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  • #76650
    • Topics: 4
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    My Username: Acusa

    Coordinates: 7751,62,-6424
    Claim owner: PythonAce (Exact username, right click with a stick on the claim to obtain it, this will also show you the players offline time)
    Time the Claim owner has been offline: 11months 15days
    Claim Size: 3364
    Reason: No progress has been started on the guardian temple in nearly a year. It is the same as it was generated. I think it would be better for someone that is actually going to use it to get it instead of it just sitting.

    Creator of Tools
    Smith of Armor

    "Kill or be Killed"


    In reply to: Unban appeal.

    • Topics: 7
    • Replies: 31
    • Total: 38
    • ★★

    <p style=”box-sizing: border-box; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 1rem; color: #696b6e; font-size: 0.9375rem; font-family: ‘Open Sans’, ‘Helvetica Neue’, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center;”><span style=”box-sizing: border-box;”>Now to the main event, your appeal.</span></p>
    <p style=”box-sizing: border-box; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 1rem; color: #696b6e; font-size: 0.9375rem; font-family: ‘Open Sans’, ‘Helvetica Neue’, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center;”>We wanted you to make an appeal publicly, as we were bored of denying your appeals via discord – and quite frankly other staff are fed up with you messaging them about it. Its here for everyone to see now, <em style=”box-sizing: border-box;”>and FYI you don’t need to ask us to make a public appeal – you can do that anytime anywhere; whether it be in the US, Canada, France, or wherever else you had your VPNs registered.</p>
    <p style=”box-sizing: border-box; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 1rem; color: #696b6e; font-size: 0.9375rem; font-family: ‘Open Sans’, ‘Helvetica Neue’, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center;”>—————————————————————————–</p>
    <p style=”box-sizing: border-box; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 1rem; color: #696b6e; font-size: 0.9375rem; font-family: ‘Open Sans’, ‘Helvetica Neue’, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center;”><em style=”box-sizing: border-box;”>I think a chronological order is best, so from the start. Its also pretty clear that several of your ‘punishments’ were joke punishments (Bans: #1, #3, #4, Mutes: #5).</p>
    <p style=”box-sizing: border-box; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 1rem; color: #696b6e; font-size: 0.9375rem; font-family: ‘Open Sans’, ‘Helvetica Neue’, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center;”><span style=”box-sizing: border-box; text-decoration-line: underline;”><span style=”box-sizing: border-box;”>2017</span></span></p>

    <ul style=”box-sizing: border-box; margin: 0px 15px 15px; background-image: initial; background-position: 0px 0px; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; list-style: none; padding: 0px; color: #46484a; font-family: ‘Open Sans’, ‘Helvetica Neue’, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; text-align: center;”>
    <li style=”box-sizing: border-box; background: 0px 0px; margin: 0px; list-style: disc;”><span style=”box-sizing: border-box;”>28/04/17 – Banned for Xray<br style=”box-sizing: border-box;” /></span>You were banned for suspected Xray, and a video surfaced of you using killaura on a different server. While I wasn’t there to check for Xray, something was fishy so we denied your first appeal. Your second appeal in April 2018 was accepted, and you got your second chance. You also logged on with your A_cl0ne account and another account to bypass your ban a few times if I remember correctly.
    <li style=”box-sizing: border-box; background: 0px 0px; margin: 0px; list-style: disc;”><span style=”box-sizing: border-box;”>26/10/17 – Warned for Advertising</span><br style=”box-sizing: border-box;” />You chose to start advertising your own server to your crew members and others in /msg. We know of other people’s involvement of this, and while what you do in your server is none of our business, we don’t appreciate you advertising it. You just don’t do this – you don’t get invited to a party and start talking about how good your party is going to be. This one’s on Gods – his server his rules, we have 0 tolerance for this kind of advertising.

    <p style=”box-sizing: border-box; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 1rem; color: #696b6e; font-size: 0.9375rem; font-family: ‘Open Sans’, ‘Helvetica Neue’, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center;”><span style=”box-sizing: border-box; text-decoration-line: underline;”><span style=”box-sizing: border-box;”>2018</span></span></p>

    <ul style=”box-sizing: border-box; margin: 0px 15px 15px; background-image: initial; background-position: 0px 0px; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; list-style: none; padding: 0px; color: #46484a; font-family: ‘Open Sans’, ‘Helvetica Neue’, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; text-align: center;”>
    <li style=”box-sizing: border-box; background: 0px 0px; margin: 0px; list-style: disc;”><span style=”box-sizing: border-box;”>–/–/18 – Chat spam, irritating Gods and PythonAce<br style=”box-sizing: border-box;” /></span>You came back and misbehaved in chat. You said yourself you let slip a sarcastic comment towards Gods that got you the 2 hour ban. You received a total of 5 mutes (generally for being rude and disrespectful to staff), and 3 autobans for chatspam. However, the chat spam would be something you would continue to do up until you were finally banned in June 2019 – we asked you to stop,<br style=”box-sizing: border-box;” />I know old habits die hard,<br style=”box-sizing: border-box;” />but it<br style=”box-sizing: border-box;” />was<br style=”box-sizing: border-box;” />really<br style=”box-sizing: border-box;” />obnoxious<br style=”box-sizing: border-box;” /><em style=”box-sizing: border-box;”>comprende?

    <p style=”box-sizing: border-box; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 1rem; color: #696b6e; font-size: 0.9375rem; font-family: ‘Open Sans’, ‘Helvetica Neue’, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center;”><span style=”box-sizing: border-box; text-decoration-line: underline;”><span style=”box-sizing: border-box;”>2019</span></span></p>
    <p style=”box-sizing: border-box; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 1rem; color: #696b6e; font-size: 0.9375rem; font-family: ‘Open Sans’, ‘Helvetica Neue’, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center;”>And it all kicks off here.</p>

    <ul style=”box-sizing: border-box; margin: 0px 15px 15px; background-image: initial; background-position: 0px 0px; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; list-style: none; padding: 0px; color: #46484a; font-family: ‘Open Sans’, ‘Helvetica Neue’, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; text-align: center;”>
    <li style=”box-sizing: border-box; background: 0px 0px; margin: 0px; list-style: disc;”><span style=”box-sizing: border-box;”>16/03/19 – </span>Muted by me for being rude.<br style=”box-sizing: border-box;” />You came back to be rude towards staff, as usual. Argued with me about it, as usual… or in other words ‘talk your way out of it’.
    <li style=”box-sizing: border-box; background: 0px 0px; margin: 0px; list-style: disc;”><span style=”box-sizing: border-box;”>23/03/19 –</span> <span style=”box-sizing: border-box;”>Warned for abuse of chatsystem to bypass pvp</span><br style=”box-sizing: border-box;” />We saw you do it multiple times, we had reports of you doing it. Spam chat enough, it thinks you’re spamming and kicks you. PvP manager doesn’t realize you’ve been kicked until its too late, and you essentially bypass pvp logging. You knew what you were doing.
    <li style=”box-sizing: border-box; background: 0px 0px; margin: 0px; list-style: disc;”><span style=”box-sizing: border-box;”>02/05/19 –</span> <span style=”box-sizing: border-box;”>Warned</span> <span style=”box-sizing: border-box;”>for g</span><span style=”box-sizing: border-box;”>litching through doors</span><br style=”box-sizing: border-box;” />Lazy found you behind an iron door magically. At least this time you didn’t argue about it.
    <li style=”box-sizing: border-box; background: 0px 0px; margin: 0px; list-style: disc;”><span style=”box-sizing: border-box;”>08/05/19 – </span>24h Mute for your excessive chat spam. Again.
    <li style=”box-sizing: border-box; background: 0px 0px; margin: 0px; list-style: disc;”><span style=”box-sizing: border-box;”>23/05/19 – Tempban 2 weeks for glitching, lying to staff, arguing with me about it for hours</span><br style=”box-sizing: border-box;” />We found you and Melon had emptied Creeper’s vault. Melon admitted it, returned the items, knew he fucked up and took the warning. You consistently denied any sort of involvement categorically – first you weren’t there at all with him, then you were, then you were messing around and he glitched, then you helped him but didn’t go inside, then you went inside… we went at this for a good 2 hours. The tempban wasn’t just for the glitching, it was consistently lying and being a pain in the ass about it. Plus you had just been warned the previous week for it. You wasted my time, I wasted yours.
    <li style=”box-sizing: border-box; background: 0px 0px; margin: 0px; list-style: disc;”><span style=”box-sizing: border-box;”>03/06/19 – Tempbanned (and later banned) for a variety of things</span><br style=”box-sizing: border-box;” />Gods found your netherportal at warp shops to direct players to your own shop in the nether – which while clever, was manipulation of the shop system – which overlapped with the original punishment (thus <em style=”box-sizing: border-box;”>some people think you were banned purely for doing the shop thing – you weren’t).Shortly after you returned from your ban, you had some er… ‘hiccups’ with emiel in-game. Emiel then gave us some pretty serious information that you had admitted to him to being behind some bot attacks the previous year or something (more on this later). Rumour had it that you were behind some attacks back in November the previous year – this wasn’t new information, people were already speculating it back then. You have a good knowledge of minecraft, PCs, and VPNs, it would be child’s play for you to do this.Obviously Emiel coming forward with such things was quite a big deal. You and him had been close friends for a long time, and apparently you had told him about this last year. He kept his head low as he was your friend – then he was promoted, and ran into a shitty situation: Do I tell staff and get yelled at and break our friendship, or keep it to myself and risk worse… He eventually came to us and we dealt with him separately. Gods and I take accusations like these very seriously, so of course Emiel was pressured to spill the beans – this wasn’t something he could just come up with on the spot. With what he provided, and considering your track record, nasty rumours of you using hacks (yes, i know all pvpers have these), already being banned for xray, etc etc, we had a staff vote. Which was in overwhelming majority for you to be perm banned again – you were causing us too much trouble, these accusations were nothing to sneeze at. We wanted you out.
    <li style=”box-sizing: border-box; background: 0px 0px; margin: 0px; list-style: disc;”><span style=”box-sizing: border-box;”>24/06/19 – First bot attack</span> that can be linked to a discord player named ‘Robot’. This is the same person responsible for multiple bot attacks that would follow in coming months, leading to crash the server as you will all remember. We have noted a distinct pattern of when this person attacks the server, and when bloated gets in touch with us again – months of inactivity and then within a day of each other both return. Anyways.
    <li style=”box-sizing: border-box; background: 0px 0px; margin: 0px; list-style: disc;”><span style=”box-sizing: border-box;”>25/07/19 – You start playing the victim card on emiel to get unbanned</span><br style=”box-sizing: border-box;” />You joined a few days prior with your A_cl0ne account to bypass your ban, and check up on the server. Obviously you lied to us again about that – I had someone message you and you replied with “what? I just bought this account from someone!”.Anyway, you decide to go back to your old pal emiel and ask him to play along in your little game. You want to be unbanned and play again, and start twisting your words as you do so many times with me, and others, to try and get him <em style=”box-sizing: border-box;”>of all people, to help you. You wanted your stuff transferred to Melon – he’s in on it, as are several others. And I, on behalf of emiel, am also in on it. You ask him to install some shady command blocker that’s stupid (<em style=”box-sizing: border-box;”>he doesn’t obviously), your main account is unbanned, you log on, and “Oh no! You’re in the locker and can’t /permissiontrust! What do I do now..?”Well you come on with another alt the next day, pretending to be a “Shockerboy youtube fan” (honestly it cracked me up when I read it), and this new “deckhand” wanted to “visit the locker like in episode 7 of the lets play to ‘experience it’”. I knew it was you, try better next time lol. Anyways, I sent you there, you got digging so you could transfer your sand to your main account, leave the locker, go to survival, trust the people you need, and be gone.
    <p style=”box-sizing: border-box; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 1rem; color: #696b6e; font-size: 0.9375rem;”></p>
    <p style=”box-sizing: border-box; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 1rem; color: #696b6e; font-size: 0.9375rem;”>Couple days later I head to your base, admin claim it as I knew well in advance of what you were planning, and managed to catch you off-guard when emiel re-banned you with a different command, when it seems you forgot to turn on your VPN and suddenly all your accounts showed up with the same bloatedhippo IP address… all banned now, of course. But hey I got you to dig sand for 4 hours for nothing.</p>

