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  • #36033

    In reply to: Post Ya Screenshots!

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    The old TEE Peninsula as it is today, screen taken from the top of Crown Castle

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    Jarl of the Endorien Kingdom


    In reply to: Land Ownership Issue

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    @Palmerageddon Isn’t this quite like how @NickyB_123 had built his fort right next to my town, for hostile purposes, cannons aimed at my city and without my permission-and on top of that, after the conflict was nicely asked to remove it ingame and on the forums…

    Now from hearing a similar case from a peer you must be able to see my frustration and how vital the removal of the fort is to me?-And the case doesn’t change just because of it’s current status as a ‘memorial’

    And @Icanra that does seem quite annoying but that town seems highly contested and Halo has claimed significantly more land than you there; building there must be awkward, I would suggest working out an agreement to half the city or something with a wall dividing it.


    Leader of the Verussian Empire and the country Verussia.

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    Hey guys its me, the orange leprechaun/carrot/potato/Icanra, i am having a few issues with land this is not to report the players but simply to see what you guys think and if you support me or not/am i in the wrong?

    How it all begun:

    Around 4-5 months ago during the LR’s conquest to gain new forts and settlements, i bought a town off gildor_stinky for around 150-200 in game “moneys”  (it was a while ago so i am unclear on the exact amount). Unfortunately, i didn’t have enough claimblocks to completely claim it (because of the several settlements i had to claim because of the new towns) but gildor offered to trust me and give me full access to the claims and allow me to work on the town while i worked up the claim blocks, he said however that i, do officially own the town and it is my property despite the fact it was claimed by him.

    I started working on the town quite often but used invisibility potions supplied by Maximus_Terragon so as i was invisible from the live map (this was because the i feared being hunted down at the time because of the towns near proximity to cov lands as there were a few forts which people could take 5 mins to walk to me) I managed to fix up most of the town as it was slightly damaged. I worked around a player named xElitaa who had claimed two houses and the small market place in the centre of town, i was waiting for gildor to attempt to remove xElitaa’s claims as he said he would – he said he would do this by asking them as they were friends and also i had full ownership of the town now. After working on the town for a while, i started to move onto another town until gildor had gotten xElitaa’s claims removed. It was around this time when a long inactive player: HaloBearer98 came back to the server, after asking around he eventually joined my crew and we started talking, we were at another one of my towns and when he said he owned a base i asked it i could see it. It came as a surprise to me that he owned a small but tall tower that was around 100 blocks of the town that is the issue in this post. Halo then left my crew a few days later and started to work on his tower again. He then proceeded to build a giant square box 9 blocks off the edge of the town’s claims without ever consulting me, i complained to him and asked him if he could possibly not build literally next to the town he ignored me and continued. He then made a crew and started completly taking over the land around the town, he built a small wall on the edge of the claims and started building bigger walls after that and expanding both the towers. As well as halo claiming one of the houses in the town that wasnt claimed

    (This is all the background information i can recall if anyone wants to ask specific questions then please do)

    I will now go into detail about the way they have been acting about it:

    Halo and the rest of his crew have been then really hostile to alot of people over the matter of the town claiming that the town is 100% theirs and even admitting that their plan was to harrass me and my crew until we gave up and left the town. Here are some screenshots that show this (some other people also have screenshots like max, rep and palm who will hopefully post them below but i have a few of max’s screenshots)

    Way they have been acting (Sorry for the insane amount of screenshots, but our convos took a while):

    (The main people to look out for are Halo and BleachwithGluten who is his crew member)

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    (Sorry for this last one as the convo is unclear)

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    I also have some images of where gildor admits that i own the claim:

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    And finally to top this all off i have a picture of the actual land itself

    The Red represents the land that i own and was originally there

    The Black represents the things that Halo built recently

    The Blue represents the small bit that xElitaa owns

    The Green represents the land that halo originally had while inactive (Halo also built the huge walls surrounding the continent and admitted to this in an earlier screenshot)

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    And finally these are a clip from the servers rules that i am basing this on.

