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  • #24896
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    Cant be bothered making the firework so here are the instructions to it: Red dye top right corner|Lime Green Dye Top Middle|BoneMeal Top left|Gunpowder bottom left corner|GLowstone Middle Bottom|Golden Nugget bottom right corner

    Step.2 Put firework star you made in Step 1 in bottom left corner and a Yellow dye in the top left corner

    Step .3 Put firework star in top middle|Paper in Middle| Gunpowder bottom middle| Done!

    Firework’s name: Christmas Tree Topper!



    In reply to: Hacking?

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    ok first of all ik its over used but you are a idiot and will tell you why in a simple way 🙂

    We were on top of your house on the roof before we beat you in siege this pic proves and suggests so little I dont even know why I waste my time commenting at all on this.

    Sorry if I seemed mean but I just was annoyed with the sheer lack of proof and suggestion of “Hacks”

    • Topics: 794
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    Please welcome @Lucky Lucky_Vincentius to the Moderation team at PirateCraft, Lucky_Vincentius is now commodore rank and is here to help out with moderating poor behaviour on PirateCraft!

    Thanks for helping keep PirateCraft to a top standards @Lucky.


    As a note on Staff Positions, I am reviewing applications for a few more positions for the moderation team. Applications can apply here.

    I have recently had a lot of issues with people not reading this form where it states “It is against the rules to request for a staff position in-game” that is being followed through, anyone that has asked about staff position in-game has had their application deleted and blacklisted from being staff.

    What we really really need is a few server photographers to get the BOTM back up!

    Media Team: Recruitment Form

    I think I need to revise the staff application form to allow for media team now too.


    • Topics: 2
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    last time i checked it was a perm ban thats why i made this apeal but then it got changed to a temp so

    end of topic

    We may get knocked down but does that we mean we can all sit down cry about It.? NO that means it’s time to get your ass off the pity potty and go do something. You are only limited but what you believe.

    • Topics: 2
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    stepped over it? well i didnt see how i tried my best from stopping killing deckhands and most newbies to the best of my extent recently ever since i got warned


    also stole 100 pots from seegle not quite only gotten 10-20 from him as well as the constant killing well that only happened once to you  last night no other times for you that i can recall in my mind


    once i again i aplogise for any pain or frustration i caused you all ill do my best to change my attitude and ways as best as i can

    We may get knocked down but does that we mean we can all sit down cry about It.? NO that means it’s time to get your ass off the pity potty and go do something. You are only limited but what you believe.

    • Topics: 18
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    • ★★★

    Hello everyone, I wish to make a formal address to the empire. First off thank y’all for the congratulations on becoming staff, and wish to also thank y’all for everything as well. I couldn’t ask for a better group. However there is atopic I need inform everyone on.
    As y’all know I’m a very busy player and my list just got a lot bigger as well. I have to deal with affairs with EE and running it, helping players out, work on my never ending to do list, and now I am a staff member which means as I play I’m doing staff related jobs. As I continue to work as staff I will get busier, and if gods promotes, I will have many things to do. And with that means I have less and less time for other things. But also means I have new issues arise too.
    One issue I will have arise and dually note will be an issue is me being staff. Being staff gives me a lot of other commands which by default give EE an unfair advantage. And with that other crews may see I’m showing favoritism to EE and may think I will treat y’all differently or treat other crews unfairly. Or they might think I will abuse staff powers to give an upper hand to elves.
    Due to this, I will have to step down for the title of king and retire from EE since being staff will cause more issues for not just me but EE itself if I stay as a member. I don’t not wish nor want to soil EE’s name or my own creditability from issues that arise in EE for us to fight other crews.
    So with that being said I am retiring from EE before anything happens, or other staff get complains about me showing favoritism.
    Now I will be leaving, but wish to help EE as much as I can without showing favoritism. Rep I will gladly stay as you current husband and help you make decisions for EE or advice you if you would let me. I can not be the king due to te reasons giving and hope yall see my point of view. Even though I wouldn’t abuse staff powers everyone makes mistakes being human as we are, I want to keep EE out of any decision I make rashly. Again I am sorry to be leaving yall, but my reasons is for fairness for all crews and to keep EE’s name intact.

    • Topics: 794
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    Piggybacking off this update:

    People loved this new feature but the issue was that if it was a long time since your last conversation when the next person /msg you, you would instinctively go to /r to reply to them and it would try and send it to the last person! @Edori_an had the idea to add a timer to /r so that it would reset if your conversation had stopped after x amount of time. Well the devs loved @Edori_an idea and implemented it within the week, its now live on the server! Its set to 3 mins, and it works a charm, you can now stay in a conversation using /r without being hijacked and then it will reset itself after 3 mins after the conversation being stopped!

    We can adjust this cooldown time, so lets test it and if it needs to be adjusted then please reply in here.

    • Topics: 21
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    Ok. Tomorrow we stop taking in names. Any other wannabe participents?

    Founder and Senator of the Luteus Republic
    Writer of Pirate Craft Articles
    Luteus Republic
    The servers first founded and working Republic

    • Topics: 794
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    Hey guys, update to the website, player profiles and group profiles can now have cover images like on facebook, it seems they are responsive to the size of the browser, so they act a little differently to facebook.

