-door to it to be run by another player (ae0s/Cysteen).

    These were “the” marketplaces, if someone wanted to buy/sell it was a congregated single marketplace (What we have now) a shopping center  that everyone had shops, and rent was paid to the owner of the island (What we have now, except the money stayed in the economy instead of a drain)

    • Each of these player markets is comprised of shops owned by people that have massive city’s around the world but they chose to end up in one place with the rest of the shops with all the other players, even though they were competing with prices, This didn’t just happened 2 times when these markets existed these are just 2 examples of 10’s of player markets that popped up over years before we had the market with warps always ended up in one place as it’s the most convenient for players to buy/sell, people have tried to setup markets around the world but they always end up in one place.
    • Take notice their location, is it in the centre or edges of the map? Or did the market owner pick to place it near a warp? They chose to have it near a warp so people could easily get to it
    • But why not just Tp people in? Because in reality, someone joins they ask for XYZ and ask where they can buy/sell it, usually followed by “You can buy that at XYZ shop”, Then they have to ask for a TP to someone close or use the warp and navigate to the shop.

    What this told us is that people need a warp near a marketplace, they need PvP off and people always congregate around one Marketplace, it also needed to be automated plots to not have one player cheat people out of money and own the server monopoly, at the same time we could use this as a pit for removing some money from the infinitely growing economy, absolutely no brainer.

    History repeats itself; this is what will happen again if we remove the warps.

    At this point in time there were suggestions from players to setup a central marketplace as well! Somewhere they could setup shop with warps and without PvP. PvP caused a lot of trouble for people not understanding why there was PvP on at a market? Confusing isn’t it, why would you have PvP at a server market? People didn’t understand these were player owned areas, they didn’t understand why the player telling them not to PvP was a normal player and not staff, “Why is this person telling me what to do at this location?”. Confusing isn’t it.

    A bit more History

    At one point I allowed player owned warps… yeah… So we have had both player marketplaces with warps and without warps, we have done both.

    Having player owned warps was by far one of the biggest mistakes implemented from players suggestions, back then we did most voting in voice chat in Teamspeak.

    It was suggested to sell warps via /donate to “limit” them for the whopping cost of $8…For a permanent warp, yes this happened… They were bought 2 or 3 times and I had to almost instantly remove them due to how quickly people jumped on it, imagine doing this with the amount of people that play now! We would have 30 warps in a month!

    Back then we had a few players that not only had a marketplace but a server warp to it, not a good decision but it served as a good way to see how an entirely player owned marketplaces would run (For multiple years these lasted!) This was very early in PirateCraft v2 and veterans will remember these days were a little bit more hardcore than we have today.

    What I didn’t understand at the time, is every person sees a warp as a server location and they expect it to be PvP free. I won’t bother explaining why this was such a bad idea, I will just say that it was absolute chaos of confusion. We live and learn!

    You are not happy

    I can now see that people haven’t been happy with the marketplace for a while and instead of making small suggestions to improve it, its boiled up to “lets just get rid of it”, this will not act as you think it will, All I’m asking at this point in the thread is please do not just disregard what I’m explaining, its from a whole server perspective. To clarify this isn’t a personal, This makes no difference to me if I remove or keep warps, but it does effect how the entire server works, so it is very important decision.

    I have spent a great deal of time now trying to figure out the best I can from Discord… its much harder as nobody can write a coherent explanation of what the real issues are in a calm manor and keep updated with facts/history in a live conversation, This thread has taken me ~5 hours to write, time that could have been used making changes! If only it was more coherent! -10 points for discord!

    I have taken the time to read and reply to every single person in the suggestions discord and we seem to be stuck at a standstill, please consider consequences of taking 3 steps back.

    Things I have already done to market since its release

    • I greatly reduced all prices for all shops using an algorithm based on shop size
    • I one by one, re-made every single shop region to reduce its footprint to give them better prices
    • Completely remade multiple markets to be a better design around a warp.
    • I created a spreadsheet for all shops with sizes/prices, which I want to make public once all legacy shops are upated

    Main issues I have been able to figure out from people via micro polls & people’s suggestions/recent complaining.

