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  • #18998
    • Topics: 18
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    I got minecraft and my very first laptop at Christmas and the next day I went straight to my friends house (because he introduced me to minecraft) we had a survivial but it then turned into creative, we just couldn’t help cheating ? whenever I went minning, I came up with like 10 pieces of Iron and my friend got 100 stacks of diamonds and me being a complete noob, I belived he got i legit. Then I looked over his screen and first discovered Gm1 and him cheating. I copied him and got my self a set of God gear. Then when he changed back to survival I killed him. We got into a huge fight and had a war with wolf’s,Iron Golems and Tnt. We Then chrashed the game and corrupted it, and he shouted at me because he claimed it was the best house he had ever built and he could never go back on that world ?


    Leader of the Verussian Empire and the country Verussia.


    In reply to: Suggestion: Economics

    Crazy Pirate
    • Topics: 110
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    5 months later, my dear friend, you reply to this topic…

    Should I did up the old adzy topics now? 😛


    In reply to: Gaming (report)

    • Topics: 16
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    Both have been sent a ingame email and recived a warning.

    Topic closed.


    In reply to: Bullying Since Day 1

    • Topics: 111
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    How is that any different from an empire demanding certain items for a truce? I thought it would be allowed to demand “cargo” like a pirate and in case said “cargo” is not surrendered peacefully, to take it by force. I get why killing people more than 4 times is against the rules and bullying like lava spawn trapping but black mail seems like an important aspect of pirate gameplay?


    The fact that he blackmailed him repeatily and never stopped is why.



    In reply to: Queens Proclaimation

    • Topics: 9
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    guys lest be real here…hardtimez was the harraser…he almost attacked as much as the hattwis…the EE and most of the comunity dont want that bs too happen again.all i really want is for people too raid for loot not for the kills not for the reputation not for harrasment and not too noobs….i think its not too much to ask for the comunity too raid someone for there loot or becuase they did something too you (from now on) and also have a moral limit to the raids… that really too much to ask?


    With the amount of blocks that are unsiegable and that blocks like stonebrick have pretty much no weakness at all…the good players (such as Callie for example) are unraidable pretty much. The newbies are pretty much the only real option without a really good plan. : /


    It is an national law for the elves. But an international law for everyone, if you don’t want another war savage then this is the best route.


    The server is based on criminals…this “law” will only anger pirates…you’re not going to really accomplish anything besides encouraging people to do it because well, I personally love to kill and raid. If I feel like going on a killing spree? Your RP law isn’t going to stop me.


    In reply to: Queens Proclaimation

    • Topics: 11
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    I personally think this law is a great idea, it will hopefully stop people harrassing others.

    -Lithvather, Knight Of Winter
    Slayer Of Darkness
    Do Or Do Not
    There Is No Try


    In reply to: Queens Proclaimation

    • Topics: 66
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    Well I am not going on anymore random killing sprees now, mainly because after my temp ban and the zindarak topic I am not going to risk it or anything…


    I feel humiliated as well as one of my closest friend and ally has now gone of an made his own Empire which I do accept but I feel very sad about it not to mention that I don’t want to go on holiday and I am going soon. 🙁 🙁 🙁


    I’m just gonna concentrate on getting supplies and finishing New Faythe for the rest of the summer.

    so far this holiday is not going my way and i’m not enjoying one bit of it and I know it’s no one’s fault on here so don’t feel bad but i’m just ruddy stressed.


    In reply to: Queens Proclaimation

    The Queen
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    3 days tops solid 🙂 I just realized a week was to much.


    Mother and soul protector of the Elven Empire

    The Queen
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    I agree people do use it to there advantage and I am a witness to them saying sorry in chat how they don’t wanna be banned.

    Also blocking the door knowing there is a PVP glitch is something that can get you in major trouble..

    come on people hardtimez was just banned for being a idiot hacking.. STOP TRYING TO ABUSE

    All I gotta say.

    Mother and soul protector of the Elven Empire


    In reply to: Ban Appeal

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    ok 2 things-

    1. u said urself that u hacked, so thats enough proof for anyone.

    2. stop harassing Cysteen on the forums, it is a form of bullying and staff do not want it.



    In reply to: Recruitment

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    guys it was just a missunderstanding…..why would you start a war becuase of some gear and then loose god knows how many gears until the war stops.what was the gear i’ll replace it.


    Posesore of the Ope Ope No Mi

    i realy like One Piece


    In reply to: Recruitment

    • Topics: 21
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    Guys can we just stop this chat now. Its pointless and just unnecessary spam on the forums. I called it a mini war because i didnt know what to call it. Please this was a recruitment post. Lets just stop talking on it

    Founder and Senator of the Luteus Republic
    Writer of Pirate Craft Articles
    Luteus Republic
    The servers first founded and working Republic


    In reply to: Suggestion for world

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    Sting you’ve missed my point entirely.

    what I was trying to say was let it be created but people stop trying to mold it into their desired shape.

    i never said that tpa was bad or that I still wanted it or that I never want to play on it.

    Also I have sailed.


    and for crazy.

    what I have to say is that if it is a games server what’s the point of people saying it is a no tpa and for ships to me used more often and all and it’s only really to make those who don’t like how people use tpa so much.

    Really this posts and what some people reply to me makes me feel like giving up on life.



    In reply to: solution

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    You do realize your “Solution” is something I wrote months ago in the main /back posts? You do realize that your “If you are killed in PVP then you cannot back” These are my ideas you are posting back to me?

    I dont understand this thread, I have said both these things in the past, Neither are technically feasible that’s why they were not implemented, Please dont create multiple topics with the same content.



    In reply to: Cannons and Siege

    • Topics: 28
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    i think its simple, cannons, should be able to blow in to claims based on a explosive damage/resistant scheme, like it use to.

    cobble cannon balls can destroy dirt, tnt can break weak hardstones, diamond can punch through just about everything.

    after the siege, the land regens.


    <span style=”color: #555555; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; line-height: 22.3999996185303px; background-color: #fbfbfb;”>wait wait…it use to regen the base back?! now i get why karim and crazy liked it even do they might get attacked with it…..i’m all for it if we somehow add the regen part…why did we took it out in the first place aniway?</span>

    and yes the land did use to regen, but when the world protect was updated the developers removed this feature, gods asked for it to be reintroduced and the request was ignored.


    and i think i have the answer to the /back command abuse, we do it the same as /set home, you can only /back into land you have permission to. that way if you beat some one in a siege, you get one inventory of loot. vise versa if your defeated as an attacker you lose your stuff, this will stop players from returning over and over removing the chances of you ever defending your base.


    also to add to it, remove the ability to tpa people in to a siege for about 100 block out side the claim, that way if they die they have to get back in again. rather then have some one just out side the claim tpa’in people in



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