Search Results for 'Chailey'

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  • #62474
    • Topics: 15
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    Spiky – this is years old. This was posted months after I joined ( 4 years ago. )

    I’m sure it can still be honoured in some way, but perhaps you’d have better luck contacting Elo106, or @Godsdead, perhaps even @Maximus_Terragon.

    Chailey ( Charlie ) no longer even plays here.

    ProWil (formerly Wilson Manzer),
    General Secretariat of The Papal State
    PirateCraft Veteran, circa 2015.

    • Topics: 66
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    -Added all crews you’ve put up to active crew list (put some queries, mainly just about name confirmation, also Chailey’s crew might need it’s own new category -because I can’t have a bloody crew called ‘chailey’ which takes you to his profile)

    -Started adding basic info to each crew, takes a lot of time to keep copying and pasting so I’ll find some time to do that repetitive task.

    -Added new ‘stencil’ area, so people can put basic formats in, not at all because I’m a lazy bugger who copies and pastes formatting.

    • Topics: 94
    • Replies: 650
    • Total: 744
    • ★★★★★★

    Its been 1 year and 6 months since the wonderful PaulOnFire made his own list back in January of 2017. Old list can be found -> here <-
    This list serves as a reference point, and comparison to the PMC of 1 year 6 months ago. I’ve tried to include as many crews as I can (I’m not doing all 243).



    Some key points before I start (very similar to Paul’s original post):

    1. This is based off data from the 16th July 2018. It is entirely possible that people have changed crews, come back from inactivity, or founded new crews in the meantime.
    2. The crews are ranked according to number of active players
    3. ‘Active players’ count as any players that were active in the last 30 days
    4. Some crew descriptions from the last list have been carried forward, as long as they are still relevant and/or the exact same crew
    5. I have tried to avoid 1 or 2 man crews, such as my own, and will only be including a few that are of mention
    6. The crew names are spelt as they are in-game, including typos and spacing issues. I might have types some of the player names wrong, but please don’t rip my head off because of that.
    7. There are a LOT of crews I don’t know anything about. Feel free to post more information below!


    • Terminology (these are my definitions, not official ones):
      • ‘Empire/Kingdom’ – A generally peaceful crew with anti-pirate intentions; featuring a distinctive government or leadership system, split into mostly the ruling class, generals and officials, and common folk
      • ‘Empire – esque’ – A generally peaceful crew with characteristics of empire crews, but who give more control to the non-leaders, or have a completely separate system. These are usually considered pretty chill crews.
      • ‘Collective crew’ – A crew with mixed intentions, whereby almost every member has an input in running the crew. There isn’t much in the form of hierarchy – mostly group decisions.
      • ‘Pirate crew’ – A crew with either anti-empire crew intentions, stealing and pillaging, or working as hired mercenaries. They are usually the smallest crews, but are seen as the greatest threat to peace for empire crews. There are some exceptions.
      • ‘Mafia crew’ – An organized international body of criminals that work together to achieve common goals.
      • If it just says ‘crew’ then the crew either doesn’t fit any of those descriptions above, or I just don’t know. I don’t want endless terms used; that can wait for another post :I


    The list (eventually):

    Active members: 73
    Total members: 73
    Leaders: lakesidekiller, JackRackam
    Description: A pirate crew created to help new deckhands, by teaching them how to fight and rise up against their oppressive leaders. This crew has grown immensely fast, and rivals the likes of the British Empire in size and scale of the crew.

    British Empire (BE)
    Active members: 65
    Total members: 100
    Leaders: Petalface, Taulov, michty, PaulOnFire, Bislo1, lazydog11, Bazurka, CrazyPirate1, benthebruce, WaterPool, gildor_stinky 
    Description: One of the oldest empires on the server that prides itself for the use of democracy. Home to established veterans and deckhands alike.