    • Not enough shops.
      Annoyingly at some point I was suggested to remove all the small markets we had there as they were sitting empty and nobody used them, There used to be more markets this was a mistake removing them.
    • Everyone hates that some shops don’t change hands and seem permanent to people being able to re-rent the next month, even with crews that do not play any more keeping an empty shop! This was never intended. The whole idea of setting limits was for them to expire.
      • Im hoping it wont come to this, I want people to have a shop that can indefinitely rent, IF we have enough shops and more markets maybe this wont need to happen, but it can if needed.
    • People go to the closest shop to the warp for convenience.
    • Shop locations, mostly /warp shop2 and /warp shop3. I have no idea why people picked this as THE market the whole thing is still Legacy but they do, its amazing if you are the 2 people right outside the warp, but its design of being 1 straight road is terrible as there is nowhere to place warps. Shop bias as they are close to warps is a big issue.
    • Competitive business (pro) but negative because there’s so much competition for the same things in proximity. Things are too packed together in one giant global market, people get overwhelmed with too many shops and options, creating issues for both players and shop owners with having so much choice and competition, I think this is the biggest issue and what people are trying to explain when asking to remove market warps.
    • No representative for the area. This was never talked about, but its something I think will create a big improvement, this is a big issue from me, I need representatives, builders and admins to manage the shops.

    My Suggestions going forward, are to improve the marketplace and open more marketplaces but not removing warps to allow players to try to run them.

    My suggested Improvements to the current marketplace

    • Implement technical restrictions on all shops so they have to change hands after X amount of time, secondly have a policy and rules that check if anyone is cheating this by re-renting the same shop or using a friend as a surrogate, this would be a Build leader role specifically to police the Marketplace. For example a crew that has a shop open that no longer plays just to be bumholes could be kicked off their shop area by the build leader in charge of marketplace.
      • Yes, this is shit for the people that have these shops in prime locations, its a compromise we need people to agree on, Please read the next few suggestions to understand why we may not need to kick people out of shops
    • Completely redesign warp shop2/shop3 into a “square” with 1 warp in the middle like the other warps, so there is no shop that is priority over all other shops. Check that every other warp at market follows the same design. Also update these legacy shops to the new price structure which is cheaper.
    • Find a method to rotate the position of the warps, so when you spawn you are not facing the same shop every time, rotate it each day, if there are 7 shops in a market, then it’s 1 week of facing a new shop each day.
    • Get builders/community involved in re-building a brand new marketplace from the area I flattened at market to YOUR specifications, I will not have input in any of the design/roads.
    • People want each shop to have its own personal warp, but before we do this lets do everything else first.
    • Add market stalls inside the church and give it its own warp.
    • Redesign the entire market stalls area
    • Just remove useless shite from the marketplace like the giant castle and replace it with its own market or stalls, Im tempted to just get builders to make the stalls much larger area.

    External player markets to the marketplace

    • Create marketplaces outside of the market, My idea is to create very small markets at each NESW warp, for example at /warp north you have a small town at the bottom, that town is a market say 7 shops maximum with its own warp, for example /warp shop7. This will be a completely independent market, each warp will have its own unique theme, be small like a small town so its not “overwhelming” to buyers/sellers in a massively competitive market, also this gives the NESW warps a purpose! Double wammie!
    • After builders have created micro markets at the NESW warps create an entire new marketplace that is entirely blank, based on islands, so instead of roads we have water and each shop is an empty island (The more I think about this the more I want it!) so your roads are the sea between islands, again keep it small to ~7 shops/islands, you could spawn on an island surrounded by islands, Who can build this?

    Extended World Project – No TP Survival #2

    Right, this Is dipping into a topic which needs its own entire thread, the TLDR, is I plan on having a world that’s additional to what we have now, that’s all islands, with no Teleport, its own inventory, its own Economy, has Trade ports to use ships to earn money, by trading XYZ between server ports.

    What was also planned was allowing players to setup their own market in this, almost second survival experience type world. As there is no teleport at all, it would be entirely up to players to setup markets around the world and people have to use ships to get to/from them, but with server trade ports having items worth a specific value, you could have secondary player ports/markets that buy items at half the price if they are closer to the server trade locations.

    Again this is its own thread as theres so much to talk about it, but just so you are aware this has been planned 5+ years and only in the last 6 months has someone come and created the world for us, I wont thank them just yet, but it was the only milestone, I just need to fine time to test/trial it.

    Feedback on my suggestions to peoples complains

    Before replying, please consider all of the negatives to just removing warps for shops for people, if you have an alternative suggestion that involves removing all warps for shops, with no PvP protection and are entirely owned by player(s) then you need to explain how to solve not having warps/PvP on/Not being A monopoly to a few players in one location/Not building near a warp in detail, do not avoid these issues.

