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  • #58652
    • Topics: 94
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    • ★★★★★★

    Its been 1 year and 6 months since the wonderful PaulOnFire made his own list back in January of 2017. Old list can be found -> here <-
    This list serves as a reference point, and comparison to the PMC of 1 year 6 months ago. I’ve tried to include as many crews as I can (I’m not doing all 243).



    Some key points before I start (very similar to Paul’s original post):

    1. This is based off data from the 16th July 2018. It is entirely possible that people have changed crews, come back from inactivity, or founded new crews in the meantime.
    2. The crews are ranked according to number of active players
    3. ‘Active players’ count as any players that were active in the last 30 days
    4. Some crew descriptions from the last list have been carried forward, as long as they are still relevant and/or the exact same crew
    5. I have tried to avoid 1 or 2 man crews, such as my own, and will only be including a few that are of mention
    6. The crew names are spelt as they are in-game, including typos and spacing issues. I might have types some of the player names wrong, but please don’t rip my head off because of that.
    7. There are a LOT of crews I don’t know anything about. Feel free to post more information below!


    • Terminology (these are my definitions, not official ones):
      • ‘Empire/Kingdom’ – A generally peaceful crew with anti-pirate intentions; featuring a distinctive government or leadership system, split into mostly the ruling class, generals and officials, and common folk
      • ‘Empire – esque’ – A generally peaceful crew with characteristics of empire crews, but who give more control to the non-leaders, or have a completely separate system. These are usually considered pretty chill crews.
      • ‘Collective crew’ – A crew with mixed intentions, whereby almost every member has an input in running the crew. There isn’t much in the form of hierarchy – mostly group decisions.
      • ‘Pirate crew’ – A crew with either anti-empire crew intentions, stealing and pillaging, or working as hired mercenaries. They are usually the smallest crews, but are seen as the greatest threat to peace for empire crews. There are some exceptions.
      • ‘Mafia crew’ – An organized international body of criminals that work together to achieve common goals.
      • If it just says ‘crew’ then the crew either doesn’t fit any of those descriptions above, or I just don’t know. I don’t want endless terms used; that can wait for another post :I


    The list (eventually):

    Active members: 73
    Total members: 73
    Leaders: lakesidekiller, JackRackam
    Description: A pirate crew created to help new deckhands, by teaching them how to fight and rise up against their oppressive leaders. This crew has grown immensely fast, and rivals the likes of the British Empire in size and scale of the crew.

    British Empire (BE)
    Active members: 65
    Total members: 100
    Leaders: Petalface, Taulov, michty, PaulOnFire, Bislo1, lazydog11, Bazurka, CrazyPirate1, benthebruce, WaterPool, gildor_stinky 
    Description: One of the oldest empires on the server that prides itself for the use of democracy. Home to established veterans and deckhands alike.

    CosaNostra (CSN)
    Active members: 46
    Total members: 46
    Leaders: SpiderDeluxe, Pizza_Lover_02, SirSharky, sarisinqatil
    Description: An Italian Mafia style crew that describes itself as “if you don’t respect us you will become a concrete pillar”

    Byzantium (BYZAN)
    Active members: 36
    Total members: 37
    Leaders: Jolem, sophiemw
    Description: An empire crew based on the East Roman Empire. With a fast growing member count, and a growing number of towns and cities; this crew might soon rival the likes of the British and Elven Empires

    The Asylum (TAS)
    Active members: 31
    Total members: 49
    Leaders: Cysteen, PythonAce, Torkey, Nahadoth
    Description: A collective crew and renowned mental institution for some of the richest and most powerful pirates on the server.

    Elven Empire (EM)
    Active members: 29
    Total members: 64
    Leaders: TarCalen, ThorinCalen, TheTikiTotem
    Description: An empire recreated from the remains of the former Elven Empire. With a fast growing member count, and growing number of cities, the Elves are here to stay.

    The New Roman Republic (TNRR)
    Active members: 25
    Total members: 73
    Leaders: cosmickingjoel, GingfulGlider, Palm_Top_Taiga_, GamerBoyMarcos, triple_diamondYT, LydsTheScrapper, TheSamuelSlayer
    Description: An empire-esque crew aiming to recreate the glory of the former Roman Republic.

    Warriors of the Sea (The)
    Active members: 17
    Total members: 17
    Leaders: TGKnife, AustinsAscension
    Description: Another fast growing crew with strong military routes, who value well trained warriors over everything else

    Scavangers of the deep (S0D)
    Active members: 16
    Total members: 16
    Leaders: BLURP_, blackviking236
    Description: A crew created to scavenge the depths of the oceans for riches, and kick ass it seems

    Parrot Lovers (PL)
    Active members: 14
    Total members: 28
    Leaders: Shockerboy686, Peppykiss395
    Description: A crew dedicated to parrot lovers alike, and those who enjoy Shockerboy’s youtube videos. As far as I can tell, they have the most allies out of any crew on the server at 71 crews! Lots of people most love parrots I guess.

    The Redstonian Legion (TRT)
    Active members: 12
    Total members: 12
    Leaders: MelonIsNotAFruit, LogoTRT
    Description: An organised crew created for redstone lovers.

    JuiceKings (Apple)
    Active members: 11
    Total members: 48
    Leaders: batteria_, francocicio, AppleJK, MarcoHero
    Description: An empire-esque crew with a fruit theme that has conquered many islands and turned them into a fruitful paradise. Marula island is home to the largest arena and one of the largest ports on the server.