    <li style=”box-sizing: border-box; background: 0px 0px; margin: 0px; list-style: disc;”><span style=”box-sizing: border-box;”>19-28/08/19</span> – We get most of the bot attacks now, all from the same player (bar one that was advertising a shitty server), with the leader ‘wanting to speak to the owner’. The bot owner tried their hardest to make life miserable for the people on here, but nevertheless engaged chat to try and pressure our staff to fix the issue and talk with the bot person. Pretty damn manipulative.
    <li style=”box-sizing: border-box; background: 0px 0px; margin: 0px; list-style: disc;”><span style=”box-sizing: border-box;”>29/8/19</span> – You contact Rommerit about wanting to help VER with yet <em style=”box-sizing: border-box;”>another alt account.
    <li style=”box-sizing: border-box; background: 0px 0px; margin: 0px; list-style: disc;”><span style=”box-sizing: border-box;”>9/9/19</span> – More bot attacks.
    <li style=”box-sizing: border-box; background: 0px 0px; margin: 0px; list-style: disc;”><span style=”box-sizing: border-box;”>10/9/19 – KingKaiser/Rome discord drama. Mystic, Drifting, all KingKaisers banned or tempbanned</span> (this is relevant). We get a bot attack later that evening.
    <li style=”box-sizing: border-box; background: 0px 0px; margin: 0px; list-style: disc;”><span style=”box-sizing: border-box;”>11/9/19</span> – The bot leader, ‘Robot’, introduces himself for the first time properly. He is very talkative (talks just like you, y’know) and insists staff contact him about an ‘urgent matter’ or else he will crash the server. Spoilers: the server gets crashed a few days later by several more waves. Attacks continue for a solid week, almost every day for 2+ hours.
    <li style=”box-sizing: border-box; background: 0px 0px; margin: 0px; list-style: disc;”><span style=”box-sizing: border-box;”>21/9/19</span> – Robot contacts lazy directly, your name, among others, is mentioned, ‘things happen’. Apparently you have been in touch with Robot and endorsed their attacks… that is, if you aren’t the same person… but who knows. Up until now both of your patterns have been very very similar. This serious mess is dealt with a few days later, ending the bot attacks until… well we get another one tonight from a different person conveniently. <em style=”box-sizing: border-box;”>No seriously, out of the blue, a new bot person, no idea. 

    <p style=”box-sizing: border-box; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 1rem; color: #696b6e; font-size: 0.9375rem; font-family: ‘Open Sans’, ‘Helvetica Neue’, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center;”>—————————————————————————-</p>
    <p style=”box-sizing: border-box; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 1rem; color: #696b6e; font-size: 0.9375rem; font-family: ‘Open Sans’, ‘Helvetica Neue’, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center;”>Look, I understand your anger and frustration.</p>
    <p style=”box-sizing: border-box; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 1rem; color: #696b6e; font-size: 0.9375rem; font-family: ‘Open Sans’, ‘Helvetica Neue’, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center;”>You feel it was unjustified, you feel innocent, you want that chance to come back. We have people that play that have arguably more punishments… but you were given a second chance already, and you blew it. Your fishy business with the accusations, and later trying to manipulate Emiel into unbanning you… kind of put the nail in the coffin. We’ve got toxic players, we’ve got rule breakers, but you take it to a new level with targeting Emiel and this bot shit, assuming there is some weight behind it.</p>
    <p style=”box-sizing: border-box; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 1rem; color: #696b6e; font-size: 0.9375rem; font-family: ‘Open Sans’, ‘Helvetica Neue’, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center;”><span style=”box-sizing: border-box;”>If you truly want the best for him, don’t message him anymore. He’s sick and tired of you and the anxiety you have given him – he’s going through very tough times, he doesn’t want to speak to you anymore.</span></p>
    <p style=”box-sizing: border-box; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 1rem; color: #696b6e; font-size: 0.9375rem; font-family: ‘Open Sans’, ‘Helvetica Neue’, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center;”>On the topic of that, do you have any idea what stress you have caused him? I’m not saying this to make him look like the victim – Emiel fucked up big time, he knows that, and he’s not asked me to vouch for him here because I’m a friend. I and many others were genuinely very concerned for his mental health. We dealt with Emiel separately, but you were <span style=”box-sizing: border-box;”>constantly</span> messaging him during your ban, manipulating him, targeting him as you knew he is that kind of person who might have a heart for you – you knew full well he could get himself banned for this. Did you not once think to yourself “hmm, I’ve kind of been a cunt to him, perhaps I should leave him alone”. But its not your fault is it? No, you’re just trying to have your items transferred.</p>
    <p style=”box-sizing: border-box; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 1rem; color: #696b6e; font-size: 0.9375rem; font-family: ‘Open Sans’, ‘Helvetica Neue’, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center;”>Its what you do.</p>
    <p style=”box-sizing: border-box; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 1rem; color: #696b6e; font-size: 0.9375rem; font-family: ‘Open Sans’, ‘Helvetica Neue’, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center;”>Its what you have always done – you talk your way out of things and manipulate people.</p>
    <p style=”box-sizing: border-box; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 1rem; color: #696b6e; font-size: 0.9375rem; font-family: ‘Open Sans’, ‘Helvetica Neue’, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center;”>You tried doing it with me and the glitching.</p>
    <p style=”box-sizing: border-box; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 1rem; color: #696b6e; font-size: 0.9375rem; font-family: ‘Open Sans’, ‘Helvetica Neue’, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center;”>You did it with Emiel.</p>
    <p style=”box-sizing: border-box; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 1rem; color: #696b6e; font-size: 0.9375rem; font-family: ‘Open Sans’, ‘Helvetica Neue’, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center;”>You tried doing it with all your other punishments.</p>
    <p style=”box-sizing: border-box; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 1rem; color: #696b6e; font-size: 0.9375rem; font-family: ‘Open Sans’, ‘Helvetica Neue’, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center;”>Sometimes, and this is a life lesson not just for minecraft, its better to shut your mouth rather than being all smart about things. I’m pretty sure this feud between you and the server staff wouldn’t be half as bad if you just shut it sometimes.<span style=”box-sizing: border-box;”> </span>Hell I’d even say one of the main issues we had with you was trying to out-smart and talk your way out of things c o n s t a n t l y.</p>
    <p style=”box-sizing: border-box; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 1rem; color: #696b6e; font-size: 0.9375rem; font-family: ‘Open Sans’, ‘Helvetica Neue’, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center;”>————————————————————————————–</p>
    <p style=”box-sizing: border-box; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 1rem; color: #696b6e; font-size: 0.9375rem; font-family: ‘Open Sans’, ‘Helvetica Neue’, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center;”>I am aware of the hate train that gathers around controversial people of our community – an unpopular player does something fishy and suddenly “<em style=”box-sizing: border-box;”>they need to be banned because they did X and Y“. We know. Yes, there is a chance that all of this bot attack stuff didn’t happen, all these events and evidence we have, is all just one big coincidence – set in motion by individuals who have a bone to pick with you. But what do you expect us to do? Forget about it all? What do you think would happen if we let you return; everything goes back to the good ol’ days?</p>
    <p style=”box-sizing: border-box; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 1rem; color: #696b6e; font-size: 0.9375rem; font-family: ‘Open Sans’, ‘Helvetica Neue’, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center;”>No. The damage has been done, the evidence we have, the punishment tracker we have, it all speaks a different story. Its all going to happen all over again – you’ll get your loyal followers, some small issue will occur, you will make a big deal of it when staff are inevitably dragged in = drama. It’ll just end in the same old mess – you’ll probably get punished for what <em style=”box-sizing: border-box;”>you see as a petty crime because you tried being smart about it, and before long we’ll just end up banning you again. Huzzah. Community is divided, staff are being pulled into drama of controversial players, its literally the worst scenario. Wait a month and we start getting messages of how sorry you are, but not before you pop on with more alts inbetween to bypass your punishment.</p>
    <p style=”box-sizing: border-box; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 1rem; color: #696b6e; font-size: 0.9375rem; font-family: ‘Open Sans’, ‘Helvetica Neue’, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center;”>Well sorry buddy, its not going to repeat. This ends here. You aren’t coming back, you won’t come back. Whether or not some of your previous punishments were seen as harsh, what you have done since and the evidence we have suggest you have indeed not  become more responsible for your actions – because you never were responsible for the shit you did in the first place. Please go find a different community to harass and divide – you’ve done your fair share of damage here already.</p>
    <p style=”box-sizing: border-box; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 1rem; color: #696b6e; font-size: 0.9375rem; font-family: ‘Open Sans’, ‘Helvetica Neue’, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center;”><span style=”box-sizing: border-box; text-decoration-line: underline;”><em style=”box-sizing: border-box;”><span style=”box-sizing: border-box;”>Denied and closed.</span></span></p>
    <p style=”box-sizing: border-box; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 1rem; color: #696b6e; font-size: 0.9375rem; font-family: ‘Open Sans’, ‘Helvetica Neue’, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center;”><span style=”box-sizing: border-box;”>We don’t want apologies, and we don’t want your money for an unban, take it elsewhere. Do not message me or other staff about this. You’ve blown your chances, we’re all sick and tired to death. Use this time wisely and find a new community, start afresh, make new friends online. I hope you can find a community who will tolerate you and your bullshit.</span></p>
    <p style=”box-sizing: border-box; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 1rem; color: #696b6e; font-size: 0.9375rem; font-family: ‘Open Sans’, ‘Helvetica Neue’, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center;”><span style=”box-sizing: border-box;”>Farewell, good luck, and goodbye</span></p>


    In reply to: Unban appeal.

    • Topics: 7
    • Replies: 31
    • Total: 38
    • ★★

    Read Maxy’s paragraph on your last appeal and think again:

    Now to the main event, your appeal. We wanted you to make an appeal publicly, as we were bored of denying your appeals via discord – and quite frankly other staff are fed up with you messaging them about it. Its here for everyone to see now, and FYI you don’t need to ask us to make a public appeal – you can do that anytime anywhere; whether it be in the US, Canada, France, or wherever else you had your VPNs registered. —————————————————————————– I think a chronological order is best, so from the start. Its also pretty clear that several of your ‘punishments’ were joke punishments (Bans: #1, #3, #4, Mutes: #5). 2017


    28/04/17 – Banned for Xray You were banned for suspected Xray, and a video surfaced of you using killaura on a different server. While I wasn’t there to check for Xray, something was fishy so we denied your first appeal. Your second appeal in April 2018 was accepted, and you got your second chance. You also logged on with your A_cl0ne account and another account to bypass your ban a few times if I remember correctly.