    I will be creating a upvote/downvote poll in suggestions on discord for full transparency if you think i’m still full of hot air with this reply and just still want me to remove warps for shops.

    As always its never bias, its just logic.

    • Topics: 13
    • Replies: 31
    • Total: 44
    • ★★

    My Username: ae0

    Player(s) Being Reported: Reapers of the Void (formerly THT), more specifically JusSk1llz, JUSAShrek1, DriftingSixGuns

    Reason for Report: harassment.

    Overview Description of Report:
    RoV crew (previously known as THT) and specifically the members in the list above have been repeatedly attacking members of my crew and citizens of my island for a prolonged period of time (every day for several days, at this point 5 days or possibly a week). This included /back abuse (not legalese, my personal opinion) where those members would keep their /back just so that they could tp and kill later. Considering that the vast majority of the crew is deckhands or were deckhands until very recently and there is a significant and overwhelming advantage that the members of RoV have, I do not find this behavior acceptable.

    I would like to further note that I rarely if ever have a problem with someone sieging me or my crew and I have never reported anyone else so far, because I never felt that it was necessary.

    War is Peace.
    Freedom is Slavery.
    Ignorance is Strength.


    In reply to: Unban appeal

    Ic3y ;]
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    (Hi everyone, lol) Oh, wasn’t  this when there was the time of an x-ray epidemic- and people were selling diamonds for as low as like £5 each? Correct me if I’m wrong but you and your friends  (some kid called like 29chunk?? it was people who were KOS on ae0’s) also used hacked clients in order to gain an advantage in combat? – as I said, correct me if I’m wrong.

    And Also if you were banned just for x-ray – there was a mass unban, go find that thread.



    Topic: Unban Request

    in forum Unban Requests
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    Current Username: Thelast_hero
    Username when banned: Thelast_hero
    UUID: 77694c16-3830-435f-9076-01e4ae06eeb0
    Your punishment tracker link: Not updated yet
    Banned By: Staff Name/Automated Console

    Unban Appeal:

    Banned for auto-clicking to avoid kicked by afking. Was trying to get more claim blocks to build my city. I understand it’s against the rules, but I didn’t exploit it too much, only did it for 3-4 hrs a day.

    I will not do it again in the future, please unban me.



    In reply to: Remove warp shops

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    Firestar renting the shops is meant to take money out of the economy. Everyone is losing money to renting shops and it’s a good thing. And did you even read my reply? You said,”If you were to buy a shop at other warps, you wouldn’t get much business even though they’re cheaper.” If you advertise enough you will get business. I did and you can too. “However, it would be pvp enabled, wouldn’t be able to be camped at, not very much lag, and it could be raidable…” If PVP is on and there are shops in towns, they will be able to be camped at. Especially with elytras, you can get around really quickly and basically camp anything you want. Not hard to get a tp over to a town, basically doing what you’re saying would probably just spark up another Ae0’s island. No Pvp, lots of visitors, but camped like fuck. Only the rich could go there without having to worry about being attacked. Don’t get me wrong, Ae0’s was great, but it also had a lot of problems that /warp shop has solved.


    Proud former leader of The Coalition
    Former member of build team
    ez got banned
    pirate veteran and yeehaw'er

    Crew history:

    "Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up." -Thomas Edison


    In reply to: ae0's Brewing 101 copy

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    free trial

    That sucks, your going to make them pay £15 after? Surely they could just plagiarise everything ae0’s written like you’ve done and just sell it cheaper?



    In reply to: ae0's Brewing 101 copy

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    most of those recipes sell for more than what you’re charging for that book. ae0 used to sell that book for 1k. and it used to sell fairly well.

    If I had a nickel for every time I, Ooo hey, a butterfly!! *runs off chasing the butterfly*

    - Former Leader of CoV -
    - A Proud Member of The Asylum-

    • Topics: 4
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    Hello, everybody! During the night of 3-6-18, I decided to copy ae0’s Brewing 101. After 2 and a half hours, I have recreated the book. If anyone wants a copy, just mail me in-game. Price is $15 apiece.I am giving a free trial to the first person to ask for one. Buy ae0’s Brewing 101 today!

