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  • #42812
    • Topics: 25
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    Heya all, there’s been confusion about this topic recently. I’ll just tell it how it happened to me, and I’ll post screenshots of discussing the trade with Reptaria. If you don’t know what’s going on, then feel free to ignore this, or read on and learn something new. Whatever you like better. 😛


    Here’s how this will work. I have evidence for all things that are bolded. If I can’t fit all screenshots in the first post, I’ll make a second one for more pictures.


    -I obtained the Felchion in the summer event.

    -I faked throwing it into the lava to hide a secret trade with Reptaria. I traded the Felchion, 500 pounds, and a beacon for the “First Dragon Egg” (I have no way of knowing this, it could have been the 100th).

    -I did this because I wanted to start a dragon themed crew with _Missive_.

    -To receive protection while starting up the Order of Dragons, Missive and I joined the EE. We had an agreement with Rep to join the EE as kings as a separate kingdom. That didn’t happen, but that’s another story.

    -Since that didn’t work out, I wanted to trade the Dragon Egg back for the Felchion.

    -However, Rep no longer has the sword. I don’t know who he gave/sold it to.


    If I forgot something or my evidence looks faulty, please let me know.

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    - Solo player -


    Topic: Hype

    • Topics: 2
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    Ok, I admit, I was a bit of a troll, but not everything I said was trolling.

    Heres a video of the guns performance on my test server.

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    In reply to: Revolution

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    I apologize for thinking it was you for a second @assassinofhades , I didn’t expect Rep to set me up like that.

    This is quite immature and very off topic but, whenever I see assassin I always divide it into two asses

    • Topics: 25
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    @reptaria: Nice try, but godsy just posted the commands history. It was you, please stop lying.

    - Solo player -

    The Queen
    • Topics: 132
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    One of you had the ability to change the name of it. I wouldn’t call myself that. As to my name being tainted even worse now.

    At this point within 24 hours my reputation plunged into a dark abis with trying to “frame you and becoming a bad leader”

    i never asked for any of this. Not the first time the crew had been screwed over and not the first time I look like the biggest idiot.

    Knowing most of work was destroyed and since I look like a complete fool I’ll be leaving in 2 weeks. I have no respect I’m obviously “dictative”.

    can you delete the EE crew because I don’t want it to end with a bad stench as most are now giving it. My name is now Remebered as a lie and dictative and no one could see the work I poured into it all to make it successful.

    Kitsune I am sorry for being rude but I don’t know which of you made my name that. I will overlook it and just say I am devistated you had the capabilities of going so far and making a full on 360 to show me you were not who I thought you were. I will only savor the good memories.

    As for it all I’m just tired. I will be Remebered as a negative figure to generations to come spreaded on by others.

    I’m overall just tired. I don’t find it fun anymore as I come online with an attitude or just don’t feel that spark.

    I said sorry so much to everyone my lips will slip clean off if I say it again. I was planning to leave in January as a smooth transition but since everything is happening I’ll just find my way back to where I came from. I’ll work on my leadership skills and heavily reflect on the 2 years of work I did here.

    EDIT: Yes it was me, stupid and idiotic from my part just I was in the worst moment possible I am it’s just time I stopped lies and left with dignity I have left

    Mother and soul protector of the Elven Empire


    In reply to: Revolution

    • Topics: 25
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    I’ve always wanted the good of the Elven Empire, and I felt that it called for a new leader. I don’t know if it was more of a mutiny or a revolution, to be honest. :p

    If what I did was wrong, I am sorry and will not do it again. You can punish me as you see fit. But I  didn’t think there was a rule… was there? It’s what being a pirate is about. 😉

    On another note, either Rep or possibly Alvanos (probably not because he says he did not, but could not take screenshots in time) set me up to try and get me banned/punished. I believe it was Rep because he felt threatened. Read about it and see screenshots here:

    - Solo player -

    • Topics: 7
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    Poor Top Hat people. Well, at least it ain’t a town of deckies this time XD.


    Nice video, by the way.

    We must, indeed, all hang together or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately.
    -Benjamin Franklin

    • Topics: 794
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    • added //calc This is a fully blown scientific calculator, not that you need a scientific calculator, but some people wanted to add up numbers, calculate plot sizes, for example //calc 1+1 will give you = 2.0 For the math heads, here’s what its capable of:
    • Next restart /calc will be active as an alias for //calc because who’s got time for two slashes?
    • This is why you are here! /bottle has been changed, I know this will upset some because it makes life really easy for you, the way you can use the command /bottle and it will now tell you how it works, you can still use /bottle stats and /bottle until <level> as these were handy measurements, but the /bottle get <amount>/max has been removed in favor of using an enchantment table to bottle XP.
      • Now to bottle XP you need to punch an empty glass bottle on an enchantment table
      • You can SHIFT+PUNCH a glass bottle on an enchantment table to do 10 bottles at once.
      • It now costs $2 per bottle of XP converted into XP bottles for you

    I want to moan about it now costing money to bottle XP;

    Read through this entire thread please; You will see how OP bottling XP Is and how much its damaging the day to day gameplay of PVP and making OP people even more over powered and pretty much invincible since mending came around. I personally want it fully removed, but there’s still a split in the community about it, hopefully this is a compromise for now, people will have to weigh up the pros/cons with the cost now attached.


