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  • #56887
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    Thank you Bislo.  In related news:


    Prime Minster
    British Empire

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    From the multiple times peolpe have created forum threads with timelines, I have always asked someone to format it properly into the Wiki so it can be updated and added too by anyone! Thank you Palmerageddon, let me @everyone this on discord, an I will sticky this post to the forums.

    Lets see what I can dig up:

    is your man.

    The Piratecraft Timeline

    Extended Piratecraft Timeline

    Edit: I moved the thread to the PirateCraft Media category as this is an ongoing media project!

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    All ship classes allowed, no limits on crew size however I do want as many ships as possible. No teaming.

    When – Saturday 7th April (this Saturday), 8pm GMT (3pm EST)

    Where – The Freeport, coordinates x:-6100 y:100 z:3100 (same as before). /warp event will be set there from Wednesday onward

    Standard Rules apply:
    Click here for the rules!

    Ships that need crews:

    • HMS Iron Duke (indiaman) – Reserved for the British Empire, optimal crew of 4-5
    • Teletub (indiaman) – Very tanky indiaman, needs a captain-rank to sail it, optimal crew of 3-5
    • HMS Ajax (manowar) – Good looking manowar, needs a lieutenant-rank or above to sail it, optimal crew of 3-4
    • [Unnamed] (frigate) – Tanky little frigate, will need a gunner rank or above as captain, optimal crew of 2-3
    • Shadow Voyager (indiaman, sov copy) – Reserved for CLTN/TAS, optimal crew of 4-5

    Message me (Maximus_Terragon) if you are interested in borrowing a ship for the battle. First come first serve, and its all free. Some gunpowder and cobblestone is provided.

    Hope to see you there!

    « Build Team leader »
    « Server Admin »
    Crew History: Red Lotus, 0utlaws, Ottoman Empire, Xenon Empire, The Xanthian Order, The Asylum, Xenia

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    All ship classes allowed, no limits on crew sizes (but I would like to see as many ships as possible). No teaming

    When – Saturday 26th May (this week), 8pm GMT (3pm EST)

    Where – The Freeport (same as before), Coordinates: x: -6100 y: 100 z: 3100. /warp event will be set there

    Standard Rules for this battle:
    -> Click here for the rules <-

    Rules for submarines:
    Submarines are not allowed to submerge for more than 5 minutes at a time – you must stand and fight too!

    Ships available for use:

    There are several ships that teams can use – if you are interested, please message me in-game or send a /mail to Maximus_Terragon. Please make sure you have at least 1 other player in your crew – I won’t be giving out ships to solo players. You are free to make modifications, and you are not required to fix up the ship after the battle (you will need to prepare it). Some gunpowder and cobblestone is provided.


    1st – 100 gold ingots to be shared among the crew
    2nd – 40 gold ingots to be shared among the crew
    3rd – 10 gold ingots to be shared among the crew

    (I know the rewards aren’t much, but I’m low on gold)

    « Build Team leader »
    « Server Admin »
    Crew History: Red Lotus, 0utlaws, Ottoman Empire, Xenon Empire, The Xanthian Order, The Asylum, Xenia

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    *Note, this is the 2nd time I’ve put this not in the last 3 minutes, after deleting my previous one accidentally with a note attached talking about how I had infact deleted this forum topic about 10 minutes ago and how I was straight panicking- right time to get on with request.

    (This is a request for help)

    Right sorry guys, the other day I slightly deleted part of it (the most up to date best one) and added new parts for people to link information to as well as clearing up a little bit of grammar.

    What would be really great, is if everyone could at least look at it, from the point of when they joined and read all the way up to the present, and if something is obviously incorrect, or needs adding- please add it. If you are not so sure, please comment here and we can have a discussion about the correct history.

    The main reason I brought this up is because there is a scatter of information all over it, of which majority of what I am editing, or at least reading through, I have no clue if it happened or not due to me either not being around then or at the event (probably most people reading this) or not being included in that part of the community (pvp crew for example) etc when or so the event occurred.

    If people can read through it, and correct the dates also as my memory does not serve me well , and I am sure there is a bit more about The Allied coming about which could be included which isn’t, at all or doesn’t make any real logical sense to me (e.g. Verussians joining The Allied before many of its members and the main 0utlaws conflict even occurred) which I would greatly like to see corrected by someone who knows what happened.