    CosaNostra (CSN)
    Active members: 46
    Total members: 46
    Leaders: SpiderDeluxe, Pizza_Lover_02, SirSharky, sarisinqatil
    Description: An Italian Mafia style crew that describes itself as “if you don’t respect us you will become a concrete pillar”

    Byzantium (BYZAN)
    Active members: 36
    Total members: 37
    Leaders: Jolem, sophiemw
    Description: An empire crew based on the East Roman Empire. With a fast growing member count, and a growing number of towns and cities; this crew might soon rival the likes of the British and Elven Empires

    The Asylum (TAS)
    Active members: 31
    Total members: 49
    Leaders: Cysteen, PythonAce, Torkey, Nahadoth
    Description: A collective crew and renowned mental institution for some of the richest and most powerful pirates on the server.

    Elven Empire (EM)
    Active members: 29
    Total members: 64
    Leaders: TarCalen, ThorinCalen, TheTikiTotem
    Description: An empire recreated from the remains of the former Elven Empire. With a fast growing member count, and growing number of cities, the Elves are here to stay.

    The New Roman Republic (TNRR)
    Active members: 25
    Total members: 73
    Leaders: cosmickingjoel, GingfulGlider, Palm_Top_Taiga_, GamerBoyMarcos, triple_diamondYT, LydsTheScrapper, TheSamuelSlayer
    Description: An empire-esque crew aiming to recreate the glory of the former Roman Republic.

    Warriors of the Sea (The)
    Active members: 17
    Total members: 17
    Leaders: TGKnife, AustinsAscension
    Description: Another fast growing crew with strong military routes, who value well trained warriors over everything else

    Scavangers of the deep (S0D)
    Active members: 16
    Total members: 16
    Leaders: BLURP_, blackviking236
    Description: A crew created to scavenge the depths of the oceans for riches, and kick ass it seems

    Parrot Lovers (PL)
    Active members: 14
    Total members: 28
    Leaders: Shockerboy686, Peppykiss395
    Description: A crew dedicated to parrot lovers alike, and those who enjoy Shockerboy’s youtube videos. As far as I can tell, they have the most allies out of any crew on the server at 71 crews! Lots of people most love parrots I guess.

    The Redstonian Legion (TRT)
    Active members: 12
    Total members: 12
    Leaders: MelonIsNotAFruit, LogoTRT
    Description: An organised crew created for redstone lovers.

    JuiceKings (Apple)
    Active members: 11
    Total members: 48
    Leaders: batteria_, francocicio, AppleJK, MarcoHero
    Description: An empire-esque crew with a fruit theme that has conquered many islands and turned them into a fruitful paradise. Marula island is home to the largest arena and one of the largest ports on the server.

    Lancastrian Empire (LE)
    Active members: 11
    Total members: 33
    Leaders: TheAgentGamer, RainbowInferno
    Description: An empire based on the popular series Game of Thrones, with a highly organised government system and several large towns and cities.

    Triumvirate (TRI)
    Active members: 11
    Total members: 20
    Leaders: BrassMonkey56, ArcticWarriorOG, tntdude1100, Mpr100, Prain6573
    Description: A slow growing crew with several towns and villages throughout the world.

    Armada (royal)
    Active members: 11
    Total members: 11
    Leaders: Guard10
    Description: A fast growing and organised crew which may soon rival active member counts of the British Empire or Elven Empire.

    Isengard (Isen)
    Active members: 10
    Total members: 12
    Leaders: VladDracul, HelloChap, Henry_The_Seeker, MABturquoise, sgbyellow
    Description: A kingdom with several large forts and castles, which has led the kingdom to become a very secure place for its citizens

    Forsaken (FSKN)
    Active members: 9
    Total members: 10
    Leaders: JUSAShrek1, anandak
    Description: A true pirate crew with a heavy focus on bringing even the most powerful crews to their knees

    Kingdom of Nador Duhl (KON)
    Active members: 8
    Total members: 10
    Leaders: WeirdoFish, LeeJP, lhenshaw, TerraTyphoon
    Description: A kingdom created to rival the likes of the British Empire, but one that has seen better days.

