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  • #41231
    • Topics: 7
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    @CrazyPirate I did acknowledge that it was off topic, and yet I was unsure where to put it. If you could recommend what to do in future, I’d be grateful.

    1,2,3 and 4 Not common enough for uncooked meat to be an option. Also, raw chicken?

    5. Yes, I acknowledge this is the best option.  Yet, first they need water, then to wait for it to grow, and the collected time might outweigh the food gathered.

    6 and 7. How on earth would they find these? A zombie drop?

    8. Yes… But few newcomers patiently wait by the stream for fish.

    9 … Not much needs to be said.


    Can we give them enough food for them to survive ten minutes?

    We must, indeed, all hang together or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately.
    -Benjamin Franklin

    Crazy Pirate
    • Topics: 110
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    I don’t believe this is the right place to put this, but I’m not sure where is. Perhaps I should start a new topic…. Anyhow, I believe we need to give newcomers more food upon their joining. Currently, it’s a race against starvation, which the only survivors seem to be those who join a crew, or are aided. One, this is hard for the newcomer to do. Crews won’t usually accept a member who joined a couple of minutes ago, and they starve. Two, so they have an option other than joining a crew straight off the bat. They can explore and even remain individual. A newcomer won’t know the warps, and the area around spawn is depleted of resources and food. If you have any opinions, please voice them.

    Totally off topic.

    Secondly, lemme list a few issues with the above post, namely:

    1. Pigs
    2. Cows
    3. Sheep
    4. Chickens
    5. Grass/seeds/dirt/wheat
    6. Carrots
    7. Potatoes!
    8. Fish
    9. Zombies (sorta)

    And, the list goes on. Its dead easy not to starve in minecraft, and 1.11, for all its faults, is actually going to make it even harder to starve to death. Deckies with half a brain should be fine xD

    • Topics: 7
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    I don’t believe this is the right place to put this, but I’m not sure where is.  Perhaps I should start a new topic….

    Anyhow, I believe we need to give newcomers more food upon their joining. Currently, it’s a race against starvation, which the only survivors seem to be those who join a crew, or are aided.

    One, this is hard for the newcomer to do. Crews won’t usually accept a member who joined a couple of minutes ago, and they starve.

    Two, so they have an option other than joining a crew straight off the bat. They can explore and even remain individual. A newcomer won’t know the warps, and the area around spawn is depleted of resources and food.

    If you have any opinions, please voice them.

    We must, indeed, all hang together or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately.
    -Benjamin Franklin


    In reply to: Crew leaders..

    The Queen
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    Great points you do make. Although I can explain myself. 🙂

    Firstly my higher staff can’t get on as much as real life situations are pending heavily in there lives. As the creator as every other I was just asking why couldn’t we have some sort of admin command in a crew so if this does happen, the creator could handle the situation? Don’t get me wrong I’m not trying to have people have ultimate power.

    Also it’s a pending reputation on the server your crew is showing…. Like people would give comments like, “least I’m not the only active leader”

    Also I have great communication with people in the empire but I simply can’t promote them to leader because I can’t demote the current staff now, get what I mean? It’s like a cycle. To keep the leadership strong and active so we can continue to build the empire (crew) together.

    Id rather not perfer to have 6 inactive leaders topping I have 5 more I can simply promote but I’d have about 11 leaders! Plus me and kitty! Would be 13 and I can’t have that.

    It could benifit us all of us if the creator of the crew has like very few admin commands. Like to kick leaders or demote them if needed.

    say a leader kicks random members randomly to hurt the crew.. We can’t kick that leader (should trust who we promote to begin with but this is just an example) or demote him because the command won’t allow us to.


    Mother and soul protector of the Elven Empire


    In reply to: Buried Treasure!!

    Blu Pearson
    • Topics: 43
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    While there has been a looting of said chest there is still some loot left that would be worth something to a brave treasure hunter. So if you haven’t found it don’t stop looking 🙂



    In reply to: Lets set a Guideline

    • Topics: 19
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    Piratecraft has elves, a talking sheep, Konstruktor’s futuristic Metropolis, Rubihube’s underground Vault 101, bearded yetis, strange freemasons.
    Towns vary from medieval huts, to Victorian palaces, to modern skyscrapers.
    There are submarines and redstone flying machines.
    Nevertheless, this thread is full of judgments that rely on historical, realistic, common piracy. Apparently, I can’t be a pirate anymore because even though I have a jolly roger, I travel on my beloved super galleon, I look for treasures and I fight back those who bother me, no pirate title for me because I don’t do “bad things” and I don’t seek loot like you say I should be “supposed to do”.
    Empires and pirates are supposed to have feuds? Like repetitive, endless “blue team vs red team” games that have no final point? If you don’t like something in the Piratecraft social mechanics, commit yourself to change them with speeches and actions, but never try to say that something is “supposed to”. Something is “supposed to” within the limits of the crews and nations you have influence on.