    In reply to: Fishy

    Alvanos Morvothril
    • Topics: 12
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    • ★★★★

    On the forum I posted pictures for Rep although I hadn’t noticed Rep had someone else take pictures of the city. But Rep is referring to the ones I took here.

    New Evermoor – Avalor

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    ~Dark Elf King of the Ebonheart Empire~

    "I don’t recall using teleportation. Yet there I was. Alone. Naked."
    -Abraham Lincoln

    • Topics: 84
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    I would like to announce that we are finally getting new flags, and that they look much better than the old one. Also if you notice that this forum topic was posted in the Entarian Embassy group (which is not new it’s been around for 6 months, I just never bothered to finish designing it). So Anyway we have 3 flags 1 for the nation overall, 1 for industry, and 1 for the supreme  chief (I intend on adding more in the future). Also I updated this group and gave it some pictures such as a picture of Entaria’s beautiful harbor so even in stressful and frustrating diplomatic times you have one good thing to look up to; or well, scroll up to. Anyway the pictures are below.

    Entaria’s National Flag

    View post on


    Entaria’s Industrial Flag

    View post on


    Entaria’s Supreme Chief Flag

    View post on

    John Archaius - The Inventor whose machines usually blow up.


    In reply to: Lets set a Guideline

    • Topics: 60
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    Piratecraft has elves, a talking sheep, Konstruktor’s futuristic Metropolis, Rubihube’s underground Vault 101, bearded yetis, strange freemasons.
    Towns vary from medieval huts, to Victorian palaces, to modern skyscrapers.
    There are submarines and redstone flying machines.
    Nevertheless, this thread is full of judgments that rely on historical, realistic, common piracy. Apparently, I can’t be a pirate anymore because even though I have a jolly roger, I travel on my beloved super galleon, I look for treasures and I fight back those who bother me, no pirate title for me because I don’t do “bad things” and I don’t seek loot like you say I should be “supposed to do”.
    Empires and pirates are supposed to have feuds? Like repetitive, endless “blue team vs red team” games that have no final point? If you don’t like something in the Piratecraft social mechanics, commit yourself to change them with speeches and actions, but never try to say that something is “supposed to”. Something is “supposed to” within the limits of the crews and nations you have influence on.

    1600-1700 piracy has enourmous influence on Piratecraft but it is not it’s mirror. Piratecraft takes inspiration from a lot of concepts, such as modern republics, ancient empires, books like Lord of the Rings or games like Fallout. I would suggest to rely your sentences more on the practical circumstances that we have here on the server rather than on real life examples. CaptainCrackerz probably said that pirates don’t care about guidelines because this is how it has usually used to work here in the Piratecraft dimension, without comparing to the external reality. Real pirate anectodes are very interesting and inspirational and I am always glad to hear them, but I wouldn’t like to imitate them.

    Personally I take my inspiration from One Piece, which, having unusual mixtures of types of governments, magic, anachronistic machines, creatures and bizarre geography, reminds me of Piratecraft a lot more than a real 1700 caribbean sea would do. I think some of you have an idea of it, considering that the Admiral even used the Thousand Sunny as testimonial for the “sunny sales” promotion. In One Piece, it’s enough to have dreams/aims, a jolly roger, an original character to stand out and lots of travels in order to be a pirate.

    For example, I remember when missmolamola first joined the server and made a presentation post. She said to be a marine educator with fondness for echinoderms and crustaceans. Sadly I was away for a month, otherwise I would have suggested there that she could become a perfect pirate, with an original researcher character, a crustacean as jolly roger and a submarine for transport.
    To live on a ship! That is the greatest experience that Piratecraft hides. New members do not have roots in bases and therefore are more likely ready to start travelling on a boat.

