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  • #49556
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    You’re way too trusting of people. This isn’t the first time that this exact thing has happened. He set the home with your permission some time before you were looted, so that is a bit of a gray area.

    I can believe he didn’t do it if you can believe that I didn’t post a message on this topic. Should be no need to lock anything down after.


    YouTuber and proud former member of the Crusaders.
    "Shoot for the sun. Even if you miss,
    it'll finally be quiet around here."


    In reply to: Unban

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    Holy crap 1st may 2015

    Got to respect the dedicated!

    Since the only ban record is “rude” I assume that was a chat based ban, so 2 years ban is a little over the top… I have unbanned you!

    Welcome back gfregrttt/Matthelders.

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    Thanks Godsdead. After a bit of testing I discovered that using a nether portal in the rail station connects to the cove nether portal. In order to bypass this, I propose an underground rail built from the rail station in the overworld to the rail station in London, to which the other rails will connect. Below is an image of where I propose to build the railway. The red line indicates the rail, which will be underground so not noticeable or in the way of anything. The branch shows two possible routes, one direct but diagonal which is tricky in minecraft and the other completely straight – further testing will be needed before I know which I intend to use. I already have permissions to build at the cove, so that is no problem, however between the rail station and London is a large admin claim I have no permissions in. I have outlined a rough area showing this in yellow. If this proposition is accepted I will require perms there to build the railway. The entrance to this rail would be at the opposite side of the entrance of the cove station. This would have to replace a small door which is currently there. @godsdead

    Just need trust, start it off your end 🙂

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    Bought a whole new Anti-cheat config as I struggled with it. Update here


    Crazy Pirate
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    Someone left the server, everyone said ‘cya’ – when I said it, it told me not to repeat saying it?

    Generally, I keep getting that whole ‘block sword’ message, which is stopping me from building.


    In reply to: Chailey Abusing

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    1. Your first name is not private personal information , I didnt give anyone your adress or personal data , I don’t even bloody know you and your name probably isnt Charles. Ontop of that if your first name is in your username the information is public as anyone can see it.

    2. This is a report of him abusing , not insulting me , that was just something I felt like saying since this guy who is supposed to be an ethical model is so impolite and I bet he doesn’t only do that to me.

    3. As much as you are trying to desperately help your friend , you don’t seem to know what abuse is , he is using his perms to establish himself as a superior and as someone who everyone should bow to , displeased him ? Ban. Abuse means using the perms you were given for personal gain or for something that wont benefit the server.

    I said “lol” in ally chat as I got muted , probably less that 3 seconds after , for all you know the server could have lagged and I could have sent the message before the mute .

    Now if your responses will be as desperate as the ones above please don’t bother , I havent read such nonsense in quite a while , Im sure you can befriend chailey in some other way than replying “hurr durr wtf dis” ” chailey is rite pls ” ” who r u 2 judge ” , come up with a decent response or don’t reply . I am not judging him , I am making a report on an abusive staff member , don’t throw around words you dont understand when you have no valid arguments.


    In reply to: i cant heal

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    If its the new anti cheat, its using the default configs and needs to be adjusted, all issues need to be reported to

    Don’t make separate threads.


    • Topics: 25
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    The server was at 17 tps (Markusi said) and I was mining out a room and kept getting flagged with that glitch thing(Artis comment) . Also I’m not the fastest typer but myself and many others keep getting told not to spam even though we are just having a conversation in chat or in /msg (This happened with the old system to but wasn’t as drastic). Also the Water thing, Madmonkey said it stopped him from swimming and kicked him for no knockback. Its amazing that the system is working by stopping hackers but its becoming a little annoying by flagging everything.

    Some things that the new anti cheat might be causing. (Not 100% sure)

    Insane Tps lag                                                                                                                                                                                     Turkeyman not being able to climb ladders

    (Ill add anymore problems I find in this post)

    You must be logged in to view attached files.
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    This was a bot, it sent to 181 people automatically, usually our captcha stops all bots from registering, but every now and then, some assfart will create the account manually and then run his bot, which in this case sent a PM to 181 people, which in turn sent 181 emails from my contact[tophat]

    Why do people do this? Because we run wordpress, wordpress is notorious for being attacked as its so widely used throughout the internet, which means there’s a ton of hackers 🙁

    Good news is, we shut the account down fast as fish, bad news is that their bot sent 181 emails out.

    We have never mass emailed a PirateCraft news letter, so this is utterly gutting that the first mass email is a known scam for a bot pretending to be a 42 year old widow giving away 10% of their wealth. For anyone out there that has never come across spam like this, its rare nowadays to get spam (If you use gmail) don’t respond, just delete the email, and for the love of god please don’t flag it as spam, because you’ll be flagging me, not them, all emails came through my email system, they used the PM system here to send their message (Fuckers!).

    If you google the message its all over the internet.

    Delete it, forget about it and move on.

    I have implemented a limit on how many PM’s can be sent per 5 mins now.

    • Topics: 63
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    Hello everyone! There is a good chance that you have received a message from someone who calls themselves Mrs Blessing. If you happen to be a part of this group, staff are asking you to please delete the email containing the message.

    We are currently working on finding a solution to stop such events from ever happening again in the future, and can only apologise sincerely to everyone who received the message.

    Please delete the email, and make no attempt to contact this person.

