Search Results for 'EisenGraf'
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July 28, 2022 at 4:32 am #81284
In reply to: Remove EisenGraf From Forum Moderation
I second this. Eisengraf asked to be removed from moderation a few months ago, so he should be removed fully from all PirateCraft matters.
With that, I would like to nominate Keto, the true pirate, to be mod in his place. He has displayed impeccable behaviour over the recent weeks in which I have talked to him, and displays a sense of maturity far beyond anything RatRaceRobot could hope to achieve.
Thank you
former admin
max is dad :weary:
July 28, 2022 at 4:11 am #81283Topic: Remove EisenGraf From Forum Moderation
in forum Requests & SuggestionsHe is no longer a moderator in-game and does not wish to devote any further time to forum moderation for a server he doesn’t play, so it would make sense to remove the forum rank as well.
Former PirateCraft Moderator
Current PirateCraft Forum Moderator
July 28, 2022 at 3:37 am #81276In reply to: Longer E-Pearl cooldown
This thread has now devolved far beyond the topic at hand, so I’m locking it for now until staff has a chance to address the original e-pearl issue. We don’t need petty sniping over matters entirely unrelated to this suggestion. Please try to show some respect for your fellow players and think about how you are speaking to another person. These personal attacks are totally unnecessary in any situation, but especially over a video game, are not welcome here, and are frankly embarrassing.
EisenGrafFormer PirateCraft Moderator
Current PirateCraft Forum ModeratorFebruary 17, 2022 at 5:29 pm #79129Topic: PirateCraft Active Crew List July 2022
in forum PirateCraft GeneralIts been a while since someone has done something like this. The last list that has been made was in 2018 July by Xeron. It can be found >Here<.
This list serves as a reference point, and comparison to the PMC of 3 years 7 months ago O_O im getting old.
Im gonna try to include as many crews as I can (I’m NOT gonna mention every crew in existence or 2 hour old deckhand crews).
Here are the rules / key points (similar to Xeron’s and Paul’s original list)
1. This is based off data from the 17th of February. It is entirely
possible that people have changed crews, come back from inactivity, or founded
new crews in the meantime.
2. “Active Players” count as any players that were active in the
last 30 days.
3. Some crew descriptions from the previous list have been carried forward,
asl ong as they are still relevant and/or the exact same crew.
4. I tried to avoid 1 – 2 man crews and will only be including those that
are worth of mention.
5. The crew names are spelt as they are in-game. including typos and
spacing issues.
6. If I forget any crews feel free to message me on Discord! #Tulips4681 or
beneath this post
7. Honorable mentions are people that are well known and have been active recently.
The List of Active CrewsThe Shadow Realm (SDHW)
Description : From the depths of the darkest shadows (ESE), we are
the power lurking in the darkness.
Leaders : Ae0n, TobySF, LordArth2021
Honorable Mentions : Viper1093, Fatherfrog616, MrLimeWise, MsLimeWise, Crimpybark, Folsky
Type : Recruiting / EconomyRepublic of Promethea (RoP)
Description : I am Promethea. I have the high ground. I support the droid attack on the Wookies. Gonk gonk gonk.
Leaders : LEG𝙾, Coldat, khaiethan.
Honorable Mentions : CrazyMoneyy, Pjeturr, DeimosWreck, YellowTheMaster
Type : Economy / Build / PvP / Retirement HomeBritish Empire (BE)
Description : The British Empire is a long-standing Empire, with a
tradition rich history. Who are based on a democratic System.
Leaders : BGraph, lazydog11, CrazyPirate1, gildor_stinky, ItsCrazyDave, mdsegebre.
Honorable Mentions : MrMadBurrito, RatRaceRobot, Thederpymaster, Fat_Platapus, PanOfSteel
Type :Recruiting / Economy / Build / PvPValyrian Freehold (VAL)
Description : A crew run by experienced players, based on GoT. Also
the PMC retirement home.
Leaders : Mqstic, Atalantaa, EnderSalt, Solembus13, CreatingWithKass
Honorable Mentions : Bazurka, Taulov, Skyraine, Nado994, claymaester, EisenGraf, PandamoniumPrime, Masondave, _Tywin. malexdog, Janick_, BadBrando, SpikyCactus_,
Type : Economy / BuildCove (Cove)
Description : The overlords!
Leaders : GodsDead
Type : World DominationJunglePirates (JP)
Description : No description
Leaders : JunglePirateDave
Type : Recruiting / EconomyPolish Kingdom (PLK)
Description : The Polish Kingdom is a mostly peaceful crew,
focusing mostly on exploration of the new 1.18 lands.
Leaders : Tujek, Tulipss
Honorable Mentions : toni907
Type : Recruiting / Economy / Build / PvPSinister (Sin)
Description : Seclusion brings madness
Leaders : Frqstie, DeoFiloW1, Espul
Honorable Mentions : oWig, _knoedel, IgnFry
Type : PvPCosaNostra (CSN)
Description : set Ch’ a cousta lon ch’a cousta Viva l’Acusta
Leaders : RoMich02, WaterPool, Murubutu, Caldera23, Armqndo
Honorable Mentions : gepetrus, mikimoosey, Naqvity, CowTheMeek, Minemoppel, Slowmotionturbo, Ismaworkx, Lullaby93, SpiderDeluxe, Vec0203.MinisterMoo.