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    Thank you all for reading this long long post, i hope you guys will give me some advice on what to do with this, i have been trying to be civil and they have just insulted me. Also if i missed out anything and you wanna ask questions please just say 🙂 thanks – The Orange Leprechaun aka Icanra


    Founder and Senator of the Luteus Republic
    Writer of Pirate Craft Articles
    Luteus Republic
    The servers first founded and working Republic

    • Topics: 19
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    I have made the first try of the June version of the Piratecraft Map. I followed the advice of using icons or push pins and made a separate image for the crew list, so they can be read better. Each town doesn’t have it’s name, which was too small anyway, and now feature a number, which will be used in the topic description to find the town name and information (I still need to do this part). I tried two different designs. The push pins are too office themed, but they divide crews very well. I don’t really know which version should be used between:
    A: Push Pins
    B: Crew Icons
    C: Old design
    D: New design (your suggestion)
    As always, it would be nice if you could provide me the settlements that are still missing here or correct my possible mistakes.

    Push Pin Map


    Icons Map

    I should update the Timeline soon too, adding Khaos, Elite and the merging between SPQR and VRE. I plan to insert links on every town name in the first page list so people can click on them and be redirected on their wiki pages. I would like to insert basic information like coordinates, map screenshot and ingame screenshot for each settlement’s wiki page.
    I am more than happy for any suggestions.

    Edit: I have an issue, I cannot change the topic title anymore nor insert town list information. The “Edit” button disappeared. Is it because I have made too many modifications during the map updates? Am I forced to open another topic?

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    So if I stop using the account Astrobolt and login to the server with a different account that would be considered ok? Lol



    This is a really crappy example sorry

    Leader of the Narwhal Syndicate
    Former Official Bitchnugget of the Asylum
    King of the Elves, 2016-2017 (Rumoured)

    Crew History:
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    I have managed to create a script that checks if you are a donator, checks if this data is saved and then it can display it, but there are no options to do date mathematics, I should really look into learning making plugins properly! So I can make it display Today’s Current date, donation date and rank length, but I can’t show a dynamic days left as I intended ? At least with this players will be able to work out how long they have left..

    wow, thanks so much GodsDead, It’s genius. I’m hopefully smart enough to work out the time left ?

    So I did end up implementing this, its now under /rank, but im having issues with not getting it to trigger the spam filter

    so I removed it for now 🙁 But on a side note, the data is still being stored and can be accessed separately from the commands:




    If nothing is returned at all, its because there is no data on record yet, there wont be until the next time you donate 🙂


    In reply to: Bannapeal

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    • I just checked your ban record, I never banned you.
    • If you were banned for spamming over and over, after the chat told you to stop spamming, then obviously if you are stupid enough to continue spamming, you deserve your ban.
    • You didnt give a ban date
    • You posted this in the wrong forum
    • You are Caps-spamming the forums
    • You are being, rude and obnoxious

    I cant see any reason why I would want you on our server.




    In reply to: Bannapeal

    Ic3y ;]
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    Just leave the forums, check ur work before submitting etc etc. stop being rude, dont be a butthurt (I could go on xD)



    In reply to: Bannapeal

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    ik i dont care if i get unbanned or not at this point and im just typing as fast as i can idc about eh english its just have you guys ever been banned for spamming after u say 3 things??? and irresponsible admins??? LISTEN ALL PIRATE CRAFT MEMEBER lets put a post with a lot of likes to remove spam ban!!!! and godsdead dont just ban me from the forums bacuse your “scared” that people will stop playing maybe you should give a little think to this m8 😀 im trying to be nice and get my point through at the same time as you have great ideas your management system is just a bit weird 😀 im sorry i hace to be a bit mean.