    Horsia (Horse)
    Active members: 7
    Total members: 26
    Leaders: Wemb, Unallowed, Gobiwan, Saltpigeon
    Description: A collective crew dedicated to horses… no wait, making even the largest crews on the server crumble in desperation with a strong focus on pvp.

    Eternal Empire of Hydra (Hydra)
    Active members: 5
    Total members: 8
    Leaders: Chiroptera419, dpex81, trooper306, Spock1101
    Description: A collective crew based on the evil Hydra organisation in the Marvel comic universe. Hydra has gained the respect of the community through its professional YouTube videos of daring heists.

    The New Empire (TNE)
    Active members: 5
    Total members: 34
    Leaders: ScriptX, Lord__MJ
    Description: An empire created at a time when existing empires were collapsing, and managing to grow quickly at the time. They own some of the most beautiful ports on the server.

    The German Empire (GE)
    Active members: 5
    Total members: 28
    Leaders: dupleximp, TucksLuck, nightstryker179, ZedXenon, MOLLYBEAR1123
    Description: A once powerful empire created to rival that of the British Empire and Elven Empires. It is largely considered a ‘dead’ crew now.

    The Verussian Republic (VER)
    Active members: 4
    Total members: 25
    Leaders: Prowil, warbluke, kaz1086, MCMonkeyGMx, emeraldfire11, zackbacon
    Description: An empire-esque crew created from the ruins of the old Verussian Empire, this crew prides itself as one of the oldest continually running crew. They own several large towns, and are constructing a new city.

    The Coalition (CLTN)
    Active members: 4
    Total members: 24
    Leaders: JoeDanger_, KetohPie, Riverwood202, Cappur, The_Network
    Description: A collective crew created by a group of ex-TAS members as to offer an alternative crew to TAS with a heavier pvp focus. They own one of the largest navies on the server, docked securely at The Citadel.

    The Loners (Lone)
    Active members: 4
    Total members: 14
    Leaders: bloatedhippo
    Description: A small crew that manages to hold their own against some of the largest crews on the server

    The Whitherbeard Clan (YETI)
    Active members: 4
    Total members: 11
    Leaders: MrBluBeardedYeti, Galaxy219, 0romis
    Description: A clan of yeti people know for their peaceful nature.

    Hydra Division (Reich)
    Active members: 4
    Total members: 4
    Leaders: Kirn_, Bengtsen
    Description: A collective crew also based on Hydra from the Marvel universe, not associated with the Eternal Kingdom of Hydra

    Titan’s Hand
    Active members: 4
    Total members: 4
    Leaders: Galaxy218 (MysticTitan)
    Description: A small band of pirates

    The Xanthian Order (TXO)
    Active members: 3
    Total members: 28
    Leaders: Thymen, lareana, Hewwy, Icanra, PhanteonV
    Description: An empire-esque crew created via the merging of 4 smaller crews and their respective members, including merging with the Elven Empire at one point due to a diplomatic marriage. It is largely considered a ‘dead’ crew now.

    The plant Nation (PLANT)
    Active members: 3
    Total members: 74
    Leaders: SPOOKYPLANT_, azotar
    Description: An empire-esque crew created to help new people on the server find a home. The plant Nation’s crew home was once one of the most densely populated regions on the server. It is largely considered a ‘dead’ crew now.

    Of Moo MooLand (Land)
    Active members: 3
    Total members: 18
    Leaders: uarehere
    Description: A crew dedicated to cows I think, it also seems to be a dictatorship which sounds interesting

    BlackFlag (DMG)
    Active members: 3
    Total members: 18
    Leaders: tannereakin
    Description: An empire-esque crew that seems to be a peaceful pirate crew

    Nocturnal (NOCT)
    Active members: 3
    Total members: 3
    Leaders: Decsain
    Description: A small chill crew created by Decsain after being removed from Forsaken

    La Famiglia (Mafia)
    Active members: 2
    Total members: 8
    Leaders: Simbud, Monkss
    Description: The original Italian mafia crew, created alongside CSN to secure Italian dominance over the server.