    26/10/17 – Warned for Advertising You chose to start advertising your own server to your crew members and others in /msg. We know of other people’s involvement of this, and while what you do in your server is none of our business, we don’t appreciate you advertising it. You just don’t do this – you don’t get invited to a party and start talking about how good your party is going to be. This one’s on Gods – his server his rules, we have 0 tolerance for this kind of advertising.



    –/–/18 – Chat spam, irritating Gods and PythonAce You came back and misbehaved in chat. You said yourself you let slip a sarcastic comment towards Gods that got you the 2 hour ban. You received a total of 5 mutes (generally for being rude and disrespectful to staff), and 3 autobans for chatspam. However, the chat spam would be something you would continue to do up until you were finally banned in June 2019 – we asked you to stop, I know old habits die hard, but it was really obnoxious comprende?

    2019 And it all kicks off here.


    16/03/19 – Muted by me for being rude. You came back to be rude towards staff, as usual. Argued with me about it, as usual… or in other words ‘talk your way out of it’.

    23/03/19 – Warned for abuse of chatsystem to bypass pvp We saw you do it multiple times, we had reports of you doing it. Spam chat enough, it thinks you’re spamming and kicks you. PvP manager doesn’t realize you’ve been kicked until its too late, and you essentially bypass pvp logging. You knew what you were doing.

    02/05/19 – Warned for glitching through doors Lazy found you behind an iron door magically. At least this time you didn’t argue about it.

    08/05/19 – 24h Mute for your excessive chat spam. Again.

    23/05/19 – Tempban 2 weeks for glitching, lying to staff, arguing with me about it for hours We found you and Melon had emptied Creeper’s vault. Melon admitted it, returned the items, knew he fucked up and took the warning. You consistently denied any sort of involvement categorically – first you weren’t there at all with him, then you were, then you were messing around and he glitched, then you helped him but didn’t go inside, then you went inside… we went at this for a good 2 hours. The tempban wasn’t just for the glitching, it was consistently lying and being a pain in the ass about it. Plus you had just been warned the previous week for it. You wasted my time, I wasted yours.

    03/06/19 – Tempbanned (and later banned) for a variety of things Gods found your netherportal at warp shops to direct players to your own shop in the nether – which while clever, was manipulation of the shop system – which overlapped with the original punishment (thus some people think you were banned purely for doing the shop thing – you weren’t).Shortly after you returned from your ban, you had some er… ‘hiccups’ with emiel in-game. Emiel then gave us some pretty serious information that you had admitted to him to being behind some bot attacks the previous year or something (more on this later). Rumour had it that you were behind some attacks back in November the previous year – this wasn’t new information, people were already speculating it back then. You have a good knowledge of minecraft, PCs, and VPNs, it would be child’s play for you to do this.Obviously Emiel coming forward with such things was quite a big deal. You and him had been close friends for a long time, and apparently you had told him about this last year. He kept his head low as he was your friend – then he was promoted, and ran into a shitty situation: Do I tell staff and get yelled at and break our friendship, or keep it to myself and risk worse… He eventually came to us and we dealt with him separately. Gods and I take accusations like these very seriously, so of course Emiel was pressured to spill the beans – this wasn’t something he could just come up with on the spot. With what he provided, and considering your track record, nasty rumours of you using hacks (yes, i know all pvpers have these), already being banned for xray, etc etc, we had a staff vote. Which was in overwhelming majority for you to be perm banned again – you were causing us too much trouble, these accusations were nothing to sneeze at. We wanted you out.

    24/06/19 – First bot attack that can be linked to a discord player named ‘Robot’. This is the same person responsible for multiple bot attacks that would follow in coming months, leading to crash the server as you will all remember. We have noted a distinct pattern of when this person attacks the server, and when bloated gets in touch with us again – months of inactivity and then within a day of each other both return. Anyways.

    25/07/19 – You start playing the victim card on emiel to get unbanned You joined a few days prior with your A_cl0ne account to bypass your ban, and check up on the server. Obviously you lied to us again about that – I had someone message you and you replied with “what? I just bought this account from someone!”.Anyway, you decide to go back to your old pal emiel and ask him to play along in your little game. You want to be unbanned and play again, and start twisting your words as you do so many times with me, and others, to try and get him of all people, to help you. You wanted your stuff transferred to Melon – he’s in on it, as are several others. And I, on behalf of emiel, am also in on it. You ask him to install some shady command blocker that’s stupid (he doesn’t obviously), your main account is unbanned, you log on, and “Oh no! You’re in the locker and can’t /permissiontrust! What do I do now..?”Well you come on with another alt the next day, pretending to be a “Shockerboy youtube fan” (honestly it cracked me up when I read it), and this new “deckhand” wanted to “visit the locker like in episode 7 of the lets play to ‘experience it’”. I knew it was you, try better next time lol. Anyways, I sent you there, you got digging so you could transfer your sand to your main account, leave the locker, go to survival, trust the people you need, and be gone. Couple days later I head to your base, admin claim it as I knew well in advance of what you were planning, and managed to catch you off-guard when emiel re-banned you with a different command, when it seems you forgot to turn on your VPN and suddenly all your accounts showed up with the same bloatedhippo IP address… all banned now, of course. But hey I got you to dig sand for 4 hours for nothing.

    19-28/08/19 – We get most of the bot attacks now, all from the same player (bar one that was advertising a shitty server), with the leader ‘wanting to speak to the owner’. The bot owner tried their hardest to make life miserable for the people on here, but nevertheless engaged chat to try and pressure our staff to fix the issue and talk with the bot person. Pretty damn manipulative.

    29/8/19 – You contact Rommerit about wanting to help VER with yet another alt account.

    9/9/19 – More bot attacks.

    10/9/19 – KingKaiser/Rome discord drama. Mystic, Drifting, all KingKaisers banned or tempbanned (this is relevant). We get a bot attack later that evening.

    11/9/19 – The bot leader, ‘Robot’, introduces himself for the first time properly. He is very talkative (talks just like you, y’know) and insists staff contact him about an ‘urgent matter’ or else he will crash the server. Spoilers: the server gets crashed a few days later by several more waves. Attacks continue for a solid week, almost every day for 2+ hours.

    21/9/19 – Robot contacts lazy directly, your name, among others, is mentioned, ‘things happen’. Apparently you have been in touch with Robot and endorsed their attacks… that is, if you aren’t the same person… but who knows. Up until now both of your patterns have been very very similar. This serious mess is dealt with a few days later, ending the bot attacks until… well we get another one tonight from a different person conveniently. No seriously, out of the blue, a new bot person, no idea.

    —————————————————————————- Look, I understand your anger and frustration. You feel it was unjustified, you feel innocent, you want that chance to come back. We have people that play that have arguably more punishments… but you were given a second chance already, and you blew it. Your fishy business with the accusations, and later trying to manipulate Emiel into unbanning you… kind of put the nail in the coffin. We’ve got toxic players, we’ve got rule breakers, but you take it to a new level with targeting Emiel and this bot shit, assuming there is some weight behind it.


    If you truly want the best for him, don’t message him anymore. He’s sick and tired of you and the anxiety you have given him – he’s going through very tough times, he doesn’t want to speak to you anymore. On the topic of that, do you have any idea what stress you have caused him? I’m not saying this to make him look like the victim – Emiel fucked up big time, he knows that, and he’s not asked me to vouch for him here because I’m a friend. I and many others were genuinely very concerned for his mental health. We dealt with Emiel separately, but you were constantly messaging him during your ban, manipulating him, targeting him as you knew he is that kind of person who might have a heart for you – you knew full well he could get himself banned for this. Did you not once think to yourself “hmm, I’ve kind of been a cunt to him, perhaps I should leave him alone”. But its not your fault is it? No, you’re just trying to have your items transferred. Its what you do. Its what you have always done – you talk your way out of things and manipulate people. You tried doing it with me and the glitching. You did it with Emiel. You tried doing it with all your other punishments. Sometimes, and this is a life lesson not just for minecraft, its better to shut your mouth rather than being all smart about things. I’m pretty sure this feud between you and the server staff wouldn’t be half as bad if you just shut it sometimes. Hell I’d even say one of the main issues we had with you was trying to out-smart and talk your way out of things c o n s t a n t l y. ————————————————————————————– I am aware of the hate train that gathers around controversial people of our community – an unpopular player does something fishy and suddenly “they need to be banned because they did X and Y“. We know. Yes, there is a chance that all of this bot attack stuff didn’t happen, all these events and evidence we have, is all just one big coincidence – set in motion by individuals who have a bone to pick with you. But what do you expect us to do? Forget about it all? What do you think would happen if we let you return; everything goes back to the good ol’ days? No. The damage has been done, the evidence we have, the punishment tracker we have, it all speaks a different story. Its all going to happen all over again – you’ll get your loyal followers, some small issue will occur, you will make a big deal of it when staff are inevitably dragged in = drama. It’ll just end in the same old mess – you’ll probably get punished for what you see as a petty crime because you tried being smart about it, and before long we’ll just end up banning you again. Huzzah. Community is divided, staff are being pulled into drama of controversial players, its literally the worst scenario. Wait a month and we start getting messages of how sorry you are, but not before you pop on with more alts inbetween to bypass your punishment. Well sorry buddy, its not going to repeat. This ends here. You aren’t coming back, you won’t come back. Whether or not some of your previous punishments were seen as harsh, what you have done since and the evidence we have suggest you have indeed not become more responsible for your actions – because you never were responsible for the shit you did in the first place. Please go find a different community to harass and divide – you’ve done your fair share of damage here already.


    Denied and closed.


    We don’t want apologies, and we don’t want your money for an unban, take it elsewhere. Do not message me or other staff about this. You’ve blown your chances, we’re all sick and tired to death. Use this time wisely and find a new community, start afresh, make new friends online. I hope you can find a community who will tolerate you and your bullshit.


    Farewell, good luck, and goodbye.


    In reply to: Unban Appeal

    • Topics: 94
    • Replies: 650
    • Total: 744
    • ★★★★★★

    Now to the main event, your appeal.

    We wanted you to make an appeal publicly, as we were bored of denying your appeals via discord – and quite frankly other staff are fed up with you messaging them about it. Its here for everyone to see now, and FYI you don’t need to ask us to make a public appeal – you can do that anytime anywhere; whether it be in the US, Canada, France, or wherever else you had your VPNs registered.


    I think a chronological order is best, so from the start. Its also pretty clear that several of your ‘punishments’ were joke punishments (Bans: #1, #3, #4, Mutes: #5).


    • 28/04/17 – Banned for Xray
      You were banned for suspected Xray, and a video surfaced of you using killaura on a different server. While I wasn’t there to check for Xray, something was fishy so we denied your first appeal. Your second appeal in April 2018 was accepted, and you got your second chance. You also logged on with your A_cl0ne account and another account to bypass your ban a few times if I remember correctly.
    • 26/10/17 – Warned for Advertising
      You chose to start advertising your own server to your crew members and others in /msg. We know of other people’s involvement of this, and while what you do in your server is none of our business, we don’t appreciate you advertising it. You just don’t do this – you don’t get invited to a party and start talking about how good your party is going to be. This one’s on Gods – his server his rules, we have 0 tolerance for this kind of advertising.