    ~Life Is what you make it
    Price Of The Elven Empire


    In reply to: Bannapeal

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    Even if you were unfair banned, you would not be unbanned after you wrote this post.

    – Stop spamming the forum.

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    Hi there,

    Recently been trying to create some interesting chair designs but unfortunately I can’t sit in them! I understand the restrictions on the plugin are to stop people constantly sitting whilst building/placing stair blocks but I hope this suggestions allows for greater variety of design without becoming a nuisance!

    Simply, my suggestion is to allow the use of banners (in addition to signs) to create a useable chair! I don’t know how easy it is for this to be implemented but would be a welcome addition in my opinion.

    *See attached image of sexy chair designs awaiting existential gratification!*


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    ~ Former Admiral in the British Empire ~
    ~ Founder of Phantom ~
    ~ Co-Founder of Templars ~
    ~ Original owner of HMS Sovereign (Phantom Sovereign) ~

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    My Username: HaloBearer98
    Reporting Username(s): ggbrother
    Rank: Cadet i think
    Reason: Spam and harassment
    Evidence: Attached image
    Additional Information: He and his friends (such as CeramicShip or UteNte3turbiNe, and more of their crew) keep spamming me with insults or random sentences (gonna make screens asap if it happens again). Then I find this nice gift in front of my claim. All claimed, with another nice insult on the sign. I tried to tell them to stop, to grow up, to enjoy the game but seems like they enjoy it this way. I am not asking for their ban since i think they just want to play the game too, but it is kinda unacceptable to be treated in such a way from new and rude players. Peace

    PS: Additional future screens will contain text in italian, considered our common nationality. Feel free to ask for traduction, or try to use google translate 😛

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    Jarl of the Endorien Kingdom

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    @Creepermorderen Thanks man, im glad im not the only one that really understands what was ment by Potato making that post.

    I run PirateCraft solo as a side-project that takes up at least 5 hours of my day, every day, I would make more money having a second job working 1 extra hour a day than running PirateCraft. If all funds stopped, then so would PirateCraft. If you are against people donating for my time, then you should just leave. The EULA was not made for servers like PirateCraft at all, I did plan on making my own EULA post if we ever got “called up”, The reason I have not posted out my stance on the EULA is because its not needed as we haven not been approached by Mojang Enforcement (They are an entirely separate company hired by Mojang/Microsoft). There is absolutely no point causing argument until there is need for it, I loath drama and you are only creating this post to start some @Redstone_Potato.

    Since @Redstone_Potato hasn’t stated any information at all about the EULA, I guess I better spend an hour writing up some background and knowledge, since nearly every comment I read across forums on the internet from “players” on whatever server they play on is completely misinformed with very poor judgement.

    The EULA is a Blog post, We don’t use the mojang server jar, we use a forked version of Spigot, Mojang Enforcement (They are an entirely separate company hired by Mojang/Microsoft) do contact servers before any action is taken asking you to be compliant, There are currently 13 blocked servers, out of the millions and millions of servers out there the only way you would get called up is if someone went out their way to get us called up, we are a tiny tiny server in comparison to the majority of servers and 90% are not EULA compatible.

    The entire server admin community agrees the blacklist is a disgusting underhanded tactic taken by Mojang servers as they just display the server as unreachable in the server list, assuming the server is down.

    The entire point of the EULA when it was first conceived was to protect Mojang from the damage these giant (Thousands of players at a time) pay2win servers that sell kits for $1000 IRL, Kids using their parents cards and buying these absurd kits, these parents only understood it was “minecraft” so they would then try and get their money back from “minecraft” instead of these giant servers raking in insane amounts of money. These scumbag servers ran by inbred children are the sole selfish reason why this EULA exists, these assholes deserve to be taken down and stamped on for ruining effort and progression made by legitimate server owners that don’t create a server to rip off kids parents.

