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  • Xeron
    • Topics: 94
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    Let’s go through this one by one:

    1. I think you got confused with my wording when I said “I was rewriting rules page and forgot to add this”. It has always been illegal to use alt accounts on here, I simply forgot to re-add it to the rules page a couple days ago.

    2. The Alt account of yours was banned and will stay banned for the reason above. Your main account was not punished simply for bringing an alt account online.

    3. I didn’t change your ban, I banned you via console to make sure you were banned. This is the first time reading this. Your alt account’s punishment tracker will still say ‘banned for alt account’.

    4. In your 15 hours of gameplay time you have gotten yourself plenty of mutes, a warning, and plenty of verbal warnings to stop bypassing our chat filter with use of racist language. You proceeded to argue with me and insult me after your alt was banned.

    5. Once again, your main account was not banned for having an alt account. You joined with it, I banned it, and that was that. People said in chat it was illegal, I’m pretty sure it says in-game that its illegal. I simply messed up the website for 3 days. You were banned for proceeding to argue with me, bypass chat filters again, insult me, and for your previous punishments. In your 15 hours you have shown to be incapable of behaving according to our rules after multiple chances.

    Denied and closed

    « Build Team leader »
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    Crew History: Red Lotus, 0utlaws, Ottoman Empire, Xenon Empire, The Xanthian Order, The Asylum, Xenia


    Topic: Vote Stats

    in forum Bugs & Glitches
    • Topics: 28
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    There was a problem when I checked the top 10 voters of all time.

    When I did /vr top10total, I was not at the top of the vote list. I had at least 900 votes ever since I joined PirateCraft, but the vote stats show that I only have 3 votes.

    This might have been a bug, or staff took me off it. Please let me know if you know about this.

    Also, I have evidence. I have been saving the vote keys I have got from voting.

    • Topics: 50
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    I’m a non – pvper. My ping is generally a bit higher than most pvpers, and I never put in the hours of practice to learn how to fight effectively. I play this game for the creativity in building and I chose a pvp enabled server for the sense of mortality it gives you which makes the game far more immersive for me.

    However this doesnt mean I am not interested in pvp at all – it looks quite fun. Currently the barrier to entry for me is the very expensive gear required to fight, meaning if I’m not reasonably sure of winning then theres no point fighting since the gear lost when you die is so valuable. Removing top tier gear so that the best equipment for pvp is reasonably cheap would mean I would happily get involved in fights since the gear lost is not an issue.

    If this change would not negatively effect the combat experience for those who do get involved in pvp regularly (which I couldnt really comment on since I’m not involved in that side of things) then I think it would be a positive change for those of us who are currently reluctant to get involved in combat.


    Ex Prime Minister of the British Empire

    Crew History: TEE, Delta, Enigma, BE


    In reply to: Unban Appeal by xZgor

    Francesco Maglione
    • Topics: 1
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    In reply to: Shop In Dispair

    • Topics: 94
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    You wait out your tempban like everyone else has.

    Stop asking staff to unban you.

    Ask again and we’ll double it.

    This was pretty much a unanimous staff decision to tempban you, we have discussed it, we have looked at your previous punishments, and felt it was the correct course of action. I don’t need to justify why we tempbanned you. We don’t make exceptions for tempbans.

    Denied and closed

    « Build Team leader »
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    Crew History: Red Lotus, 0utlaws, Ottoman Empire, Xenon Empire, The Xanthian Order, The Asylum, Xenia

    • Topics: 794
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    Player SteveTheGreat251 has been offline for 4 years 4 months 8 days.

    When you were still “banned” did it show a different message previously?

    Looking at your unban request, looks like you was banned that long ago, blimey!

    Back then we had a different ban system, plugins have changed since then! So you are most likely banned twice across the multiple systems.

    I have issued an unban on the old system, you will have to check if this worked.



    In reply to: Alliance Request

    • Topics: 6
    • Replies: 32
    • Total: 38
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    I SpikyCactus2105, the Prime Minister of The Dominion Of Canada request an alliance with the mighty British empire.

