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  • #50182
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    As people always say, this is piratecraft not princess craft. And it seems like you would be ranting about a staff raiding you? Lawzoneon like all of us is also a player. You raid, defend, fight, and build. If you want to cry that it’s unfair then you need to reply to this post:

    Butt-hurt and Complaining

    Founder of the Coalition

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    Blurred my ip: I’m using 1.11.2 with just optifine installed Issue in more detail:

    Whats your render distance set at? Can you try dropping it if you have it set really high? I recently changed that too. You on discord or TS? be much easier to figure out as I can do changes on the test server to figure it out, I dont think its compression.

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    It’s not like you can even raid with cannons though so what’s the use debuffing

    Did you forget to read this part of Godsy’s post?


    1. So ships dont get obliterated in 1 shot.
    2. Reduce the amount of terrain grief

    Alternative ideas welcome.

    If anything remove enfer pearls that’s the main thing used to raid bases and terrain damage isn’t that bad

    • Topics: 45
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    @godsdead could you clarify what the difference is between an iron cannon, wool or coal cannon? People say they are more powerful but I was never sure if this is true. Is it just for different projectiles?

    I mentioned this in my reply to the other topic but personally I like the idea of keeping cannon designs more cosmetic so players can build them to suit the style or size of their build and would rather use different ammunition for different functions.

    I think cluster bombs in iron block mortars could be a great idea so long as they remain pretty inaccurate, firing in a spread like a shotgun (the suggested explosion in mid air could help scatter shot as it falls). As they take a while to make impact, this would also give time for ships to sail out of their impact zone. At the moment they are only useful for firing over walls but this could give them a new function which could make for dynamic ship battles without making mortars the default op weapon.

    EDIT: I made a reply in the previous thread before I saw this so ill reiterate to keep things organised…


    • Cluster bombs limited to mortars (with split mid air) and removed from all other cannons
    • Add ‘heavy shot’ (iron bar?) which has greater penetration/explosive damage but reduced range.
    • Cobblestone kept as standard longer range shot with low penetration/explosive damage
    • Also – magma blocks could be used for incendiary shot (they look like burning shot) seeing as fireworks seem to cause so many problems!


    ~ Former Admiral in the British Empire ~
    ~ Founder of Phantom ~
    ~ Co-Founder of Templars ~
    ~ Original owner of HMS Sovereign (Phantom Sovereign) ~

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    Not many people will read into the suggestion

    its been suggested Clusterbombs are still too powerful even after a complete nuke of them back in Feb 2016

    My suggestion; remove cluster all together, The cost of 1 tnt being fired out of a cannon shouldn’t make 3x the amount of power as 1 TNT by itself!

    I suggest that it explodes on impact, as opposed to a cobblestone penetrating a block first.

    That we remove the cluster effect completely (When more TNT shoots out at random angles and explodes) and and just have one explosion upon impact thats a bit more powerful than 1 TNT exploding. TNT clusershot currently does penetrate and then explode.

    Another option

    We limit it to say 3long iron cannons as there more robust and cost more to make.


    1. So ships dont get obliterated in 1 shot.
    2. Reduce the amount of terrain grief

    Alternative ideas welcome.


    In reply to: Some suggestions

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    Before I reply, Please understand what is possible to actually change with use of cannons, do remember these are 2 separate plugins, A cannons plugin and then the griefprevention protection plugin, they are fully separate and don’t talk to each other, its not physically possible to tell griefprevention to allow certain blocks to break based on specific projectiles from the cannons plugin in claimed land or siege, but we can have a projectile penetrate through X amount of blocks.

    I’ll dive right in:

    • Add the ability to name claims to make it easier to browse /claimlist
    • Add Gunpowder to the donator gifts alongside TNT
    • Allow cobble shot to break hard blocks like stone brick

    ps. I was also asked to suggest in the forums the removal of clusterbombs again Thanks for your consideration, Browe_

    • Claim Naming: Something I requested about 3 years ago to the GP dev, I got turned down, I’ll re-recommend it as GP is being fully rewritten. I also wantd the ability to click on claimslist as a mod/admin to TP to that claim to find it.
      Update: Submitted request to dev.
    • Good shout on the donator gifts! They haven’t been updated in forever! Im open to all recommendations. Ill add this to the same capacity as the TNT thats included atm.
      Update: Added 3 stacks of gunpowder and added 30 cent extra cost to TNT for donator gifts as its a bit OP for 2 stacks with clusterbombs on!
    • Cobble shot is a Cheap cannonball. There is no “hard block” setting, its universal penetration, there is a “superbreakerBlocks” where a projectile with special capabilities is needed to break a certain set of blocks, but the blocks on that list are: water, lava, obsidian, enchantment table, enderchest and anvil only. and he only unbreakable block is bedrock.
      because it is cheap, at present it has:

      • Penetration damage of 1 block.
      • It Does penetration damage to the block its penetrated.
      • Explosion power of 2 (A creeper is 3)
        I think this is the factor that “breaks hard blocks” here, as its an explosion damage thats dealt. “Hard blocks” are suppose to be used to protect against creepers, and this cannonball has a lower explosion damage than a creeper.

    I would suggest, a more expensive, new projectile for a larger explosion damage, Or we remove the clusterbomb from being a cluster and just a higher explosion impact (Without penetrating) as a step up from Cobble.