    Lancastrian Empire (LE)
    Active members: 11
    Total members: 33
    Leaders: TheAgentGamer, RainbowInferno
    Description: An empire based on the popular series Game of Thrones, with a highly organised government system and several large towns and cities.

    Triumvirate (TRI)
    Active members: 11
    Total members: 20
    Leaders: BrassMonkey56, ArcticWarriorOG, tntdude1100, Mpr100, Prain6573
    Description: A slow growing crew with several towns and villages throughout the world.

    Armada (royal)
    Active members: 11
    Total members: 11
    Leaders: Guard10
    Description: A fast growing and organised crew which may soon rival active member counts of the British Empire or Elven Empire.

    Isengard (Isen)
    Active members: 10
    Total members: 12
    Leaders: VladDracul, HelloChap, Henry_The_Seeker, MABturquoise, sgbyellow
    Description: A kingdom with several large forts and castles, which has led the kingdom to become a very secure place for its citizens

    Forsaken (FSKN)
    Active members: 9
    Total members: 10
    Leaders: JUSAShrek1, anandak
    Description: A true pirate crew with a heavy focus on bringing even the most powerful crews to their knees

    Kingdom of Nador Duhl (KON)
    Active members: 8
    Total members: 10
    Leaders: WeirdoFish, LeeJP, lhenshaw, TerraTyphoon
    Description: A kingdom created to rival the likes of the British Empire, but one that has seen better days.

    Horsia (Horse)
    Active members: 7
    Total members: 26
    Leaders: Wemb, Unallowed, Gobiwan, Saltpigeon
    Description: A collective crew dedicated to horses… no wait, making even the largest crews on the server crumble in desperation with a strong focus on pvp.

    Eternal Empire of Hydra (Hydra)
    Active members: 5
    Total members: 8
    Leaders: Chiroptera419, dpex81, trooper306, Spock1101
    Description: A collective crew based on the evil Hydra organisation in the Marvel comic universe. Hydra has gained the respect of the community through its professional YouTube videos of daring heists.

    The New Empire (TNE)
    Active members: 5
    Total members: 34
    Leaders: ScriptX, Lord__MJ
    Description: An empire created at a time when existing empires were collapsing, and managing to grow quickly at the time. They own some of the most beautiful ports on the server.

    The German Empire (GE)
    Active members: 5
    Total members: 28
    Leaders: dupleximp, TucksLuck, nightstryker179, ZedXenon, MOLLYBEAR1123
    Description: A once powerful empire created to rival that of the British Empire and Elven Empires. It is largely considered a ‘dead’ crew now.

    The Verussian Republic (VER)
    Active members: 4
    Total members: 25
    Leaders: Prowil, warbluke, kaz1086, MCMonkeyGMx, emeraldfire11, zackbacon
    Description: An empire-esque crew created from the ruins of the old Verussian Empire, this crew prides itself as one of the oldest continually running crew. They own several large towns, and are constructing a new city.

    The Coalition (CLTN)
    Active members: 4
    Total members: 24
    Leaders: JoeDanger_, KetohPie, Riverwood202, Cappur, The_Network
    Description: A collective crew created by a group of ex-TAS members as to offer an alternative crew to TAS with a heavier pvp focus. They own one of the largest navies on the server, docked securely at The Citadel.

    The Loners (Lone)
    Active members: 4
    Total members: 14
    Leaders: bloatedhippo
    Description: A small crew that manages to hold their own against some of the largest crews on the server

    The Whitherbeard Clan (YETI)
    Active members: 4
    Total members: 11
    Leaders: MrBluBeardedYeti, Galaxy219, 0romis
    Description: A clan of yeti people know for their peaceful nature.

    Hydra Division (Reich)
    Active members: 4
    Total members: 4
    Leaders: Kirn_, Bengtsen
    Description: A collective crew also based on Hydra from the Marvel universe, not associated with the Eternal Kingdom of Hydra

    Titan’s Hand
    Active members: 4
    Total members: 4
    Leaders: Galaxy218 (MysticTitan)
    Description: A small band of pirates

    The Xanthian Order (TXO)
    Active members: 3
    Total members: 28
    Leaders: Thymen, lareana, Hewwy, Icanra, PhanteonV
    Description: An empire-esque crew created via the merging of 4 smaller crews and their respective members, including merging with the Elven Empire at one point due to a diplomatic marriage. It is largely considered a ‘dead’ crew now.

    The plant Nation (PLANT)
    Active members: 3
    Total members: 74
    Leaders: SPOOKYPLANT_, azotar
    Description: An empire-esque crew created to help new people on the server find a home. The plant Nation’s crew home was once one of the most densely populated regions on the server. It is largely considered a ‘dead’ crew now.

    Of Moo MooLand (Land)
    Active members: 3
    Total members: 18
    Leaders: uarehere
    Description: A crew dedicated to cows I think, it also seems to be a dictatorship which sounds interesting

    BlackFlag (DMG)
    Active members: 3
    Total members: 18
    Leaders: tannereakin
    Description: An empire-esque crew that seems to be a peaceful pirate crew

    Nocturnal (NOCT)
    Active members: 3
    Total members: 3
    Leaders: Decsain
    Description: A small chill crew created by Decsain after being removed from Forsaken

    La Famiglia (Mafia)
    Active members: 2
    Total members: 8
    Leaders: Simbud, Monkss
    Description: The original Italian mafia crew, created alongside CSN to secure Italian dominance over the server.

