Search Results for 'Chailey'

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  • #53198

    In reply to: What is Poi?

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    @Chailey Irish names get weird. Caoimhe is pronounced Kwee-Va. Chathal is pronounced Co-hul, and that probably does mean kian, although I don’t know why it’s spelled with a “k”, we spell it with “c” over here. The Gaelic language is strange. Don’t question it. In Irish you start sentences with verbs.


    I’d bet you couldn’t even attempt to translate this without Google translate (all Irish people learned this off in secondary school because usually Irish teachers only allow you to say this):


    An bhfuil cead agam dul go dtí an leithreas.

    You would die of over exposure to strange unless you started learning this from the age of five.

    This post that I posted on this post about something is probably useles information.............

    • Topics: 13
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    Some deckhands wanted to know how the crew was formed so instead of explaining each time i’m just going to sent this link, sorry it’s so long xD I got bored so i made a little story lol.


    A long time a go in the mists of February 2016 a small Plant grew on the Ibroian Peninsula. Plant was looking for a place to stay and a somewhere to call home. Then suddenly a player called Palmerageddon recruited Plant for his crew, the Ibroian Order. Plant went the Palmer’s island and found a hill of sunflowers. Plant built a house at the bottom of this hill, the walls were made of sand and cobblestone, a tall wood tower shot up along the right side of the house. After a few months Plants house was full of Armour, chickens , mine carts and even an underground tunnel that lead to a stone brick watch tower. After a while plant was told several times that the house wasn’t siege-proof. plant had no idea what a ‘siege’ was and couldn’t be bothered to look on the website and thought that ”siege and land claims are far to complicated for a small little plant me!”

    plant got fed up of all the mithering and set out to create a siege-proof  base that was the most siege-proof of them all! But plant would need some help! plant invited her friend Amazeballs1 to the server and they had a great time! they built information centers, shops, a very tall farm! and many other amazing structures! Plant lived on the first floor, the second floor of the base was shared and Amazeballs1 lived on the third. They would Skype almost everyday ad play piratecraft together!

    Soon after the creation of the base Plant and Amazeballs heard some news Palmer hadn’t been online as much as he used too. One day when he was online he came down from his Hill top Brick castle and told the pair that the Ibroian order would be moving the remainder of its active crew members to another crew. This crew as called TXO the Xanthian Order. So Plant, Amazeballs and another good crew friend Mande09 all moved over to the new crew. This was great, new crew! new sailor rank! everything was so fun!

    The leaders of TXO were Maximus_Terragon, Chailey and Thymen. After a while Amazeballs1 stopped playing because he was getting bored and wanted to play on different servers. Plant thought he was boring and thought Amazeballs1 was boring.  Since the crew island wasn’t as lively as it used to be plant was all alone, although plant was friends with the leaders of TXO it wasn’t the same. Plant asked if some new recruits from the crew wanted to live on the island so some did. Max, Chailey and Thymen Created a street of houses made especially for new members to live in, they also built a docks full of ships and boats. You see, all of this may seem good but every crew member the leaders recruited left after a day or two. No members stayed loyal to the crew. Plant wanted to recruit members herself to liven the island up a bit but she had no permission. Plant needed a crew of her own.

    After months and months of debating and thinking plant finally made the decision to create THE PLANT NATION. This would be a brand new start but also a great risk, would plant be able to handle running a crew? would plant have the money? Plant stopped worrying and left TXO. Going solo was hard at first but after a while plant gt the hang of it. Plant was recruiting so many players the crew was growing faster and faster. Still though, plant had the same problem. Every single member she recruited would be amazing, they would talk and create a house and after they created a house they would log off, and never log back on ever again. Plant always hoped with every new player recruited that this would be the player that stick would stick with the server and eventually become vice captain of the crew. But nobody ever did. A few players built AMAZING houses and ships and stayed with the crew for a few weeks but no matter what they would always get bored and leave.

    Some players would join the crew and build a tiny dirt house and leave without trusting plant in their claim. This means plant is stuck with the tiny dirt house on the island FOREVER . this is yet another reason plant claims the houses.


    To this day plant has been unsuccessful in recruiting a member that has been loyal to the crew and stuck with piratecraft. Plant hopes in the future that someday she will have a Vice Captain of the crew who is active just as much as plant. But for now the search continues.

    Dear people reading this:

    If you would like to see any of the build listed in this story please /msg __plant in game or use /mail. All of the builds like the sand house and TXO Lane are still standing today. Player Heads of Amazeballs1 and other crew members are available to see on the side of __plants base.

    Thanks for reading i hope to see you in-game :p

    Hi I'm _SPOOKYPLANT ( or plant for short ). I run a crew called the Plant Nation. The Plant Nations main focus is to recruit new deckhands to the server and run the peninsula which is growing my the second! Aside form all this I also work with my personal friends every now and again to run a town we are in the process of building, I also run a market stall at /warp shop if you would like to check it out!


