PvP & Siege suggestions

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  • #52701
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    Hello, I have some suggestions for the server which would make the gameplay better.

    – Pearl Cooldown; I remember there used to be something like this that didn’t let you throw another pearl if the one already thrown didn’t land, and sadly this plugin got removed/broke(?). I’m suggesting that we add a 15 second (or more) pearl cooldown so people can’t just pearl spam and be able to escape from any situation.

    -Anti Combat log; The server already has a combat tag plugin, but the thing is people usually pearl spam away and wait till the 15 seconds of combat tag run out so they can combat log safely. An anti combat plugin that spawns an NPC with the inventory of a person who logged out the server without typing in /logout and waiting till the 30 seconds (or less) log out delay expires so they can be logged safely. This would avoid combat loggers and deaths caused by the Anti Cheat, since when you get kicked you can re-join back where your NPC was since it doesn’t instantly kill you after logging.
    -Tough blocks in siege; There a few ‘soft’ blocks on the siege list, like planks and coblestone, but some blocks like wood/coblestone stairs and slabs aren’t soft. This enables people make bases out of coblestone/wood stairs and slabs, and this doesn’t make sense since slabs are cheaper than full blocks. Blocks like melons, pumpkins, all crops, and farmland blocks should be implemented in the soft block siege list as well since they contain an obtainable item (ie Melon blocks break into melon food).

    Best worldwide pvper

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    I think the last suggestion was discussed in this thread, but the rest seem to be new.

    Good luck.

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    Interesting. I don’t agree with pearl cooldown though. It gives newer players a chance to escape more powerful players, If they have a sense of honor they will stay and fight, If they want to run let them run. I am just saying it helps even the playing field.

    Who is Cooler than the Cactus?!

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    Interesting. I don’t agree with pearl cooldown though. It gives newer players a chance to escape more powerful players, If they have a sense of honor they will stay and fight, If they want to run let them run. I am just saying it helps even the playing field.

    Doesn’t make sense, actually. Escaping from fights on piratecraft is so easy. it’s not impossible to kite away from fights with the pearl cooldown, you just need skills cause at present you just need to pearl spam and combat log/insta tp home. Indeed a skilled new player could have the chance to kill high tier players if this gets implemented cause they won’t be able to run away.

    Best worldwide pvper

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    A new player might have skill but not the gear. I am a skilled PvPer but when i first came on i was completely destroyed bye guys in god gear. I do see your point though.

    Who is Cooler than the Cactus?!

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    <p>Joshua, if you were a skilled pvper you’d have made a godset right after 2hrs of playtime

    A new player might have skill but not the gear. I am a skilled PvPer but when i first came on i was completely destroyed bye guys in god gear. I do see your point though.


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    @Volpex not necessarily.  You could be a good PvPer and come to Piratecraft for the many other wonderful aspects of the community ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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    <p>Joshua, if you were a skilled pvper you’d have made a godset right after 2hrs of playtime

    A new player might have skill but not the gear. I am a skilled PvPer but when i first came on i was completely destroyed bye guys in god gear. I do see your point though.


    That is very interesting Volpex. Maybe you could write up a quick tutorial to show new players how to get form zero to god gear production in 2 hours. That would certainly be very helpful to them and many experienced players alike. Thanks.





    Nick Ash
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    Not a bad idea at all.

    I really like everything except for the fact that we might have to replace some blocks, but thats really it! 😀

    Would love to see this idea come through.

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    I say leave the slabs and stairs because it’s the only way for builders to use these soft blocks in their designs without risking destruction. I feel if players are using the slabs and stairs, they aren’t making a siege proof box, they use it to add detail and additional blocks to their palette. Box builders don’t normally waste their time with slabs and just use blocks unless they’ve been around and raided long enough to catch on. I’m just throwing in a builders perspective.