Type : Economy / Build / PvPLa Familia (Mafia)
Description : and THAT’s how mafia works
Leaders : Simbud, Monkss, Nationalistic, DaddyVolpex, NoSoulz,
Honorable Mentions : Kirn_
Type : Economy / PvP / Retirement HomeChinese Communist Party (CCP)
Description : If you join you get free +15 Social Credit
Leaders : N0tMAD, notgodsdead
Honorable Mentions : FatMatt176
Type : Recruiting / Economy / Build / PvPThe New Empire (TNE)
Description : We are a big autonum Crew, with the will, to build
the biggest, and most beautiful city on the server.
Leaders : ScriptX, Two_Com, IndexOutOfMJ
Honorable Mentions :
Type : Economy / BUILDThe Verussian Republic (VER) (yes it still exists ikr)
Description : A republic for the people – by the people. Verussia
is governed by an elite council, and enforced by the Krimzon Guard.
Leaders : warbluke, KwesiYsell, InventorElric, PortugalJ
Honorable Mentions : JonahHulk10, ExperienceMoore
Type : Recruiting / BuildThe Church (TC)
Description : We The Church Live to Serve you the people of the
Leaders : FatherAnderson, FugalCoast95003
Honorable Mentions : RexStrafes, Kooksuba
Type : BuildRome (SPQR)
Description : SPQR is a Roman themed crew that focuses on building
in Roman style and roleplay.
Leaders : _Augustus_Caesar, duckmasterizzy
Honorable Mentions : missioncarp3127, _Scipio_, CottageSimcoe, TulipGX
Type : Economy / BuildThe Imperial Roman Empire (ROME)
Description : into cosmic’s basement we go
Leaders : CommanderAsher, CosmicKingSimp, Gqldn, Majsay23, Oski8164
Honorable Mentions : MionaTheGreat, lukaim
Type : Economy / BuildThe Papal State (Papal)
Description : If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you
can find them… maybe you can hire Papal.
Leaders : Olveron, DrBipper, _Ninja_8
Honorable Mentions : I_Sell_Hugs, OTheMan, ContDJ, DarkMatter51, Icyvains
Type : Economy / BuildThe Woo (WOO)
Description : No Description
Leaders : IronAR
Type : Economy / Build / PvPPS : Thanks Taulov for fixing all the bugs in this post!
Sincerely Tulips
- Honest, friendly and peaceful Citizen of Piratecraft
September 27, 2021 at 1:41 pm #76544In reply to: Unban Appeal for Pala, yes he wrote it himself.
Hello Pala,
Due to the number of previous chances you have received, and the circumstances surrounding this ban, you will need to wait out the remaining 6 weeks.
August 26, 2021 at 7:56 am #75890In reply to: awesomecow_egypt Unban appeal
Hello awesomecow,
As this was your first X-ray-related punishment, and given the circumstances surrounding it, we will consider the one month which has passed as the punishment served. Given the fact that you used a friend/relative’s account to speak to staff since writing this appeal, however, you will remain banned for another week. In the future, please do not circumvent punishments in this manner (or any for that matter). Please also be sure to remove the packs in question prior to your return, even if you do intend to use them on other servers.
August 7, 2021 at 1:49 pm #75497In reply to: Ban Appeal
Hello WarlordTourus,
As this occurred so many years ago, we have unbanned you. Welcome back to the server and please be sure to give the /rules a read upon your return.
July 20, 2021 at 10:34 pm #75159In reply to: Unban Appeal
Hi Olpx,
Seeing as this was your first x-ray-related incident and first major punishment, we have decided to consider the 20 days for which you have been banned as the punishment served. Thanks for the appeal and welcome back to the server.
July 16, 2021 at 1:20 am #75137In reply to: block glitching
Hi awesomecowYT,
Thank you for your report. The player who can be seen glitching has been punished. If you have additional screenshots or recordings of the others being reported, please feel free to attach them in a follow-up thread or a support ticket to continue the investigation, but for now I will close this thread.
June 21, 2021 at 11:58 pm #74636In reply to: Muted. Requesting clarification.
Hello MrMadBurrito,
For the brief version of why you were muted, the explanation that appears in your /bminfo about describes the situation:
“Continues to show toxic behaviour since previous punishment. Please take this time to reevaluate your use of and approach to chat”
More specifically, I, as well as other members of the staff team, have not noticed any marked improvement in your behaviour in chat since your previous longer-duration mute (of 1 week back in May). We have noticed that, in particular, pvp-related chat issues have resumed with especially toxic behaviour surrounding the frequent semi-planned fights around warp south, as well as in random skirmishes. To directly address your concern via a concrete example of unwanted behaviour, the one that jumps to my mind was your use of “mehshitter” on June 1 at 10:54pm GMT simply because you didn’t like the outcome of a fight. I personally warned you for this, and I know that other staff have done the same for similar incidents. Your response in this specific example was that it was the server’s fault for the auto-filter linking “meh” and “shitter,” since you had intended to call the player a “gay shitter”, rather than admitting to the fact that this a) did bypass the filter (with or without the auto-filter linking the two), and b) was an unacceptable thing to use as an insult. This is, of course, far from an exhaustive list, but hopefully it serves as a helpful example.
In terms of the silence and insults you mentioned receiving from the staff team—we ask that any contests to mutes be submitted via support ticket rather than in-game DMs, as it helps keep all staff on the same page when carrying out investigations. If you felt that staff was attacking or insulting you at some point during the process of explaining your mute, please do make a ticket on that as well so that we are able to properly investigate your concerns.
Hopefully this helps clarify the situation,
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