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  • #6091
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    This is about me being banned on a youtube video you saw. First i would like to point out that the youtube video was filmed in 2013 on a server that i used to play on. Second lets get some thing strait here no more bull shit from the other cranked up members. I dont hack i dont spawn crap in like what they said about bedrock i dont even know how that is possible. But any way look im willing to do a skype screen share if that would make you happy but lissen i do not hack. I have never hacked on this server and never will untill the other day when i started to make people upset the topic of me hacking has never come up because i dont. What ive learned in my years of playing minecraft is when you upset people your a “hacker”. But you guys all exept uni not being a hacker but you wont exept me not being a hacker i do not understand. Gods i understand where your coming from you want to protect your server and i really find that great. Your a great admin like ive told you before your not a power hungry dick lol. But look man if theres one thing i could tell you i am no a hacker. If i was you would have gotten me by now dont you think. Alright thats all i have to say.


    In reply to: Ships And Embassies

    Alex Lazescu
    • Topics: 17
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    • ★★★★★

    ShipSmith’s Inc. offers fine quality ships of all shaps and sizes, for the lowest prices available! Customizable Orders- YOU Choose what YOUR ship will look like! (Prices for Dhows can range from 10$-45$) <– Prices + Order Form

    It’d be good to include foreign embassies anyways. Republica Aeterna consist of 3 major up and coming cities; and I believe it would be beneficial for your Kingdom and my merry group of pirates to have some “diplomatical” connection….

    That means we  make the PUN, the Pirate craft United Nations, one BIG embassy, with diff. floors and departments for all willing organizations that want to be part of PUN. This includes everything from organized crime units, pirate crews, to kingdoms and Empires.. emphasis on pirate crews. Or we can do individual embassies in cities, which I see that you are doing.

    Retired Pirate 6/25/14 -- 6/15/15


    In reply to: STAFF HELP ASAP

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    <span style=”color: #222222; font-family: arial; font-size: small;”><span style=”line-height: normal;”>it wont let me register but thats not what im here for i see why you’ve banned me you think im a hacker those videos on youtube weir from a very long time ago i used to hack a very long time ago when i thought nothing of it and now i give you this my friend and server owner i am strongly agents hacking i changed my ways back in 1.2 to stop hacking and its made my mine craft experience so much more fun this server im not going to lie is probley one of the best ive ever found and sir i dont want to lose it over a few youtube videos of me back in the day hacking the past is the past now it is the present my computer is clean my minecraft is pure and my game is running plane old minecraft not some weird stuff that they are talking about on the forms we have very powerful items one because i killed uni and also we worked our asses off to get them we mined for a solid 5 hours all of us together we had fortune pics it was crazy but look man i do not hack i can give you my word for it on my life i swear to you that i do not hack in this game i know my past leads you to belive i do but if theres any way i can change your mind let me know i am open for any thing and look me and my crew we are all clean we have been playing this game for around 5 years and we know our way around it we use the world map we use it all to our advantige not many people like us on this server because we are starting a new day where people dont abuse the new members of the server we have helped many new members of the server with supplys and just basic rules about the server we welcome every one to the server. My final thing i must say you are a very good admin and one of the best ive seen in a long time please read this over and think about it i am no longer a hacker i was back 3 years ago but i havent hacked in a very long time and i dont plan on changing that. About reps post i dont know what she’s talking about im sorry girl but listen we came into your base because part of it was not claimed and im sorry for out smarting you but listen you weir raided get over it you raided me i got you back. Now back to what i was saying if you think we are “OP” you are mistaken we are smart with our items and know how to place them and use them we do how ever have lots of things that took us very long to get. We may be a low rank but that does not mean we can not put in the time to get the items we did. Also i do not understand what wheep craft is dont know what that is like i said ive been out of the “hacking world” for quiet some time. thanks for reading this peace</span></span>

    • Topics: 6
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    as we all may know bobospy5, clintis and glitch41 have all the signs for being hackers well they have killed most of the leaders of each kingdom they have killed athemos and repteria and a few others i have no clue how to stop it nether does anyone else if you do post below but it sounds like it to me they wana take over PirateCraft

    • Topics: 2
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    One block deep will not be enough for the majority of ships. It would need to be entirely built on top of the water. Work is going to be keeping me busy today and possibly tomorrow, but guess what?