    Forsaken Knights (FK)
    Active members: 2
    Total members: 8
    Leaders: Stronzoo
    Description: A bunch of pirate knights basically

    The Royal Italian Army (TRIA)
    Active members: 2
    Total members: 5
    Leaders: Moossolini
    Description: A crew created with a more heavily pvp focus than the likes of TAS or CLTN

    Savage (IDGAF)
    Active members: 2
    Total members: 4
    Leaders: vapecloudbear
    Description:  A small hideout crew for pirates to relax in

    XD (XD)
    Active members: 2
    Total members: 3
    Leaders: emielreijs
    Description: A peaceful crew with close connections to the British Empire, old and new Elven Empires, with a heavy focus on trade and setting up many shipping lanes across the 7 seas.

    The Law Pirates (LAW)
    Active members: 2
    Total members: 2
    Leaders: Lawzoneon
    Description: A pirate and scientists based crew, with peaceful intentions, whos members are scientists, building, and experimenting

    The Order of St Ender (Ender)
    Active members: 1
    Total members: 3
    Leaders: Kanube
    Description: A peaceful crew with a heavy focus on religion

    Xenia (Xenia)
    Active members: 1
    Total members: 1
    Leaders: Maximus_Terragon
    Description: A peaceful crew created and dedicated to the construction of a huge city and port named Xenia.

    TheVernerExpedition (Vern)
    Active members: 1
    Total members: 1
    Leaders: bcbcommish
    Description: A small peaceful crew for explorers

    Chailey (Chai)
    Active members: 1
    Total members: 1
    Leaders: Chailey
    Description: A peaceful crew created by Chailey to relax and stay far away from drama, quite cosy apparently

    Cove (Cove)
    Active members: 1
    Total members: 1
    Leaders: GodsDead
    Description: The most extreme crew on the server; its only ambition is to run the entire server, pay all the bills, sort out the website and any updates, and its only member is a god with godlike powers
    Dear Blizzard, plz nerf

    « Build Team leader »
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    Crew History: Red Lotus, 0utlaws, Ottoman Empire, Xenon Empire, The Xanthian Order, The Asylum, Xenia

    • Topics: 6
    • Replies: 107
    • Total: 113
    • ★★★★

    Ok 2 or 3 vs 2 happened today. (_Maiz_, ?Network?, JUSAMonkey1 vs Galaxy219 and Saltpigeon)

    During the fight we all headed towards the water. Once in the water we all began potting up. During the fight, Salt and Maiz both were kicked by the anti cheat (not sure if you can see the error report from it based off the time given), Gal and I continued fighting after they both died, we both experienced a new (at least new for me) issue where while under water, you get stuck. The easiest way for me to explain it would be to compare it to the ghost block seen when mining with anything faster than an efficiency 5 pickaxe (usually related to mcmmo). Galaxy and myself both got stuck multiple times during the rest of the fight eventually ending in me deciding to leave.

    Not sure if this can help, tried to provide as many specifics and times as possible.

    Death to da Brits
    Death to da Elves
    Death to da Fruits

    Heck..Death to Everyone 😀

    Blu Pearson
    • Topics: 43
    • Replies: 152
    • Total: 195
    • ★★★★

    Hey my fellow pirates, merchants, and peasants. I sure you have noticed that there is a bit of discontent lately among the Piratecraft population concerning the proper protocol of game play, rules, and staff enforcement.

    I am in a place where I have a broader view of all these things being in an admin position as well as being friends with folks on all sides of the current issues. So I hope you will indulge me and take some time to not only read what I have to say but to keep an open mind. Also know, I harbor no ill will against anyone, nor do have a favorite side in any of this so as an outside observer I hopefully can provide some unbiased insight into our present situation.

    This is not a new conflict or discussion by any means the names and crews change but at its core the drama/discussion/debate what have you remain the same. I want to address the specific issue as well as some of the causes and what we as a community can do to coexist in an ever changing server population.

    Since this latest upheaval is primarily about the group Horsia we will start there. This is simply a recounting and in no way an endorsement for Horsia or any other group.

    Horsia the backstory as I know it

    The most obvious hot topic as of late has been the formation of Horsia. Now Saltpigeon may want to add some caveats here as it is his concept and I am painting with a broad brush here but as I understand it Horsia initially formed as a direct opposition to TAS.
    TAS –The Asylum Have had been around quite a while forming after the COV an infamous pvp crew that terrorized the waters of Piratecraft from years past finally disbanded. Many of the COV members joined TAS and the focus was less on pvp raiding and more on building, trade, and resources although raiding/pvp is still part of the TAS ethos.

    The reasoning behind targeting TAS was that TAS had too much power to dictate server policy since it is comprised of a few staff members and many legacy (long term) op players that were around since the beginning of the server. There are other reasons for sure but this was a big one from my understanding.

    Horsia is not a crew although there has been a crew formed as of late HOSRE. It began as a league or coalition of players from different crews across the piratecraft world and some pvper’s from other places to fill in the ranks and add strength to the military wing. Each individual that join the coalition had their own reason for doing so and a specific role. Some were fighters, some were resource makers, some want to rule the Piratecraft world, and others just came on for the ride.

    There have been many crews and coalitions that have risen to challenge what in their minds was a domineering crew, stir up the builders, or bring down empire at the time. There have also been many strictly pvp pirate crews that formed with only mischief and mayhem as their goal. But anytime a group tries to come to power via force there is always kick back from the rest of the server and rightly so. Whether it is pirates, a powerful empire, or just some crew that was disliked, wars are part of the fun here.

