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  • #11865
    • Topics: 18
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    I admire your courage to step down from your position.To grant your wish I will not hold the outcomes of this war against you and I will let you and the former members live with out tension between our Empires.And I would also like my allies who helped out a lot to stop the killing of HardTimez the war is over,he has stepped down


    Leader of the Verussian Empire and the country Verussia.

    • Topics: 133
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    I’ve just gone and checked it. Yes, it was Captain V who created the forum topic. You’re the one who made me aware of it, lol! Credit to Venoms in that case. πŸ˜‰

    Two more possible rank skins: Boatswain and Captain.

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    • Topics: 35
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    whats that place looks like a camp site

    on a side note:
    the ue already exits (but they has stopt working).

    so we need a new ue and only empires who seek peace maybe there
    it should be at the center of the world or an easy place to go like /warp cove,trade,west,norht,south,east.

    second of all only world leaders and there body guards can be should be siege proof and have all of the falgs in place
    also the claim should be from someone nutral or someone that is really trusted bye everyone (me :D). i’m gonna post of how should it look like later.


    Posesore of the Ope Ope No Mi

    i realy like One Piece

    • Topics: 794
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    can you reallow /giveclaim {player}? also when is the restart>?

    No, the same answer the 10 other times you have asked, Stop asking it is not going to happen, I do not want people to giveclaim, they can use one of the alternatives, like removing the claim and letting the other person claim or sell the claim using the Realestate or remove the claim, sell for money and send that money to another player.

    Again @Dr.solid Stop spamming, I have answered this over 3 times to you, the answer is no.


    In reply to: Harmony

    • Topics: 23
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    About the snowbiomes.
    Maybe the elves or anyone else should settle on mountaintops? it is snowy there as well and if you are smart and get some sapling you can farm up there as well….AND gather snow for spreading your icy kingdom with snowgolems πŸ˜‰

    • Topics: 794
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    Can I piggy back off this thread? hasn’t been updated in about a year, we need about 100 Pirate Themed skins, anyone up for the challenge? The effort needed in creating the preview thumbnail & linking to the skin file is drastic, first step would be to find/create a mass load of skins.

    Also I’ve asked before, but I need to find/create a skin for each and every rank to put on the ranks page, so that we have some official skins, but mostly for depicting the rank graphically.

    Anyone willing to put the time in will be rewarded with in-game goodies.

    Old Forum thread from Dec 2014.

    • Topics: 19
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    As you all know, these two hack.

    Fallacy …

    The hacks are power and pvp hacks.


    Many do not like either, they belong banned. This isn’t coming from me, but from every where.

    I’m not banning anyone for the reason “vox populi”.

    Also agent admitted to these hacks when staff were not on.

    When did that happen? Why didn’t anyone screenshot the chat?

    One last thing: don’t spam the forums with useless topics. The previous one on the same subject was posted 1h30 before yours and I’m tired of being forced to repeat the same thing over and over here or ingame.

    • Topics: 7
    • Replies: 36
    • Total: 43
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    Ben You Had Pablo Help You And EvilBlackDragon So Stop Lying


    In reply to: List of Settlements

    • Topics: 8
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    Name: The Soviet state of Jammylegion

    City Center Coords: 268, 65, -714

    Mayor(/Founder/Leader): Legionaryduck

    Description (Facilities and things like that): Orchard, farm, Safe house and a mine

    Special Remarks: It’s current members are both known for their amphibious combat skills and stubbornness we will never stop coming and we will never give up until you’re dead, we are a relentless people.

    You must be logged in to view attached files.
    • Topics: 8
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    This is utter crap!

    I was very angry at HardTimez granted, however he randomly decided to disturb my buildin with thousand of nerd poles and nicking all my things from my chests. He set a home there and did the same the next day and the next.

    He has now stopped after pvp and my friends taught him a lesson.

    At the market. i was wearing iron armour and did not do anything against him. I was wondering ariund the shops, and he came around the corner and started pvping me. Killing me. Making me determind to get it back. I have no clue what raven is talking about with a 3 v 1. I did not start any of this! and i am getting some crap for it!

    I then came back to the market and still did not hit him once. I asked for my stuff back and suggested truce? But no. Β I was killed again. I then gave up an proceeded to his base.


    I have been playing on this server for 7 months and months and i will not accept some newbie that thinks he is everything because he donated!

    Ravenfalls you are mad at me because we are at war for different matters, ofcourse youd stick up for him. Anymore rubbish like this that is posted by HardTimez . I will be the one reporting.




    • Topics: 19
    • Replies: 63
    • Total: 82
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    List of players banned from the Merchant Guild’s Towns/Shops:

    Details about the list
    Criminals registered in this list are banned from all the towns/shops members of the Merchant Guild. Any intrusion in those territories will lead to death. Crimes taken in account are, most of the time, restricted to the boundaries of the Guild towns/shops but this jurisdiction can be extended in some cases by a vote of the Guild members.
    Each town/shop, member of the Guild, must display an up-to-date version of the Kill on sight list, in a visible way.
    Each member of the Guild is free to maintain a local Kill on Sight list that only apply to his town/shop but must apply any appeal decision voted by the Guild.

    Reporting a crime
    To report a criminal, you must be a member of the Guild (town/shop owner) and post in the [Kill on Sight] Criminal report topic.

    Conditions of pardon
    After a 3 month period without intrusion in any of the towns/shops the criminal is banned from and no reported misbehavior, the criminal will be removed from the list. The author of the original crime report can also (under his conditions, like the payment of the fine by example) ask for the removal of a criminal if no other crime was commited in any other town/shop of the Guild, by posting in the [Kill on Sight] Pardon topic.

    Appeal procedure
    If you consider your name shouldn’t be on this list, you can post a motivaded message in the [Kill on Sight] Appeal topic to ask for your removal. If the appeal demand is acceptable, a vote will occur to decide if you deserve to be removed from this list or not.

    • Topics: 19
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    Our world is in great danger. Days after days, pirates without honnor come to our towns to pillage and kill our customers. We can’t let that happen anymore and that’s why I create today this Kill on sight list that will be applied in all the towns entering in the Merchant Guild.

    To ask a criminal to be added on this list, please answer to the topic [Kill on sight] Criminal reporting.

    In order to be removed from this list, players have to wait 3 months without any misbehavior (not entering any of the towns and cities he’s banned from) or convince the author(s) of the initial report to ask for his removal (after payment of a fine or any condition the merchant would judge fair).
    An appeal is possible after a minimal 1 month delay and a negative answer from the author of the report, by posting on the [Kill on sight] Appeals topic. Only motivaded apologies will be taken in account and a public vote will be organized to decide the fate of the criminal.

    Each town/shop taking part in the application of this list must display it.

    Kill on sight list:

    • Topics: 10
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    BOTM & BOTY Competitions

    Here is the topic with the newly added rules to protect submitted builds.

    Can you help provide some clarification for this issueΒ and/or look into the matter?

    • Topics: 16
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    Both banned.

    Thanks for reporting.

    Topic closed.


    Topic: /hug

    Alex Lazescu
    • Topics: 17
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    Theres too much this on the server

    So. /hug. Ya.

    You know you want one, so here you go.

    Im thinking players type /hug and something cool happens, like 10 pink fireworks fire from where the player is standing or something. So ya. /hug

    Its either /hug or this will be me:

    Im being serious.

    Ma_c_hi’s view on this topic:

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    Retired Pirate 6/25/14 -- 6/15/15

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