    Here are some quick examples,

    Group cover image set.

    Player cover images set:


    To change your cover photo go to the menu top right, hover over profile and click change cover photo.

    For a group, go to your group page that you admin, click manage, then click cover photo.

    These could come in really handy with groups, as you could show off a groups colors, the map location, write a message in an image, show player ranks and whos who on the image. Im sure you will be able to come up with creative designs!

    Only note, obviously noting offensive or rude.



    In reply to: STONE Co.

    • Topics: 7
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    This is the hardest thing to do so we changed that to ALL VOLUNTEERS GET ALL THE MINERALS(lapis,gold,iron,diamond,coal,redstone) THEY COLLECT(unless they want to sell them to us). But I am open to suggestions on how to pay volunteers because we can’t literally pay them every day or week. @GodsDead @CallieMav @Markusi13 Is there a way that I can open a permanent page on this forum(in general chat)?

    Yes, create a group.

    Ok thanks

    Criticism is Advice, I Bring Criticism (You Can Quote Me On This)

    • Topics: 6
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    I don’t think I should be banned, as I now shall explain: I had never had a bounty on me this big- so obviously I didn’t want it on my head with god tools and set on my self. So I said on chat “arena” many people turned up, one of which jmoney. I killed everyone including jmoney. then I was leaving but jmoney has no cool down so he tped back and killed me. I said in chat “stop” twice. Then he killed me and collected the bounty. This was not shared and I didn’t intend it to be. Then wiltcher says “enjoy ur ban” ” I filmed it all” . So for the reason that this was not arranged and I got nothing out of it, I shouldn’t be banned for this small offence. FYI- jmoney put the bounty back on me to stop the chat from rampaging about “Ban him!” “gaming!” and all that carry on.

    No, you did not kill everyone nor “many people came” Only your buddies from Delta/Stark were there.Also, Jmoney put the bounty back (which is not even the whole bounty) back after the drama you caused when I confronted you.As I said, If I rob a shop and then return what I stole, it doesn’t make me innocent.An offence is an offence.

    Ps. /me Is to be used for Role playing, not for begging and asking what you did wrong.

    Ι also never said “enjoy your ban” Stop making up stories.

    I also like how you don’t refer to the first bounty gaming.

    JDM Cars are the best

    • Topics: 1
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    I don’t think I should be banned, as I now shall explain:

    I had never had a bounty on me this big- so obviously I didn’t want it on my head with god tools and set on my self. So I said on chat “arena” many people turned up, one of which jmoney. I killed everyone including jmoney. then I was leaving but jmoney has no cool down so he tped back and killed me. I said in chat “stop” twice. Then he killed me and collected the bounty. This was not shared and I didn’t intend it to be.

    Then wiltcher says “enjoy ur ban” ” I filmed it all” .  So for the reason that this was not arranged and I got nothing out of it,  I shouldn’t be banned for this small offence.

    FYI- jmoney put the bounty back on me to stop the chat from rampaging about “Ban him!” “gaming!” and all that carry on.


    In reply to: Report

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    I am sorry, but unless you provide at least some explanation and evidence of suspected rule breaking, there is no reason anyone should bother trying to investigate your report. Either include enough information for staff to work with or stop spamming the forums.

    Prime Minister of the British Empire
    Governor of the Province of Canada

    • Topics: 794
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    Depositing item quickly into chests for donators was changed from SHIFT+RIGHT click, to SHIFT+LEFT click, this is so that donators can easily place blocks on top of chests again.

    More about Automatic Item sorting
    To get these perks you will need to be a donator.

    Playing around with /back settings, back in like June or july I added a cooldown and a warmup to back, but only 1 worked at a time with the current plugin im using to add cooldowns and warm ups, So I switched from a warmup to a cooldown until I can do both, Cooldowns set at 60 seconds, but /back is instant (For now!) as it wont allow me to have both.

    • Topics: 82
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    Bazurka. What do you call a pirate who doesn’t believe in Santa? A rebel without a Claus.

    Pirates aren’t rebels, they’re just thieves. Rebels are people who actively go against their leader. Pirates just break the law and steal to profit, but they don’t count as rebels because they’re not doing it for any sort of political movement.

    Your joke doesn’t work.

    You, my friend, have been misled by present day media. Pirates weren’t just theives. Many of them saw themselves as rebels as did many leaders of the various European empires at the time. Take for example, Charles Vane, he was a prominent pirate captain of the Golden Age of Piracy and after the pirate republic got a lot of power, they began to take part in the global stage. Many pirates were supporters of the House of Stuart and despised King George I (House of Hanover). These supporters were called Jacobites. Vane and many other pirates were Jacobites and they attempted to have a rebellion and were planning to use their pirate ship fleet to combat the Royal Navy. However, the plan died off and never took flight when the Pretender’s mother died. Descendants of the House of Hanover still sit on the throne today.

    Soooo no, the real life pirates weren’t just “thieves”… they were fairly powerful considering they brought trade with mother countries and their colonies to a grinding halt. They used this power to do things that wouldn’t be expected of mere “thieves” to do.

    ~High (#420) Admiral of the BE Navy and retired News Anchor of the Piratecraft Survival Server~

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