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  • #53220
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    <p>Joshua, if you were a skilled pvper you’d have made a godset right after 2hrs of playtime

    A new player might have skill but not the gear. I am a skilled PvPer but when i first came on i was completely destroyed bye guys in god gear. I do see your point though.


    That is very interesting Volpex. Maybe you could write up a quick tutorial to show new players how to get form zero to god gear production in 2 hours. That would certainly be very helpful to them and many experienced players alike. Thanks.

    @oktacraft how long do you think it was till i had my first set :I (like an hour and 45 minutes)
    I’m just lazy xD


    Lucky you will be missed 🙁


    In reply to: Unban request

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    I would like to apologize for using an illegal texturepack…I can promise that i will never do anything illegal again

    I denied your other ban appeal for the same reason. There are no special rules for using xray or xray texturepacks – its a perm ban. Its in the rules – they’re there for a reason.

    J4ZZgr Kastoras xXCrusaderGr and VipeGod are my friends we play the server all together and there are more friends who would join the server aswell.. Its a pitty for them to stop playing because of me.. We play minecraft 5 years together and we will keep play together.. Please think of it a little more..

    Not my problem that your friends will stop playing because you were banned. Its a shame, yes, but you should have read the rules.

    And if there is a kind of ban appeal i could pay with money I will do it…I just dont wanna quit this server… And the fact that i am willing to pay you with real money means that i will never do anything illegal again because i am not silly to get banned again .

    You want to pay with real money to get unbanned? Er, no. If we would allow this, well… firstly it’s sad, secondly tonnes of people would just be paying to get unbanned on here as the same system would have to apply for them, and thirdly it isn’t a guarantee that you won’t do anything like that again. It shows willingness to join again, I’ll give you that, but at the end of the day it’s pay to win.


    « Build Team leader »
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    Crew History: Red Lotus, 0utlaws, Ottoman Empire, Xenon Empire, The Xanthian Order, The Asylum, Xenia


    In reply to: Unban request

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    You were already denied twice now, if you keep making post we will delete your forum account.

    Also paying real life money won’t change anything.

    Appeal denied, topic closed.


    In reply to: Unban request

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    That screenshot of your folders now means nothing, you could have taken the texture pack out.

    Please stop spamming the forums, you will just get denied again.


    Proud former leader of The Coalition
    Former member of build team
    ez got banned
    pirate veteran and yeehaw'er

    Crew history:

    "Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up." -Thomas Edison

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    Some deckhands wanted to know how the crew was formed so instead of explaining each time i’m just going to sent this link, sorry it’s so long xD I got bored so i made a little story lol.


    A long time a go in the mists of February 2016 a small Plant grew on the Ibroian Peninsula. Plant was looking for a place to stay and a somewhere to call home. Then suddenly a player called Palmerageddon recruited Plant for his crew, the Ibroian Order. Plant went the Palmer’s island and found a hill of sunflowers. Plant built a house at the bottom of this hill, the walls were made of sand and cobblestone, a tall wood tower shot up along the right side of the house. After a few months Plants house was full of Armour, chickens , mine carts and even an underground tunnel that lead to a stone brick watch tower. After a while plant was told several times that the house wasn’t siege-proof. plant had no idea what a ‘siege’ was and couldn’t be bothered to look on the website and thought that ”siege and land claims are far to complicated for a small little plant me!”

    plant got fed up of all the mithering and set out to create a siege-proof  base that was the most siege-proof of them all! But plant would need some help! plant invited her friend Amazeballs1 to the server and they had a great time! they built information centers, shops, a very tall farm! and many other amazing structures! Plant lived on the first floor, the second floor of the base was shared and Amazeballs1 lived on the third. They would Skype almost everyday ad play piratecraft together!

    Soon after the creation of the base Plant and Amazeballs heard some news Palmer hadn’t been online as much as he used too. One day when he was online he came down from his Hill top Brick castle and told the pair that the Ibroian order would be moving the remainder of its active crew members to another crew. This crew as called TXO the Xanthian Order. So Plant, Amazeballs and another good crew friend Mande09 all moved over to the new crew. This was great, new crew! new sailor rank! everything was so fun!