    In reply to: Banned for cheats.

    • Topics: 794
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    @chailey was the one that banned.

    Banned for using X-ray to cheat ores.

    Even if you were crashing you still were recorded into the logs for X-ray, not relevant.



    In reply to: Banned for cheats.

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    I’m confused. I realize that your connection is bad and everything, but when you log off when being asked for an f3, you get permabanned no matter the situation.

    Also, what does this mean? “I asked for hack control. He refused, made me a screen of my texture pack folder.”

    Good luck getting unbanned though.

    P.S. It isn’t Chaley, it’s Chailey.


    Proud former leader of The Coalition
    Former member of build team
    ez got banned
    pirate veteran and yeehaw'er

    Crew history:

    "Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up." -Thomas Edison


    In reply to: What is Poi?

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    max dw if you want to annoy chailey just show him irish names and tell him it is the proper spelling of that name, Works 100% of the time. Poi

    • Topics: 94
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    You will usually fall under 4 types of people when talking about poi: either you love poi, you hate poi, you just accept poi is poi, or you don’t know what it is. Well I’m here to help those who have no clue what poi is!
    Warning: it gets weird, fast…

    Meaning of Poi:
    Poi is a Japanese word that is akin to saying ‘like’ or ‘ish’. But the meaning is more or less irrelevant.

    Origin of Poi: (in its most basic form)
    It’s from a Japanese anime called Kancolle
    …that features Japanese ships from WW2
    …except the ships are school girls
    …and they fight evil sea demons
    …and there is this one girl/ship called Yuudachi
    …that literally says ‘poi’ at all the time

    Well there is also an online game called ‘World of Warships’ (from the makers of world of tanks), and I have been playing that game since it came out. At one point, the ship Yuudachi represents was added to the game… and people started spamming poi, and so it began. (By the way, its a great game, and quite a few of us on Teamspeak play it together, and its free).

    Why do people (mostly me) keep spamming poi?
    Poi is poi. Its short, its sweet, and it was my failed attempt to try and annoy @chailey …which didn’t work because he fell in love with poi, and so did a lot of Teamspeak…
    So technically… it was my failed attempt to try and annoy someone, which backfired… and I think a lot of other people are trying to do the same thing, but also failing, mostly. :I

    I’m not sharing any pictures or videos of poi, you can look that up yourself, or others may (hopefully not) post some. It’s too weird for me.
    I know what you’re thinking right now. Don’t question it. I don’t watch anime at all. Poi is poi. 

    Error404: poi.exe not found

    « Build Team leader »
    « Server Admin »
    Crew History: Red Lotus, 0utlaws, Ottoman Empire, Xenon Empire, The Xanthian Order, The Asylum, Xenia


    In reply to: My time in Ireland!

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    Thank you so much for the awesome travel report @Chailey. It made me chuckle quite a few times.
    Good to see all you guys had a such great time even though it seems like you wanted to kill each other every other day xD


    Proud Member of the Piratecraft history 🙂


    In reply to: My time in Ireland!

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    This is very cool chailey thank you for sharing! I always love to read about players getting together and such, its an amazing experiance! Ireland seems like such a unique and fascinating place to visit! Loved your story beginning to end!

    A endermite kicked my ass


    In reply to: My time in Ireland!

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    Naaah Chailey.. come to Denmark and I’ll show you some real stuff!

    True that 😛

    « Build Team leader »
    « Server Admin »
    Crew History: Red Lotus, 0utlaws, Ottoman Empire, Xenon Empire, The Xanthian Order, The Asylum, Xenia


    In reply to: My time in Ireland!

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    Naaah Chailey.. come to Denmark and I’ll show you some real stuff!


    In reply to: I didn't hack ROUND 2

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    What’s the point of this thread? You were already denied. @godsdead @markusi13 @chailey @maximus can we close this please?

    Founder of the Coalition


    In reply to: [Report] Raven228

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    i do also have a lot of screens of this, Shook_one got on and started to say random insults towards myself and other TAS members online and then as me and silver tryed to talk to him asking why he was so against us and why he was just calling us random insults in chat raven started to become more and more toxic and it bassicly escalated from there.

    This lasted for about 10-20min’s and ended up in raven just being toxic to anyone who told him to stop spamming i know he snapped with wemb aswell as a good few other people who was telling him to watch his language and to not spam chat. I have already sent the screens i have of this to Chailey but if other staff need some i am happy to send it to anyone who needs them.

    • Topics: 794
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    I Have updated a lot via discord, a TON of people here reported the wrong issue (when the plugin looses connection to the server and shows 0 for everything) so this thread has been polluted and I no longer know who needs their stats doing. A ton of people would have logged on 24 hours later and would be fine. A bunch have had their stats already done via discord.