    • –/–/18 – Chat spam, irritating Gods and PythonAce
      You came back and misbehaved in chat. You said yourself you let slip a sarcastic comment towards Gods that got you the 2 hour ban. You received a total of 5 mutes (generally for being rude and disrespectful to staff), and 3 autobans for chatspam. However, the chat spam would be something you would continue to do up until you were finally banned in June 2019 – we asked you to stop,
      I know old habits die hard,
      but it


    And it all kicks off here.

    • 16/03/19 – Muted by me for being rude.
      You came back to be rude towards staff, as usual. Argued with me about it, as usual… or in other words ‘talk your way out of it’.
    • 23/03/19 – Warned for abuse of chatsystem to bypass pvp
      We saw you do it multiple times, we had reports of you doing it. Spam chat enough, it thinks you’re spamming and kicks you. PvP manager doesn’t realize you’ve been kicked until its too late, and you essentially bypass pvp logging. You knew what you were doing.
    • 02/05/19 – Warned for glitching through doors
      Lazy found you behind an iron door magically. At least this time you didn’t argue about it.
    • 08/05/19 – 24h Mute for your excessive chat spam. Again.
    • 23/05/19 – Tempban 2 weeks for glitching, lying to staff, arguing with me about it for hours
      We found you and Melon had emptied Creeper’s vault. Melon admitted it, returned the items, knew he fucked up and took the warning. You consistently denied any sort of involvement categorically – first you weren’t there at all with him, then you were, then you were messing around and he glitched, then you helped him but didn’t go inside, then you went inside… we went at this for a good 2 hours. The tempban wasn’t just for the glitching, it was consistently lying and being a pain in the ass about it. Plus you had just been warned the previous week for it. You wasted my time, I wasted yours.
    • 03/06/19 – Tempbanned (and later banned) for a variety of things
      Gods found your netherportal at warp shops to direct players to your own shop in the nether – which while clever, was manipulation of the shop system – which overlapped with the original punishment (thus some people think you were banned purely for doing the shop thing – you weren’t).Shortly after you returned from your ban, you had some er… ‘hiccups’ with emiel in-game. Emiel then gave us some pretty serious information that you had admitted to him to being behind some bot attacks the previous year or something (more on this later). Rumour had it that you were behind some attacks back in November the previous year – this wasn’t new information, people were already speculating it back then. You have a good knowledge of minecraft, PCs, and VPNs, it would be child’s play for you to do this.Obviously Emiel coming forward with such things was quite a big deal. You and him had been close friends for a long time, and apparently you had told him about this last year. He kept his head low as he was your friend – then he was promoted, and ran into a shitty situation: Do I tell staff and get yelled at and break our friendship, or keep it to myself and risk worse… He eventually came to us and we dealt with him separately. Gods and I take accusations like these very seriously, so of course Emiel was pressured to spill the beans – this wasn’t something he could just come up with on the spot. With what he provided, and considering your track record, nasty rumours of you using hacks (yes, i know all pvpers have these), already being banned for xray, etc etc, we had a staff vote. Which was in overwhelming majority for you to be perm banned again – you were causing us too much trouble, these accusations were nothing to sneeze at. We wanted you out.
    • 24/06/19 – First bot attack that can be linked to a discord player named ‘Robot’. This is the same person responsible for multiple bot attacks that would follow in coming months, leading to crash the server as you will all remember. We have noted a distinct pattern of when this person attacks the server, and when bloated gets in touch with us again – months of inactivity and then within a day of each other both return. Anyways.
    • 25/07/19 – You start playing the victim card on emiel to get unbanned
      You joined a few days prior with your A_cl0ne account to bypass your ban, and check up on the server. Obviously you lied to us again about that – I had someone message you and you replied with “what? I just bought this account from someone!”.Anyway, you decide to go back to your old pal emiel and ask him to play along in your little game. You want to be unbanned and play again, and start twisting your words as you do so many times with me, and others, to try and get him of all people, to help you. You wanted your stuff transferred to Melon – he’s in on it, as are several others. And I, on behalf of emiel, am also in on it. You ask him to install some shady command blocker that’s stupid (he doesn’t obviously), your main account is unbanned, you log on, and “Oh no! You’re in the locker and can’t /permissiontrust! What do I do now..?”Well you come on with another alt the next day, pretending to be a “Shockerboy youtube fan” (honestly it cracked me up when I read it), and this new “deckhand” wanted to “visit the locker like in episode 7 of the lets play to ‘experience it'”. I knew it was you, try better next time lol. Anyways, I sent you there, you got digging so you could transfer your sand to your main account, leave the locker, go to survival, trust the people you need, and be gone.

      Couple days later I head to your base, admin claim it as I knew well in advance of what you were planning, and managed to catch you off-guard when emiel re-banned you with a different command, when it seems you forgot to turn on your VPN and suddenly all your accounts showed up with the same bloatedhippo IP address… all banned now, of course. But hey I got you to dig sand for 4 hours for nothing.

    • 19-28/08/19 – We get most of the bot attacks now, all from the same player (bar one that was advertising a shitty server), with the leader ‘wanting to speak to the owner’. The bot owner tried their hardest to make life miserable for the people on here, but nevertheless engaged chat to try and pressure our staff to fix the issue and talk with the bot person. Pretty damn manipulative.
    • 29/8/19 – You contact Rommerit about wanting to help VER with yet another alt account.
    • 9/9/19 – More bot attacks.
    • 10/9/19 – KingKaiser/Rome discord drama. Mystic, Drifting, all KingKaisers banned or tempbanned (this is relevant). We get a bot attack later that evening.
    • 11/9/19 – The bot leader, ‘Robot’, introduces himself for the first time properly. He is very talkative (talks just like you, y’know) and insists staff contact him about an ‘urgent matter’ or else he will crash the server. Spoilers: the server gets crashed a few days later by several more waves. Attacks continue for a solid week, almost every day for 2+ hours.
    • 21/9/19 – Robot contacts lazy directly, your name, among others, is mentioned, ‘things happen’. Apparently you have been in touch with Robot and endorsed their attacks… that is, if you aren’t the same person… but who knows. Up until now both of your patterns have been very very similar. This serious mess is dealt with a few days later, ending the bot attacks until… well we get another one tonight from a different person conveniently. No seriously, out of the blue, a new bot person, no idea. 


    Look, I understand your anger and frustration.

    You feel it was unjustified, you feel innocent, you want that chance to come back. We have people that play that have arguably more punishments… but you were given a second chance already, and you blew it. Your fishy business with the accusations, and later trying to manipulate Emiel into unbanning you… kind of put the nail in the coffin. We’ve got toxic players, we’ve got rule breakers, but you take it to a new level with targeting Emiel and this bot shit, assuming there is some weight behind it.

    If you truly want the best for him, don’t message him anymore. He’s sick and tired of you and the anxiety you have given him – he’s going through very tough times, he doesn’t want to speak to you anymore.

    On the topic of that, do you have any idea what stress you have caused him? I’m not saying this to make him look like the victim – Emiel fucked up big time, he knows that, and he’s not asked me to vouch for him here because I’m a friend. I and many others were genuinely very concerned for his mental health. We dealt with Emiel separately, but you were constantly messaging him during your ban, manipulating him, targeting him as you knew he is that kind of person who might have a heart for you – you knew full well he could get himself banned for this. Did you not once think to yourself “hmm, I’ve kind of been a cunt to him, perhaps I should leave him alone”. But its not your fault is it? No, you’re just trying to have your items transferred.

    Its what you do.

    Its what you have always done – you talk your way out of things and manipulate people.

    You tried doing it with me and the glitching.

    You did it with Emiel.

    You tried doing it with all your other punishments.

    Sometimes, and this is a life lesson not just for minecraft, its better to shut your mouth rather than being all smart about things. I’m pretty sure this feud between you and the server staff wouldn’t be half as bad if you just shut it sometimes. Hell I’d even say one of the main issues we had with you was trying to out-smart and talk your way out of things c o n s t a n t l y.


    I am aware of the hate train that gathers around controversial people of our community – an unpopular player does something fishy and suddenly “they need to be banned because they did X and Y“. We know. Yes, there is a chance that all of this bot attack stuff didn’t happen, all these events and evidence we have, is all just one big coincidence – set in motion by individuals who have a bone to pick with you. But what do you expect us to do? Forget about it all? What do you think would happen if we let you return; everything goes back to the good ol’ days?

    No. The damage has been done, the evidence we have, the punishment tracker we have, it all speaks a different story. Its all going to happen all over again – you’ll get your loyal followers, some small issue will occur, you will make a big deal of it when staff are inevitably dragged in = drama. It’ll just end in the same old mess – you’ll probably get punished for what you see as a petty crime because you tried being smart about it, and before long we’ll just end up banning you again. Huzzah. Community is divided, staff are being pulled into drama of controversial players, its literally the worst scenario. Wait a month and we start getting messages of how sorry you are, but not before you pop on with more alts inbetween to bypass your punishment.

    Well sorry buddy, its not going to repeat. This ends here. You aren’t coming back, you won’t come back. Whether or not some of your previous punishments were seen as harsh, what you have done since and the evidence we have suggest you have indeed not  become more responsible for your actions – because you never were responsible for the shit you did in the first place. Please go find a different community to harass and divide – you’ve done your fair share of damage here already.

    Denied and closed.

    We don’t want apologies, and we don’t want your money for an unban, take it elsewhere. Do not message me or other staff about this. You’ve blown your chances, we’re all sick and tired to death. Use this time wisely and find a new community, start afresh, make new friends online. I hope you can find a community who will tolerate you and your bullshit.

    Farewell, good luck, and goodbye.

    « Build Team leader »
    « Server Admin »
    Crew History: Red Lotus, 0utlaws, Ottoman Empire, Xenon Empire, The Xanthian Order, The Asylum, Xenia


    In reply to: What it do fly crew

    • Topics: 94
    • Replies: 650
    • Total: 744
    • ★★★★★★

    In all seriousness, here’s a round up of the past 3 months:

    • Helper rank introduced as a temporary rank which allows the user to jail, mute, and kick I think. Admins can freely set anyone to this rank and demote as they please. Current helpers are LEGO, Nahadoth, Bazurka, and Palmerageddon.
    • Emielreijs and PythonAce promoted to Moderator
    • TAS and CLTN had land drama – it quickly escalated and involved staff
    • A shrek cult was formed by JUSAplayer1- basically a bunch of people with shrek names shreking people
    • The_Network, JavaInvader, and Kellyyore removed from staff positions, Creepermorderen promoted to developer
    • We discovered that Kettoh, Jmoo, and Riverwood202 had been spawning in money for the past 10 months, they were banned along with The_Network. CLTN – TAS drama largely stopped at that point. Their belongings were confiscated.
    • Introduction of the ‘Locker’ as a punishment – you are teleported to a separate world made of sand and must dig 3 double chests of sand (I think) with no tools. You are unable to talk, tp out, or skip the punishment.
    • Halloween crate was added and keys drop randomly to people every 30 minutes. Top prize is a highly sought after sharpness 11 hoe.
    • Shockerboy died
    • A small bit of drama ongoing right now between several crews


    « Build Team leader »
    « Server Admin »
    Crew History: Red Lotus, 0utlaws, Ottoman Empire, Xenon Empire, The Xanthian Order, The Asylum, Xenia

    • Topics: 794
    • Replies: 3343
    • Total: 4137
    • ★★★★★★★★

    Ahoy! I thought since our /staff was years out of date I would tackle it tonight, and it took me the entire evening!