    I hit Gunner… it gave me a stack of TNT, plus I get more every 3.5 hours.

    I now have almost 3 stacks of TNT. I have a lot more gunpowder, but I need sand! Donations are welcome, since I’ve already spent a few hundred dollars on sand alone for the top-clearing…. and both Skyshop and Shop seem to be out of stock. I’ve put in a request with Ma_c_hi at /warp wolf to start stocking some.


    As a personal to-do list and for anyone else who is curious:

    – Finish clearing out the under-tunnel

    – Line walls and floor with Stone brick (build up to level 64 with stone brick – this is so anyone falling out of ships or jumping into the canal can still get out)

    – Fill the Level 62 line with water

    – Drop the water from the middle of the canal toward the edges

    [Azuries and I were thinking that maybe we could do portcullises (sp?) on either end, where that final wall between Canal and Ocean is. Have a bunch of people gather their ships and host an opening ceremony! Raise the gate, let people sail through. It can be removed later, but I have fireworks ^^]

    Once the actual functioning canal is finished, these are my plans:

    – Round out the edges created by cutting through the land, make it look natural again

    – Have a road on either side, one for running/horses and the other with a minecart rail

    – Have drawbridges dotted along the way (with pressure plates to activate? Is that possible @Saturn?)

    – Claim multiple areas along the canal, build cool statues!


    I’ll compile all the screenshots I have later into a Dropbox folder so everyone can flip through them. ^^

    • Topics: 6
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    • ★★★

    Iv Been thinking i wanna build a kingdom not to be a king but a ruler because i have a job At Evermoor As A Commander the goal of it is to maintain peace because ever since iv got back people have been knocking on my door with pointy swords that hurt and i just want peace ed least for a while luckily iv made friends who have my back but sometimes its just not enough that’s why i wanna make a kingdom to stop annoying people (this doesn’t count with bounty hunting) anyway i need Player to post a name for the kingdom and i will decide is i agree or disagree pretty strait forward now i just need supplies but if you look on the map you may see my nether castle well that’s it half way built but it needs construction work and excavation Thanks reply to the Thread below 😀 -MrMehHehHeh (Your Average Chocolate Bar)


    Supplies: NetherRack, NetherBrick, Stonebrick and (various iron tools such as shovels and picks xD)


    In reply to: Shipsmith's Inc.

    Alex Lazescu
    • Topics: 17
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    @gabrithrylos – Your request is incomplete: please select the materials you want used from our pricing list and include them in your order so I can price your ship correctly. Thank you. Prices —>


    – It would be a pleasure working with you! However it would be price-y; and a little bit time consuming on your part (Because of the many Order Forms)

    However for me to do my work efficiently and price fairly I would greatly enjoy it if you drafted and posted the complete order forms for any ships you want built.

    Retired Pirate 6/25/14 -- 6/15/15

    • Topics: 794
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    This is due to recent optimizations for mega-farms.

    I outlined some changes here:

    In general, here’s what I changed:

    • I Added a plugin chunkspawnerlimiter to limit the amount of Mobs that are allowed per chunk, so for those people that had 500 chickens in one tiny hole, you were causing massive lag to the server, now times this by hundreds of players and you get unstable TPS, then lag, at the moment, im using the plugins default settings, which says: Animals:50, Monster:50, NPC: 50, other: 500, I have just seen the option to notify players in that chunk if stuff has been culled, I will turn that on.
      Im assuming this is the main cause of destruction to farms.
    • I also updated bukkits settings to limit animals or mobs can spawn in a chunk, monsters are set to 60 from 70, animals are set to 13 from 15. But I cant see this having an affect since its always been on 15 since we started 2 years ago, and people have had thousands of animals in one plot.
    • Changed frequency of mobs; Monsters used to spawn every tick of the server, which is insane, this is now every 13 ticks, So mob-farming may be slightly slower now.
      Animals spawning naturally were on every 600 ticks!!! Which is also absolutely insane for a default, I moved this down to 300 ticks, so animals should be more common around the world now.
    • Greatly reduced “entity-activation-range” for animals and monsters, this may need to be changed, as it may effect gameplay.

      Controls the range in blocks that entities will become “activated” – entities outside of this range will tick at a reduced rate to prevent server lag. When changed

    • nerf-spawner-mobs is now on, This is another option I may need to revert, it was done as a test for lag/tps.