    I think cobble being able to break Stone brick would be a little bit insane. My castle is going to have a decorated outside which has siege-able blocks and, then a stone brick wall to make sure no one can break in. With this, that removes the whole purpose of putting that extra stone brick layer to protect the inside of the castle. Also, this would allow a stone brick box to be penetrated with just a couple shots of cobble. If we had fireworks back, that would help. @godsdead there is currently a glitch with fireworks in cannons. The server is on 1.11.2, which added the addition of flight duration on fireworks for elytra boosting. Because of this add-on to fireworks, they no longer work in cannons. In order for a firework to work in a cannon, it had to be a firework crafted in 1.10.2 below. The fireworks: Maybe something else was changed/added besides flight duration. But it definitely had something to do with the update. Thanks, River

    Fireworks! I got sent a fix for this, but I haven’t tested it out yet. It was their ID change, and the new ID wasn’t working as Mojang really messed with this, Its something I need to test.

    Update: Fixed fireworks being added to cannons, related nuke of fireworks to test from April

    Maybe toning the damage down by A LOT, instead of removing them perhaps?

    Related & read my reply above.



    Everyone remember, we have different types of cannons aswell, we have a few new ones aswell. We can make it so only specific projectiles have features when fired from a specific cannon, Like an iron cannon 3 long could do 1 more block penetration when firing a cobble block than when it was fired from a wool cannon if we wanted. We just need ideas.


    In reply to: Unban Appeal

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    on top of xray, I do specifically remember you glitching into ae0’s docks and selling the books back to his sell sings, stealing his money. also being yelled at by staff for setting a home to annoy the island multiple times after being asked and told to remove it.

    If I had a nickel for every time I, Ooo hey, a butterfly!! *runs off chasing the butterfly*

    - Former Leader of CoV -
    - A Proud Member of The Asylum-

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    Here’s another example. Top post very long, edited it a few times and it dissipated, only leaving lazy’s reply.

    I don’t even know how to reproduce this post as I seem not to be able to get access to the full potion of what I wrote. It is listed as a feed in group activity, but I can only get to the top few lines and copy them.

    Founder of Port Hope

    The Devil
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    Hello! Some of you may know me as DrCerberus or my new IGN, MrMooshy. I am writing this forum to inform you on my lastest Plan! I intend on building something along the lines as a Piratopia or A.K.A Pirate Paradise. A safe haven for New/Old Pirates, a place where everyone can just be and not have to worry about getting blown up, shot, stabbed, strangled, ect. Know, I know there may be versions of this already on the server, but I believe we can actually build something were we can establish a forum of active community flowing in and around the Island.

    Here comes the Bad News…….

    Sadly, something of the scale/mass of which I and hopefully soon you, will need to accomplish will a cost a decent amount of Money. Now I know we are all Pirates and don’t like to share our Doubloons, which I 100% understand. All I’m asking if you a few Doubloons here and there, I don’t expect anything massive so I will understand the small amounts. Please comment down below if you are interested in Donating, and I will contact you IG in the near future.


    In reply to: The Election Results

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    I’m just gonna close this to stop a forums war break out.



    In reply to: The Election Results

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    This is my point exactly. All the powerful players enjoy an eternal peace. You don’t fight a fight that you might lose. You are content with your position, BUT YOU ARE BORED and you want someone to fight, but we’re not living up to the role anymore. You want us to be better, but still want to be able to beat us and steal our things.

    You don’t want the fair fight, that’s why I call some of you guys cowards occasionally, because you only go into a fight you know you will win, you never gamble, because your dear kill streak would be at risk.

    Whenever I fight you guys, and I haven’t done so lately, because it is pointless, but when I did in the past I always had to fight players better equipped than myself, with better skill than myself, I took the chance to stand up towards this inequality, thats what the BE did as a whole too, we lacked skills the pirates had, usually also gear.

    Problem now is that this pirate community has formed. There is no fighting between you guys anymore. You are content and happy, mock BE occasionally, life’s good.

    Worst thing is you don’t even know our pvp laws. I can come to your base fully decked and reck you if I had the skill and will to do so. No pvp law stopping me from doing that at all. You are even a former member, but you don’t know the laws.. to discuss this is so pointless

    Founder of Port Hope


    In reply to: The Election Results

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    I am sorry BE to admit this (not really), but I concur with CaptainCracken. With all the PVP laws in place, it seems like BE is trying to stop people from PVP-ing on a PVP server. If Turkey leaves, there will be no pvpers left in BE that are active and will fall to raiders. (Proven by me attacking Bislo and Gildor time and time again.) BE, I believe as many other people do, that you are doomed unless some miracle happens.

    Sorry not sorry



    Proud former leader of The Coalition
    Former member of build team
    ez got banned
    pirate veteran and yeehaw'er

    Crew history:

    "Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up." -Thomas Edison

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    Maybe not but he was the only one who tried to stop salty.

    "Nec possum tecum vivere, nec sine te."
    -"I can live neither with you, nor without you."- ~ Uta

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    I know, but you never asked it to just be resolved with the help of staff, you asked for the system to change.

    This is the post, right?

    Crew leaders..

    Founder of Port Hope

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