    The issues started not because of the ideals of Horsia but when the outside players were recruited as sort of mercenaries to combat the pvp power of TAS. These players were strictly pvp whom had logged 30 + hours on FFA and 1v1 pvp servers.

    Now we all go play on different servers to practice our pvp so we don’t lose our stuff and so we can be better prepared to defend or raid here on Piratecraft. So we all know that a lot of the players that live on these other servers can be a bit brash and cocky. This case was no exception hence the kickback.

    From the first moves Horsia made, the toxic and brash attitudes left a bad impression on most people on the server. This put Horsia in a bad position from the start. The pvper’s clashed with the Piratecraft culture and immediately caused a backlash.

    The community rebelled and staffs inboxes were full of complaints and one day some of the staff had had enough and unleashed all these complaints in the staff hangout. Since no formal reports had been made at the time Godsdead felt a bit caught off guard by all of the negativity which led to “The great cleansing” by Godsdead shaking Horsia to the core.

    There was shock on one side while rejoicing from the other side ensued after the cleansing. While there were a few players that absolutely deserved to be banned others were just caught up in the storm. Once emotions subsided things were sorted but Horsia had sealed their fate to be seen as troublemakers and all members were put high on staffs radar.

    Horsia could see their mistake and vowed to chill and work on their attitude but were given a no tolerance policy by staff and the server.

    Then came “The time of the Hammer”. Warnings and bans were handed out like candy on Halloween during the time following “the great cleansing”. Horsia members still a bit salty from “the great cleansing” were pushing back and getting banned and warnings right and left. Some of which were a bit heavy handed.

    We as staff began to hear grumblings from the wider player base that weren’t even part of the Horsia drama that felt a bit uneasy and not safe because of the strictness that was in play. We realized that in the heat of the moment we may have been to strict and decided to have look at some of the discipline given and looked at it from a more objective point of view unbanning or changing it to lighter punishment for a few players where the punishment may have been unbalanced to the offense.

    Side note

    I want to state that all those that received discipline from staff were guilty and discipline was needed but in a few cases a perm ban was not needed. We actually discuss and get a consensus on things that aren’t obvious and blatant bans such as xray/hacked client together as a team. Our goal as staff is to catch cheaters, help players when there are server related issues, work on the backend server things (maintenance/upgrades/events/etc…) that make this place an awesome and fun place to play, but not gameplay drama. We do get pulled into it from time to time but in truth that’s not our job description. So when staff is pulled into these gameplay issues sometimes the frustrations of everything else cause a quick and harsher punishment.

    End side note

    OK back to the back-story. After the “Time of the Hammer” the young Horsia members got the message and under Salts guidance dialed it back some more and laid low. But the pvpers started getting restless and looking for a fight. The war with TAS had become stale and mostly forgotten when the crew DD -Dealers Deck was formed by some of the local pvper’s that have been on Piratecraft for a while.

    Galaxy219 the leader of the Blackbeard Clan which is part of the Whitherbeard Kinship Had aligned himself with Horsia as a pvper since the beginning which also meant that the kinship was aligned as well. We would, from time to time, supply Horsia with building materials while Gal lent his pvp skills.

    So when Gal killed Javainvader, one of the Leaders of DD, a war insued between DD and the Witherbeard clan. There wasn’t much offense from the Whitherbeard side as we were plotting how to fight such a formidable and way above or pvp skill as a crew opponent. But after an unfortunate event where one of our clan members betrayed us and tp’ed DD into our base some of our allies as well as Horsia members that were bored and looking for a fight came along sideus to take the fight to DD and start attacking. Within a very short time the war turned from DD vs Witherbeard to DD vs Horsia as a lot of our members left the crew out of fear and cowardice and Horsia became the main rivals of DD.

    This gets us caught up to the current rash of reports and kerbuckle.

    Wolf packin

    Horsia has always employed the ‘pack hunting/fighting’ strategy. As all crews do in reality when they want to ensure a victory. Isolate the few and overwhelm with many. This has been very successful for Horsia and now it has become their style.

    I will say most every crew has used this from time to time some more than others. It is a valid form of warfare. I think it’s safe to say everyone who has engaged in pvp on this server has both been a victim and or a part of a pack.

    The deckie drama

    This pack mentality has caused them once again to find themselves embroiled in controversy. The first report as of late was that Horsia members went in as a pack of 6+ in god gear to kill gearless new players and the harassment of the said new crew of fresh players consisting of deckies and cadets.

    The report is well done and valid. The killing of new players repeatedly is certainly frowned upon and why we have a deckhand protection in place. This brings TAS and Horsia head to head again as it’s a TAS leader that made the report.

    The reality is though, for the almost 2 years I’ve been playing here, this is the way things were. If you are a new player and start boasting or making yourself known in chat you would be visited by 1 up to 6+ more established players who would kill you repeatedly and loot all your hard earned stuff. Usually every day or so either the same people or new people who saw an easy target would come knocking until you could defend yourself or at least hold up in a safe room. As a victim you either learn how to defend better from each attack or you join a strong crew or hide but eventually you get a foothold and can stand on your own.

    I endured many such visits as a new player. Its like they had radar when I got a decent amount of loot my front door would be blown off XD. If I was working in the yard or building I would look up to see 4 or so guys in god gear chopping me to bits. I believe most all of us can identify with this story.