    /staff now shows all online staff including helpers, builders and build leaders now, /staff 2 lists all staff and their commands and I have moved the inactive staff to an inactive panel so players now know who the active staff are.

    • I have re-formatted /staff and /staff 2 to reflect staff online and list all current and inactive staff.
    • Role change, The_Network will no longer be dealing with any moderation and was moved from RearAdmiral to Housewright, from Admin to Build Leader, so he no longer has any moderation/admin tools, but can now promote/demote craftsman (builder) across all servers and is building a build team, so get in contact on
    • Role change, creeprr was moved from Housewright (build leader) to shipwright (Developer) and will be working on custom plugins/fixing broken plugins, shipwright is the same color in game as housewright so not much change apart from title for creeprr at present!
    • Removed ranks from inactive staff: javainvader, PaulOnFire, Chailey, KellyYore, they are all welcome back if they start to playing again.
    • Created missing /Maximus_Terragon, /lazydog11, /emielreijs, /pythonace, /The_Network, /creeprr (updated lucky to /_freke_)
      These will be active from the next restart.
    • Updated /mountainrasta and /Lawzoneon to have the right colored usernames.

    Now at some point I need to update the website Team page.

    • Topics: 94
    • Replies: 650
    • Total: 744
    • ★★★★★★

    Its been 1 year and 6 months since the wonderful PaulOnFire made his own list back in January of 2017. Old list can be found -> here <-
    This list serves as a reference point, and comparison to the PMC of 1 year 6 months ago. I’ve tried to include as many crews as I can (I’m not doing all 243).



    Some key points before I start (very similar to Paul’s original post):

    1. This is based off data from the 16th July 2018. It is entirely possible that people have changed crews, come back from inactivity, or founded new crews in the meantime.
    2. The crews are ranked according to number of active players
    3. ‘Active players’ count as any players that were active in the last 30 days
    4. Some crew descriptions from the last list have been carried forward, as long as they are still relevant and/or the exact same crew
    5. I have tried to avoid 1 or 2 man crews, such as my own, and will only be including a few that are of mention
    6. The crew names are spelt as they are in-game, including typos and spacing issues. I might have types some of the player names wrong, but please don’t rip my head off because of that.
    7. There are a LOT of crews I don’t know anything about. Feel free to post more information below!


    • Terminology (these are my definitions, not official ones):
      • ‘Empire/Kingdom’ – A generally peaceful crew with anti-pirate intentions; featuring a distinctive government or leadership system, split into mostly the ruling class, generals and officials, and common folk
      • ‘Empire – esque’ – A generally peaceful crew with characteristics of empire crews, but who give more control to the non-leaders, or have a completely separate system. These are usually considered pretty chill crews.
      • ‘Collective crew’ – A crew with mixed intentions, whereby almost every member has an input in running the crew. There isn’t much in the form of hierarchy – mostly group decisions.
      • ‘Pirate crew’ – A crew with either anti-empire crew intentions, stealing and pillaging, or working as hired mercenaries. They are usually the smallest crews, but are seen as the greatest threat to peace for empire crews. There are some exceptions.
      • ‘Mafia crew’ – An organized international body of criminals that work together to achieve common goals.
      • If it just says ‘crew’ then the crew either doesn’t fit any of those descriptions above, or I just don’t know. I don’t want endless terms used; that can wait for another post :I


    The list (eventually):

    Active members: 73
    Total members: 73
    Leaders: lakesidekiller, JackRackam
    Description: A pirate crew created to help new deckhands, by teaching them how to fight and rise up against their oppressive leaders. This crew has grown immensely fast, and rivals the likes of the British Empire in size and scale of the crew.

    British Empire (BE)
    Active members: 65
    Total members: 100
    Leaders: Petalface, Taulov, michty, PaulOnFire, Bislo1, lazydog11, Bazurka, CrazyPirate1, benthebruce, WaterPool, gildor_stinky 
    Description: One of the oldest empires on the server that prides itself for the use of democracy. Home to established veterans and deckhands alike.

    CosaNostra (CSN)
    Active members: 46
    Total members: 46
    Leaders: SpiderDeluxe, Pizza_Lover_02, SirSharky, sarisinqatil
    Description: An Italian Mafia style crew that describes itself as “if you don’t respect us you will become a concrete pillar”

    Byzantium (BYZAN)
    Active members: 36
    Total members: 37
    Leaders: Jolem, sophiemw
    Description: An empire crew based on the East Roman Empire. With a fast growing member count, and a growing number of towns and cities; this crew might soon rival the likes of the British and Elven Empires

    The Asylum (TAS)
    Active members: 31
    Total members: 49
    Leaders: Cysteen, PythonAce, Torkey, Nahadoth
    Description: A collective crew and renowned mental institution for some of the richest and most powerful pirates on the server.

    Elven Empire (EM)
    Active members: 29
    Total members: 64
    Leaders: TarCalen, ThorinCalen, TheTikiTotem
    Description: An empire recreated from the remains of the former Elven Empire. With a fast growing member count, and growing number of cities, the Elves are here to stay.

    The New Roman Republic (TNRR)
    Active members: 25
    Total members: 73
    Leaders: cosmickingjoel, GingfulGlider, Palm_Top_Taiga_, GamerBoyMarcos, triple_diamondYT, LydsTheScrapper, TheSamuelSlayer
    Description: An empire-esque crew aiming to recreate the glory of the former Roman Republic.

    Warriors of the Sea (The)
    Active members: 17
    Total members: 17
    Leaders: TGKnife, AustinsAscension
    Description: Another fast growing crew with strong military routes, who value well trained warriors over everything else

    Scavangers of the deep (S0D)
    Active members: 16
    Total members: 16
    Leaders: BLURP_, blackviking236
    Description: A crew created to scavenge the depths of the oceans for riches, and kick ass it seems

    Parrot Lovers (PL)
    Active members: 14
    Total members: 28
    Leaders: Shockerboy686, Peppykiss395
    Description: A crew dedicated to parrot lovers alike, and those who enjoy Shockerboy’s youtube videos. As far as I can tell, they have the most allies out of any crew on the server at 71 crews! Lots of people most love parrots I guess.

    The Redstonian Legion (TRT)
    Active members: 12
    Total members: 12
    Leaders: MelonIsNotAFruit, LogoTRT
    Description: An organised crew created for redstone lovers.

    JuiceKings (Apple)
    Active members: 11
    Total members: 48
    Leaders: batteria_, francocicio, AppleJK, MarcoHero
    Description: An empire-esque crew with a fruit theme that has conquered many islands and turned them into a fruitful paradise. Marula island is home to the largest arena and one of the largest ports on the server.

    Lancastrian Empire (LE)
    Active members: 11
    Total members: 33
    Leaders: TheAgentGamer, RainbowInferno
    Description: An empire based on the popular series Game of Thrones, with a highly organised government system and several large towns and cities.

    Triumvirate (TRI)
    Active members: 11
    Total members: 20
    Leaders: BrassMonkey56, ArcticWarriorOG, tntdude1100, Mpr100, Prain6573
    Description: A slow growing crew with several towns and villages throughout the world.

    Armada (royal)
    Active members: 11
    Total members: 11
    Leaders: Guard10
    Description: A fast growing and organised crew which may soon rival active member counts of the British Empire or Elven Empire.

    Isengard (Isen)
    Active members: 10
    Total members: 12
    Leaders: VladDracul, HelloChap, Henry_The_Seeker, MABturquoise, sgbyellow
    Description: A kingdom with several large forts and castles, which has led the kingdom to become a very secure place for its citizens

    Forsaken (FSKN)
    Active members: 9
    Total members: 10
    Leaders: JUSAShrek1, anandak
    Description: A true pirate crew with a heavy focus on bringing even the most powerful crews to their knees

    Kingdom of Nador Duhl (KON)
    Active members: 8
    Total members: 10
    Leaders: WeirdoFish, LeeJP, lhenshaw, TerraTyphoon
    Description: A kingdom created to rival the likes of the British Empire, but one that has seen better days.

    Horsia (Horse)
    Active members: 7
    Total members: 26
    Leaders: Wemb, Unallowed, Gobiwan, Saltpigeon
    Description: A collective crew dedicated to horses… no wait, making even the largest crews on the server crumble in desperation with a strong focus on pvp.

    Eternal Empire of Hydra (Hydra)
    Active members: 5
    Total members: 8
    Leaders: Chiroptera419, dpex81, trooper306, Spock1101
    Description: A collective crew based on the evil Hydra organisation in the Marvel comic universe. Hydra has gained the respect of the community through its professional YouTube videos of daring heists.

    The New Empire (TNE)
    Active members: 5
    Total members: 34
    Leaders: ScriptX, Lord__MJ
    Description: An empire created at a time when existing empires were collapsing, and managing to grow quickly at the time. They own some of the most beautiful ports on the server.

    The German Empire (GE)
    Active members: 5
    Total members: 28
    Leaders: dupleximp, TucksLuck, nightstryker179, ZedXenon, MOLLYBEAR1123
    Description: A once powerful empire created to rival that of the British Empire and Elven Empires. It is largely considered a ‘dead’ crew now.

    The Verussian Republic (VER)
    Active members: 4
    Total members: 25
    Leaders: Prowil, warbluke, kaz1086, MCMonkeyGMx, emeraldfire11, zackbacon
    Description: An empire-esque crew created from the ruins of the old Verussian Empire, this crew prides itself as one of the oldest continually running crew. They own several large towns, and are constructing a new city.

    The Coalition (CLTN)
    Active members: 4
    Total members: 24
    Leaders: JoeDanger_, KetohPie, Riverwood202, Cappur, The_Network
    Description: A collective crew created by a group of ex-TAS members as to offer an alternative crew to TAS with a heavier pvp focus. They own one of the largest navies on the server, docked securely at The Citadel.

    The Loners (Lone)
    Active members: 4
    Total members: 14
    Leaders: bloatedhippo
    Description: A small crew that manages to hold their own against some of the largest crews on the server

    The Whitherbeard Clan (YETI)
    Active members: 4
    Total members: 11
    Leaders: MrBluBeardedYeti, Galaxy219, 0romis
    Description: A clan of yeti people know for their peaceful nature.

    Hydra Division (Reich)
    Active members: 4
    Total members: 4
    Leaders: Kirn_, Bengtsen
    Description: A collective crew also based on Hydra from the Marvel universe, not associated with the Eternal Kingdom of Hydra

    Titan’s Hand
    Active members: 4
    Total members: 4
    Leaders: Galaxy218 (MysticTitan)
    Description: A small band of pirates

    The Xanthian Order (TXO)
    Active members: 3
    Total members: 28
    Leaders: Thymen, lareana, Hewwy, Icanra, PhanteonV
    Description: An empire-esque crew created via the merging of 4 smaller crews and their respective members, including merging with the Elven Empire at one point due to a diplomatic marriage. It is largely considered a ‘dead’ crew now.

    The plant Nation (PLANT)
    Active members: 3
    Total members: 74
    Leaders: SPOOKYPLANT_, azotar
    Description: An empire-esque crew created to help new people on the server find a home. The plant Nation’s crew home was once one of the most densely populated regions on the server. It is largely considered a ‘dead’ crew now.