    My capital city, Ottawa, is located in the northern sea, very close to British settlements and I wish to be peaceful with the British Empire. I don’t want to fight, I just want a peaceful location for my crew members to build and prosper. I feel like our crews could benefit each other, anyone in the BE would be welcome to visit Ottawa at any point of time, since it is only a ~5 min boat ride from a major British port, and hopefully this alliance would open many doors for free trade and protection. I am also planning to build a navy to protect the waters near Ottawa, but with the alliance we would be able to protect each other. I could send troops over to help in times of need, and we would always be willing to lend a hand whenever we can, my crew is still pretty small but we are constantly expanding! In my time in Piratecraft I have always looked up to The British Empire, I was awestruck when I first saw London and when I saw the fleet. I should stop writing now… this wasn’t supposed to be this long, but whatever…

    In conclusion, I think that we would benefit each other, through trade, military, or anything really. I also think that with our close proximity we would be ready to help with anything. Therefore, I humbly request an alliance with the mighty British Empire. I wanted to make a new request because I didn’t like how I worded the old one.





    This is the account for SpikyCactus’ old username; Gamer_2105. It has been abandoned.

    Crew History:
    - Dawgs (leader)
    - CAN (leader)
    - BE (leader)
    - CSN (member)
    - HI (member)
    - PY (leader)

    • Topics: 47
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    • Total: 175
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    Thank you Cysteen for the feedback I see your point.

    Yes I realize this is not a new idea but its just that an idea. I am hoping that maybe with enough people requesting or commenting on this we can bring some attention to it.

    I’m absolutely fine that it is not a priority I understand GodsDead has an update to deal with.

    Oy you Landlubers go see GodsDeads post and thank him. He is putting in a butt load of effort.

    PSA: Minecraft 1.14


    • Topics: 47
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    Thank you all so much for your replies. I see that many of you agree that a Test Period would be good. Any suggestions as to how many days or weeks that this would go? Personally I think 2 or 3 weeks for the Test period of Removal of tp or an alternative would be great. Please tell your friends in Discord or online about this. I would love to get more replies to this topic so I can present a case to the admins and GodsDead for an approval of a Test Period for the removal of Tps.


    Sincerely, VladDracul



    In reply to: My Unban Appeal

    • Topics: 21
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    • Total: 93
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    ging its been long and i think you deserver a second chance. its been months and you were a true friend to me. i just hope you can stop your toxic behaviours and try to assimalte into our community

    I eat crayons with my eyes...
    Never put marbles in ur nose it hurts
    King of Scoryenthea
    Mayor of Crythus


    In reply to: x-ray mistake

    Blu Pearson
    • Topics: 43
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    First off I want to say thanks for making a pleasant and respectful appeal and not being a butt head. That is refreshing.

    I will say the same thing I told your friend. The anti cheat flagged you as for xraying. Emjeils and I both went to watch you in spectate to verify the flag and get video. We both observed you finish mining a vein of diamond ore as we arrived then proceed to look around and go directly to the next vein of diamond ore across the way. Then another quick look around and you mined directly to a third vein of diamond ore. Which was more than enough to swing the ban hammer. I asked you what you were doing while you were on your way to a fourth patch o’ daimonds, you paniced and tp’ed home to ditch your loot and I banned you at that time.

    You will find I am fair, generous and easy to get along with but I am also firm and dont swing the hammer without being very sure of my accusation. In this case it was a clear violation of the rule below. There are occasions if  the staff member feels they want to get screens of your f3 or resource folders etc… but it isnt necessary or required for a staff member to execute a disciplinary action.

    Heres a link to a more in depth look at the rules you should have read upon joining the server with the specific one you broke pulled out and quoted 

    “No hacking, cheating or exploiting glitches.
    No client mod(s) Do not use any minecraft client modification (Apart from Optifine)
    If you find an exploitable glitch, contact a staff member

    Another pretty clear one. Just dont do it. There are many ways staff has to know whether someone is hacking, cheating, xraying, or glitching. Staff has no obligation to give any warning prior to handing out the disciplinary action for these violations. On occasion players will get asked for n f3, resource folder, and other screens but this is not a prerequisite for disciplinary action but a courtesy or as an extra step in evidence gathering.”