    The standard response to someone complaining about a raid or repeated killing was “it’s a pirate server so get over it”. Normally from the one who did the killing or some of their friends.

    While I am strongly against the attacking of new helpless players as I see it to be a cowardly and without honor and it is highly frowned upon as a whole, I understand the temptation to do so. Especially if they are a loud mouth XD.

    Targeting new players is not a staff punishable offense though. For staff discipline to take place in this scenario it would have to be a harassment issue. Although if a staff member is on they may take it upon themselves to say when enough is enough and tell the attackers to stop. Then if they do not stop after a staff member has told them to they may be punished by a trip to the jail and lightning to the head for not doing what staff said.

    Harassment is: repeated and prolonged verbal abuse, attacking multiple times a day for multiple days as to impede someone’s game play, producing personal information without consent with the intention of intimidation.

    Conclusion of the deckie drama

    If you see someone suffering from an over aggressive prolonged attack it is your duty to help them out. Not just by calling the offenders out in chat but by putting yourself in harm’s way to defend the weak and defenseless. Do it together as a server with every able body person tping in to stand with the victim. Do that and I promise you will see deckie attacks drop significantly.

    The tp trap

    The second report as of late is the tp trapping/spawn killing on Donator Island. This is also a valid gripe and report. I was not on to know much about this specific incident. There seems to be a bit of confusion for me as to what each side says was going on. As with everything in life there is always more to the story than whats on the surface.

    The truth is when we get caught in a tp trap and killed that’s on us. Listen to your gut. If it’s someone who has a questionable reputation just stay put no matter the temptation. That’s what makes this one so hard to swallow. Deep down we usually knew better and just got greedy wanting whatever it was they were offering but its not always the case. Sometimes it’s a person you thought was a friend or a newby asking for help.

    I can say is as a victim of several tp trap style killings I find deplorable, cowardly, and without honor.

    Yeti’s thoughts

    It does however really suck when you are the one that is singled out and killed. It makes us angry, vengeful, and feels like we were unfairly treated. We have that sick feeling in our tummy and the feeling of grief as we just lost all of the things we worked so hard for. It hurts our pride, wounds our security and brings mistrust.

    It’s the same feeling we get when we’re building and some invisible guy pops out of nowhere and kills us before we can even register its happening. It’s the same feeling we get when we are tricked into tp’ing to someone or them to us just to be killed before having a chance to blink. It’s the same feeling when someone camps a public spawn and kills us when we are just going about our business. And it’s a totally normal reaction but it’s how we choose to respond that defines our character.

    The response from all parties involved in this latest drama has not been a very good one. Its been to tirelessly work to get the other side banned by whispering in a staff members ear, using whatever influence they can to turn people against the other, Making a stink about the littlest things with incomplete or no evidence, harass, call names, The list goes on.

    This my friends won’t end the way you hoped. It will keep driving you to do more and more desperate things until a line gets crossed and you’ve laid you own head on the chopping block and possibly harming the server you were trying to protect. Winning at all cost is not winning at all, it’s a lose-lose endeavor. I know I have used this philosophy in my real life from my teens to mid twenties. It destroys you from the inside as you’re consumed with victory and start crossing lines that make you no better than your enemy.

    I know that’s sounds a bit over the top but its truth. Fight for what’s right but forgive in the process. Like I’ve said before, when someone is acting out there is something deeper that motivates it whether they or you understand it or not. So its important to try and not let a wrong done to you control your thought life. You don’t have to be friends with them and you can still hold them accountable but try to let the anger go.

    I believe that as a community we can stand together to stop these things we don’t like. Whether it’s a crew or individual doing things that are not cool we can pull together and take them down. If you feel strongly about something find others that feel the same and do something about it. Like every time you see someone get tp or spawn killed go to their aid and kill the offender/s. If they’re stronger than you grab some other players and go as a group. Rise up \m/

    Everything that’s been talked about are valid forms of pirate style killing and warfare. Pirates routinely used deceit as a way to lure unsuspecting victims to their death and/or relieve them of their valuables. The same goes for pack hunting and killing those weaker than yourself for loot or enjoyment. These were some of the tools of a pirate crew’s trade. That’s why they are allowed. But because it causes drama and sucks when it happens its not encouraged.

    At the end of the day Piratecraft is a RPG pirate server. But if you feel as though someone is being taken advantage of by some nasty pirate, you be the hero, the pirate hunter that saves the day 😀

    Thanks for reading and remember report but also act as a community.

    • Topics: 2
    • Replies: 20
    • Total: 22

    Well AstroBolt he didn’t know forums were a thing then and whats funny why didn’t Cysteen report it she keep’s reporting us for what (They) as in some now (TAS) members..(This Does include xMadMonkeyx when he was known as Datboi or something)…But the fact of the matter is Cysteen was doing the same thing we are so how is it Harassment now when they did it then (And yes I understand things change but that should be no excuse)..

    What I honestly think is this is a pirate server let players do pirate things its ok to wanna build cool building’s or ships but if you wanna take the chance of losing G-tool’s thats up to you but to pretty much try and take away the PVP away from the server so you can basically turn Pmc into a Pirate Role-play or Creative building server:And from what I understand from the very little I’ve talked to him he wanted this server to be a Pirate themed pvp server…

    But as for the famous last saying Cysteen has said a lot that because of players killing Deckie’s that there are no new players..The Matter of that fact is there are and the ones that get killed and rage quit have no right to be here because the try hard players who actually read Guids on the website will probably end up donating which means Godsy is getting a little more cash in his pocket which is good..