    Leader of TLC (The Loners Crew)
    I have not failed, I just found 10,000 ways that won't work.
    ----Thomas A Edison----


    In reply to: Brewing recipes

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    Hey there,

    a quick search would’ve helped you right away. But no worries – I did that for you:

    link #1  – Ae0 offering a book in minecraft . I actually own that one, if you are interested, hit me up in game ( )

    link #2 – one fellow pirate was sharing his recipes ( )

    link #3 – general info about the brews plugin update ( )

    I think there was another forum thread by @smokeyriver  about the brews found so far and whatnot, but I could not find it.


    Good luck , mate !

    Proud Member of the Piratecraft history 🙂

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    • Removed all old map icons, and re-made them all with new images.
    • Renovated /warp travel (used to be /warp station) to include portals to around the server, should be instant TP through the portals.
      • Added free use End portal
      • Added free use Nether portal
    • Re-ordered, fixed, changed icons, added more warps to /travel
      Travel menu allows quickly teleporting around to server warps, great for new players to understand what warps go where, and also shows all other servers & mini-games and online count, hover over your head to view crew information!

    Hovering over Creative plots to see how many people are on the creative server!

    Hovering over my head gives me some crew information, online count and balance information, probs not the best crew to example it with! Crew balance is handily available here too!


    • Topics: 94
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    I joined this server back in April 2015 – a time when the average people online was roughly 10-15. I know many of you reading this are probably part of the 2016/17 generation, but some like me know the server from back in 2015, or even as early as 2014.

    This post doesn’t have a point to make, it doesn’t try to judge individuals on their actions, its not trying to start a debate – it serves only one purpose; that to sit back, relax, and remember that ‘good ol’ days’ (from my perspective). So please, whether you’re a new player, and old player, or just browsing the forums searching for a new server, spare yourselves a few minutes and have a read.


    Now, I’m going to try and avoid going on and on and on.. I know i do it a lot. Most of this info can be found somewhere on our wiki page, but i figured I’ll just share some of my more personal stories.

    April 2015

    I remember finding this server after a previous Garry’s Mod server i played on (and was staff on) ran out of money and collapsed after 2 years of being active. I have always had a keen interest in ships, medieval times, and all that jazz, so finding this server back then was fantastic. I read a lot of forum pages, to see what was happening at the time, and came across the “Elven Empire (EE) – British Empire (BE) war” of early 2015.

    I’m no expert on the history of BE/EE prior to me joining, but it was something like: group of people in the Elven Empire got bored and made their own crew with elections. Shit happened and there was a short war that went sort of undecided.

    Back in these times, role play was still a very heavy component of this server. Pirates were pirates, empires were empires, and people who didn’t tag along well… missed out on a lot of fun…


    May-July 2015

    Ok, ill be more brief now:

    • First player that helped me was Lego – who introduced me to his friends; Keto, SirHayden, RileyT, blockking2003, and Icanra
    • Started building my port on the first day (found a nice location on the map before i even joined)
    • Was reluctant to join a crew, but eventually joined Red Lotus for a week, then the Outlaws after meeting MandarinPanda, and then Lego made his own crew; the Ottoman Empire and i joined
    • Reptaria and the Elves hosted their Elven ball at my port (which the Outlaws and HardTimez then gate crashed, screenshots below) – was killed for the first time by HardTimez
    • I made a small speedboat for Lego, and we unofficially fought the Elves in it (screenshots below)
    • ‘The Allied’ was created by the Elven Empire, British Empire, Verussian Empire, 13 Colonies, and Iborian Empire
    • Meesa was scared of all da big scary empire crews D:
    • I start building my first every ‘big ship’ which ends up being a manowar named ‘Shadow Atlas’


    August – December 2015

    • I joined Icanra’s crew; Luteus Republic for about and hour before leaving and making my own crew; Xenon Empire
    • Lego hired me to build something for me, and when i wanted to leave, he had me assassinated
    • I join the Piratecraft Teamspeak for the first time and hear Cysteen’s voice. Its scary so i leave and don’t join again for a good year and a half
    • Lego, KingKarim, Hardtimez all banned within a short amount of time for various reasons
    • Got new neighbors – the Verussian Empire (VE) (KingRS and WilsonManzer) and Chailey
    • One of the main Elven Cities; Vivenheim, falls and is abandoned. VE take it over and I rebuild it for free
    • Got a bit hairy with my neighbours over land
    • ‘the Allied’ let my empire join, and the Verussian Empire is kicked out of it over disputes
    • First Verussian War started – I helped fight, my crew members; Thymen, Steentje321, and Justluc helped attack the main VE towns. War ends after roughly 10 days with their surrender. My empire gains land, VE hate me, and i start turning my crew into a deckie crew
    • The Federated Nations Alliance (FNA) is created by Entaria (InventorJohn’s crew), VE, and SPQR (buckmaster1993’s crew)