    Again, people point fingers at me and tell me to do it and correct it myself, but if everyone can find the point on the timeline where they joined, add stuff to the timeline and/or edit out incorrect history (things like UnicornJunk101 left his pizza in the oven is fine) and re-edit it back in when (if) it did happen, that would be great as it would just speed up the whole process for everyone and new players (and old alike) can then access a wealth of detailed information as soon as they find the wiki.

    I will make sure to go through it all again and streamline it etc, but this would be a great help as it can then get me onto other bits in the wiki to edit when I’m supposed to be studying- thanks!



    • Topics: 66
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    *Note, I just panicked for 10 minutes straight after accidentally deleting this topic. D:

    (This is a request for help)

    Right sorry guys, the other day I slightly deleted part of it (the most up to date best one) and added new parts for people to link information to as well as clearing up a little bit of grammar.

    What would be really great, is if everyone could at least look at it, from the point of when they joined and read all the way up to the present, and if something is obviously incorrect, or needs adding- please add it. If you are not so sure, please comment here and we can have a discussion about the correct history.

    The main reason I brought this up is because there is a scatter of information all over it, of which majority of what I am editing, or at least reading through, I have no clue if it happened or not due to me either not being around then or at the event (probably most people reading this) or not being included in that part of the community (pvp crew for example) etc when or so the event occurred.

    If people can read through it, and correct the dates also as my memory does not serve me well , and I am sure there is a bit more about The Allied coming about which could be included which isn’t, at all or doesn’t make any real logical sense to me (e.g. Verussians joining The Allied before many of its members and the main 0utlaws conflict even occurred) which I would greatly like to see corrected by someone who knows what happened.

    Again, people point fingers at me and tell me to do it and correct it myself, but if everyone can find the point on the timeline where they joined, add stuff to the timeline and/or edit out incorrect history (things like UnicornJunk101 left his pizza in the oven is fine) and re-edit it back in when (if) it did happen, that would be great as it would just speed up the whole process for everyone and new players (and old alike) can then access a wealth of detailed information as soon as they find the wiki.

    I will make sure to go through it all again and streamline it etc, but this would be a great help as it can then get me onto other bits in the wiki to edit when I’m supposed to be studying- thanks!



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    This is the 4th time I’ve had to remove a sign like this outside my walls and quite frankly the pettiness is getting old. Quit being cowards and come try this crap when I’m online and see how it ends for you. Until then, get yo ugly asses away from my claim and stop unnecessarily griefing the surrounding areas with your trash. Seriously. It’s getting old.

    You must be logged in to view attached files.

    Death to da Brits
    Death to da Elves
    Death to da Fruits

    Heck..Death to Everyone 😀

    • Topics: 5
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    @12965kj  I appreciate your kindness towards me not knowing this. Thank you for telling me so i know in the future. I will not greif or break blocks that are for decoration. I undertsand it takes time to make that stuff.  And the spam punching will stop too! I will take this as a warning and will never do this again <3

    seen it all, ive been here since 06/06/2014

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    You also should have learned from this Jetty that breaking decorations, dirt and a bunch of random things all over someones base during a siege is frowned upon, and as Blue said not permitted. So please do not continue going around breaking everything you can while running around like you did at Cysteen’s base just to harass the player and be an ass. Wanted to make sure you picked up on that too, not just the spawn punching to keep people from leaving. If your breaking blocks to try and get into someones base, that is a different story. Breaking most of her ducks, and her pathways, along with random blocks, wasn’t very cool. It gains you nothing and just makes a lot of wasted time for players. I live for instance in an underground box, with a purely decorative base on top. If someone were to siege me and destroy the candy kingdom decorations just for giggles, it would probably make me despise the person and start needless grudges. You should try to plan out a siege, examine their base, and look for weaknesses. That is my two cents. Mind you, I am a player that does not PvP unless I am being attacked or Cysteen is. Glad your back, but try to listen to other players advice in game. Ignoring it and waiting for staff confirmation can instead increase your chances of getting in trouble. I generally don’t do anything people say is against the rules, and then confirm with staff when possible. It avoids putting myself in a bad situation.