    So Cysteen Im not attacking you personally but you try to play on the feelings of Godsy I think a little bit but if you look at what some of the players are they are whining babies who think the (Staff) should come running to there every command: And Because (Staff) doesn’t they end up quitting the server, But the TryHard players they bring pop to the server and if there not good at it they go to a KitPvp server and learn

    which is why they are called   “TryHards” aka kinda like Captain_Jones and Galaxy219 they got spawn killed and raided a lot when they were dickies:Now to just clarify I’m not trying to pat them or myself on the back I’m just stating fact’s and what to me seems like the stats of whats going on.

    Gimme a like if you agree on this.       <span style=”color: #555555; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 14px;”>Leader of (The New Viking Empire) and former member of (Horsia).</span>

    • Topics: 13
    • Replies: 65
    • Total: 78
    • ★★★

    Just as a bit of evidence to back Jusa’s statment, i wasent going to post these but now jusa brought it up i might aswell. Here is 2 screen shoots showing Leon326 saying in open chat that he is unclaiming his base and go to /warp donate to get free gsets. The second screen is of where Wemb and Galaxy219 is trying to say there was nothing wrong with it but as jusa has said… they where camping warp donate spawn after a player related to them said there was a god drop party.

    Now this isent down to me and it isent my decision to make but this whole act looked just like a trap to me where someone related to horsia said there was a dp at warp donate and then the rest of them just sat at the warp room and killed anyone who came.

    (this was very late at night for me so i mustn’t of been thinking right and i didnt actually take screens of the killings…)


    Edit: i posted the wrong link and it only showed 1 screen shot.

    • Topics: 794
    • Replies: 3344
    • Total: 4138
    • ★★★★★★★★

    I Have updated a lot via discord, a TON of people here reported the wrong issue (when the plugin looses connection to the server and shows 0 for everything) so this thread has been polluted and I no longer know who needs their stats doing. A ton of people would have logged on 24 hours later and would be fine. A bunch have had their stats already done via discord.

    If you still need your stats doing, please do send me an updated ESC > Statistics screenshot on here, or even better find me on /discord or I seem to get them done much faster. Since nobody has updated their post once I have completed it, its impossible to go back through this entire thread. I highly suggest you message me on discord, it will be much easier.





































    • Topics: 63
    • Replies: 118
    • Total: 181
    • ★★★★

    “WitherBeard Clan Raided”

    Today the WitherBeard Clan was insided by none other than Withero1. This inside allowed 5 members of an enemy crew (Dealers Deck) to raid whatever they could from the main base. The raid started quiet as all the members of DD were invisible, until RFlash happened to walk down to where the raiding was going on and walked in on three men in god. He was naked at the time so he died quite fast but this alerted the rest of the WitherBeard Clan including Galaxy219 that the base was under attack. The next 15 minutes were spent with little to no fighting happening as Galaxy tried to close off all entrances to the base.  It eventually ended with DD leaving the base gear in hand as Galaxy and the Rest of the WitherBeards assessed the damage.


    “Winners of ‘Shipped’”

    Today the winners were announced as it turned midnight and #LuckyxLazy won by just one vote. This first edition of “Shipped” came off better than I had expected so I will try to do one of these every few weeks or so to make things interesting. As it goes with all winners Lucky_The_Freak is now officially shipped with Lazydog11, make sure to congratulate them if you see them.


    “Don’t Do Drugs” 

    And Finally here is a video everyone should watch as it reminds us of why not to take the pill.







    The East India Company has just opened at S45! Currently selling:

    – Enchanted books / armour / weapons and tools

    – Ores, quartz, rare and regular blocks

    – Redstone items

    – Potions

    – Sponges and Beacons!



    Be sure to visit the magnificent elven fortress of Greywatch, situated next to Donator Isle just above Shipbreaker Bay! Whether you want to have a tour around the beautiful castle, do some shopping in the castle village, or even rent a shop yourself, you’ll leave Greywatch wanting to come back time and time again!



    Are you running out of materials on the battlefield? Do you need potions? Head on over to shop 40! Cheap prices! ? */msg or /mail RiverKitty if anything is out of stock.*



    Come down to Cys’ shop at s39 (/warp shop2, second on the right) for a general store with a various collection of items from kit armor, to the largest Food shop, and building blocks to choose from! I have Sell signs on the 3rd floor, so anyone needing a quick penny (for a little bit of work) can have a look! Also will be adding a sort of seasonal stock, that changes often, so check back for new stock!



    Head on over to Manda’s shop s12 at /warp shop2 for the cheapest boos, brews, and ores on the server! Now selling everything in the store for £1 below market price or lower!


    “Quote of the day!”

    “Chicken is da best!” ~ Joe Da Hoe


    "Nec possum tecum vivere, nec sine te."
    -"I can live neither with you, nor without you."- ~ Uta

    • Topics: 63
    • Replies: 118
    • Total: 181
    • ★★★★

    “WitherBeard Clan Raided”

    Today the WitherBeard Clan was insided by none other than Wither01. This inside allowed 5 members of an enemy crew (Dealers Deck) to raid whatever they could from the main base. The raid started quiet as all the members of DD were invisible, until RFlash happened to walk down to where the raiding was going on and walked in on three men in god. He was naked at the time so he died quite fast but this alerted the rest of the WitherBeard Clan including Galaxy219 that the base was under attack. The next 15 minutes were spent with little to no fighting happening as Galaxy tried to close off all entrances to the base.  It eventually ended with DD leaving the base gear in hand as Galaxy and the Rest of the WitherBeards assessed the damage.