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    I agree on most things but just the pearl cool down could be 5 seconds too, like how it was before plugin got removed/broke (not sure if that was 5 secs) but 15 secs is too long imo




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    I agree on most things but just the pearl cool down could be 5 seconds too, like how it was before plugin got removed/broke (not sure if that was 5 secs) but 15 secs is too long imo


    Still, escaping would be too easy even without a Captain rank. (I didn’t want to exagerate but I actually tought about a 30 seconds/1 minute cooldown lol) @GodsDead what do you think about this?

    Best worldwide pvper

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    Hello, I have some suggestions for the server which would make the gameplay better. – Pearl Cooldown; I remember there used to be something like this that didn’t let you throw another pearl if the one already thrown didn’t land, and sadly this plugin got removed/broke(?). I’m suggesting that we add a 15 second (or more) pearl cooldown so people can’t just pearl spam and be able to escape from any situation. -Anti Combat log; The server already has a combat tag plugin, but the thing is people usually pearl spam away and wait till the 15 seconds of combat tag run out so they can combat log safely. An anti combat plugin that spawns an NPC with the inventory of a person who logged out the server without typing in /logout and waiting till the 30 seconds (or less) log out delay expires so they can be logged safely. This would avoid combat loggers and deaths caused by the Anti Cheat, since when you get kicked you can re-join back where your NPC was since it doesn’t instantly kill you after logging. -Tough blocks in siege; There a few ‘soft’ blocks on the siege list, like planks and coblestone, but some blocks like wood/coblestone stairs and slabs aren’t soft. This enables people make bases out of coblestone/wood stairs and slabs, and this doesn’t make sense since slabs are cheaper than full blocks. Blocks like melons, pumpkins, all crops, and farmland blocks should be implemented in the soft block siege list as well since they contain an obtainable item (ie Melon blocks break into melon food).

    I remember having that end pearl cooldown, I think we’ve had it 2 ways, 1 was a cooldown till you can throw the next one and the second was until the first dropped. The plugin I used to use was called Fbasics, it had a bunch of basic PVP/Faction/Survival tweaks, but it hasn’t been updated since 1.8 and I removed it as it was causing more trouble, and 60% of it didn’t work anyway. I don’t think limiting end pearls will be a positive change, just an infuriating one to most players.

    Anti Combat log: What you just described with the NPC being left in their place once they log out, That IS the plugin we use. Its the paid variant, I had this on the server at one point, but the use of NPC’s caused issues with the anti-cheat and duplication glitches, as well as leaving ghosted players, and sometimes when people spammed logging in/out with the PVP tag it used to leave a trail of ghosts. it was a fucking mess.

    I do see your point though there are some major disadvantages of this combat log:

    • Getting kicked by the anti cheat for a false positive
    • Some ways in sieges

    Then again, if I disabled it it would cause dramatic stress from people escaping using logging out, I had a poll not so long ago (November 16, 2016 ) requesting the PVP tagged timer to be increased. The results were everyone wanted it kept the same as it is. increasing it by 5 seconds would make PVP last longer and harder to avoid running. But it would piss off anyone that is tagged antecedently when building and just be irritating. catch 22.

    [poll id=”47″]

    Siege soft blocks: I added a bunch of new soft blocks, and it just didn’t work, the siege hasn’t been updated or touched by the developer in 4 years, its an utter piece of shit, I created a thread in September 2016 how we could remake siege https://piratemc.com/topic/suggestion-how-do-we-re-make-siege/

    The entire siege system needs to be re-made, at present the GriefPrevention developer is remaking the entire plugin from scratch and hes separating parts of it into their own separate plugins, like addons, siege is one of them, when this happens I want to see if we can get a bunch of developers to re-make siege from the ground up using a system I have pre-planned already, sadly I don’t have the time to learn to program Java or I would do it myself. I know what siege needs to be and how it should work, we just need developers for when the time comes to do it.

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    Right, I do see your point but, why do we have to make life easier for the players? Even if they wouldn’t like the pearl cooldown it’d revive pvp. Let me explain. Nowadays on PirateCraft PvP is completely dead, if we had a pearl cooldown people would actually consider to fight back instead of just pearl spamming and teleporting to cove.

    Best worldwide pvper

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    i think we need /op for all it would be better you kno

    Do not horse

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