    Forsaken Knights (FK)
    Active members: 2
    Total members: 8
    Leaders: Stronzoo
    Description: A bunch of pirate knights basically

    The Royal Italian Army (TRIA)
    Active members: 2
    Total members: 5
    Leaders: Moossolini
    Description: A crew created with a more heavily pvp focus than the likes of TAS or CLTN

    Savage (IDGAF)
    Active members: 2
    Total members: 4
    Leaders: vapecloudbear
    Description:  A small hideout crew for pirates to relax in

    XD (XD)
    Active members: 2
    Total members: 3
    Leaders: emielreijs
    Description: A peaceful crew with close connections to the British Empire, old and new Elven Empires, with a heavy focus on trade and setting up many shipping lanes across the 7 seas.

    The Law Pirates (LAW)
    Active members: 2
    Total members: 2
    Leaders: Lawzoneon
    Description: A pirate and scientists based crew, with peaceful intentions, whos members are scientists, building, and experimenting

    The Order of St Ender (Ender)
    Active members: 1
    Total members: 3
    Leaders: Kanube
    Description: A peaceful crew with a heavy focus on religion

    Xenia (Xenia)
    Active members: 1
    Total members: 1
    Leaders: Maximus_Terragon
    Description: A peaceful crew created and dedicated to the construction of a huge city and port named Xenia.

    TheVernerExpedition (Vern)
    Active members: 1
    Total members: 1
    Leaders: bcbcommish
    Description: A small peaceful crew for explorers

    Chailey (Chai)
    Active members: 1
    Total members: 1
    Leaders: Chailey
    Description: A peaceful crew created by Chailey to relax and stay far away from drama, quite cosy apparently

    Cove (Cove)
    Active members: 1
    Total members: 1
    Leaders: GodsDead
    Description: The most extreme crew on the server; its only ambition is to run the entire server, pay all the bills, sort out the website and any updates, and its only member is a god with godlike powers
    Dear Blizzard, plz nerf

    « Build Team leader »
    « Server Admin »
    Crew History: Red Lotus, 0utlaws, Ottoman Empire, Xenon Empire, The Xanthian Order, The Asylum, Xenia

    • Topics: 46
    • Replies: 509
    • Total: 555
    • ★★★★★★

    What do we all hate? DRAMA! (I’m assuming it’s not just me)

    Every time someone makes a report on the forums, it is simply filled with drama. Whether it’s in the original post or with people replying, it always happens. Now, you might think this is a more recent thing due to all of the reports recently that fit the description. However, this has always been a problem. (or at least for a very long time)

    My suggestion, which is not so much a suggestion as a goal, is that we find a better way to make reports where drama is left out and there is a way for people to submit facts that will help staff decide what to do.

    One way, which I thought of because of @Chailey closing a report recently, was that all reports are closed forum topics. However, a note could possibly be made at the end of it that anyone with information should contact staff via Discord or some other platform.

    Feel free to add suggestion, give comments, ask questions, and submit concerns. My ultimate goal is that some way of doing this is implemented in the near future.

    Leader of the Narwhal Syndicate
    Former Official Bitchnugget of the Asylum
    King of the Elves, 2016-2017 (Rumoured)

    Crew History:
    United States Empire
    The Asylum
    Phantom Pirates
    The British Empire
    The Coalition
    Dealer's Deck
    House Indoril

    • Topics: 46
    • Replies: 509
    • Total: 555
    • ★★★★★★

    What… The actual… Fuck… Is wrong with you?

    In his defense Chailey, I know staff are busy, but they have not been keeping up the BOTMs regularly. If players don’t organize it, no one will.