    1600-1700 piracy has enourmous influence on Piratecraft but it is not it’s mirror. Piratecraft takes inspiration from a lot of concepts, such as modern republics, ancient empires, books like Lord of the Rings or games like Fallout. I would suggest to rely your sentences more on the practical circumstances that we have here on the server rather than on real life examples. CaptainCrackerz probably said that pirates don’t care about guidelines because this is how it has usually used to work here in the Piratecraft dimension, without comparing to the external reality. Real pirate anectodes are very interesting and inspirational and I am always glad to hear them, but I wouldn’t like to imitate them.

    Personally I take my inspiration from One Piece, which, having unusual mixtures of types of governments, magic, anachronistic machines, creatures and bizarre geography, reminds me of Piratecraft a lot more than a real 1700 caribbean sea would do. I think some of you have an idea of it, considering that the Admiral even used the Thousand Sunny as testimonial for the “sunny sales” promotion. In One Piece, it’s enough to have dreams/aims, a jolly roger, an original character to stand out and lots of travels in order to be a pirate.

    For example, I remember when missmolamola first joined the server and made a presentation post. She said to be a marine educator with fondness for echinoderms and crustaceans. Sadly I was away for a month, otherwise I would have suggested there that she could become a perfect pirate, with an original researcher character, a crustacean as jolly roger and a submarine for transport.
    To live on a ship! That is the greatest experience that Piratecraft hides. New members do not have roots in bases and therefore are more likely ready to start travelling on a boat.

    There are a lot of ruins and towns to explore around the seas. I remember how, during my travels on my Apple Galleon, I met Prince Kitsune in the Avalor Jungle, how surprised I was to find the HardTimez tomb, how I explored Ryeka’s Pirate court, how I ended up in a forgotten verussian castle full of their early memories, how I exchanged a load of rum for a load of champagne with GrimHolder at his and CallieMav’s island, how allidoisdig once performed a “walk on fire” in our galley, and how close I was to reach South Verussi, before going away for a month due to personal matters. The adventures on a travelling ship are endless.
    I’ll add a few of the dozens of photos from my logbook to give an idea to those who didn’t understand what it’s like to sail around Piratecraft. I could probably write a giant wiki page about this journey with all the material I have gathered, and it’s just the beginning. This is what I like to do, and I feel myself a pirate.

    A pirate experience

    • Topics: 10
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    these shulker boxes can now be used to transport goods, and also now there can be random encounters with other players who plan on stealing said goods. Pirates can’t be pirates without a secret stash of booty that they can carry around with them if they feel it’s unsafe!


    Also the Vexes could be used for a new rare structure. Standing Stones. Illagers can be like, witches in a covenant, and they summon their minions to attack any foe trying to stop them from doing their summoning ritual or something. and if you wait long enough, maybe we could install one of those “One command block creations” and make a new boss mob that they summon?

    This post that I posted on this post about something is probably useles information.............

    Crazy Pirate
    • Topics: 110
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    •Can’t be smaller than a 100×100

    10,000 claimblocks per warp? Jesus, that’s a high price to pay. I find that /crew home is barely used, people are just too tight to pay the £15, and so a warp that costs 10,000 claimblocks to set up, and likely has another cost on top, is likely to put people off.

    A good idea though.


    In reply to: Off Topic Disscusions

    • Topics: 2
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    I formally recognize that I will never be able to join again, not just for what I have done, but for the fact that I would have be loathed had I ever returned, so I apologize for what I did and for what I said, I am truly sorry for my actions, time away from the server has sobered me up to that reality. I realized that it was best that I moved on.

    I realize that this isn’t an off topic statement, but I feel that I should say this so as to get it out, and to wish you all the best, and I hope you all don’t make the same foolish mistake that I did of getting banned, there truly is no server that can compare to this one, believe me, I looked. Take care, and best of wishes to you all!


    In reply to: Lets set a Guideline

    Crazy Pirate
    • Topics: 110
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    Everyone needs to stop being so passive aggressive, or just outright aggressive.