    <b>January – April 2016</b>

    • I expand my port for like the 3rd time
    • I make friends with Koi and zee_king_bee – they join the now dominant pirate crew; CoV and they try to prevent me from getting attacked by CoV
    • ‘the Allied’ turns into the ‘League of Nations’, and we start recruiting new crews, including The Vikings – a crew owned by Joe_danger_2003
    • Lego unbanned and rebanned soon after
    • Tensions between the LoN and FNA are at their highest after either side accused them of spying. LoN and FNA send spies to each other’s forum groups. I am a member of both, but don’t act as a spy… until i start reading some stuff in the FNA forum and i basically became a spy…
    • BE declares war on VE
    • Second Verussian War starts – ended up in a sort of mess, the LoN wins, but several members refused to fight and it starts to lose its charm
    • I start building my ‘new generation’ of ships, and I am accepted into build team
    • The Grandma takes over Elven Empire and disbands it
    • I sell my ship ‘Shadow atlas’ to zee_king_bee for 1k, who sells it to ae0 (but it is never delivered to aeos island, and instead rested just outside the island for the next year)

    May – September 2016

    • Lack of drama causes my crew, and the LoN to become inactive
    • Rep does another Elven ball and it just ends badly again
    • CoV disbands after several members are banned. TAS is created instead – a crew uniting a bunch of people who hang out on Teamspeak
    • Map expands yay!
    • Drama and war between Templar and the LoN. I refuse to fight and remain neutral, damaging relations with the LoN

    October – December 2016

    • Bit of drama here and there
    • After a lot of inactivity, I disband XE and create TXO with Chailey (as a merger between Templars and XE)
    • Iborian Empire (Palmerageddon’s crew), and a little later the Elven Empire merge with TXO for a few weeks
    • I become like the 7th King of the Elves, Rep gets board, and EE is re-created as ‘EM’ (still elven empire)
    • I develop my previous style of ship building to be more realistic, bigger, and far more detailed (which was a big step for meh >.>)

    January – April 2017

    • I become housewright and build-team leader
    • Templar demerge with TXO for a few months
    • After a series of votes in the BE, BE and 13 Colonies leave the LoN
    • I join Teamspeak again, and become friends with TAS peoples
    • EM becomes very inactive, and TXO is the main member of the LoN
    • The BE setup the Commonwealth of Nations (CoN) – an entity which aims to unite allies of the BE
    • Horsia make their first appearance
    • I teach a deckhand named SnapCrackPlays how to sail ships to which he says “wow this is complex, i might go and find a different server” Nice going snap!

    May – September 2017

    • Elven Empire basically disbands after Reptaria leaves and cheats the Build of the Month marking the end of one of the oldest crews (leaving only BE to fill the gap really)
    • Browe formally hosts the first two server-wide ship battles. The Phantom Soveriegn (sov) survives and wins both battles and eventually is owned by Astrobolt
    • After the BE leave the LoN, TXO and any remaining member crews join the CoN. This marks the end of the League of Nations.
    • I become mod, yay!
    • zee_king_bee kindly returns the Shadow Atlas to my port, where i rebuild her into a 6th-rate ship, and re-name her ‘XNS Neptune’
    • I salvage an old Templar ship owned by Browe from warp west and sail it back to my port
    • I host a few CoN ship battles which end in a bloodbath
    • I build more large ships on the hub world, rebuild spawn and some other stuffs
    • Horsia and TAS start their infamous war, and large pvp battles between the two are now common
    • TXO is now basically just me and 3 other people
    • I get bored of building my old port – as i mostly just rebuild old structures to a better standard (which is very boring)
    • I steal the sov, and make a duplicate which i sail to the Freeport (which is now the Shadow Voyager, and the one which took part in the ship battles). The original is sailed to my port as a museum ship