    The leaders of TXO were Maximus_Terragon, Chailey and Thymen. After a while Amazeballs1 stopped playing because he was getting bored and wanted to play on different servers. Plant thought he was boring and thought Amazeballs1 was boring.  Since the crew island wasn’t as lively as it used to be plant was all alone, although plant was friends with the leaders of TXO it wasn’t the same. Plant asked if some new recruits from the crew wanted to live on the island so some did. Max, Chailey and Thymen Created a street of houses made especially for new members to live in, they also built a docks full of ships and boats. You see, all of this may seem good but every crew member the leaders recruited left after a day or two. No members stayed loyal to the crew. Plant wanted to recruit members herself to liven the island up a bit but she had no permission. Plant needed a crew of her own.

    After months and months of debating and thinking plant finally made the decision to create THE PLANT NATION. This would be a brand new start but also a great risk, would plant be able to handle running a crew? would plant have the money? Plant stopped worrying and left TXO. Going solo was hard at first but after a while plant gt the hang of it. Plant was recruiting so many players the crew was growing faster and faster. Still though, plant had the same problem. Every single member she recruited would be amazing, they would talk and create a house and after they created a house they would log off, and never log back on ever again. Plant always hoped with every new player recruited that this would be the player that stick would stick with the server and eventually become vice captain of the crew. But nobody ever did. A few players built AMAZING houses and ships and stayed with the crew for a few weeks but no matter what they would always get bored and leave.

    Some players would join the crew and build a tiny dirt house and leave without trusting plant in their claim. This means plant is stuck with the tiny dirt house on the island FOREVER . this is yet another reason plant claims the houses.


    To this day plant has been unsuccessful in recruiting a member that has been loyal to the crew and stuck with piratecraft. Plant hopes in the future that someday she will have a Vice Captain of the crew who is active just as much as plant. But for now the search continues.

    Dear people reading this:

    If you would like to see any of the build listed in this story please /msg __plant in game or use /mail. All of the builds like the sand house and TXO Lane are still standing today. Player Heads of Amazeballs1 and other crew members are available to see on the side of __plants base.

    Thanks for reading i hope to see you in-game :p

    Hi I'm _SPOOKYPLANT ( or plant for short ). I run a crew called the Plant Nation. The Plant Nations main focus is to recruit new deckhands to the server and run the peninsula which is growing my the second! Aside form all this I also work with my personal friends every now and again to run a town we are in the process of building, I also run a market stall at /warp shop if you would like to check it out!

    • Topics: 29
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    apparently IoAlex used to believe he was isis!

    A endermite kicked my ass

    • Topics: 794
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    Hello, I have some suggestions for the server which would make the gameplay better. – Pearl Cooldown; I remember there used to be something like this that didn’t let you throw another pearl if the one already thrown didn’t land, and sadly this plugin got removed/broke(?). I’m suggesting that we add a 15 second (or more) pearl cooldown so people can’t just pearl spam and be able to escape from any situation. -Anti Combat log; The server already has a combat tag plugin, but the thing is people usually pearl spam away and wait till the 15 seconds of combat tag run out so they can combat log safely. An anti combat plugin that spawns an NPC with the inventory of a person who logged out the server without typing in /logout and waiting till the 30 seconds (or less) log out delay expires so they can be logged safely. This would avoid combat loggers and deaths caused by the Anti Cheat, since when you get kicked you can re-join back where your NPC was since it doesn’t instantly kill you after logging. -Tough blocks in siege; There a few ‘soft’ blocks on the siege list, like planks and coblestone, but some blocks like wood/coblestone stairs and slabs aren’t soft. This enables people make bases out of coblestone/wood stairs and slabs, and this doesn’t make sense since slabs are cheaper than full blocks. Blocks like melons, pumpkins, all crops, and farmland blocks should be implemented in the soft block siege list as well since they contain an obtainable item (ie Melon blocks break into melon food).