    “Winners of ‘Shipped'”

    Today the winners were announced as it turned midnight and #LuckyxLazy won by just one vote. This first edition of “Shipped” came off better than I had expected so I will try to do one of these every few weeks or so to make things interesting. As it goes with all winners Lucky_The_Freak is now officially shipped with Lazydog11, make sure to congratulate them if you see them.


    “Don’t Do Drugs” 

    And Finally here is a video everyone should watch as it reminds us of why not to take the pill.





    The East India Company has just opened at S45! Currently selling:

    – Enchanted books / armour / weapons and tools

    – Ores, quartz, rare and regular blocks

    – Redstone items

    – Potions

    – Sponges and Beacons!



    Be sure to visit the magnificent elven fortress of Greywatch, situated next to Donator Isle just above Shipbreaker Bay! Whether you want to have a tour around the beautiful castle, do some shopping in the castle village, or even rent a shop yourself, you’ll leave Greywatch wanting to come back time and time again!



    Are you running out of materials on the battlefield? Do you need potions? Head on over to shop 40! Cheap prices! ? */msg or /mail RiverKitty if anything is out of stock.*



    Come down to Cys’ shop at s39 (/warp shop2, second on the right) for a general store with a various collection of items from kit armor, to the largest Food shop, and building blocks to choose from! I have Sell signs on the 3rd floor, so anyone needing a quick penny (for a little bit of work) can have a look! Also will be adding a sort of seasonal stock, that changes often, so check back for new stock!



    Head on over to Manda’s shop s12 at /warp shop2 for the cheapest boos, brews, and ores on the server! Now selling everything in the store for £1 below market price or lower!


    “Quote of the day!”

    “Chicken is da best!” ~ Joe Da Hoe

    "Nec possum tecum vivere, nec sine te."
    -"I can live neither with you, nor without you."- ~ Uta

    • Topics: 63
    • Replies: 118
    • Total: 181
    • ★★★★

    “TAS Builds Canal in 2 Days!”

    As members were getting on piratecraft today many of them noticed a large canal that had been dug almost overnight by TAS members who were persistent to open up the canal to connect the southern seas. This major feat was completed in simply two days as TAS members such as Cysteen, Riverwood202, Turkeyman11a, CaptainCraken, ArtificialDemon, Jmoo and many others worked tirelessly to complete this canal in record time. Lawzoneon was also present and helped in the slabbing and digging of the canal as a friend of the builders. Thankfully we got sent a video and some pics of the canal being built so that we can show all of our readers just what went on the past two days. Cysteen also told the press that once the canal is fully finished she would be opening it up to be claimed by the admins for public use! This means that anyone who wanted to traverse the seas could do so freely using this new canal.

    The video of the canal’s opening: (

    The pics we were sent: (


    “Panda Press Sold in Game Book Form!”

    The Panda Press articles are now sold in Riverwood202’s shop at /warp shop2 for only £12! This is an in-game copy of each article put out by the paper and there are the latest three articles sold at the shop. This means that if you want to read the newspaper off the forums you can now head to River’s shop and purchase a copy for yourself! Older copies will eventually sell for more as time goes on so make sure you get the copies you want now before they’re gone!




    Be sure to visit the magnificent elven fortress of Greywatch, situated next to Donator Isle just above Shipbreaker Bay! Whether you want to have a tour around the beautiful castle, do some shopping in the castle village, or even rent a shop yourself, you’ll leave Greywatch wanting to come back time and time again!



    Are you running out of materials on the battlefield? Do you need potions? Head on over to shop 40! Cheap prices! ? */msg or /mail RiverKitty if anything is out of stock.*



    Visit the piratecraft casino and shop, featuring a cash gambling machine and items to sell or buy. /warp shop, turn right at the end of the main street and find s48. (Hot deal right now: Brewing recipe books, reduced in price)



    Come down to Cys’ shop at s39 (/warp shop2, second on the right) for a general store with a various collection of items from kit armor, to the largest Food shop, and building blocks to choose from! I have Sell signs on the 3rd floor, so anyone needing a quick penny (for a little bit of work) can have a look! Also will be adding a sort of seasonal stock, that changes often, so check back for new stock!


    Galaxy219 I still need to get your advertisement sent to me in a pm to add it to the newspaper.



    “Quote of the Day”

    ”It isn’t about ruling the world, it is about ruling every living thing in it.” ~ Riverwood202


    You must be logged in to view attached files.

    "Nec possum tecum vivere, nec sine te."
    -"I can live neither with you, nor without you."- ~ Uta

    • Topics: 63
    • Replies: 118
    • Total: 181
    • ★★★★

    “Horsia Main Base Hit!”

    This evening I was sent a video from RiverKitty who filmed the horsia main base being raided! It was found out that some members of Horsia had gotten fed up with their crew-mates and had teleported other players into the Horsia base to raid the entirety of the crew home invisible. This invisibility keeps us from recognizing any of the players involved and the audio file had been deleted so we cannot to trace the users by voice. We do know this, the main base of Horsia was wiped clean, and from the video, those who were raiding it left no stone unturned as they burned anything that they could not pick up. The players who raided Horsia sent a clear message that they will continue to hit back hard after what seemed like days of inactivity from the anti-horsia side. We can only expect that hostility will increase in the next few days, so my advice to the players on the outside looking in, “Hide your kids, hide your wife.”.


