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  • #1121
    • Topics: 794
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    Hello Kiritorn, We have never had a “Matey” package, Sounds like a good idea for a package though! We have only ever had 3 donations and none of them were from your username.
    You may have some catching up to do with whats been happening with the server:
    Complete start from scratch, we are whitelisted at present for testing and configuration, We will be live very soon!

    • Topics: 12
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    ok so we were off to a good start, 1+2+3 are like you say, common sense.
    Number 4 is daft, there is no limit to the way people can protect their chests, and there is no way to enforce thst rule about blocking chests, I for one will be doing it as I always have, siege me and you can get to the chests by breaking the blocks anywa, so shouldnt bwe an issue;)

    Again, 5 is something that will be dealt with if it happens, your right its daft, ruins the look fo the server and is childish, it a mature server, so there shouldnt be any kids on it anyway!

    as with rule 1, rule 6 is the same.

    rule 7 is not enforceable, and to top that, you cant create claims while in PVP anyway so shouldnt be an issue;), equally if its claimed before pvp, use /siege and you can destroy it anyway;)

    I agree wiht the fact we need more economy, i should imagine we will have a simlar island to the cove on the new masp, it will again have a sign shop etc on, and will most likely have a warp point to it as it will have the donator room, and probably the end portal again.

    The ships plugin will be rank permissable, so as you progress through the ranks, your ship size will too. the speed will probaly be adjust so it can outrun a normal boat, as otherwise they wouldnt be too effective!

    i would like teleporting to be removed almost completely, but its too high of a demand to get people playing, it will however be limited if we can do it effectively.

    appreciate the input:)


    In reply to: Ranks

    • Topics: 12
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    in my opinion, if a crew decides to maintain a continent, creative isnt needed, grief prevention does maintain creeper holes to a degree, other stuff you can fix easily enough yourself. equally you can claim the land so GP stops any explosion damage. inactive claims is somethjing that grief prevention has configurations for itself, thinsg expire after inactivity, its also something that me and Gods can keep an eye on anyway, the map isnt so big that we cant mainatain abandoned/idle claims between us.

    everyone already gets a say on how the server is run, thats what the forum is for, but at the moment, there is not enough players to warrant too much staff, 3 staff members vs the small handful of current players is ample in my opinion.

    of course if the server gets busy and it becomes more difficult to maintain, more staff will be a neccessity, but as far as im concerned, it needn’t be looked into just yet.

    • Topics: 794
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    • ★★★★★★★★

    Ok I setup a live chat channel for live communication, Its powered by IRC which means there are desktop clients or you can use the Web UI.
    You can get to chat Here or from the Follow Us > Chat menu on the top of the website.
    We are on the freenode chat network ( and our channel is ##piratecraft if you want to setup a desktop client to chat (I have its open on my second monitor while I work on the server)
    I might setup a Voice server aswell, but that will need people to install an app and setup mic’s etc, which would be much faster to communicate in-game to test everything.

    • Topics: 794
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    • ★★★★★★★★

    Update: So the host tech guy thought he had done the transfer, but transferred us to the same node during that brief downtime.
    So we finally managed to get changed to the EU host, well not really a transfer, the guy deleted our server then created us a new account on the Amsterdam server, Which is a pain in the ass, since I cannot just hand out the new IP and let you guys carry on playing until i get the time to build the new server.
    Thats right, he straight up just deleted the previous plugins and world even after I asked for him to move the world over for me… Good thing I backed up everything yesterday.
    Now I cannot setup the server tonight, So im going to have to try and do this tomorrow, anybody around tomorrow to help when I need it?

    Being a fresh squeaky clean bukkit, I got to see the stats with no plugins, no users, no big world, no nothing.. And the server idles at 77% Ram usage and 10% CPU, Which Jumps with me on, This is what I’ve been fighting for over the past hour with a poor live chat person, Also I worked out we get less MB ram at each plan upgrade, so you get less the more you spend.
    Im not sure if this is common or if we just got a good deal last server host, but It dousnt look good in the resource department. I will build the server, maybe the web app resource monitor is complete shit and everything will run fine, but im emailing the “manager” to see if I can elevate the case.
    So, We proceed, hopefully with a fresh world as of tomorrow, nothing will get transferred until I am happy, So don’t ask, I cant anyway, since the asshat didn’t move the world, re-upload.. which brings me back to the to-do at the top.