    There are a lot of ruins and towns to explore around the seas. I remember how, during my travels on my Apple Galleon, I met Prince Kitsune in the Avalor Jungle, how surprised I was to find the HardTimez tomb, how I explored Ryeka’s Pirate court, how I ended up in a forgotten verussian castle full of their early memories, how I exchanged a load of rum for a load of champagne with GrimHolder at his and CallieMav’s island, how allidoisdig once performed a “walk on fire” in our galley, and how close I was to reach South Verussi, before going away for a month due to personal matters. The adventures on a travelling ship are endless.
    I’ll add a few of the dozens of photos from my logbook to give an idea to those who didn’t understand what it’s like to sail around Piratecraft. I could probably write a giant wiki page about this journey with all the material I have gathered, and it’s just the
    <iframe allowfullscreen=”true” mozallowfullscreen=”true” webkitallowfullscreen=”true” class=”imgur-embed-iframe-pub imgur-embed-iframe-pub-a-LoYY0-true-305″ scrolling=”no” src=”; id=”imgur-embed-iframe-pub-a-LoYY0″ style=”height: 500px; width: 305px; margin: 10px 0px; padding: 0px;”></iframe>
    <script async=”” src=”//” charset=”utf-8″></script>

    I wonder who the talking sheep is ?


    • Topics: 29
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    Playing on this server for almost 3 years now, I have entered a new part of my experience here on PMC… creating a crew. Yes there are crews such as the BE and TAS that are filled to the brim with op and dedicated players, but I am seeking a new kind of audience…rookies.


    Looking to recruit and train new Pirate Craft members into well respected pirates, the Sea Gulls have opened their gates to the public. (note we still are looking for experienced players also :P)

    Upon joining, you will be asked to join one of three groups; the fighters, guards, or gatherers, where you shall rank your way up and get receive a starter pack (aka armor tools and resources).

    We already have a 19.5k Crew Home that’s almost finished with Spawners and Villys!                             (see attachments below)

    If you are interested in joining or becoming allies mail @Raptor250 or @Jammin_Mas to see what your options are. 

    This is all I wanted to say in the First Forum Topic, see you on the high seas!


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    A endermite kicked my ass

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    A small few changes;

    • Hopefully (testing live) fixed or made less intrusive the kicked for flying in a normal boat, Im not sure if itll fix it, but im trying some new settings, give me feedback please.
    • I stopped clicking usernames in chat triggering the spam system
    • I hopefully, have disabled Skeleton horses (Skeleton trap) from spawning in thunder, we have an infestation on PirateCraft, we have a new plugin that should let me set the percentage they spawn, at present its set at 0, so we can see if we can butcher them all that are currently infesting the map.
    • I allowed leashing skeleton horses, so feel free to take the millions everywhere and do as you please with them.

    Recent lag

    I do think we are experiencing some unexpected lag from our hosting, I think they have some networking issues to resolve as the lag is caused by network traffic, please be patient I am in talks with the host.


    In reply to: Bai for now!

    Crazy Pirate
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    I’m starting to feel like you. If it makes you want to stay at all I’ve been taking a break and probably will take a break even when I return. I’m sick of getting randomly killed at cove and being surrounded by people who want me banned. I might start fresh y’know. Anyway, you’re a pretty cool gal, a noob too, I will probably miss our “banter” if that’s what you would call it. Or maybe it’s just pure hate towards me. Ask Chailey, I don’t not like anyone, if I get angry I’m generally laughing on the other side of the screen. Just poking around for a chain reaction. I don’t intend to make kids pee themselves, that happens on its own.

    80% of that paragraph, perhaps more, is about you rather than a goodbye to river. Nobody cares: just, stop.

    River, its sad to see you go, but at least you know that when you do, you’ve left behind one helluva legacy. I’m sure many crew leaders still shiver at the sound of your name 😛 You’re a really great person, which is why this really sucks, and I sure hope that you find the time to pop in every now and again. We’re all gonna miss you 🙂


    Topic: Time for more Trivia!

    in group forum Ender
    • Topics: 44
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    Arrr, me hearties, ’tis time fer old salty Kanube to drop some more valuable sailing lore yer way! Today’s topic be that old derogatory term ‘Land Lubber’.  “Arrr, ye be nuttin’ but an ol’ landlubber, ye be!” would go the saying. Well, what did that mean?  Well, I aims ta tell ya.

    The main way sailors made their way around before the days of the compass was by charts that showed landmarks (literally, things on land that were marked on the map) and by staying close to shore. Also by the sun, moon and stars as well, but not as accurately.  If a ship were to be blown to sea, there was a better than even chance of being lost forever.

    As the compass was developed, and they noticed it always pointed north, a line was added that was supposed to be the direction you were heading, and then a dial around the compass was turned until the needle pointed at north. Then where the line crossed on the dial, that was yer heading. This was called the ‘Lubber Line’. (why is a deep mystery only Davy Jones will ever know)

    So, if you were a brave sailor, you pointed your ‘lubber line’ to the sea and high adventure, but if’n ye be a yellow cowardly type, why, ye pointed yer lubber at land, thus being a ‘land-lubber’, always taking the safe way, toward the land. Also, interchangeable with those who chose to live on land full time.

    So, there ya have it. Again, here be some fun links:

    Cap’t K.

    Brother Kanube, head of the Order of St. Ender, Watcher of the Void
    ~~~~~ from the dust of the void all is made, and to the void it returns~~~~~

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