    Without further ado here is the video I was sent tonight:





    Be sure to visit the magnificent elven fortress of Greywatch, situated next to Donator Isle just above Shipbreaker Bay! Whether you want to have a tour around the beautiful castle, do some shopping in the castle village, or even rent a shop yourself, you’ll leave Greywatch wanting to come back time and time again!



    Are you running out of materials on the battlefield? Do you need potions? Head on over to shop 40! Cheap prices! ? */msg or /mail RiverKitty if anything is out of stock.*



    Visit the piratecraft casino and shop, featuring a cash gambling machine and items to sell or buy. /warp shop, turn right at the end of the main street and find s48. (Hot deal right now: Brewing recipe books, reduced in price)


    Galaxy219 I need to get your advertisement sent to me in a pm to add it to the newspaper.


    “Quote of the Day”

    “Some people like to watch the world burn. I prefer starting the fire.” ~ ArtificialDemon

    You must be logged in to view attached files.

    "Nec possum tecum vivere, nec sine te."
    -"I can live neither with you, nor without you."- ~ Uta

    • Topics: 63
    • Replies: 118
    • Total: 181
    • ★★★★

    “Horsia Main Base Hit!”

    This evening I was sent a video from RiverKitty who filmed the horsia main base being raided! It was found out that some members of Horsia had gotten fed up with their crew-mates and had teleported other players into the Horsia base to raid the entirety of the crew home invisible. This invisibility keeps us from recognizing any of the players involved and the audio file had been deleted so we cannot to trace the users by voice. We do know this, the main base of Horsia was wiped clean, and from the video, those who were raiding it left no stone unturned as they burned anything that they could not pick up. The players who raided Horsia sent a clear message that they will continue to hit back hard after what seemed like days of inactivity from the anti-horsia side. We can only expect that hostility will increase in the next few days, so my advice to the players on the outside looking in, “Hide your kids, hide your wife.”.


    Without further ado here is the video I was sent:





    Be sure to visit the magnificent elven fortress of Greywatch, situated next to Donator Isle just above Shipbreaker Bay! Whether you want to have a tour around the beautiful castle, do some shopping in the castle village, or even rent a shop yourself, you’ll leave Greywatch wanting to come back time and time again!



    Are you running out of materials on the battlefield? Do you need potions? Head on over to shop 40! Cheap prices! ? */msg or /mail RiverKitty if anything is out of stock.*



    Visit the piratecraft casino and shop, featuring a cash gambling machine and items to sell or buy. /warp shop, turn right at the end of the main street and find s48. (Hot deal right now: Brewing recipe books, reduced in price)


    Galaxy219 I need to get your advertisement sent to me in a pm to add it to the newspaper.


    “Quote of the Day”

    “Some people like to watch the world burn. I prefer starting the fire.” ~ ArtificialDemon


    You must be logged in to view attached files.

    "Nec possum tecum vivere, nec sine te."
    -"I can live neither with you, nor without you."- ~ Uta

    • Topics: 28
    • Replies: 200
    • Total: 228
    • ★★★★


    On the whole, if you spam the chat (as you did a few days back) with things about how you are going to “slaughter Galaxy219”, then don’t expect everyone to sit back and wait patiently for you to arrive with drawn sword. So no, Law was not being “abusive”. Just get a grip.

    -Proprietor of Fort Abercrombie

    -Patient #412 of the Asylum

    "I cannot, if I am in the field of glory, be kept out of sight: wherever there is anything to be done, there Providence is sure to direct my steps."
    Horatio Nelson

    • Topics: 25
    • Replies: 160
    • Total: 185
    • ★★★★


    I am Galaxy219 and I am stuck as a sailor if I could get put as a boatload( auto-correct WTF xD) Boatswain. that would be amazing 🙂


    Blu Pearson
    • Topics: 43
    • Replies: 152
    • Total: 195
    • ★★★★

    Name of crew:

    The Whitherbeard Clan

    Names of active settlements:

    There are 2 main settlements and 1 outpost none have been named as of yet. One main settlement/port in the north just below warp north, the main crew hub in the eastern sea, and the out post in the north west close to the snow biome.

    Number of active crew members (login within one week):

    We have a total of 7 crew members. 3 are active multiple times a week 3 are active multiple times a month and 1 inactive We are actively recruiting currently

    Names of active crew members:

    MrBluBeardedYeti, Kingy_2901, Galaxy219, Arahaelon, zXDinXz, Gorgle007, limwascool

    Allies: VER, Salt, STLGD

    Enemies: GblDm

    Blu Pearson
    • Topics: 43
    • Replies: 152
    • Total: 195
    • ★★★★

    Name of crew:

    The Whitherbeard Clan

    Names of active settlements:

    There are 2 main settlements and 1 outpost none have been named as of yet. One main settlement/port in the north just below warp north, the main crew hub in the eastern sea, and the out post in the north west close to the snow biome.

    Number of active crew members (login within one week):

    We have a total of 7 crew members. 3 are active multiple times a week 3 are active multiple times a month and 1 inactive We are actively recruiting currently

    Names of active crew members:

    MrBluBeardedYeti, Kingy_2901, Galaxy219, Arahaelon, zXDinXz, Gorgle007, limwascool

    Allies: VER, Salt, STLGD

    Enemies: GblDm<b></b><i></i><u></u>

Viewing 15 results - 1 through 15 (of 44 total)

5/50 Online

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