    October – December 2017

    • After exactly 1 year to the day where me and Chailey create TXO, i leave and create my new solo-crew, Xenia
    • In order to fight TAS, BE recruit a bunch of pvpers, and ally Horsia
    • TAS splits and CLTN is created – with a greater focus on pvp and raiding
    • I regen roughly 40% of my port, and make a 200k claim slightly north of my port and start work on a new, larger, and better port
    • I get admin because reasons
    • I steal the ‘EM Titanic’ – the smallest ship of the old Elven Empire’s navy from the Freeport because reasons
    • I host the first few ship battles, which prove to be very popular at start – and then become less popular as people run out of gunpowder, ships, and crew members
    • My life is basically: log on, staff stuffs, build, staff stuffs, build, log off.
    • Lots of poi

    January 2018

    • I make this post and join teamspeak drunk one evening and somehow lose $20,000 of my bal that same evening
    • I steal the Domum Tranquilarium BoTM entry from the old Rome, and put it in my port (sorry buckmaster, kinda wanted it :P)

    « Build Team leader »
    « Server Admin »
    Crew History: Red Lotus, 0utlaws, Ottoman Empire, Xenon Empire, The Xanthian Order, The Asylum, Xenia


    In reply to: -170, -641 lava tree

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    I was next to that base

    I had an underground base to bedrock, the ship building area and some docks on top I am not worried about. but that base I spent a lot of time on.

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    Notice: This post is as a player, not a moderator.

    Looks like the posts have slowed down again so I’ll give my final response now.

    Before addressing everyone like I did in the last post, I would just like to include a little bit of proof of a player who was being pressured to become a colony after an attack began.

    That is just one example of a player we’ve spoken to. So there’s some proof for all those asking for it in addition to Gildor’s talk about colonies that Palmer posted.

    Monks: Yeah BE is corrupt in POTC and other pirate cinema. But as for the cool part, they’ve lost that factor.

    Kirn (x3): (1) Well would you look at that you wrote more sentences this time. Yeah we’re all hoping Taulov will man up, stop lying to his crew members, and return everything he took from Kauhy. As for the colonies, offering players assistance for the price of 1 gold bar a week isn’t bad at all. But that’s not how this is working is it. People are being sieged and attacked immediately to be persuaded into having the label of colony and paying a larger price than that I’m sure. Do people really need to make your crew happy? Can’t they just be their own crew and pay you for help when they need it? Not sure what rambling on about irl has to do with all that but ok? Also as seen above in the screenshot from River, it doesn’t look like BE is just talking it out with people. Looks to us like you’re doing exactly what we were saying, attacking someone repeatedly and pressuring them into colonization.
    (2) Being corrupt is one thing, bullying small crews into your plan is another.
    (3) What humor? What context? All your posts said before were “k lol” and “Dont get me wrong but this kinda reminds me of some north korean propaganda crap”. Wow hilarious? The propaganda joke would have been funny if this wasn’t actually happening on the server.

    Palmer: I didn’t even think of that video, quality pick man. Also spoiler alert, you know who loses in Star Wars, the Empire. (BE will lose in the end)

    Nado and JUSA: Killing brits is a lifestyle. Sadly we can’t actually start a war with them because they refuse to accept our war requests.

    Volpex: Nighty night?

    Palmer again: Little confused on the actual order of these posts of Gildor’s, but thank you for including this evidence. As people can see they are doing the original plan of repeatedly marching the “BE troops” in to attack the crew. But they clearly don’t try simply negotiating a deal first to assist. Also they would force their “laws” on whatever crew they are offering assistance to. Lots of information in those posts, so thanks for posting it here.

    Maximus: Yeah I figured this would be a better outlet for discussing this than arguing in the global chat in game.