    In reply to: History Of PMC

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    @P1ndr0p I am sorry, I do keep trying to edit the wiki when I can, or know of things to add. As of right now I have created a ‘super weapons’ section, in which I am gradually trudging through to fully write up and expand on so it can be read through and used as a fun piece of lore and perhaps people to take inspiration from.

    Anyway, to answer your questions from my point of view=

    1) I unfortunately can do bugger all for 2017, unless if people can give me things to add etc and notes on it etc (I’m kinda good at expanding on notes, but not note taking). The other reason for 2017 is so little from me is due to me killing my java in early 2017, which I could add to my wiki profile as info, but it is more down to the community in general to put this information up on the wiki, as it is the first accessible piece of information about the server, that any new comers often get after reading through the website (which would take ages).

    I recommend you first of all try add and edit the wiki itself, it is quite enjoyable, so much so I do it when I should be studying- But if you can’t figure out what to write etc, just start writing the basics of what you want to document on the wiki, and possibly request one us common wiki editors to possibly write in more detailed bit about those said events of 2017 which are important. I would also recommend adding to the piratecraft timeline for this sort of thing too!


    2) I personally, do not know a lot about Hydra. I personally have no quarrel with them at all and I actually love the way they have shaken the server’s foundations, which is both frightening and marvellous. I personally, don’t like to always edit other people’s topics and sections, due to often people not liking what you may write, or who may just remove everything you wrote and so it is somewhat a waste of time- this may also be a reason not much has been written about Hydra.

    I would also note, and I am sure you can also agree with me on this one. Is that on a community perspective (or at least mine), Hydra is a reclusive, very private group, and though people talk about Hydra, no one often know what is actually going on half the time, due to often the lack of community interaction (at least on the talking level- at least in my view, I have never talked to a Hydra member directly so this is again my own experience), so I am sure you can see the difficulty with why this is.

    On the part about pvp raids, I am surprised I guess no one else has picked them up- me included, and if no one does in the near week or so, I know what section I’ll be writing next, which you can if you like monitor and edit to your liking. I think again though, it is people having missed out some of the information etc leading up to it, but I am sure that can be left out now that I am revising that.


    Apart from that, sorry, and I hope to hear from you soon. 🙂

    Best Regards.


    In reply to: Brewing recipes

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    Hey there,

    a quick search would’ve helped you right away. But no worries – I did that for you:

    link #1  – Ae0 offering a book in minecraft . I actually own that one, if you are interested, hit me up in game ( )

    link #2 – one fellow pirate was sharing his recipes ( )

    link #3 – general info about the brews plugin update ( )

    I think there was another forum thread by @smokeyriver  about the brews found so far and whatnot, but I could not find it.


    Good luck , mate !

    Proud Member of the Piratecraft history 🙂

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    from what I understand, when the sieges happened on jetty and rex (pastel and n1_), we managed to win one of the sieges, and got in. you both proceeded to punch everyone and refused to stop, even chasing us as we explored your *coughhorridcough* base. one or both of you managed to force kai into jail by constantly attacking him, forcing him to kill you because you wouldn’t leave off. afterwards, we all got kicked from siege timer ending. after that, kai was unjailed (time was up) and he was tped back in, and around this time the base was resieged, so nobody else could tp in or out. you had camped his tp point with god gear and killed him. that’s just straight up obnoxious. firstly, being annoying by punching everyone as we even just walked around, and then camping kai’s tp point. after the second siege, you nearly did the same to p1ndr0p by punching him into a hole and continuing to punch him, and wouldn’t stop. smokey had to log onto discord chat to yell at you both to stop, or he would have suffered kai’s unfortunate fate as well.

    while im here, even though these may have been stated, no harm in restating I suppose. no /back after pvp related death. if you die by another player, you cannot /back. (unless if the killer says it’s ok. purpose is, you cant /back to get your stuff, or to be obnoxious and try to punch them to death.)

    spawnkilling is a douche move, and shouldn’t be done. it isn’t exactly spawnkilling if you’re forcing people to kill you by punching them. at that point, youre just being annoying and you’re just giving the other players free chances to boost their kdr, get heads and up their kill streaks. and boost their ego. for some, it’s big enough.

