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  • #9198

    In reply to: bountys

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    I think it should be in monetary brackets.

    • Low cost bounties, such as minimum (i think 20$?) gets you like 5-10 minutes of jail-time.
    • Mid cost bounties get you 15-20 minutes, such as up to 50-75$ bounties.
    • A high cost (more than 75$) would get you 30 minutes of jail-time. This would be the maximum. However, if you piss off multiple players, you could end up in jail a lot for increments of 5 up to 30 minutes, assuming your bounties are hunted quickly.


    Now the big decision here is where to house them? We have a jail in Cove, that’s a good place but you can kill people in jail at Cove using the jail torture features.  This means if you go to jail it’s instant death, a friend could come and kill you to set you free.

    Ways to stop this:

    • We can either make the torture devices just as fun but less lethal by making it an egg shooter or something.
    • We can make the Jail just respawn you there until you run out of jail-time; which could help with exploits like /trapped etc (not sure if that’s even usable in the first place)
    • Topics: 28
    • Replies: 157
    • Total: 185
    • ★★★★

    i know that there is no way on our current bounty system for us to get accumulative bounties, which is such a shame.


    but i believe ive come up with something to make that could give bounties a bit of a use.

    i know this will be full of holes and might need a little debugging.

    but is there any way, that if a bounty is claimed, that person gets jail time based on there bounty. this way we give the bounty system some use. if some one does something bad they will get punished.

    this will also stop people from just taking there friends bounty and splitting it with them.

    simple system of 1 minute jail for every £1 up to say £30 then do it as an additional 1minute for ever £5, over £100 additional 1minute for every £10 ect.e.g. £50 get 30minutes for £30, plus 4 for £20, total 34 minutes.

    plus make it so they have to be online for there timer to go down, that way they cant just log out for an hour then get back on.


    if accumulation is ever added to this it would make it more interesting, the more people you annoy the longer your in jail.

    • Topics: 28
    • Replies: 157
    • Total: 185
    • ★★★★

    ok on a computer now, lot easier to type.


    as i was saying, perhaps all warps should have a small pvp free area. enough to put 5-6 shops in so areas can be rented out.

    but i believe that if a player is in a pvp-free zone for say….. 20 minutes, it deactivates the effect on that player. this will stop them from camping as they will be able to get hit and not hit the newly arrived players. it will also give players enough time to get there stuff and leave.

    • Topics: 133
    • Replies: 1221
    • Total: 1354
    • ★★★★★★★

    PaulonFire I would like to say many people can’t donate, this would not completely wipe out the problem. Someone could use the shop as a base.

    Yep, unfortunately there isn’t going to be a 100% fair solution however hard we try. But this proposal WOULD stops more safe areas from being used than are actually needed. For those who don’t donate for a warp, there are ample creative ways of making shops safe with redstone contraptions. As for the shop being used as an unraidable base… /siege rules should apply to the safe zone as they currently already do (enabling PVP against only the owner IF he’s hanging around that claim).

    Please correct me if this isn’t possible from a plugin point of view.

    • Topics: 133
    • Replies: 1221
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    • ★★★★★★★

    PVP-free zones are a double-edged sword. It’s good for the buyers who have to bear the brunt of griefing. It’s also good for the rascals who would, as Godsdead said, camp the shops and hide in the safe areas when people come to intercept them. Normal players would have fewer ways to stop or punish these players within safe zones – unless there was a way to make all aggressors lose their “safe” tag for a certain period of time after committing a crime.

    Disabling PVP on a large scale would turn us into hippie towny server. Do we want to be a hippie towny server? Giving players the option to toggle PVP would cause abuse and destroy any sense of fun and danger this server has to offer. Forcing PVP players to play the PVE game is just as unfair as forcing PVE players to play the PVP game. Who would even activate PVP mode unless they meant to raid or kill?!

    So I think Verhihax’ idea is fair middle ground: Choosing a set number of small PVP-free zones (shops) should be available to those who have donated for a town warp. Alternatively the prison system mentioned in Ma_c_hi’s post could be used to automatically send players who attack others in a shop zone to gaol.

    Those who don’t donate can use the power of redstone to build relatively safe shops.

    • Topics: 16
    • Replies: 103
    • Total: 119
    • ★★★★

    No idea raven. @GodsDead want to lock/delete this? It has gotten unimportant and off-topic.