    Bottom line is you used a resource pack or another means to see/know where diamonds where with the intent of mining them easily and thus by all accounts breaking the server rules. The punishment for xray is at least 6 months. Be thankful thats all as it was a permanent ban until just last year.

    If you insist on maintaining the lie of you didnt do anything and were wrongly accused and start drama the 6 months will become permanent.

    Im sure your a good kid and I know it sucks to not be able to play with your friends, but if you cant do the time dont do the crime. 😀

    • Topics: 20
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    • Total: 60
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    Morandi Bridge by zRoMick02WR

    -7450, 64, 3200

    A huge bridge connecting the italian towns of Diana, Buco and Rodi this bridge stands out with the use of expensive blocks, and top notch Italian engineering, sure to withstand many decades to come.

    • Topics: 20
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    French Republic Capital Building by President_B

    As the government of the French Republic meets in this building, the colors of the French Flag wave in the breeze on top to symbolize the freedom and peace within the group.

    • Topics: 10
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    • Total: 42
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    Current Username: Shrekbacon
    Username when banned: Shrekbacon
    UUID: 5c6c25ad-04a7-4bb7-b8cd-e8ad3ecb228b
    Your punishment tracker link:
    Banned By: Lawzoneon

    First off, I want to apologize. I want to apologize to Lawzoneon, and I want to apologize to GodsDead for my actions. I was already given another chance, and I blew it. I’m not going to say some B.S. or anything. I was X-raying, and it was because I was being an idiot and didn’t stop to think about the consequences. I didn’t think about how I would, and did, disappoint and let down so many people who’s friendship I cared about. I don’t know what I was thinking at the time- actually no I do, I wasn’t thinking at all. I had come back and had a lot going for me. I was building a city, ships, I had friends who I cared about. And I threw it all away. Not a day has gone by that I haven’t thought about what I did and regretted it. I know that this is asking a lot coming from myself, but I want more than anything to be able to return. That 6 months of regret and having to watch all of my friends move on without me and slowly lose my memory was agonizing. As I said I know it probably seems like I am asking a lot, to ask for another chance at this but I have changed. 184 days, New Years, Christmas, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Valentine’s Day, and a 14th birthday of blindly looking at the live map, or reading the discord, with nothing I could do but think and regret what I had done. I wish this on nobody, and I truly was not thinking in order for me to not do what I did for the sake of the people around me, my friends, and those who relied on me. I know that Davy Jones’ locker is around now, and I’m willing to, if felt necessary by the staff, also collect sand along with those 184 days in order to redeem myself and reunite myself with the people whom I have missed, and be able to once again be a part of the amazing PirateCraft community. I pray that Lawzoneon, GodsDead, the friends who I have let down, and really just the whole staff team and anyone who was aquatinted can accept this apology and please consider my request and maybe give me one more chance.

    Thank you so much for taking the time to read this, I give you my best wishes. Have a good day.


    Prepare for the worst, Hope for the best.

    • Topics: 47
    • Replies: 128
    • Total: 175
    • ★★★★

    I recently was shown a glitch in Minecraft. One that allows you to enter through another players claim by breaking an iron door and running through.

    It is a way to bypass Iron doors and get into players claims.

    I have no idea how long this has been going on but I think some High End Players have been Abusing this.

    Players that do no use Iron doors in there claims and instead use Gates or place blocks on entries.

    I have seen such places around the map like Romiches place near /warp north.

    I reported this to staff a while ago and the Top staff member told me that it was not a hack but that is more just Minecraft in general.

    I think back to all those years and how players probably abused this and it makes me very sad.

    If this is not fixed or changed I do not think I will want to stay on Minecraft or piratecraft. If you can get into players bases and then siege them and kill them its is going to totally change the server. It probably has already but no one has reported it and they probably have used it for Personal gains.

    It makes me very mad and disappointed to see this.

    Im imploring staff to respond ASAP. I guess with this discovery players will have to either use blocks for entries or come up with other ways to protect there bases as Iron doors are no longer a Safe Use on this server. Or any other server if what I was told by staff is true.

    Sincerely CountMonteCristo aka VladDracul


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