    I remember having that end pearl cooldown, I think we’ve had it 2 ways, 1 was a cooldown till you can throw the next one and the second was until the first dropped. The plugin I used to use was called Fbasics, it had a bunch of basic PVP/Faction/Survival tweaks, but it hasn’t been updated since 1.8 and I removed it as it was causing more trouble, and 60% of it didn’t work anyway. I don’t think limiting end pearls will be a positive change, just an infuriating one to most players.

    Anti Combat log: What you just described with the NPC being left in their place once they log out, That IS the plugin we use. Its the paid variant, I had this on the server at one point, but the use of NPC’s caused issues with the anti-cheat and duplication glitches, as well as leaving ghosted players, and sometimes when people spammed logging in/out with the PVP tag it used to leave a trail of ghosts. it was a fucking mess.

    I do see your point though there are some major disadvantages of this combat log:

    • Getting kicked by the anti cheat for a false positive
    • Some ways in sieges

    Then again, if I disabled it it would cause dramatic stress from people escaping using logging out, I had a poll not so long ago (November 16, 2016 ) requesting the PVP tagged timer to be increased. The results were everyone wanted it kept the same as it is. increasing it by 5 seconds would make PVP last longer and harder to avoid running. But it would piss off anyone that is tagged antecedently when building and just be irritating. catch 22.

    [poll id=”47″]

    Siege soft blocks: I added a bunch of new soft blocks, and it just didn’t work, the siege hasn’t been updated or touched by the developer in 4 years, its an utter piece of shit, I created a thread in September 2016 how we could remake siege

    The entire siege system needs to be re-made, at present the GriefPrevention developer is remaking the entire plugin from scratch and hes separating parts of it into their own separate plugins, like addons, siege is one of them, when this happens I want to see if we can get a bunch of developers to re-make siege from the ground up using a system I have pre-planned already, sadly I don’t have the time to learn to program Java or I would do it myself. I know what siege needs to be and how it should work, we just need developers for when the time comes to do it.

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    I think the player shops search page has not worked for a while. Search space just spins idle and wont let me enter anything. Tested on Chrome and Firefox.

    Not related to any of these updates. yeah The plugin that exports the data throws errors, but it still generates the data and I upload it, im not sure why it suddenly stopped working. I think its JS side of the web UI, I didnt make the script that phrases the data, only the front end look.


    In reply to: An Unban Request.

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    Ketoh stop taking this off topic u wanker

    Leader of the Narwhal Syndicate
    Former Official Bitchnugget of the Asylum
    King of the Elves, 2016-2017 (Rumoured)

    Crew History:
    United States Empire
    The Asylum
    Phantom Pirates
    The British Empire
    The Coalition
    Dealer's Deck
    House Indoril

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    If you search the forums for discussions on TP and delays, you will find that there have been many discussions throughout the years on this very topic. This is something we as staff discuss among ourself annually, and not trying to be rude; but our stance stays the same on this topic. There will always be players that disagree with whatever the decision is. So my suggestion is to be more creative with your tricks and traps. As a long term player, I know that there are ways to kill even donators almost instantly. Thanks for voicing your concerns.


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    The funny thing about this post is that it really belongs here:


    "Nec possum tecum vivere, nec sine te."
    -"I can live neither with you, nor without you."- ~ Uta

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    this ban is a strange argument. i can’t believe i’m coming back to here even though i know i’m just gonna get brushed off by people who refuse to change their opinion on the topic. Now saltpigeon is not the most innocent person on this server. has he gotten a lot of warnings? yes. were all of them worthy? possibly. But now looks like “the staff” caught him for advertising on teamspeak/discord. Now i was not there for most of this but as some people probably know saltpigeon has a group of friends who may i remind you were brought to this server BY him. The way this server handles “advertising” is ridiculous. you don’t control groups of friends on piratecraft. When a group of people come on here to devote time to playing on THIS server you can’t force them to stay. you have to persuade them to stay by providing good content. having a staff team that rules with an iron fist and will ban any group of people that even so much as look at another server is ridiculous. You want a player gone so badly? you can make them quit. Oh what there’s a rule against that now that isn’t written down anywhere? looks like the only way to get rid of them is to ban them! This server was originally designed to solve conflict with battle. This brings me back to my “persuasion with good content” i mentioned earlier. The whole reason these players are being witch hunted to being banned is because some people who i will keep anonymous (you probably already know anyways) don’t like another person playing on here. and because of the lack of capability of getting the players to leave without staff involvement they taunt them, get them to retaliate, then cry to the staff. it’s an endless cycle where the only people that ever win on here are the ones that (i can say this with solid evidence) have the staff on their side.