    Of Moo MooLand (Land)
    Active members: 3
    Total members: 18
    Leaders: uarehere
    Description: A crew dedicated to cows I think, it also seems to be a dictatorship which sounds interesting

    BlackFlag (DMG)
    Active members: 3
    Total members: 18
    Leaders: tannereakin
    Description: An empire-esque crew that seems to be a peaceful pirate crew

    Nocturnal (NOCT)
    Active members: 3
    Total members: 3
    Leaders: Decsain
    Description: A small chill crew created by Decsain after being removed from Forsaken

    La Famiglia (Mafia)
    Active members: 2
    Total members: 8
    Leaders: Simbud, Monkss
    Description: The original Italian mafia crew, created alongside CSN to secure Italian dominance over the server.

    Forsaken Knights (FK)
    Active members: 2
    Total members: 8
    Leaders: Stronzoo
    Description: A bunch of pirate knights basically

    The Royal Italian Army (TRIA)
    Active members: 2
    Total members: 5
    Leaders: Moossolini
    Description: A crew created with a more heavily pvp focus than the likes of TAS or CLTN

    Savage (IDGAF)
    Active members: 2
    Total members: 4
    Leaders: vapecloudbear
    Description:  A small hideout crew for pirates to relax in

    XD (XD)
    Active members: 2
    Total members: 3
    Leaders: emielreijs
    Description: A peaceful crew with close connections to the British Empire, old and new Elven Empires, with a heavy focus on trade and setting up many shipping lanes across the 7 seas.

    The Law Pirates (LAW)
    Active members: 2
    Total members: 2
    Leaders: Lawzoneon
    Description: A pirate and scientists based crew, with peaceful intentions, whos members are scientists, building, and experimenting

    The Order of St Ender (Ender)
    Active members: 1
    Total members: 3
    Leaders: Kanube
    Description: A peaceful crew with a heavy focus on religion

    Xenia (Xenia)
    Active members: 1
    Total members: 1
    Leaders: Maximus_Terragon
    Description: A peaceful crew created and dedicated to the construction of a huge city and port named Xenia.

    TheVernerExpedition (Vern)
    Active members: 1
    Total members: 1
    Leaders: bcbcommish
    Description: A small peaceful crew for explorers

    Chailey (Chai)
    Active members: 1
    Total members: 1
    Leaders: Chailey
    Description: A peaceful crew created by Chailey to relax and stay far away from drama, quite cosy apparently

    Cove (Cove)
    Active members: 1
    Total members: 1
    Leaders: GodsDead
    Description: The most extreme crew on the server; its only ambition is to run the entire server, pay all the bills, sort out the website and any updates, and its only member is a god with godlike powers
    Dear Blizzard, plz nerf

    « Build Team leader »
    « Server Admin »
    Crew History: Red Lotus, 0utlaws, Ottoman Empire, Xenon Empire, The Xanthian Order, The Asylum, Xenia

    • Topics: 794
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    • ★★★★★★★★
    • Topics: 16
    • Replies: 100
    • Total: 116
    • ★★★★

    Righty so uh….this forum is more of a group effort so I’ll just get all the tagging out of the way! @Chailey @iketo @turkeyman11a @Cysteen @mountainrasta @N4D0M3T1CG4M3R @PythonAce @12965kj WHEW!!

    Long story short is that I decided to start my own small business making pens and what better way than to send the first ones to people who aren’t afraid to call me a $H1T@$$ to my face! I hope that everyone is able to post a picture of their pens because otherwise this post is going to be a waste.

    I never expected when I joined this server that it would take me to this point. Sending out real objects to real people because of a video game. The real effect of what I was doing really didn’t hit me until I had to pay for the stamps and it ran through my head that….holy crap…..this is happening. Thankyou so much for everything to pretty much everyone for making this experience one that has lasted going on 3 years for me. Every good and bad part of this trip has been totally beyond worth it and I really can’t put into words how I feel writing this right now.

    I’ll leave it here and let everyone post the pictures of their (hopefully) nice looking pens!

    Thankyou so much for everything PirateCraft. Fair seas to all!

    A promise made is a debt unpaid.
    -Robert W. Service

    • Topics: 794
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    • Updated anti-cheat and the configs so there fresh! The developer remade the movement detection from scratch again so there may be issues:
      Please do report any issues from the anti-cheat to the forums with a way to reproduce the issue, I won’t bite your head off (Unless its like, “Something something I lost my inventory” these retards help nobody)
      I know theres an issue with something to do with water, something to do with a specific potion and sometimes custom weapons don’t work. Again I need a way to reproduce or this can never be passed onto the right people to fix, I ask every single time I update the anti-cheat and nobody reports anything! you cant just moan in-game chat.
    • Updated discord plugin, I need to re-format it all again, the plugin removes all my changes each time its updated.
    • Updated the schooners at /warp ships! @Maximus worked hard on updating, replacing and fixing all the ships at /warp ships. We lost a beauty (Rip sweet prince) that was replaced by another ship. I spent last night making sure all areas are rentable to buy your ship.
      Max is working his little buns off to create you some more ships to buy at present! I also want to get some more areas around the map not accessible via a warp to buy ships, so people have to get off their asses and travel to buy one. if you have any beautiful ships we could use, please contact max his the shipmaster.
    • Removed that plugin that changed the texture pack, for some reason every time you logged in it would change the texturepack! This was just infuriating to me as there would be a brief freeze while the client changed packs, couldn’t be dealing with this. Does this happen on all servers with a custom texture pack? There has to be a better way.
    • The warp donate admin claim with all its sub-claims just upped and disappeared out of the blue, what an utter pain in the ass! There’s no explanation of why it did this, nobody deleted it, the plugin didn’t auto remove it, the database is fine. Even the developers don’t know why it happened. but it did happen, so I have expanded that WorldGuard main building claim to go around the entire island for now.
      If you need your statue rolled back, post ASAP before the backups change.
      Those that raided them, shame on you, you know these are suppose to be protected, Its all tracked I will find out who you are.
      Giant thanks to those that stepped up at the time and claimed the builds with their own claimblocks, this saved a big headache of having to roll back the entire island.

      • Cysteen – Claiming – given £1000 in-game
      • pythonace – claiming – given £1000 in-game
      • _Doffy (aka MandarinPanda) gave Law his balance (5k) for claimblocks – given £6000 in-game To replace balance.
      • jusaplayer1 reported the issue. – given £1000 in-game
        Note to these 4 players, don’t worry about abandoning your claims, an admin will remove all the claims so you don’t loose any claim blocks.
      • Big props to Lawzoneon for sorting all this out!
    • Fixed /checkrank and /checkrank username.
    Ic3y ;]
    • Topics: 36
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    • Total: 159
    • ★★★★

    I would also like to add some things replying to naha’s post.

    Naha, you said; “Xeuric and Systeen have been constantly verbally assaulting many TAS players and constantly raiding them with very little to no time in between.”

    1- we gave what we took

    2- we havent done any raiding of TAS members , we sieged Cysteen once, so dont say we raid them all the time

    “Has been attacking whenever we try to leave our bases.”

    1- a big aspect of this sever is PvP related

    2- we are waring crews therefore I have reason to attack you

    “They sieged the claim Cysteen made for us to make the new build, but shortly after Xeuric and Cysteen were both kicked by AC.”

    1- Keem wasnt there until I won and tp-ed him

    2- I gave everything of value back to cys cos I know this is a bad way to die as I’m always kicked in siege.

    “They have been killing multiple TAS members daily and sieging with very little to no time in between.”

    1- Bullshit  i’ve killed one TAS member , PythonAce cos he was near my base

    2- The only TAS member we have sieged was Cysteen and we lost and left.

    ” Xeuric admitted to telling me he was intentionally ruining Java’s crew just to mess with him.”

    1- No I didnt, the reason he left is because Keem and I killed crew members and then this forced every one to leave

    2- He shouldnt have made everyone leaders

    “Early today when Xeuric or Systeen was killed from having a home set on top of Jolem’s base, they dropped a book upon death called “Fuck Cysteen.””

    1- My spawn isnt at jolems so how can i have dropped book

    2- On this topic Keem was killed roughly 20 times at his spawn and then his spawn was lava-ed, this I know is illegal


    So, I have been banned for harrasment- but im harrased daily on the server by people like JUSA, Cap, Turk

    They all say im Trash at Pvp, and always Put me down when I offer the 1v1 somone. Turk is always pressureing me into fighting him. I have looked at the true definiton of harrasment and this certainly matches.

    Side note – I didnt bad mouth Cysteen, i actually came into TS so say sorry because there is no glory in winning a siege via the AC. I returned her crapples but everything else had Curse of vannishing on it.

    Okta made a very valid point-

    “So when a powerful exclusive pirate crew full of experienced PVPer’s who members attack plenty of other crews for fun gets attacked by a couple of players they call harassment? LMAO”

    Not to be disrespectful to staff, but many of them are infact in TAS or CLTN which can maybe inflict biast? – just saying

    No offence to staff in that point, but i Know some stuff maybe dislike me but I can still respect their decisions

    One particualy helpful staff in this case was Max, and to you I say thanks 🙂



    • Topics: 13
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    • Total: 96
    • ★★★

    Yep… I’m leaving again. And this time it may be for good, but then I do happen to stagger back anyway, but this may be it. Once again, I am going to give away most of my items, my home, and my very existence. I do not recall ever saying how much I appreciated this server in my last “I’m kickin’ the dust” post, but I really do. For just a game, I did happen to learn a bit about myself. I also made friends, enemies, the whole nine. I LOVED this server, and even though today it is nothing like how it used to be, I still see the server as what it is: a thriving community. I do hope for the best for everyone here, and that this place doesn’t get boring while I’m gone. Now, after this post I will distribute my items to the public… Most of them, that is, for I am dedicating my last days here to a project that I will finish without rest (Not literally, but you get it). The medium-sized city of Medditari is Byzantine, Greek, and in some way Arabic-styled build that utilizes Prismarine to give it an Ocean dedicated feel. I will complete the city as a gift to the Piratecraft community for the fun it has given me. When it is fully complete, I hope it is used well for the public, as you all deserve it. Once Medditari is operational, I will further say my goodbyes and that will hopefully be the last you hear of me on the server. I do wish you all the best of luck and keep up the work!

    Now, of course, who wouldn’t want to give a few (Ha… few) thanks to specifics (In order of experience):

    Reptaria – Now I know we had our ups and downs over the course of history here… But I do, and will, respect you. After all, I owe you that. You were the first person to spare me while on the server. You took me in and taught me the ropes. I appreciate what you’ve done for me in the past, and I never forget.

    Michty – God… the chances of you reading this must be > Low <… You, too, have given me a home after I… lost… my other one. Not only did you accept me into your crew and town, but you made it possible for me to meet new people, new sides, crews, and settlements. And even though I left (And in some way: Betrayed) the BE many months later, I still appreciated my time in your crew… your version… only.

    CaptainCrackerz – Remember… those pies are for hellos… Welp, it’s good to say that I had a great neighbor xD You were a great friend while we were within range, I give it that. And I do hope the best for your time… well, anytime.

    Keto – God… what’s your name now? Ah, another former BE member that ended up where I was… well at least for a while. You have a good sense of humor and you keep it up!

    NickyB_123 – I understand that our time knowing each other was VERY short. However, I do like the 13co. and I do hope for the groups success in the future. I can see that things are slow and that the crew has grown small, but just keep trying, it will get there. And I was glad to be a part of it for the short time that I was.

