[suggestion] Giving donators the ability to lookup their expiry date

Home Forums Server Support Requests & Suggestions [suggestion] Giving donators the ability to lookup their expiry date

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  • #35745
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    So, I was recently wondering when my donator was going to go out. Is there already a way to do this on the server? because I was stumped. Maybe for Captains instead of /rank saying “Nah brah, you’re way too high” or something like that. It could be like saying, you will go back to sailor in # days.

    Thanks for reading!

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    Good idea!

    Brother Kanube, head of the Order of St. Ender, Watcher of the Void
    ~~~~~ from the dust of the void all is made, and to the void it returns~~~~~

    The Queen
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    Yeah like an update so you can reknew your membership rather than finding out in the middle of building!


    Mother and soul protector of the Elven Empire

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    It shouldn’t just be Captains…

    Lieutenants & Commanders will need to be covered also.


    I know if this idea goes forward, that would probably be implemented anyway :/

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    I love the /rank idea!

    I will look into it, Im not sure technically how I would go about getting this information..

    As a bit of recon for me, can you log into your Buycraft.net and see if theres a list of payments? and when they run out?

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    Update: There is no built in method to check this, which is a massive pain, but what im going to do is make buycraft send the date bought + 2 month expiry data to some custom variables on the server, then hopefully I should be able to use my custom script maker to do a simple addition of +2 months to give an expiry date (depending on how versatile this custom scripts plugin is), I have also emailed the buycraft team asking them why this isn’t included as a command, as its stupid that it isn’t.

    Ill see If I can create a duct-tape hacky method while I wait for a responce.

    Crazy Pirate
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    ^ and this is why we like the server 🙂

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    @Godsdead sorry for my later response, my forums activity is always a pain in the butt to access with my computer. Anyway, thank you once again for working your magic. I still have no idea how plugins and all that work. But, if there’s anyway I can help, I’ll be delighted to do so. Also, what did you ask of me within your first paragraph? I don’t really know how to do any of that, maybe ask a more experienced donator.

    Thanks for fixing the title, it was a bit of a sloppy job on my part. Anyway it looks very formal and hopefully (since you’re  a magician) cast a spell on the computer and make the expiry date thing work 😀 Thanks for getting right on top of it and answering it too! I have no idea how you get through all the ban appeals and requests, I know I couldn’t do it.

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    I have managed to create a script that checks if you are a donator, checks if this data is saved and then it can display it, but there are no options to do date mathematics, I should really look into learning making plugins properly!

    So I can make it display Today’s Current date, donation date and rank length, but I can’t show a dynamic days left as I intended 🙁 At least with this players will be able to work out how long they have left..

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    I have managed to create a script that checks if you are a donator, checks if this data is saved and then it can display it, but there are no options to do date mathematics, I should really look into learning making plugins properly! So I can make it display Today’s Current date, donation date and rank length, but I can’t show a dynamic days left as I intended ? At least with this players will be able to work out how long they have left..

    wow, thanks so much GodsDead, It’s genius. I’m hopefully smart enough to work out the time left 😀

    "Don't ask questions and we will tell no lies,"
    ~~~First Shop Owner at Ae0's Island~~~
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    I have managed to create a script that checks if you are a donator, checks if this data is saved and then it can display it, but there are no options to do date mathematics, I should really look into learning making plugins properly! So I can make it display Today’s Current date, donation date and rank length, but I can’t show a dynamic days left as I intended ? At least with this players will be able to work out how long they have left..

    wow, thanks so much GodsDead, It’s genius. I’m hopefully smart enough to work out the time left ?

    So I did end up implementing this, its now under /rank, but im having issues with not getting it to trigger the spam filter http://piratemc.com/topic/instant-kick-spam-thingy/

    so I removed it for now 🙁 But on a side note, the data is still being stored and can be accessed separately from the commands:




    If nothing is returned at all, its because there is no data on record yet, there wont be until the next time you donate 🙂

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