    “Alli you haven’t shown your face in months. why do you care?”     well i just so happen to be going BY MYSELF to other servers that provide better content and communities. You can’t ban me for that can you? oh wait what’s that someone from this server followed me to [server name]? immediate on the chopping block for a ban. Since a certain player didn’t like that they decided that the best way to deal with it was to try to get me banned. Guess it didn’t work because there wasn’t solid evidence. then i wind up getting kicked from the crew because they couldn’t ban a person they didn’t like.

    “this all sounds terrible! if this is true why wouldn’t the owner of the server do something about it?” i hear you saying. Well i’m going to say this outright because nobody else has the guts. you know why this hasn’t been fixed and has been allowed to get like this? because guess what Mr.Owner cares about? M-O-N-E-Y. Only now has this come into play because Mr.Owner could just sit back and keep the server functional under minimal effort. But slowly over time vital game mecahnics have broken and what has been done to fix them? Nothing… Absolutely nothing. you know why nothing has been done to fix it? because it wouldn’t make more MONEY. This goes for both sides? you want to stop getting banned for stupid reasons like trying to invest some of your time into more entertaining things? Stop donating until the staff team is fixed. You want to do something about these players  you dislike personally? stop donating until it’s fixed. People fail to realize that as they bicker over the problems of the server they are STILL donating. The owner sees this as “well they haven’t stopped donating. That means they’re okay with it. why should i fix it? they can handle it themselves” and does nothing to fix it. If you issues to be fixed then persuading the owner is the best option.

    “but what if i get banned for it?” Most likely you won’t be if enough people listen to some nobody that’s played on here for longer than about 90% of the people that read this (not playtimewise. i’m not that person with over 3000 hours of playtime on here), the only thing that keeps this server alive is the donations. If you demand better content before you donate, you will get better content. End of story.

    “but those people that do donate will have an advantage!” No they won’t. Not by much at least. If they had enough of an advantage that you’re forced to donate this server would have been blacklisted for eula violation. Which it hasn’t.

    Wow what a wall of text huh? Now hopefully some people will realize they shouldn’t be yelling at each other for their issues. But should be talking to the person who can actually fix them.

    Disclaimer: i do appreciate everything this server has done to be  entertaining and i do not “hate” this server. It just has some issues that could be easily resolved if people would be willing to do something about it rather than hating each other. Also if this is enough to ban a player who has only recieved a single warning as punishment over the course of 4+ years then this server has proven how it treats it’s players, like an income source, Putting the nail in the coffin for it’s reputation.

    Dear lord was I cringey when I was 14

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    Ok about keem and ice using cysteen’s skins. Well first of all i found those skins on skindex yesterday which i do believe are there for people to use because otherwise i dont believe they would be uploaded there. The griefing and sieging and rude books are nothing new. Back in the day when i was a newbie a former member of Cov or now TAS, (which i will not name as those things have stopped happening long ago and i have no problems with them anymore) kept sieging me, stealing all of my stuff, bringing people in god with him so i didnt stand a chance since i didnt even get close to a god armor yet, but most importantly i found the terrain around my fort the next day completely griefed probably by the use of TNT. I also have a feeling he was stalking me as whenever i was building on my ship he got there, sieged me, sailed the ship infront of my fort, blew it up and left the remains of the ship just floating there in mid air. After he griefed one of my ships something rude slipped out of my mouth (which was not racist or anything, just me casually raging because he once again destroyed what i worked hard for) for which he then constantly threatened me that he will report me whenever i disagreed with him or just said something. He also falsely accused my neighbour of being my alt (he is a bit broke and i bought a mc account for him, and he changed password, username and everything so basically i have no access to it which means its not an alt). Not to mention the extremely rude signs i kept finding infront of my and my friend’s house. And here we are arguing because of someone changing their names and skins and because he dropped a rude book. Excuse my sort of a broken english, and take this just as an opinion.