    Crazy Pirate
    • Topics: 110
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    Town Name:  Port Royal


    Town Colours:  Red and White and the Union Jack

    ID URL:  <span style=”color: #111111;”>2723</span>

    The town has an arena with Warp, a Build Of The Month, Beacon, Shops/villager market, Docks, Cathedral, Wall, Paths, Farms, Houses (with inhabitants), a netherhub, a fort (with tents), Blacksmith, Stables, Embassies. It was been around forever. Last time I applied Port Royal was lacking a warp, and also lacking players. It now has a warp, and 5 active players, all of whom wear a uniform (Bonus Points?) It is the second most popular group, and the most popular group for a town. Also, it plays a key role in the British Empire; often, members of the Empire meet there. Bearing in mind the Empire now has over 14 members, it can make Port Royal very busy.

    • Topics: 67
    • Replies: 640
    • Total: 707
    • ★★★★★★

    As most people in here know, item frames are known to cause massive lag, whenever you look in their general direction. This creates a problem for the shop owners of the server because thier shops get turned into “lag hell”, at least my town do.. 😀

    It’s not nice to go shop when you have low fps and with the increasingly dangerous threat of being ambushed at one of the shop, it would be nice if you could defend yourself properly, without lagging to death.

    So i have no clue if @godsdead or any other staff is aware of a fix, but i tried to search around for it myself and i found this topic:

    now in the title the versions are outdated, but further down in the post it looks like there is a 1.8.1 version. I haven’t looked into it further myself, since i have very little experience with mc mods, but i thought we could test the mod out on the server and see if it actually works. Item frame lag is a well-known issue for large servers with an economy plugin but idk, how they cope with it.. maybe this will help our server a bit?

    Founder of Port Hope

    • Topics: 133
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    If you make shops protected areas, people will abuse the safety mechanic and cause even more grief. No one likes being ambushed while carrying valuables, I grant you that – but that IS how pirates make their living! The shop owners are solely responsible for providing a safe environment in their towns. They earn well enough from the customers who go their to spend their dough. If safety isn’t provided, the customers will go elsewhere. Basic market principle.

    ‘Well, how can the shops be protected when the shopkeepers are offline?’ you might ask. The answer: Now that iron doors have been implemented, it’s possible for players to stop more than one person from entering their shop at a time:

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    If some clever player thinks he can sabotage trade by hogging the room or pushing an animal inside, all it needs is a service entrance that can only be opened by the shop owner and his trustees.

    • Topics: 1
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    • Total: 11

    GodsDead I support that too! 3kaj your doomed!


    why stop there? let’s protect the whole map from PvP! then the server will be a building paradise! yay

    • Topics: 16
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    • Total: 363
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    Topic closed.

    • Topics: 82
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    GodsDead helped me out.

    This topic can be closed


    ~High (#420) Admiral of the BE Navy and retired News Anchor of the Piratecraft Survival Server~

    #Cjmaca aka The DragonProject
    • Topics: 3
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    HEy everyone, just got messages on skype there to let me know this was up here.


    I just wanna let everyone know that i will be back soon i’ve just had a lot going on lately, been going through a ton of stuff so i don’t have a lot of time at my laptop and what little i have had i’ve had to put into my channel but i’m dealing with everything and hoping to be getting back on here within the week.

    Thanks everyone for your concern and i have missed you all too.

    Also i didn’t leave de to loosing my claim blocks or items or anything, i was on or about a week or so after just working that stuff back up but then shiz hit the fan on me so i haven’t been around and all. But i’ hoping to get back on very soon wit everyone and anyone who wants to add my on skype free to do so, my user should just be #Cjmaca

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    Maybe you could track the amount of xp ever gained instead of the amount you currently have.

    (Like the “XP Gained” group on the Statistics page) (If that’s what that does)

    Then just raise the amount much higher so it’s nearly just as hard to get but isn’t as frustrating for players when they die and lose ALL their levels.

    This would stop players from being able to just get free levels from a friend to give right back after ranking up. (They have to kill the monsters themselves) As long as buying xp from signs doesn’t add to the xp gained.

    (I’m assuming you’ll think of some reason not to do this, though)

    • Topics: 42
    • Replies: 420
    • Total: 462
    • ★★★★★

    Solid jesus christ stay on topic.  Ani I think this is the reason Trade Signs are not supported for 1.8. either there lost or gods breaks them and gives you the stuff.

    Lucky you will be missed 🙁

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