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  • #8624

    In reply to: Name Change

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    Well… I’ve just been on the server, and found that everything got wiped… @Markusi13 said I shouldn’t have connected, but in my defence, @GodsDead said he added his solution last night, and

    No sweat @ChaileyOfficial, you can act as my guinea pig to report what happens, I have no idea what will happen. Im very ill at present so this is very bad timing, I was under the assumption it was on the 8th for some reason. I can manually change your username on the website.

    Nothing got wiped, you changed your username so it thinks you are a new player, obviosuly.

    Try something for me @ChaileyOfficial, Log in again, Im curious. I added a manual entry into the database for your UUID, right now would be good as im available and online.


    In reply to: Seed?

    • Topics: 16
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    The seed is and will stay private.

    Topic closed.


    In reply to: Name Change

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    @ChaileyOfficial @Dr.solid @3kaj @TimHuisman

    The entire point of moving to 1.8 is completely based on people being able to change their usernames, I have stated this from day 1. Nov 2014? I say that’s enough forewarning.

    And still GriefPrevention is not converting properly.

    Since I cannot trust people to listen, I have spent some time to try and protect PirateCraft.

    Read here:

    Players should (This is untested) be able to change their usernames without fear from right now, I just implemented a temporary solution.

    For those that were too impatient, didn’t ask an member of staff on the server or forums first, ignored forewarning, changed their username and then decided to join the server in the few hours it took me to find a solution, I don’t think there is anything I can do to fix the damage caused, try connecting agian to see if this new solution fixes anything for you.

    Im not sure if it will work, or even if it will be able to fix people that have joined before a solution was implemented.


    • Topics: 794
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    Update: Since I cannot rely on people to listen to me, I have spent hours researching & briefly testing a method to protect piratecraft from people that change their usernames, I think I have found a solution, I will be activating the solution in 6 minutes when the sever restarts.

    Since I have not had any time to properly test this plugin im not sure if it will break any other plugins or change the way plugins work, so I need your help, if you notice any strange behavior please report it to this thread.

    This is in reply to these people:

    • Topics: 794
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    haha Yeah @blackstripe50 let me go ahead and change all the ship sizes just for you, because screw everyone elses ship right?

    Please, can we somehow stop these ridiciously waste of time posts.

    Did you even think about your question? are you telling me, Its realizstic that a singluar person could build a Galleon sized ship with nothing but a Pickaxe, Shovel & Axe? Are you then telling me that a person could then sail a ship of this magnatude by THEMSELFS?

    If you havent realized you are playing Minecraft…

    If you have a legit, thought out Improvement then use this forum, this forum is not for posts like this.


    • Topics: 12
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    we have discussed auctions in the past, decide they were messy and didnt goi ahead, there is nothing stopping you having an auction via chat tho, and all you do it telpeort the winner to yourself for collection of said item


    In reply to: Plugin Ideas(Poll)

    Alex Lazescu
    • Topics: 17
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    Develop something that gives Athen fancy flying wings. 🙂  (jk) Make a plugin that establishes an NPC Trade Shop system/ecnomy like in this:


    If you do that, then you sir, will be the one of the most amazing people I’ve ever met. It also sounds a lot cooler then those other ideas! ( No offense mate, but it’s the truth xD )

    Retired Pirate 6/25/14 -- 6/15/15


    In reply to: Nub be spammin

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    Thank you Markus, always beating me to it! =D

    What a strange thing to do, come on a server and send those messages.

    Topic closed.

    • Topics: 17
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    Recently I have been experiencing consistent major problems with light rendering in and around a settlement I am building.

    Issues include:

    • Areas with light source blocks go dark every night upon nightfall
    • Lava doesn’t render properly
    • Torches are visible, but do not emit light to adjacent blocks
    • Mobs spawn in areas where lighting doesn’t render properly

    The issues began yesterday when I sailed a new ship for the first time.  The entire alcove that the ship is in is now affected by the issue.  I have attached screenshots.

    The light does render upon entry into the immediate area affected, but the mobs that spawn before the light renders significantly hamper game play.

    I asked on chat if anyone else was experiencing the same issue, and one other player who was online confirmed he/she was.  I have coordinates available of the locations affected (both mine and the other player’s), but I would prefer not to post them in the forums for privacy and strategic game play reasons.

    If anyone else is experiencing this, please reply.  Also, please let me know if this is the correct forum for a topic like this.




    You must be logged in to view attached files.
    • Topics: 794
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    This was the collection of diamond blocks I found through out my island. I dropped them all in a small pit and emptied a bucket of lava. Good bye diamonds.=)

    I bet that was gut wrenching to do! Thank you for being honest @Calliemav

    You just gave me a great idea, I could pull a query of all the top diamond miners.

    Be aware that live stats are displayed on (I still havent got around to finishing the bits I need for this! I may need some help from some PHP/mysql wizards)

    • Topics: 794
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    • Topics: 28
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    well we could always revamp

    Town conditions & icons : and


    then when thats done. all towns/villages that do quallify have a bedrock block placed in there town hall.

    that way you know they have been aproved by the server as an official town.

    • Topics: 794
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    We have 2 separate ideas in this thread, that I think we can join together.

    • Land is separated into named Countries & County’s, This can be done via worldguard, You could be alerted when you exit and leave a country & county, flags could be set in this region.
      Now with counties, counties are inside country’s, this could work together with our road system we need to build, separating counties, then inside these we could have a Town or City if it got big enough, players would still be able to claim land anywhere they see fit.
    • The second idea is managing a group of people “faction” as some people call it, We need a simplified stripped down version that supports griefprevention, I sent a massive, massive detailed feature list to the Societies developer, he never got back to me, But searching through his code on github, I found his todo list which includes a few of my ideas, including Clan based siegeing, we will have to see how this turns out.

    Now before I can start worldguarding regions out, I need to upgrade the Server to 1.8, upgrade griefprevention and upgrade worldguard all to the latest for the idea I have in my head, at present we cannot do this until everything is upgraded so thats entirely on my head, but before we can even do that we need to actually make counties inside of countries we do this with separation using roads and walls.

    So to get the ball rolling, the first thing we need to do as a community is start building roads, we have a thread for that already, and they need to be in a solid plan and area.



    In reply to: Viva Le Revolution!

    The Queen
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    Don’t worry bud I mean I heard athen and Karim and uni haven’t been on but I mean if you want to start a war or get people busy doing stuff.. Hold parties and such but tbh if you want war start it yourself and DONT stop it lol


    Mother and soul protector of the Elven Empire


    In reply to: 3kaj is hacking

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    many of the members that you have attackt (all of them) have reportted the same thing when you came in you appeard inside no more then 10 seconds after you were at the other side of the wall.(he is not captain so he can’t type /top) i’m getting more people.


    Posesore of the Ope Ope No Mi

    i realy like One Piece

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