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  • #82275
    Russell Robinson
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    I hope actions like this are stopped soon. five nights at freddy’s

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    You has been warned a number of times that you are not meant to talk when muted. You have been kicked you have been verbally warned, you do not seem to learn from this, hence why you got lockered. I suggest you stop talking when you are muted.


    Unlockered Denied


    Grandmaster of the Teutonic Order


    In reply to: Crate death

    Shivendra (ContDJ)
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    It kind of depends what did you die to, if it was a creeper explosion you probably had /back to it, I do not think they can refund it until it was caused by the animations, hope this helps till the time staff have not reached to this topic.

    Have a good day/night!

    Former Capal & Architect of ROME
    Former member of PAPAL
    Current Citizen of The British Empire

    Icy Wizard
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    I vouch RoMich as to his response to Decsain. I’d like to add on more, you’re just saying this because you don’t want more danger to come to your crew – but what can I say – it’s a pirate server! That’s really sad for you to be of some selfishness like that (No Offense). I’m going to stop before it get’s out of hand.

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    IronAR, I would just like to clear some stuff up.  Firstly, I never talked to Jeff, because for some reason they had me ignored idk.  So I was talking to that deckhand and I was gonna help the deckhand.  Secondly, I never initially stole gold/diamonds from them, and I don’t even know what you mean by “rebuild their base” because I never destroyed their base.  Thirdly, I never felt humiliated by a deckhand bc I always tped in naked lol.  Also, The sethome on the island was used, like I said, for defensive purposes only.  You know as well as I do that I was trying to help that deckie until they killed me, and after that not only did I stop using the sethome, (because now that they had killed me the sethome wouldn’t be defensive) but I did get mad at them over that.  I didn’t despawn any items, rather, I tried stealing them from a chest, (which I am greatly sorry for trying to do, and will never do in the future).  However like I said, no items we’re stolen nor despawned. However, like I said in my statement, I take full responsibility of what I tried to steal, and I will never do it again.  I welcome all punishment from the admins if they are inclined to give, but I swear I will never so such as any of this rule breaking again.

    my sincere apologies,


    • Topics: 11
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    I’m impressed @Decsain. After 3 years of inactivity on the forums, your first post is to lie once again, to the community. We all know you don’t know Pala nor does he know you, you were very inactive for the duration of his time on the server and only returned to full activity in Winter or earlier of the year.


    What do recent events caused by your crew have to do with anything with Pala? What would change in a year’s time?



    Please for the sake of your mental health, stop lying to people and spreading rumors (as you did recently with a notable member of the community), causing drama just to remain relevant is not healthy, STOP.


    With love, Romichardo

    I'm Italian and I hate Pineapple pizza.
    Lego is a good toi.

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    I think Pala has learned his lesson this time. He has only had 31 other chances so far, so according to Matthew 18:21-22 he should have 46 more before we stop forgiving him. Everyone knows the 31st chance is where people change their ways.



    sabrina (lazydog11)
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    you guys should stop atacking _Augustus, he is only trying to listen to you guys and help, you have been arguing for 2 hours about a pearl!



    In reply to: Best HR Leaders 2022

    William Nielsen
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    It took me only three minutes to choose the perfect narrative essay topic here. Guys, you should check this site if you don’t want to waste time and find the perfect topics list.


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    This thread has now devolved far beyond the topic at hand, so I’m locking it for now until staff has a chance to address the original e-pearl issue. We don’t need petty sniping over matters entirely unrelated to this suggestion. Please try to show some respect for your fellow players and think about how you are speaking to another person. These personal attacks are totally unnecessary in any situation, but especially over a video game, are not welcome here, and are frankly embarrassing.


    Former PirateCraft Moderator
    Current PirateCraft Forum Moderator

    • Topics: 12
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    Google defines “quote” as a “repeat or copy of words from a text or speech written or spoken by another person” but I assure you that I did not quote you in my previous reply, I told you; “you said I was damaging the build team’s reputation and that it would be better if I wasn’t on the build team at all” which was the entire purpose of your argument in the first place.

    You implied heavily many times in the original argument that “I was damaging the build team’s reputation” to state the actual phrase I put in my reply not the one you altered to fit your side of the story but you proclaim to quote me in your response. You saw me on the build team and immediately started disputing the reason I was there, saying, “you have no criteria for [builders]” and “he’s inactive, he shouldn’t be picked” for the build team. You could not display more shitty behaviour/disrespect if you tried and you basically say that I am a perfect example of minimal standards the build team has to offer for its builders which could not be further from the truth. You state I am a part of the staff team again when persistently I tell you I am not, I am a part of the build team, they are two different things. You continue to declare that it was Script, Index and I that were being hostile towards you when you started the argument with “why is he abuilder”, persisted with it even when we said, “stop annoying us”, and still attempted to continue when we had to get Taulov online, telling you to end it.

    You miss the part in my response where I say that you went along the lines of it being better if I weren’t in the build team at all mainly because it’s blatantly obvious in your “edited_zhap_logs” that you did go along those lines, however, you argue over the fact that you went along the lines of myself damaging the build team’s reputation because you know that there is a slim chance of you winning this argument due to it being more obscure in your logs. May I repeat:  “you have no criteria for [builders]” and “he’s inactive, he shouldn’t be picked” for the build team. Furthermore, the irony when you tell me I’m rude and disrespectful is overwhelming, I most definitely told you to “shut up if you don’t know what you’re talking about” and precisely 3 1/2 minutes later you try to fake disgusting evidence to help prove you’re point with; “[We have] 300 files of ratrace being racist and rude towards other players”

    It truly is pathetic how you’ve tried to cling to this argument, using everything you have to try to prove how terrible staff are again even when I’m not staff, and you still try to helplessly aid your point by continuing to state I’m a part of the staff team. It pains me to think that you’ll still try to prove me wrong in upcoming replies due to your stubbornness but I know you will still try. Please though don’t try to discredit staff for no reason again, it puts unneeded pressure on the staff team and they’ve already got a ton on their plate at the moment without your poisonous tongue lashing around.

    Side Note: quotes have “quotation marks” around them

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    I believe that we should remove tps however, keep homes and warps. Alongside this, an ocean clean-up and buff to ships would make ships more useful again and a nerf to ice walker would be even better. I know that an ocean clean-up hasn’t happened in a long time but that doesn’t prevent the staff team and players from planning and organising one.

    Also, I think we should have a poll to see whether the current player base would like to implement this change and not leave it in the hands of a couple of individuals that shout from the roof-tops that they would dislike this change considering the community is much larger than 2 players.

    • Topics: 55
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    make a limit to the amount of items frames a shop can have at shop1 its a slideshow for me and some others I actually type this whole suggestion before my chat would stop saying w you in chat cause of latency
    it kinda of a big issue im trying to stay away from shops as much as possible lately because of this

    -Emperor of The Mayan Empire, AhawCow

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    Thanks for your topic. You have described everything well. Don’t forget quality clothing. Therefore, it is important to approach the issue of buying cheap toddler girl shorts seriously. I choose on the website. I choose there the best things from which the child is delighted.


    In reply to: Off Topic Disscusions

    ыв аыаф
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    Are there computer experts here? My keyboard and mouse stopped working, code19

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