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  • #42620
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    So Reptaria asked me to take pictures for her new city thing, being his friend.

    Her: Thank you so very much those are gorgeous

    Me: Can you precise in tiny under that i still exist and took these

    Her: Ofc So I asked for credit so I would be remembered.

    She did not do this, she forgot.

    And then I check her profile, and I see Reptaria sending this message to Godsy,

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    I think it’s highly probable that this is a misunderstanding.

    Do not horse

    Alvanos Morvothril
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    On the forum I posted pictures for Rep although I hadn’t noticed Rep had someone else take pictures of the city. But Rep is referring to the ones I took here.

    New Evermoor – Avalor

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    ~Dark Elf King of the Ebonheart Empire~

    "I don’t recall using teleportation. Yet there I was. Alone. Naked."
    -Abraham Lincoln

    Crazy Pirate
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    That is a little odd, to say the least. Give credit where credit’s due, as the saying goes.


    Sidenote: who took those beautiful images for the imgur album? Thats some serious Media team member if they were up for the Job!

    Alvanos AKA Hades_Morvothril took those! He is really good and I told him to apply a while back, hopefully he will think on it.

    Yeah, rep definitely claimed all of Salt’s pictures as your work Hades. That’s really not on.

    Alvanos Morvothril
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    I think Rep didn’t notice Gods said the imgur album and was talking about the pictures I took

    ~Dark Elf King of the Ebonheart Empire~

    "I don’t recall using teleportation. Yet there I was. Alone. Naked."
    -Abraham Lincoln

    The Queen
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    NOTE: I forgot and it was a mistake on my part.

    A simple rep you forgot to give me credit would suffice. Alvanos msged me as I was typing it and I was like oh yeah!

    Now I am a little irritated you decided to make some major scheme and make it seem like I really didn’t want you to have credit when that’s not the case at all. Also remove my Skype account information from the picture because A. I have been getting numerous friend request and I now now this is why.

    I am sorry again for forgetting you but you could have emailed me instead of make this seem like I was busted for some damn cover up when it was a honest mistake. It didn’t take all this just to let me know I messed up. YES we all mess up sorry that’s so shocking to you.

    Another misunderstanding is how Alvanos had a album of pictures he posted as well. I DID NOT SAY ITS ALL ALVANOS WORK! I was under the assumption when hades posted that album and gods responded it was directed to him. In my head. The quotes to find some evidence on how I made all this to promote my people and not give credit where it is deserved is stupid. I give credit to who did what. Yes I flopped in my main post with saying Salt posted those. @crazypirate1 It was a mix up AGAIN and I am sorry for that salt seriously. So everyone it was a misunderstanding im not trying to be devious with some alternate plan because that’s not the case it was all one massive mix up.


    Thanks again.

    Mother and soul protector of the Elven Empire

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    It’s ok, and I forgive you.

    I’m also very sorry for the inconsideration on my part for giving your skype away.

    This was just a big misunderstanding.



    Do not horse

    The Queen
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    Its fine, just note next time don’t be afraid to inform me when I mess up as many have no problem doing even if it utterly humiliates me. Thanks for clearing it up.

    Crazy please before posting don’t put an accusation like that on me when it was entirely false.

    Glad its settled now.

    Mother and soul protector of the Elven Empire

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    Its fine, just note next time don’t be afraid to inform me when I mess up as many have no problem doing even if it utterly humiliates me. Thanks for clearing it up.

    Crazy please before posting don’t put an accusation like that on me when it was entirely false.

    Glad its settled now.

    Rep, I agree with you on this one, it’s hard remembering everything


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