      When enabled, mobs which originate from a mob spawner will not have any AI. They will generally only be affected by water movement, with the exception of blazes which will still emit fireballs and float up and down.


    As for claims, that is based on something you have done in-game @captainvenoms for instance, if you had a claim transferred to you then you decided to abandon it, it will remove that claim block area from your claim block count.

    I have have checked out my farms and reapers farms and neither of ours have been effected, I can only assume the farms that were had a great amount of entities in them!

    But no fear, I will happily replenish farms and hand out dye for lost sheep, but you have to apply in this thread, to acknowledge the recent changes.

    Now, please, please read through those changes, as only you as the players will be able to tell me how badly this effects gameplay, my entire optimization was to remove as much lag as I could.

    • Topics: 794
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    • ★★★★★★★★

    @Azuries and myself are doing work on the cove, we really need to re-do the signs for getting around it though, I think we need to follow a pattern for all the signs though Azuries, so like the top line is always the name of the area we are poiting towards, we should pick a color for all names maybe also bold, then on the second line directions or arrows to it.

    I can also supply “Arrow” heads, that are skinned heads like arrows for pointing.

    • Topics: 10
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    Signs are slowly being added all over Cove. In addition, up the stairs and to the right is a new train station. This includes a stop for the track to Covetown as well as a renovation of the Arena tracks. These tracks will now move one direction, and make infrequent stops in Cove, at the plugin demos, and at arena. The underwater route is also about to be updated.

    Also be on the lookout for villagers in the walls to trade with. Many are marked with signs, colored signs belonging to villagers who’ve already maxxed out their trading capabilities. (As in trading for their last item won’t give a new trade)


    More to come!

    • Topics: 10
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    I don’t like the idea of removing a warp that’s been payed for after a set time; perhaps make it similar to claims where if a user stops logging on for, say, 6 months (longer because its a payed for option) then they lose their warp.

    It could also be a reassigned thing, for instance if someone comes back after their warp is removed, since it’s already payed for, they can reassign it to another place.

    I think we have enough subscriptions to worry about without having to worry whether or not a pre-paid feature is going to run out.


    However if you REALLY want to go that route, I’d say you could make month to month warps, and just make them cost less. $8 for permawarp, maybe 1-2$ for that month. It could even be an added prize to BOTM, one month of free warping for the server’s veiwing pleasure. Incentive to have people donate more often, even if it’s a small amount.

    You could also make warps more expensive for permanant status, and include claim blocks. For instance if you say permawarp is $10 and you get x amount claim blocks; but those who already paid the 8$ for warp will remain permanent (without the added blocks) then new purchasers and old alike will be happy with the fairness. It’s a raise in price for future warp buyers but they also get a small prize for doing so.

    • Topics: 1
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    Hi to all. This channel actually would open the way for the western ocean, but the southern ocean (the bigger one) is another story.

    I have plans for a channel (a natural looking one) at 550 2900 (separating deserts), just busy with other stuff like roads and so xD

    Theres also another smaller sea south east than can be easely conected. Thats also in my list.

    I might sound too ambicious, but with time I think I might make it. xD

    When that channel starts ill open a topic too. Meanwhile good luck with this one!

    When the work starts between west and south ocean we might work together, at -6000 1000 aprox!

    • Topics: 10
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    Progress is going well; the top portion of the canal is almost completely done. However we are running out of tools, so please if you have any TNT, Shovels, or Pickaxes of any type (even used and low grade); donate these items at the donation house on the west side of the canal.

    Soon we will be digging under the 1 block layer to the desired depth; but please if you join this project leave the 1 block layer! We will need it to place the water so it will fill the space evenly, and boatswain helmets will be provided during the last phase: clearing the 1 block layer and letting the water fill everything.

    Please note there is an expansive series of ravines under the canal. If you wish to explore and mine them before it’s all underwater, please do so now!


    In reply to: False Ban please read

    • Topics: 794
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    3. No Hacking, Cheating or exploiting glitches.

    I trust Markusi13’s judgement to call out a hacker, Please do not spam the forums, I have closed your other “Help?” topic that was identical.


    • Topics: 18
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    they just need to show respect and stop treating me and other females like dogs

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