    CrazyPirate: As clearly shown in the posts by Gildor that Palmer included, taxes would happen either way along with your little law enforcement. The real funny thing about it is this sentence: “Should a colony refuse to pay taxes without beforehand negotiating the termination of their colony status then the Royal Navy with me tasked with quelling the rebellion.” That sentence is hilarious. So not only will they be forced into being a colony, but any attempt to go back to doing their own thing and not paying you would lead to being attacked repeatedly again. I have nothing more to say on that bit…
    Who cares how many of you have donator rank, the ones that do spam near is all I’m saying. We can’t get near Petal_Face(Gildor) without him instantly teleporting into his house the moment we get within 120 blocks of him. Also you don’t have to be a donator to log. As monks would say “Thats common sense, duh.”
    No we don’t have a vendetta against the inanimate object that is your city. We have a disliking for the crew that lives in it. Also Cysteen didn’t run Ae0’s island, take a look at the claim. All TAS did was protect it from those who came to kill shoppers. I’m sure if someone got mad at Ae0 (for some odd reason even though he is very nice) they would want to see his island burned too.
    BE isn’t a dictatorship within, it is attempting to be a dictatorship over the server. For one example Peppykiss’s crew. As shown above, Jusa has more examples if you’d like him to post them later.
    Yeah the main buildings of London are unoriginal and taken from other sources. Other players have found buildings used in London on images and videos online. What a shame you don’t pay attention to this kind of stuff.
    Of course everyone is annoyed with Tau. Moo is an active player that trusted him as a friend. He clearly abused that trust and is now on a lying spree refusing to return Moo’s god sets and event items. Yeah people loot old bases they have trust to because either they don’t care about that person they are raiding, that player has quit the server, or even just because they can. But the problem with Tau, was that he raided a friend and now has decided the items are more important than becoming a trustworthy player again. I’m sure none of you will ever trust him to your personal bases now that you know this could happen. This guy is running for Prime Minister of BE, that speaks wonders for your crew. As for wanting to fight a war… We have tried to declare war about 10 times by now. You’re all too cowardly to accept it.
    Who says me or The Coalition is going anywhere? This crew is constantly getting stronger, while BE looks to be on a downhill slope. No, what you don’t like is that we will have front row seats to the collapse of BE, maybe you’ll fix yourself some day. Good luck with that. Outsiders, you are the first person to ever call me or my crew an outsider. Within a year of playing on this server I went from being a deckhand in a crew that went inactive within a weak, to owning two elytras, dubs of godsets, and being close friends with some of the kindest strongest players on the server. Go ahead call me an outsider, cause I don’t feel like one. My issue with BE has been stated, it’s been stated multiple times. So where are the balls on you not accepting our war requests. I don’t need dirt to “use”, I can declare war whenever I want. This thread was to expose the atrocities within BE, honestly it’s worked exactly how I wanted. Taulov isn’t a scapegoat, he’s a side issue that furthers the proof that BE is corrupt. We’re not being forced into anything, accept our war requests Mr. “have the balls”.

    Monks again: Yeah Monks, there is a difference in spamming near to track a player and spamming near to know when to run from someone coming to fight. We track, BE runs. Go ahead and prove something.

    Nado: Yes we can war, but sadly they won’t let us. We already had our reasons, this thread is to let the server see the flaws of BE and to warn them of their colonization plan.

    Monks and Nado: Just waiting on the bug reports to get sorted out by the developers.

    Astro: #StarFruit

    Bazurka: For those who don’t know tl;dr means ‘Too long; didn’t read’. Honestly Baz, it’s not that much to read. Take the time to read if you are going to write a post. I hope this response won’t be too long for you to read…
    I don’t care about being worked into the records of PirateMC history. Most pirate crews don’t have giant history books about them, they simply just existed and did their own thing. Yeah BE is taking a hit and is showing it in their responses like this one. Ketoh read over the post before actually starting this thread. He fully agreed with it. All the people I’m friends with that used to be in BE have stated that it is not the same as it once was. That things have clearly changed within the crew. The fact is, you just refuse to accept that it’s getting worse. BE isnt always helping new crews and new players. You all sit and build by yourself. The only person that helps new players is Lazydog. As of late, rest of you do nothing but talk about expanding London and overpowering small crews. I’d encourage Taulov to actually state his side of the story. Why he did what he did? Why he is lying about not having dubs of god sets? From what Moo said, he did it cause he was “Mad that Moo joined Jmoo’s crew and later my crew”, so I’d love to hear him expand on that. He returned a small fraction of stuff and claimed the rest blew up. No one loot a few chests then blows the rest of the loot up. That’s absurd.
    Your next comment here is fun.
    Warmongering: encouragement or advocacy of aggression toward other countries or groups.
    I’m sorry have I not made myself clear. This thread was to expose BE for it’s atrocities and warn people not to give in to your petty colonization scheme. Yeah I am totally asking everyone to go to war with you. This show’s you clearly didn’t read like your said. I am encouraging everyone to not submit to BE’s crap and to see what BE has become within it’s leadership.
    Yeah we have a anti-BE stance. Everyone has a stance against their main rival. Who cares what we chant in chat. It warns people what’s coming for them as part of BE. We don’t need anything clever. It’s war, accept it.
    This next paragraph seemed to just be an prideful encouragement to your crew to make you sound more respectable, so, um, ok I guess? Not sure what sleeper agent you are talking about. I just have people who just share about things within BE. You have fun with your rebuttals and votes, my crew just simply talks to each other about our opinions then decides an action to take. Not sure if you know this but pirates worked on a voting system too so you’re not all that special. Votes on crews happened very fast and you could go from working in the kitchen to being the quartermaster after just a quick vote.  Enjoy your dawdling and meandering.
    Not sure what you’re trying to build and improve, you mainly build in London (for your crew) in lazy’s town (for your crew) and build personal bases (for your crew). Don’t even bring up the canal as a “for the server” example. That’s no longer being discussed. As for us, yeah we mostly build for ourselves. We own bases, we raid players, and we commit piracy. Welcome to PirateCraft. But a large number of us are on build team, we don’t brag about it though. We just build what is needed and asked of us.
    Yeah we try to kill you all the time recently, we’re rivals. The war isn’t a threat, it’s already happening. One little fight after another, we will cut you down. Go ahead and run, there are other ways to defend yourself than PVP. Just don’t call us bad when you all run away.
    Lol nice plug here at the end for your wiki page. None of that matters in this situation, BE isn’t what it used to be.