    Cysteen – God I used to think your were a nightmare in… pixel-form? But then again, how does a weak BE member view someone in God armor slaughterin’ everyone in their path with swift cleanliness? I just want to say, it was a great honor accompanying you and the other (somewhat) psychopaths in the Asylum. I see that I can tend to be annoying at times (Punch myself thrice for that) and I do hope you forgive me for… those. In general, you are a great person to talk to, and that goes for all the people I end up talking to on TS (By the way: I’d be on there occasionally). I do hope you continue to enjoy your stay on the server, God knows what would happen if you guys weren’t there to spice things up… I think… what?

    Riverwood – Damn… murder. Like Cysteen (which I swear… you HAVE to be related…) you know how and when to snap a bone when needed (virtually, that is) and you have fun doing it (which concerns me). Keep up the fun and “Happy hunting”.

    Jmoo – Ah… another friend of mine that I can not seem to talk to that much… You seem like a cool dude, same as:

    PythonAce – (Look up just a bit)

    ArtificialDemon – Puns, voices, … laughs … Jesus, what can you not do… Hey, I’ll say it: you’re a funny guy, but there can only be ONE mental case in this crew…  Sorry bud, but now I think you have the chance to take it back.

    Those are the big ones… Sorry if your name escaped my list (God, I’m not perfect!). However, I would also like to thank:

    CrazyPirate – Bislo – Bazurka – Lucky – Dr.Solid – Eph (Can’t remember how to spell your name) – Build1115 – Daniel_McLachlan – Lawzoneon – Chailey – Crabriel – Dorkito – CrazyVolt (Long story) – Buckmaster – Chasedillon – ae0 – Mandarin_Panda – Ventura – Dagersh – HardTimez (Hey!… He actually made the server fun…) – GrandVitaMorte – UprisingCactus – RustyTrumbone66 – + Everyone who I’ve encountered in the past (Which is a ton).

    ‘Tis you all who really make the server fun. We are given a world, but it is you people who make it worth our while. Thank you Staff: GodsDead, Smokeyriver, Vape, Markusi, Callie, and … Java, for making the community in the first place. Without you, none of this would exist!

    Thank you everyone for a great two and a half years of Piratecraft. (Said this a trillion times already…) I wish you all the best Piratecraft experience in the days to come.


    I... I've got nothing... Carry on.

    • Topics: 133
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    • ★★★★★★★

    AppleJK reminded me during a conversation a few weeks ago that the active crew list needs updating. So I’ve prepared a new list in time for new year 2017.

    First off, I’d like to make some points clear:

    1. This is based off data from the 28th and 29th December 2016. It is entirely possible that people have changed crews, come back from inactivity or founded new crews in the meantime.
    2. The crews are ranked alphabetically (omitting “The” from the title). The listed players are all the crew members who have been active in the past 30 days. They are listed chronologically with the active crew leaders at the beginning. Anyone who hasn’t been active in that time frame is not included. That includes crew leaders.
    3. The crew names are spelt as they are in-game, including typos and spacing issues. I might have typed some of the player names wrong, but please don’t rip my head off because of that. I can’t help it if someone named themselves something untypable like xXxn3P4HanTeeM7824xXx…
    4. There are a LOT of crews I don’t know anything about. Feel free to post more information below!

    So, on to the list!

    Members: xdiyx, glassngrass
    Description: Not much is known about this crew.

    Members: BrassMonkey56, Captain_NathanDS, tntdude1100, GABEPINK, ArcticWarriorOG, Prain6573, NtheFoxGaming, xXxRedDevilxXx, Turtleundercover, DotCharlie
    Description: A crew with an American theme. Some of its members have been banned from the server due to game mechanics abuse.

    Members: freedomgx, Warsy342, meltdowns
    Description: Not much is known about this crew.

    Members: Goldieh
    Description: A small crew presumably named after George Orwell’s 1945 classic.

    Members: ArtificialDemon
    Description: A one-man crew bent on slaying every pirate in existence. ArtificialDemon has earned a reputation as a fearsome PvPer.

    The Asylum
    Members: Cysteen, PythonAce, Jmoo_, Joe_Danger2013, remus316, Jbone_Capone, Witcher_Geralt, MysticTitan, pughpunk, DanielMcLachlen, Markusi13, AdmiralTrench, RiverKitty, dagersh, BackupThree8, Calliemav, Lawzoneon, Silverstone47, juicebloks, khaiethan, ElectricPigeon, Draginlock, soccermonkey, edorii, ShakenTofu97
    Description: A renowned mental institution for some of the richest and most powerful pirates on the server.

    Members: Bobbiejoefries, lisle61, CoolEagleEye
    Description: The remnants of a crew once founded by Konstruktor.

    The Black Dawn
    Members: floriankromer
    Description: Not much is known about this crew.

    Members: _Keemster
    Description: Not much is known about this crew.

    Black Lotus
    Members: KellyYore
    Description: Not much is known about this crew.

    Boo Empire
    Members: Skemey24, Matteo_20, superalecraft
    Description: Not much is known about this crew.

    The British Empire
    Members: lazydog11, PaulOnFire, JamesWClark, Bazurka, gildor_stinky, turkeyman11a, mountainrasta, Gottalovepunks, CrazyPirate1, michty, Bislo1, JPGard, benthebruce, Oktacraft, MinisterMooH3X, Dark_ Guard101, L3g0, abgeschmiert, Paulvelo, SmokinSoldier, DakotaReef, Wiskey_waters, huangR, Taulov, jat972, GaryDaDos, annahia, Ko_nijn, Hyperbeast95, zombieboy2, Robo_Dex, XSavageAssassinX, shay2315, WindiestHook381, GamerBoyMarcos, CommanderAsh123, GreatPaul123, Lucifer6789, BleachWithGluten, Lukeg7812, Deathtoll_, HomeSchoolGaming, DMOCraft, The1DerpySquid, __Snake_, GreenGuardian1, taseu, burning_kasshu, JustBobNL, Tinymines, ThatDankNinja, Tamslangton, cyclopsman, captainvenoms, TheInsaneNutter, _Lego_, Sven09
    Description: One of the oldest empire crews on the server. Home to established veterans and deckhands alike.

    Brotherhood of Steel
    Members: umbra_master, Moby_Dick, Arahaelon
    Description: A crew based on the Brotherhood of Steel organisation from the Fallout game series.

    The Challengers
    Members: Dj_slime954
    Description: Not much is known about this crew.

    Cleaning Product Army
    Members: Pand0rum51, eaglescout526, emyka, El_Alamein, TheBlueBerryBird
    Description: If you need to swab the spilt rum off your deck, this is the crew to call.

    Members: Cookie_Monster03, Edible_Sandwich, Tennerthegreat2, _Sly_Pamuya
    Description: Not much is known about this crew.

    Members: Donuth3ad, LeeJP
    Description: Not much is known about this crew.

    Members: Godsdead
    Description: The server owner’s crew named after the central port of the same name.

    Creed of 0utlaws
    Members: EmperorSalt
    Description: A crew playing with the name of the disreputed and now defunct 0utlawz crew.

    Members: NitroIsDead
    Description: Not much is known about this crew.

    The Defenders
    Members: Nasher9898, xElitaa, agent7841, Ethk12, mcskii
    Description: Not much is known about this crew.

    The Dinobuds
    Members: pokedrew, Raikea, ar1anna23, OutCastofMC, tuckerson, DarkWarrior53, Serial_Dreemur, frozenkid66, GeckoBoyJ1
    Description: Not much is known about this crew.

    Dwarven Empire
    Members: dinosaur12ml, GAM30V3R4U, kieranedward, TorePlayzYT, DancingCabbage, XxFlyingTacoxX, Emi_Romero, T_Craft12, SilyenOfAstora, kitkat355, Creeperbro_43, LethalXDSSBB
    Description: A new empire crew based on a Dwarven theme.

    Ebonheart Empire
    Members: Alvanos_M, Elaneril_Aquina, DaeCla, Xaniclos
    Description: A splinter group of elves formed after the collapse of the Elven Empire before the Elves reestablished themselves. It is based on Bethesda’s Elder Scrolls lore.

    The Elves
    Members: Reptaria, PopcornOne, SergeantSithLord, MadHatterSupreme, lites59, _CookieCarl_, Blubberboy666, Yiinn, Stannieboy1, TheHoff_, SuperAsianGamer, anandak, xxatu, MrMehHehHeh, Skypperd, Tonimacaroni15, DoodleQuik, Wolperr, ap3322, Rhodekhil
    Description: The reestablished successor of the Elven Empire with a Lord of the Rings theme.

    Members: Kanube, _Connor_L_, dorffer, R1SE_BRADOS
    Description: A crew with a religious, cultish theme.

    Members: JohnArchaius, CookieSoul, cobra105, W1tu, Frixix, louslous3, Minecrafter_1199, xThunderLionx, GreyHat97, Captain_Aj545, SpaceC0re, Kanpee, BettererGrammerz, FireViper18, Cobram520, doppelgager, ClickBaited
    Description: A large nation crew and successor to the Entarian Alliance.

    The Eternal Empire of Hydra
    Members: dpex81, trooper306, Spock1101, Chiroptera419, macro26, rkkidd123, The OriginalSquid, TheRealBonBon
    Description: A crew based on the evil Hydra organisation in the Marvel comic universe. Hydra has gained the respect of the community through its professional YouTube videos of daring heists.

    Eternal Kovaltio Aurorea
    Members: GrimHolder
    Description: Not much is known about this crew.

    Funeral Parlor
    Members: Zee_King_Bee
    Description: Not much is known about this crew.

    The German Empire
    Members: jmeatball, J_H_Rogers, ohhalliland, ultracreeper, Percussian_Guru, Spartans123, mrxman70, coolhand24, Shons
    Description: An empire crew with an imperial German theme.

    The Heart Pirates
    Members: Trafalgar_Law, Groxterror
    Description: A crew notable for raiding.

    Members: Silence__, KVMS
    Description: Not much is known about this crew.

    Members: francociccio, AppleJK, MarcoHero, batteria_, TheSmilingFlea, leoneinleone, Luke_Screwdriver, MrVort3x, _xXLolloXx, CreeperAssassin2, FelixJaeger, Blu92, SpiderDeluxe, RoMich02, Volpex_, lord_eagle1945, MasterM1214, , blood_jo, Selios_, th3rebyte, Farcr, AlbyX27, ign03, Manu7ciotta, SHAdow_M00n001, STRAGE82003, Fangy007, MikeSKILLZ_ITA, Daileen00, zDarkSharkHD, MagmaGolem, Valerio101, Simbad_Tiger, M4RT3S, GoldenFox4, Dynasty_Uboa, Screwcrow01, TheNicky47, broodingpoet788, XPie17, UteNte3TurbiNe, ggbrother, LeoHen2013, TheBlueFuret, Devise_Devil, imperathor02, BurningBlade, Oxygen58, hertzap, CeramicShip, Pietro2442, morter, seba0221, Emilioscauro_, Dark_Folle, mrcracken, ekotango51, Richy_March, GOLDEN_CESAR
    Description: A crew with a fruit theme. Crew leader AppleJK’s YouTube videos have made JuiceKings a popular crew among the Italian community.