    Believe me when I tell you, I knew about the blacklist and EULA way before it was published, us Server owners have our own communities we talk in. Also Its not 30 blocked servers, its 13, you can see from the actual list from Mojang Direct.
    The hashes have been unhashed into a list that’s updated, the reason it fluctuates is that servers can be taken off the blacklist once you are compliant. Current banned servers

    So far the smart asses that have emailed me about being EULA compliant, I wouldn’t consider able to tie their own shoelaces, these people just want donator perks for free, they think they are being smart by spewing utter uninformed garbage.

    Its only since Microsoft bought Minecraft that they are trying to bleed every penny they can from it at every angle, this is why the entire minecraft community is much younger than when it first started. The sole reason minecraft is as popular as it is today, is primarily that peolpe built servers, they rewrote the server to allow plugins, they made plugins, they made mini games, they built websites, and advertised the game, they made minecraft for what it is today, put in thousands and thousands of hours and now that all the hard work has been done creating billions of minecraft accounts Microsoft is putting that shank into Server owners backs cutting off them being able to make a shred of money off all their hard work so they will die out and they can sell Their Realms Servers, their own hosted server solution, funny they have no issue charging to use their hosted servers?

    Whats going to happen to PirateCraft if we get called up? First of all, it’ll be like getting hit by lightning, there are currently 13 of of the Millions of minecraft servers blocked, you only win that lottery if someone is out there to get you, or if you really are ripping off kids parents.

    What happens is I talk to the Enforcement agent to see what we can keep and what we cant, I strip down the donator ranks, remove the in-game cash for sale or whatever else they bully me into, and add “cosmetic” perks, that don’t really fill the gap, nobody buys donator ranks and slowly but surly PirateCraft will die out, thats what happens.

    You know what really pisses me off? These things are not even part of Minecraft, there are no ranks in default minecraft, there are no plugins, no commands like we have, no currency, None of this at all is actually minecraft, they are plugins created by third parties.

    For right now, i’m going to keep going as we are, we know this works, you don’t “fix” what isn’t broken.


    Why will this forum thread not work? I know this forum thread will not work as there is a 125 page forum thread on the Spigot forums with the EXACT same thread title as this one, identical. And that thread is pure cancer, If I was you I would avoid it like the plague, ive read it all and the comments there just made me sick.

    So to avoid that cancer being spread to PirateCraft, I’m closing this thread.

    Everything that was ever thought about the matter is in the this spigot thread. Which funny enough got shut down by MD5 for being an utter cancerous topic with terrible, terrible opinions.

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    Everyone does dumb stuff when there 12.But they probably still know it was wrong off them to do this. I say give them a temp ban and a warning. and tell them that next time there age or ¨lack of experience¨ wont cut it. ofc im not an Admin so i got no say on that matter D:.

    Edit: Try this place next time you wanna post a report :3


    Posesore of the Ope Ope No Mi

    i realy like One Piece

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    @Godsdead sorry for my later response, my forums activity is always a pain in the butt to access with my computer. Anyway, thank you once again for working your magic. I still have no idea how plugins and all that work. But, if there’s anyway I can help, I’ll be delighted to do so. Also, what did you ask of me within your first paragraph? I don’t really know how to do any of that, maybe ask a more experienced donator.

    Thanks for fixing the title, it was a bit of a sloppy job on my part. Anyway it looks very formal and hopefully (since you’re  a magician) cast a spell on the computer and make the expiry date thing work 😀 Thanks for getting right on top of it and answering it too! I have no idea how you get through all the ban appeals and requests, I know I couldn’t do it.

    "Don't ask questions and we will tell no lies,"
    ~~~First Shop Owner at Ae0's Island~~~
    ~~~A Proud Outlaw~~~
    Crew History: NAVY, EE, SPQR, Outlaws, Creed, CoV, Creed, Solis, EE, Elite, CIU, NRD, EE, VIK, NRD, Outlaws.
    ~~~^Too Many Crewz^~~~

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