    • Topics: 794
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    Fresh new world to start, Nothing will be transferred on the initial opening, It will be like a brand new server, we are waiting for the move then I can get to work on that list, Im sure there’s things ive missed, but that’s kind of the order things will go in, There will not be a way to go to the old world yet, although I will upload it, I can easily stop the server, change the world in the config and reboot to load it, I want to test this to see if it was the world causing lagg, It’s not high on my priority list just yet, But I want to test it out as an option as we have what 8 months worth of work on it? Don’t worry I have backups!

    • Topics: 794
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    The server we are currently on is no way powerful enouigh to run both maps at the same time, so im stuck on what to do now for “moving” things over, Finding areas is what minecraft is, theres no getting around that!
    You can trade with villagers? There should be nothing stopping you, unless the griefprevention update killed it?

    Im not sure what to do, the current server sucks. Im tempted to start a fresh using a new host.


    In reply to: PirateCraft Skins

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    <pirate skin for pmc

    • Topics: 21
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    Ahoy ye bloody band ‘o pirates!
    On th’ Xbox 360 edition ‘o jolly olde Minecraft I made these ships.
    Olde Dutch ships they be!

    I be predictin’ ye mateys could also send yer own ships to ’tis topic!

    Sail well y’all

    • Topics: 12
    • Replies: 215
    • Total: 227
    • ★★★★

    dont suppose there was one last backup before it went down? lol mined a good 20 diamonds in the last couple of days! 🙁

    i dont think claims showing up on the maps that big of a deal, ok its hadny that yoiu can see them when staking out your claim, but at the same time it will encourage people to travel more.

    i like the options you can put on the dynamap, i like the sneaking and undercover rules, it would be ideal if you only showed up on the map if you were on the top layer, so you could mine your way to people without them seeing, yet still see where your going yourself!

    • Topics: 794
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    Griefprevention already handles “bum” claims as I call them, automatically deleting them, there were flipping hundreds from an influx of users at one point, that all got auto deleted for inactivity and just being on terrain, This explains it in detail:

    This is a recent update form Bukkit and its not looking good, At present when they finally release a development version, none of the exiting plugins will work.

    Are there any live 1.7.2 servers people play on at present? I haven’t played on any other minecraft servers in years, are there any gameplay things other use that would benefit piratecraft?

    • Topics: 12
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    I think we are getting too involved with the gameplay “rules” rather than the set up of the server in general lol. I don’t think we should make people choose their teams. People team up when they want too. Leave it like that. Everyon will want to be a pirate which would leave the other 2 groups under manned in comparison.
    If you want to share building claims then you already have that option too with permissions.

    I think things like

    Starting kit should be looked at.
    Minimum claim should be reduced in size. Although I understand its purpose is to stop people spam claiming, but a moderator/ admin should be able to adjust these if clearly used to troll people.

    Random teleporting should be a limited option as it doesn’t benefit people getting close together etc but does spread people amongst the map.

    I think the game needs to go a bit more barebones from before.

    Although big stats and achievements could possibly result in some sort of benefit it reward if admin sees fit etc.

    Spawn island was awesome when it was a tiny island in the middle of nowhere. Now it’s too Hollywood lol

    Crazy Pirate
    • Topics: 110
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    One more idea- in the new world, we should have statues of the main people on this server, such as godsdead, adzybaba, and others, so that new people can see us. These statues would be hidden round the world, each with loot at the top. People would have to complete challenges to get to the top, such as parkour, before being given the option of joining a side (spain,uk,pirate).
    The harder the statue, the better the loot. Depending on the statue, different commands could be unlocked. For example, spawning in a boat, or a diamond pick if they complete Godsdeads statue. Oh, and the commands have recharge times.

    • Topics: 794
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    Jon’s on the right track, I’ve been looking for decent hosts here and there, most of the top google results from “minecraft hosts” look very, very similar to Daddycheese/Shardgaming their structure is uncanny.
    Im trying to get some company recommendations through word of mouth, Before making the big jump.
    I do have a home server that stays on 24/7 that I might test running PirateCraft from for the time being, alas my upload speed is awful and would be too much of a bottleneck to run smoothly (we can test this)
    I am contemplating moving to a VPS based server, which gives me more control, then again with more control comes more problems keeping the server software up-to date and alive, which is all time that could be spent on the website & server admin itself!
    If you go to you can see they have even put up a big notice saying that they are actively working on 1.7.2, A lot of servers are stuck in this transition period.
    So I think Jons right that we should talk out if we want to change anything for when we get a new server with 1.7.2.

    • Topics: 794
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    Well, you’re not going to like the news I got last night.

    PirateCraft host ceased trading with immediate effect, We need a new host.

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