Entaria Embassy Announcement

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  • #42609
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    I would like to announce that we are finally getting new flags, and that they look much better than the old one. Also if you notice that this forum topic was posted in the Entarian Embassy group (which is not new it’s been around for 6 months, I just never bothered to finish designing it). So Anyway we have 3 flags 1 for the nation overall, 1 for industry, and 1 for the supreme  chief (I intend on adding more in the future). Also I updated this group and gave it some pictures such as a picture of Entaria’s beautiful harbor so even in stressful and frustrating diplomatic times you have one good thing to look up to; or well, scroll up to. Anyway the pictures are below.

    Entaria’s National Flag

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    Entaria’s Industrial Flag

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    Entaria’s Supreme Chief Flag

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    John Archaius - The Inventor whose machines usually blow up.

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