    Thanks for reading this pile of crap

    Keep you'r friends rich
    and you'r enemies rich
    and wait to find out which is which.

    Ic3y ;]
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    I have not been on much, but when I am on i am seeing constant belittling of Cysteen with sarcastic remarks. You changed your name to Systeen, which you have every right to change your name and we have every right to ban players you are a guest, but the sole purpose was to insight rage and troll(rule 1 btw) Take your 2 weeks and come back different players

    we havent done any raiding of TAS members , we sieged Cysteen once, so dont say we raid them all the time

    False I have recieved 3 sets of screenshots of sieges done by you on cysteen in the past 3 days

    “Has been attacking whenever we try to leave our bases.” 1- a big aspect of this sever is PvP related 2- we are waring crews therefore I have reason to attack you

    Just because this is a pirate server does not give you the right to harass players and chase them off the server.

    ” Xeuric admitted to telling me he was intentionally ruining Java’s crew just to mess with him.” 1- No I didnt, the reason he left is because Keem and I killed crew members and then this forced every one to leave 2- He shouldnt have made everyone leaders

    IDC about this this is irrelevant

    “Early today when Xeuric or Systeen was killed from having a home set on top of Jolem’s base, they dropped a book upon death called “Fuck Cysteen.”” 1- My spawn isnt at jolems so how can i have dropped book 2- On this topic Keem was killed roughly 20 times at his spawn and then his spawn was lava-ed, this I know is illegal

    #1 can be looked into given there is a time in which this occured #2 Why was his home not in a safe claim or somewhere that couldn’t have been lavaed in the first place? #3 you also did not deny the fact you had a book named that. These points again were completely irrelevant to the quote DENIED


    Java, I meant to say WE (keem and I) collectivly sieged her once. I sieged her the next day (different claim) with out Keem


    • Topics: 2
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    Ok I understand everything here EXCEPT the fact that some of you are arguing about keem and ice using the same skins as cysteen. Its understandable if someone takes 2 hours of his life to make a nice unique skin and then gets pissed off when someone fakes it.  But this is not the case here as I just found those skins on skindex yesterday which i do believe are open and free for everyone to use because otherwise i dont believe they would be uploaded on there. Also the griefing and sieging and rude books and stuff… lets see here a member of Cov(or whatever was it back then) or now TAS (which I will not name as those things have stopped and i have no problems with it anymore) used to siege me alot when i was a newbie to the server. After he first sieged me it was all fun and games but after a while i found the terrain of my fort completely griefed probably by the use of TNT. Ive also experienced him sieging me alot of times while i was building my ships and later he just stole them, blew them up infront of my fort and left the griefed remainings there. Also i found some extremely rude signs (I am not 100% sure who was it) infront of my friend’s house insulting me for claiming his house after he was banned because it was a pretty nice one. Also once he griefed my ship something slipped out of my mouth and i said something innapropriate (no it wasnt racism or any other kinds of stuff i was just raging and saying weird stuff), for which he later constantly threatened me to report me for that which i said, every single time i said something (and then here we are talking about harrasing because someone raided you and dropped a rude book) . I do realize i should report it but i didnt. But this is how it works here. Someone does the same crap as the other one yet only 1 receives the punishment. Hopefully you can excuse me because of my english, and dont take this as some sort of an insult to the members of TAS or others in the server its just my opinion about what is going on currently because of keem and ice.

    Thanks for reading this block of stuff

    Keep you'r friends rich
    and you'r enemies rich
    and wait to find out which is which.

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