    @minister, im fairly certain that’s already a feature. you already shouldn’t be allowed to build in claims during and after siege time, during the 5 min looting period. if players are able to do that, then that should be reported to be fixed. ive experienced when that feature broke, it isn’t fun.

    and jetty, this comment is to you directly. I did tell staff of several of your actions, but my intent was never to have you banned, or to try to get them to punish you. since your absence, things have changed, and im certain you’d have forgotten some of the unspoken rules, so me telling staff was just so they can properly tell you what is and isn’t allowed. since.. well… you didn’t want to listen to a damn thing anyone of us tried to say, I had to ask the staff to tell you instead. if the staff did choose to ban or punish you severely, that’d be their call, and their sole decision, and the rest of us; and you; would just have to accept and respect it. to reiterate- just don’t be an ass.

    If I had a nickel for every time I, Ooo hey, a butterfly!! *runs off chasing the butterfly*

    - Former Leader of CoV -
    - A Proud Member of The Asylum-

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    I haven’t touched this forever, the service I used to display peoples avatars on the map/online checker/forums broke so I’m having to update to a new service, I did this first as I use it daily to check who’s online from my phone.

    • Updated all dependencies
    • Cleaner table
    • Working Avatars
    • Added missing staff to be highlighted
    • Made it use a dark theme
    • Made clicking URLS for players go to the website members page, if their username exists here, if not it’ll 404.
    • The eye on the right goes to the punishment checker.

    Tip: Open this on chrome on your mobile device, and click the hamburger menu top right and select “Add to home screen” It’ll create an icon on your desktop to quickly load the website to see who’s online.

    Tip 2: It will display who’s online on the whole network so check /server in-game.

    Website Forum Heads.

    The flipping website I used to show the 3D heads went down, and all the others use UUID’s, so Im having to use the last service that allows using usernames for heads to be displayed, and their 3D Isometric head is all squished for some reason look:

    Looks like a spazed version, so i’m using “Busts” which is like the top half of your body too.

    The other option is just plane straight up face:

    Ill keep it at busts on the forums for now, tell me what you think of both the online checker and the new avatars for the forums.

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    I can see what Max and Blu are saying.

    It is just being an ass at the end of they day. Most people if you do respawn back in as their raiding you, as long as you don’t cause them any problems via attacking or opening chests and taking the stuff out of them, will not attack you (and if they do it’s unnecessary and can be harassment).

    Spawn killing is also harassment, as well as tp trapping or spawn trapping- I got temp banned for it before, I wasn’t entirely okay with that outcome as I proceeded to stop, but then again it is again the zero tolerance policy this server goes by about 90% of the time, and it worked as I haven’t done it again though it wasn’t like I was going to anyway as I was one of the few in the group involved who did pull out of what was happening after I realised what I was doing- moral is don’t get caught up in the moment and keep a clear mind and think before how your actions could effect you rule wise, so again common sense.

    Also don’t be an ass is a great one. For example, on the odd ship battle max sets up, there is always that one person who decides to ‘accidentally’ load tnt shot or someone comes along and tnt’s a ship- sometimes without not even having taken part in the battle. It also again falls to the community to also educate their peers on the rules, and to give their own take on what is and what is not allowed. For example:

    Hydra is an amazing crew in my opinion, despite their bad rep. What they do is cunning and clever, and DOES NOT violate any rules, and people will protest against it. They are the definition of trusting the right people to your claims. They never go over the top, only destroy decorations IF they are worth it e.g. player heads, frames etc, and they are usually good sports, find their YouTube channel for example, and listen to their commentary, what they’re saying is not at all spiteful or mocking, they play nicely and even though I have never directly talked to them, they seem like nice people in actual fact, despite often seeming as though they are somewhat separate to the community and their unconventional ways of raiding.


    Again, use common sense, be nice, be merciful by taking only things like ores, easily to replace gear or enchants, no food etc., also if you’d like to keep a good rep and if whom your raiding you may want to be able to work with at a later date.

    Just make sure they have fun too, and that you don’t turn them almost into literal vegetables by raiding them.

    Good luck.


    • Topics: 46
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    no /back after PvP death

    FINAL RULING on uses of /back

    Leader of the Narwhal Syndicate
    Former Official Bitchnugget of the Asylum
    King of the Elves, 2016-2017 (Rumoured)

    Crew History:
    United States Empire
    The Asylum
    Phantom Pirates
    The British Empire
    The Coalition
    Dealer's Deck
    House Indoril

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