    Oktacraft: You’re response is as meaningless as Kirns first post, you guys should totally take a writing class together.

    Sean: Ok? Thanks for letting us know I guess.

    JUSA: They will.

    Monks: Everyone already has BE banners? Also plenty of BE members were on when this was taken. None came to London though with us being there obviously.

    Snap: Well worded. Snap is one of the people I respected in BE, and the fact that he has had to leave the crew should tell you all how the BE “government” is quickly going downhill.

    Benthebruce: So the main part of your post is about the issue between Taulov and Moo. Which I have already spoken my mind on a good bit. However BE is not what it used to be, so whatever principles you may have had, may not exist anymore. That wasn’t that main point of this thread but I’m glad it has come up so that the man running for Prime Minister can be held responsible for his actions. Criticizing Snap in that second to last paragraph there probably wasn’t the best idea to mend relations with him, but that’s between you two. Thanks for sharing all that you’ve gathered on the Kau vs. Moo dilemma. I personally won’t be happy with that issue until Moo has the rest of his items returned.
    That aside, that incident wasn’t to sew server wide drama. It was to point out to your own crew how Taulov will just lead you down a deeper ditch as PM. Also to back up how awful BE is becoming. The point of this thread once again, is to prevent colonization.

    Palmer again: Cool video mate.

    Anyways, there’s my final post. Feel free to speak anymore thoughts you have. I may have to make another response if someone brings up something new, but for now I think I’ve stated my mind on all this. This thread wasn’t to incite drama as much as it was to expose an issue(s) within the British Empire.

    ~ A real pirate I guess. ~
    ~ Rear Admiral of PirateCraft ~
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    Crazy Pirate
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    said that if they pay you taxes you’ll continue

    Taxes were only if a crew was exploiting the protection offered by the BE.

    You guys are nothing but near spammers and loggers

    Amazing when you realise how few of us have donator rank.

    nothing more than to see London burn and BE disbanded

    Why? Like, why do people seriously have such a vendetta against London? Because it’s British? Big deal, nobody held any bias against Ae0s because Cys ran it. Its just petty really.

    its about them being a dictatorship that bullys other crews to their will

    Piratecrafts first democracy, with elections in a week, and we’re a dictatorship? Cool that. Give me some examples of these mysterious other crews?

    big town of tutorial builds

    I assume you’re referencing London here. What a shame you’re so full of shit.


    I get it, everyone’s clearly pissed with Tal. Fantastic, aren’t you all the good samaritans this server needs. Where was all this outcry when hundreds of other bases are daily looted by those who have trust in them? Non existent, because its not convenient for you. You want to fight a war with the BE, just come out and say it.

    You don’t like that we’ll be here when you’re gone; that our builds will still be here, our crew and flag will still be here. That’s cool, and if I was an outsider, I wouldn’t like that too. At least have the balls to admit that your issue with us, rather than scraping around on your knees for some dirt to use a pretence for war. Tal’s just a scapegoat for your warmongering. Its pathetic, have the balls to say you wanna fight, don’t try and act like you’re being forced into it.


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    when will this be and i thought u quit ae0

    royal navy shipwright
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    turns on hitboxes when pvping

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