New Public warps, And the future of public warps.

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  • #5859
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    Ahoy ye barnacles!

    So off the Bat we have a few new player based public /warps at /warp cts and /warp wolf to go along with; shop, skyshop, trade.

    And the server made warps; gates, bridges, cannons, cove, north, east, south, west & donate.

    Which is fantastic that we have players with such amazing builds that they require a public warp! Im over the moon with the amazing ideas i’ve seen around now!

    Im starting to consider this getting 1. Confusing for new players; having so many warps, and differentiating between them all and 2. Maybe making it too darn easy to get around the map now.

    If you didn’t know, Public made warps are paid ($8) warps that are currently non-expirable that have to be setup manually by me (Create, Update perms, Add map Marker, Update Missives).

    I would like to know peoples views on public warps, and if there would be a better solution that could be automated.

    For instance, we could have gates, I know it would be an extra step to get to the public warps but gates could be player created to teleport around (If they are limited), then we could have an area at the cove where you could build your own gate to warp to your town or city.

    Or having public warps on a expiry date, Like you have with domains. They expire after a while so someone else could take it.

    Generally, I want to hear peoples thoughts about public warps, we have another new one coming very soon!

    Crazy Pirate
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    The layout can be a bit confusing. I would suggest that Warps are categorised;





    This temporary gates idea seems good, but then again, teleporting is used too much, so having gates means people wouldn’t move around as much. I think that people should pay to link their town to the Cove using railways; that would be cool. If we do have gates, they can only be given to towns with town status. Could/Should BOTM have warps, but when you cant do damage or something. I get lots of requests of people wanting to see my mansion, and it would be cool to be able to explore past BOTM’s.

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    Yeah, exactly! I don’t like everything slapped in together.

    No, the BOTM have icons on the map, so people can use transport to get to it, explore some world on the way!

    I will be sticking to the current system, but I think it needs some work.

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    I don’t like the idea of removing a warp that’s been payed for after a set time; perhaps make it similar to claims where if a user stops logging on for, say, 6 months (longer because its a payed for option) then they lose their warp.

    It could also be a reassigned thing, for instance if someone comes back after their warp is removed, since it’s already payed for, they can reassign it to another place.

    I think we have enough subscriptions to worry about without having to worry whether or not a pre-paid feature is going to run out.


    However if you REALLY want to go that route, I’d say you could make month to month warps, and just make them cost less. $8 for permawarp, maybe 1-2$ for that month. It could even be an added prize to BOTM, one month of free warping for the server’s veiwing pleasure. Incentive to have people donate more often, even if it’s a small amount.

    You could also make warps more expensive for permanant status, and include claim blocks. For instance if you say permawarp is $10 and you get x amount claim blocks; but those who already paid the 8$ for warp will remain permanent (without the added blocks) then new purchasers and old alike will be happy with the fairness. It’s a raise in price for future warp buyers but they also get a small prize for doing so.

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    I think Servermade warps should be free and Player warps cost money

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