    If you still need your stats doing, please do send me an updated ESC > Statistics screenshot on here, or even better find me on /discord or I seem to get them done much faster. Since nobody has updated their post once I have completed it, its impossible to go back through this entire thread. I highly suggest you message me on discord, it will be much easier.





































    • Topics: 63
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     “Twenty-One Dubs for Twenty-One Years!!”

    (Written by Riverwood202)

    Due to Cysteen’s upcoming birthday, TAS members and friends decided to purchase and trade with villagers for 21 double chests of cake to cake bomb Cysteen. Jmoo luckily had perms to Cysteen’s base at the time, so while the others were trading for cake he placed twenty one double chests down in her base. While Jmoo was cake bombing Cysteen’s room, she logged on to TeamSpeak! Chailey even banned her for 5 minutes so Jmoo could finish. When she was unbanned, she logged into a base full of cake! Everyone in the based yelled surprise, and Cysteen screamed in excitement. About 30 minutes later, GodsDead logged on and one upped TAS members by spawning a massive cake schematic on top of her base! In the end, over 1/4 of her massive base was covered with cake and she never has to eat real food again.


    Cysie’s cake filled base:







    The East India Company has just opened at S45! Currently selling:

    – Enchanted books / armour / weapons and tools

    – Ores, quartz, rare and regular blocks

    – Redstone items

    – Potions

    – Sponges and Beacons!



    Be sure to visit the magnificent elven fortress of Greywatch, situated next to Donator Isle just above Shipbreaker Bay! Whether you want to have a tour around the beautiful castle, do some shopping in the castle village, or even rent a shop yourself, you’ll leave Greywatch wanting to come back time and time again!



    Are you running out of materials on the battlefield? Do you need potions? Head on over to shop 40! Cheap prices! ? */msg or /mail RiverKitty if anything is out of stock.*



    Come down to Cys’ shop at s39 (/warp shop2, second on the right) for a general store with a various collection of items from kit armor, to the largest Food shop, and building blocks to choose from! I have Sell signs on the 3rd floor, so anyone needing a quick penny (for a little bit of work) can have a look! Also will be adding a sort of seasonal stock, that changes often, so check back for new stock!



    Head on over to Manda’s shop s11 at /warp shop2 for the cheapest boos, brews, and ores on the server! Now selling everything in the store for £1 below market price or lower!



     “Quote of the day!”

    “Quote? Do I look like Confucius to you??” ~ ArtificialDemon


    "Nec possum tecum vivere, nec sine te."
    -"I can live neither with you, nor without you."- ~ Uta

    • Topics: 63
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     “Twenty-One Dubs for Twenty-One Years!!”

    (Written by Riverwood202)

    Due to Cysteen’s upcoming birthday, TAS members and friends decided to purchase and trade with villagers for 21 double chests of cake to cake bomb Cysteen. Jmoo luckily had perms to Cysteen’s base at the time, so while the others were trading for cake he placed twenty one double chests down in her base. While Jmoo was cake bombing Cysteen’s room, she logged on to TeamSpeak! Chailey even banned her for 5 minutes so Jmoo could finish. When she was unbanned, she logged into a base full of cake! Everyone in the based yelled surprise, and Cysteen screamed in excitement. About 30 minutes later, GodsDead logged on and one upped TAS members by spawning a massive cake schematic on top of her base! In the end, over 1/4 of her massive base was covered with cake and she never has to eat real food again.


    Cysie’s cake base pics:







    The East India Company has just opened at S45! Currently selling:

    – Enchanted books / armour / weapons and tools

    – Ores, quartz, rare and regular blocks

    – Redstone items

    – Potions

    – Sponges and Beacons!



    Be sure to visit the magnificent elven fortress of Greywatch, situated next to Donator Isle just above Shipbreaker Bay! Whether you want to have a tour around the beautiful castle, do some shopping in the castle village, or even rent a shop yourself, you’ll leave Greywatch wanting to come back time and time again!



    Are you running out of materials on the battlefield? Do you need potions? Head on over to shop 40! Cheap prices! ? */msg or /mail RiverKitty if anything is out of stock.*



    Come down to Cys’ shop at s39 (/warp shop2, second on the right) for a general store with a various collection of items from kit armor, to the largest Food shop, and building blocks to choose from! I have Sell signs on the 3rd floor, so anyone needing a quick penny (for a little bit of work) can have a look! Also will be adding a sort of seasonal stock, that changes often, so check back for new stock!



    Head on over to Manda’s shop s11 at /warp shop2 for the cheapest boos, brews, and ores on the server! Now selling everything in the store for £1 below market price or lower!



     “Quote of the day!”

    “Quote? Do I look like Confucius to you??” ~ ArtificialDemon


    "Nec possum tecum vivere, nec sine te."
    -"I can live neither with you, nor without you."- ~ Uta

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