    • Topics: 794
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    well, a lot of people use them for pvp (including myself) and this opens up the opportunity of getting kicked for “potentially glitching” while tagged and losing your inventory. also, i use fast event weapons for faster ground travel, and i did this yesterday and i got lagged back every ten seconds. i was even kicked underwater for “not taking knockback”. edit: also, callie did a major sale of a ton of event weapons, meaning that they are in the hands of a lot more people then they were before. also, people have died and lost them to others as well.

    theres a lot of event weapons on the server now. I myself have a fairly large collection/stock of them. id prefer not to say how many and what ones, but i still have many of them, that i occasionally like to dust off and use every so often. other players, like cap, nado, and many others rely on event weapons for travel, or even an edge in pvp (no pun intended). and like cap said, theres a lot more in the eco now that callie sold them in his shop just a few weeks ago. theres a lot of event weapons on the server. i mean, a LOT. getting kicked for flagging anticheat by just using a special weapon makes a lot of players that use these not want to anymore, making the weapons practically useless. and since some players either paid out the bum for theirs, or grinded at callies wonderful events for hours, (or killed other players for their weapons) it would be heartbreaking for many people to not be able to use the items they worked for.

    Event weapons provide what, only a 25% speed increase? 50%? Can’t you just allow anti-cheat to have a threshold 25%, 50% higher than normal, so that people can use event weapons and not get kicked. Its not like hackers would exploit this either; coming onto a server, you’d probably give yourself more of an advantage than that.

    a soulless sabre gives the highest speed boost of any weapon (+20%), though a very select few even own one, even fewer use them actively. if someone were to also wear an ancient wither skull (a 2016 summer event item), they would gain an additional 10% speed boost. on top of this, if they were to offhand a frostie or santa sword (a 2016 Christmas event item) which gives +10% speed, they would be at a staggering +40% speed boost. pair that with a speed 2 potion, youll get +80% movement speed. it’s insane. not saying many people use that amount of gear/items to boost their speed, but callie’s events and crazy weapons have made that possible! it would be such a huge letdown to have the rare and valuable weapons we grinded for become solely display items. (because that would be their worth if you just get kicked in pvp for using them). there’s a lot of different combinations of items that give different speed buffs, and all of them stack with speed potions, so it’s possible to get some insane speed boosts (like what I described above, to my knowledge would be the fastest speed possible with all current event items on the server).


    Just to clarify, you asking me to change the threshold will allow cheaters to continue using hacks instead of them being blocked.

    So for the extremely few people that use a custom weapon to boost speed for example, you will be opening the ENTIRE server up to people able to use cheats to do the same thing. Just take a step back, don’t think about your own personal use, think about the server as a whole.

    This new anti cheat is brand spanking new to me, so I would assume its a global threshold change, I will ask the developers and community that have used this plugin longer if there is a way to whitelist allowing item speed changes to be ignored by the anti-cheat, im 80% sure the answer will be its a global variable though.

    If you are all insistent on changing it, I will move the threshold, But this reply will stay here as a warning when people complain about people cheating it.

    I understand that these bespoke weapons were created/used/expensive to give an advantage to a very few, that’s a given. but you all need to take a step back and think of the server as a whole.

    My aim is to reduce cheaters, improve the server as a whole, I’m not trying to remove custom weapon speed from people, that isn’t my intention, this is sadly just a result of upping the anti.

    • Topics: 13
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    a soulless sabre gives the highest speed boost of any weapon (+20%), though a very select few even own one, even fewer use them actively. if someone were to also wear an ancient wither skull (a 2016 summer event item), they would gain an additional 10% speed boost. on top of this, if they were to offhand a frostie or santa sword (a 2016 Christmas event item) which gives +10% speed, they would be at a staggering +40% speed boost. pair that with a speed 2 potion, youll get +80% movement speed. it’s insane. not saying many people use that amount of gear/items to boost their speed, but callie’s events and crazy weapons have made that possible! it would be such a huge letdown to have the rare and valuable weapons we grinded for become solely display items. (because that would be their worth if you just get kicked in pvp for using them).

    there’s a lot of different combinations of items that give different speed buffs, and all of them stack with speed potions, so it’s possible to get some insane speed boosts (like what I described above, to my knowledge would be the fastest speed possible with all current event items on the server).

    If I had a nickel for every time I, Ooo hey, a butterfly!! *runs off chasing the butterfly*

    - Former Leader of CoV -
    - A Proud Member of The Asylum-

    • Topics: 13
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    I find the new ranks interesting. sadly for the 1% of us that have over 100 days *coughcouch*, the 100 day rank is already achieved, heh. but for other players, 100 days is certainly a feat id like to see someone else get! 60 days imo is still too reachable, since gods wants to make it damn near impossible, 100 days makes it nearly just that. minus the special few of us ^-^/. tbh im very curious what the kits/rewards would be, and the requirements. what could be given in those ranks that doesn’t tip into the perks of a donator rank? back on topic of the playtime requirement,  I do like the progression idea of the playtime, 20, 45, 100. makes sense. 100 days though… dayum. lol

    If I had a nickel for every time I, Ooo hey, a butterfly!! *runs off chasing the butterfly*

    - Former Leader of CoV -
    - A Proud Member of The Asylum-

    • Topics: 17
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    How about making one or more of these new ranks play-time obtainable only, to distinguish the players who have really put the time and effort into the community?  For example, a player who donates for captain would only inherit the 100-day rank if they’ve actually played for 100 days, and it would not be available via permanent donation.

    I’m not suggesting this should be the model for all of the new ranks, but there comes a point where it is not really fair to compare the value of a $10-perma-donation to the immense individual impact that Cysteen, lazydog11 or any of the other top-playtime folks have had over the years on player-retention by helping to foster a wonderful in-game community 🙂

    That said, I like the progression of 20, 45, 100.  It feels smoother than the current transition from gunner to boatswain.  I think each new rank will feel challenging, yet still within grasp of the previous.


    In reply to: Piratecraft Map

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    I think the continent I live on should be called TrenchTopia

    ☠If my puns don't kill you my lack of effort will☠

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