    Killin N lootin
    Members: Target_Down
    Description: Not much is known about this crew.

    Me Alone Ostmen
    Members: Raelos, Bejanteen, SaigeSaiyan
    Description: Not much is known about this crew.

    The MEGA Nyarf Darts
    Members: Emaleyley, MALESTORM17
    Description: Not much is known about this crew.

    Naval Defence Fleet
    Members: crimeminer
    Description: Not much is known about this crew.

    Members: ReachableSkink0
    Description: Not much is known about this crew.

    Oceanian Cranberry Dwarves
    Members: AstronomicPanda, the_coolboss
    Description: Not much is known about this crew.

    Members: Ddragallis
    Description: Not much is known about this crew.

    Over Powered
    Members: MCShovel
    Description: The name of this crew is aptly suited for MCShovel as he is indeed opped on the server.

    Members: Browe_, KetohPie, CaptainCracken, Galaxy219, Shark_Nado, Astrobolt, Lithvather, Creepermordren, Asterity
    Description: A new crew of capable builders and PvPers with a navy of ships.

    Members: Javainvader, Cottagecooper, Smokeyriver, wkeresey, jusaplayer1, InsaneSeekShots, Thederpymaster, Raven228, Usaid2002, EliExcelent, TheSittingGamer, tehnoob101, Alastes, TrippinMcGee, __DonaldTrump__, Iceberrz, Xeuric, Stormer56, Lucky_Da_Freak, Disco_Dropplet, Reapers_Claw, FlyingTaurus523, Wogworld
    Description: A PvP crew named in homage of another movecraft server which was shut down.

    Pirates of the Carribbean
    Members: matthew_E, Zyrilth, hawkzilla442
    Description: A crew based on Disney’s popular Pirates of the Carribbean series which is in turn based on the Disneyland theme park ride.

    Members: TheLaserMonkey85, blaze657, Lukeyboy1101
    Description: Not much is known about this crew.

    The Rising Stars
    Members: _GalaxyStar_, aqzaq220, _StarEye_, BONN1E, TBNAT0R, radiooperator, 008pau, xSkullzx, Masterdragon100, Rupa_PT17, paperpikmin
    Description: Not much is known about this crew.

    Red-Haired Pirates
    Members: J0eyJ0
    Description: One must presume that this crew is composed of pirates with red hair.

    Roman Republic
    Members: the_designor, Chasedillon123, Buckmaster1993, Callidogg, Kazake, SalamandersFlame, KingofTroy03, DiamondEclipse
    Description: Not much is known about this crew.

    Sailors of Ireland
    Members: JagodaSuperstar, franekjaniuk
    Description: It might be safe to assume that this is a crew of Irishfolk.

    Members: Saltpigeon, Gobiwan
    Description: A new crew poking fun at the amount of bitterness and saltiness which can arise during heated arguments on the server.

    The SeaGulls
    Members: JamminMas, the_network, RFlash, wing_pig, deadpool456, EnderTehDerp, Jolem_, shadow_warrior_5, Toil_The_Great, speed99, munchingcheezit, Kitsune_X, msfriday, Bedrig, SarahBabel2, wolflover59, theDiamondMatt, DarlingBean, _SideSwipe_, Sir_Flem, Plessman, OnlyZero, Onni6, Coyote007, _PyroStorm_, otagowill
    Description: A crew notable for fighting against the Elven Empire when it collapsed.

    Seas of Souls
    Members: Ghost_From_Dead
    Description: Not much is known about this crew.

    Segebre Crew
    Members: mdsegebre, zachmanayers64, jsegebre
    Description: Not much is known about this crew.

    Members: NoMersey1, Rocket41
    Description: Not much is known about this crew.

    Soviet Union
    Members: Pennsylvania_, pokeman300
    Description: Not much is known about this crew.

    Members: skilter378
    Description: Not much is known about this crew.

    Suicide Squadron
    Members: Mitchal, SSuperLLion
    Description: A crew presumably based on the DC comics film with the name of Suicide Squad.

    Members: coco__rita
    Description: Not much is known about this crew.

    Thirteen Colonies
    Members: Hemp_Bone, NickyB_123, build1115, embotnick, crabriel, frankbros429
    Description: A crew with a revolutionary era American colonist theme.

    The United States Empire
    Members: xboy123, GervaisPlays, LordOfVoodoo
    Description: A crew based on the concept of an American Empire.

    Members: Chailey, BGraph, Lord_Lo, SilverBearClaw
    Description: A crew based on the Knights Templar Order which existed from 1129 to 1312 A.D.

    Members: xMadMonkeyx, ethismenos, The_Dar_Wizard, PotatoGods, Automized, MinerBrothers2, c0k0merA, EchoOcelot, Tsa6, Kingy_2901, yausoku, yoeverg, AgentPug007, jaapio54321
    Description: Not much is known about this crew.

    The United States of America
    Members: arinthros
    Description: A crew which has constructed the Capitol Building of the United States of America.

    Vampire Legion
    Members: Dracul_Vlad
    Description: A crew with a vampire theme.

    Verneric Sovereign
    Members: bcbcommish, chocolaterose31, Hueglass, RedRush708, SaraKittyCat60, CaraCake1968
    Description: Not much is known about this crew.

    The Verussian Republic
    Members: WilsonManzer, kaz1086, Geomajesus, StealSonManzer, ___Gold___, MCMonkeyGMx, jonsaterdualist, emeraldfire11, ExplosiveEagle_, warbluke, _TheFatPotato, catwinarrow, death967, MasterPunchPvP, DaydreamingGirl, Godzilla51, Killcrazy24, MarcVsGaming
    Description: An industrious crew which has retained its strong identity after many mergers and wars.

    Members: chamberlain_
    Description: A crew which specialises in assassinating targets.

    The Wise guys
    Members: Wise_Guy9, skier56, CJ_SKULL_BASH, Zzzzzombi, An01d1ady, Nick_A_Naut, Armbar2015, Briannq, soulsucker55, Night_Rider262, Jetson1235, cottoncandyrules, Spartacuslibre
    Description: Not much is known about this crew.

    The Witherbeard Clan
    Members: MrBluBeardedYeti, Gorgle007, Andrew_YT, limwascool, zXDinXz
    Description: A clan of yeti people known for their peaceful nature.

    Wolf Crew
    Members: Wolfgamer03
    Description: Not much is known about this crew.

    The Xanthian Order
    Members: Icanra, Thymen, Palmerageddon, Maximus_Terragon, rainbowcoffeebean, Plantpotgirl, zandad, Hewwy, mande09, kaelthas, MaXxLoader, Lord_Akley_VII, lareana, reinhart1030, cfs95, King_Borisino, FlorianVerveelt, steentje321, MijnerMike, explopro, MideOrFeedME, Nukumori, RGuy007, LogoTRT, Golden_Creeper5
    Description: A crew compooed of the former crews of Xenon Empire, Iborian Empire, Luteus Republic and the remnants of the (first) Templars.

    Members: emielreijs, ORgamez
    Description: Not much is known about this crew.

    The Zarosian Empire
    Members: NinjaGamer1
    Description: Not much is known about this crew.

    • Topics: 13
    • Replies: 434
    • Total: 447
    • ★★★★★

    I’m impressed with the amount of effort you went through to fill all tis in!! though I would like to correct you on a few events:

    -november 2015
    17 – The Crusaders of the Void are founded by Cysteen, Daniel_McLachlen, Unic0rnjunk101. According to Unic0rnjunk101, the
    original purpose of the group was to hunt people who stole loot drops at the Halloween event.

    uni(java) was NOT an original CoV leader. the original 5 were myself, Daniel_McLachlen, VenturaTheWizard, dagersh, and DarkCodes97. the original purpose was to be the strongest pirate crew on the server.

    -january 2016
    ? – Eden is founded by Asterity and will soon join the Crusaders of the Void.

    asterity did NOT found Eden. Eden was a large group of players that came from factions. iirc (if I remember correctly), ECaptain was their leader. asterity had offered them a place to live in her town, then eventually got invited to CoV after playing with other CoV and being in TS for a long time.

    -may 2016
    25 – The Asylum is founded by Cysteen and Jmoo_.

    I founded TAS (The Asylum), though I later promoted Jmoo_ and PythonAce after my crew had grown so large, and I needed help to maintain it.

    august 2016
    20 – Cysteen tries to transform the war against the Templars into a minigame with killing points.

    hehe.. lemme try to explain this one. I didn’t TRY to turn it into a minigame. after Templars declared war on BE, several BE members *coughshaycough* refused to accept a loss, even though it was blatantly obvious who lost and who won in some fights. Be would lead a few attacks, then some would run, then say they won because they didn’t die, even though they never finished the fight. it got tiring to see the constant bickering between both Templars AND BE, so I talked with Cap and proposed that stupid point system, for all the whiney ones that couldn’t agree who the beep won how and why. it was literally only made in hopes to stop all the constant bickering back and forth from both crews on who wins which battles. sadly it didn’t work, but I tried. in all fairness, that war wasn’t really much of a “war” anyways, as BE only led less than.. id say 5 full attacks, while Templars led more and hunted more individual BE members. that’s why my stupid point system is seen as turning it into a minigame. because in the end it’s how it felt when people from both sides kept complaining.

    enough on that topic. love the work and effort you put into making this! I hope I was able to clear up a few things, it’s be great if you could make the changes to be more accurate 🙂

    If I had a nickel for every time I, Ooo hey, a butterfly!! *runs off chasing the butterfly*

    - Former Leader of CoV -
    - A Proud Member of The Asylum-

    • Topics: 1
    • Replies: 4
    • Total: 5

    I voted to get rid of /bottle, reason being its makes things to easy among other things.

    Ok, so how i think it makes things to easy is because of mending, and how easy it is to make a lot of exp if you put time into it. Such as if someone stands in the exp grinder for a few hours grinding away they could get lots, thus making mending op, and pvp fights last for even longer then they already do. There is no fun in that, no challenge, nothing that makes it more interesting to play. Now while the people with dubs of exp will be OP for awhile, and those who have well established grinders will have an advantage in the long run. That just means that put time into it, put time into making grinders, farms, and so on. Plus exp bottles would still be able to be gotten with villies, all you have to do is put time into find a spider spawner, or zombie spawner, and you could sit there with a lotting III blade and get a ton of string/rotten flesh to trade, and to get the villies, just wait around long enough and a zombie villie will spawn, then all you would need is a golden apple and a potion of weakness. Yeah it will be harder, and yes new players would be at a disadvantage. But if new players come to a survival sever, that is also a pirate server expecting it to be easy, does this server really want more people that only whine, moan, and complain about how hard it is? In my oppion it would be more fun to have new players that put time into things, that are willing to push through hard times and set up their own grinders/farms, or make friends with people that might have grinders/farms. Also to add on to it, most new players will most likely not know of the exsitance of /bottle, unless they actually read through the website, or someone tells them about it. Basically my point im trying to make is that yeah it will be harder, yeah it would take longer to get exp/exp bottles, but as it has been mentioned i believe, the rank req would be tweaked. It would be harder, but still doable, people could still get exp bottles, and if you have a lot of lvls  on you, enchant things, don’t have things to enchant, mine and get what you need, don’t want to mine, buy it, don’t have enough money and don’t want to mine, well then thats just being lazy, and that wont get you anywhere. Anyways, i prolly repeated some points that were already stated, but i hope i was able to state my opinion clear enough.



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