    There are an awful lot of crews that claim to be pirates, but in reality, they spend their days in a stone brick box. Browe is probably the most piratey pirate we’ve seen in a long while, and is a perfect example of what this server could be, with real use of ships and cannons. We need people like him, not the type who spend all day grinding away in an ugly box of a base, only for it to be blown up once they give up on it.

    As crackerz said, pirates don’t follow guidelines, or rules, but the overall message of this post is clear; we need more pirates, less wannabe ‘Empires’, and by pirates, we need shipbourne activities rather than raiding some deckies.


    In reply to: Lets set a Guideline

    • Topics: 60
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    I don’t find Reptaria suitable to create “guidelines”. There should be more of a collective and I think Java needs to be involved just to counter/alter them. Even if there was, Rep stops listening to her own rules after like 4 months. Remember her other Guidelines how <b>EMPIRE WAS 50 PEOPLE PLUS?</b> Well, now EE’s an Empire with like 34 people or something. If you stuck to your own guideline wouldn’t you be regarded at the same level Elite was? I’m sorry Reptaria, but I don’t see you fitting to make any guidelines on this server <b>alone.</b> I don’t find your rules fitting considering you’ll forget about them in the next couple of weeks or so.

    Practice what you preach



    In reply to: [Report] _Keemster

    • Topics: 6
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    I just want to throw one thought out, doing something about the tp capability to stop mass raiding is good, though there could be annoying side effects. Main thought is places like Ae0’s island, already hard enough for most to get there, untrusted people are always throwing tpa’s there to help each other out.

    One side thought though to counter, donation level for setup of a public warp.

    - Think outside the blocks -

    • Topics: 63
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    It be Vive la révolution if it’s french, or Viva la Rivoluzione if it’s italian, mate. c:

    … or ‘Viva la revolution’ if its Spanish.

    Ummm… In Spanish, it would be “Viva la revolución”

    • Topics: 18
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    Thanks Java 😛 and thank Rep for your reply.

    Yes, the ‘entente’ we had has since dissolved, along with the majority of Verussia’s power, however we are set of changing that with rounds of reforms. We will hopefully rise to once again earn our placement in the top 3 once again, but we have our work cut out.

    I would say that VE is an empire, or at least a nation. We have a vivid and at times rough history, a distinct culture, some level of power and some other requirements that you expressed to me in /msg.



    Leader of the Verussian Empire and the country Verussia.

    The Queen
    • Topics: 132
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    Some of you call yourself pirates but your actually not acting no where close to a real pirate or even a pirate crew. See the empires recently had there share of critisims but what about you pesky pirates who call yourself that word when your not.

    Only person recently I have seen to be a strive as a pirate is Browe_. He has opened a pirate crew and has sailed the seas fighting the British and Elven naval forces as pirates should! See if you all claim you want a change take a look at what your doing you pirates.

    Crews id like to see more of is:

    Davy Jones



    Pirates of the Caribbean

    Sea Raiders


    Stuff like this is KEY to making everything run better. From how I see how you pirates act most of you don’t even do half the stuff a pirate should do. How about making ships and attacking people, how about raiding people a lot and bring up the fun again. The Empires are here to be a reaction force from what the pirates do. Its not just me who notcies this.

    From this point I will set a pirate crew top list. Meaning whatever crew is doing the most pvp, and action in the realm will get major recognition for trying! So that’s what I have to say to that.
    I agree what Bislo said. The EE and BE are mainly the 2 nations that deserve the title empire, not because of numbers but because of the history, and things they have been through and at the end of the day they are still there willing to do whatever it takes to keep the pirates at bay.

    Here is how I see nations from this point on

    • Settlement
    • Kingdom
    • Realm
    • Empire

    Some people are right we all need to work on things rather than point fingers bluntly at the nations itself when pirates have a ton to work on themselves. Still us nations will do what we do best, fight crime and build up but pirates are needed to keep the balance. In order for that to happen some MUST ACTUALLY act like pirates and have pirate crews and a pirate code and a pirate lord…. none of the pirates are doing any of that and there is no excuse for it if us nations can make numerous organizations and keep it going healthy.

    So that’s what I have to say, lets all get in check and fix what is being noticed by not just me myself but by many in the community and trust me I have played for 2 years I have seen more of the people here get more interested in greed they don’t even want to pvp.

    Or that fact that we have “pirate crews” that host all the major pvpers to fight everyone, why not split those pvpers up and fight themselves. Pirates can fight other pirates ya know?

    Anyways im done. All I had to say but overall lets understand we need to act NOW if we even want to think of a fun future.

    As always,

    The Queen




    Mother and soul protector of the Elven Empire

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