    Leader of the Narwhal Syndicate
    Former Official Bitchnugget of the Asylum
    King of the Elves, 2016-2017 (Rumoured)

    Crew History:
    United States Empire
    The Asylum
    Phantom Pirates
    The British Empire
    The Coalition
    Dealer's Deck
    House Indoril

    • Topics: 50
    • Replies: 321
    • Total: 371
    • ★★★★★

    What a good idea! I’d love to take part. One question – do we build all together at a certain time or shall I just start whenever?

    ps: Chailey, I feel that your comment was unecessarily rude. He’s organising a competition that some of us would find fun to take part in, even if you wouldnt. I admit its a bit cheeky to be making a profit off it the way he is, but its only a small one and certainly not in my opinion grounds to say there is something wrong with him.


    Ex Prime Minister of the British Empire

    Crew History: TEE, Delta, Enigma, BE

    • Topics: 794
    • Replies: 3344
    • Total: 4138
    • ★★★★★★★★

    I have no idea why we haven’t done this sooner, I have created a dedicated Video page for PirateCraft videos


    We need to do a massive collection of all videos ever made for PirateCraft so I can put them all on this page, Markus, Max, Chailey and Smokey can all also edit this page to add new videos.

    The better quality videos will be higher up the page.

    We will link to you youtube channel!

    If you want any extra information linked to the account written or added to your section, we can.

    At present the link is found via hovering over the Information tab and clicking videos.

    I purposefully Didn’t choose to use the structure as it would be nice to have enough videos to put the videos page on the main menu of the website (way more visible to the thousands of people that visit daily).

    This should be a win win for everyone, more traffic to you youtube channels, video plays and content for PirateCraft 🙂

    We need to do a mass collection of Videos over all time and get them posted to THIS thread! Then staff can monitor it and update the page!

    If you have mixed content on your channel we will link just the videos, those with dedicated PirateCraft channels we may need to consider having special Youtube perks, auto embedding videos and such, lets keep it simple for now and get this page populated!


    In reply to: Leon's unban

    • Topics: 66
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    Let me list what you have done wrong in your comment, dude. 😛


    Calm down dude

    I was calm as a cucumber throughout writing that whole thing.


    I just want to get on the server and play the game; as it should be

    I’m guessing that is without breaking any rules this time.


    There’s absolutely no need for you to come onto my appeal and just tear it down

    what I did was very insignificant

      I will teach you why in a second.

    Right, so here comes to why Leon326, who’s username now is BOyMeetsEv1l, should not be unbanned *literally stretches arms*.

    First off, your ban appeal is out of wack- still, every other ban appeal is in a set, ban appeal layout, which offers all available info on said player. Surprisingly, now I know why (or can at the least guess why) you did not follow this procedure, and offer the link of your punishment tracker.

    Let me provide the link relevant links:

    Stored History (basically his past usernames)-

    Ban Profile:


    If you do not wish to read though the ban profile, I’ll list you what he has done here:

    He has had 2 warnings: Both of which have been for racist comments.

    1st by vapecloudbear 04:54:55 10/01/17 . 2nd by console 04:22:10 31/07/17 -I’ve seen the dates


    He has had 4 past bans, 2 of which do seem to be that of being ‘jokey bans’, though, I do not know the history behind those bans however.

    1st by JavaInvader for advertising 04:17:55 09/01/17 . 2nd by Markusi for Bad 19:25:44 18/06/17 . 3rd by Chailey for pizza :3 02:50:39 24/06/17 . 4th by MrBluBeardedYeti for (for) being crazy 22:22:00 26/06/17

    AND your 5th ban, has been for advertising.

    Overall, I do not think you are capable of writing a proper unban request. I will also leave this here:
    *(Link to other server’s unban appeal, seen by staff and has been removed -Net)*

    MUCH less worse than what others do to get permanently banned

    You from my perspective have had many chances already. Please come back in a couple of months time if you “really do care about this server” (you’d understand from his ban appeal on the other server) and write a proper ban appeal.


    • Topics: 50
    • Replies: 321
    • Total: 371
    • ★★★★★

    Thanks for responding Chailey.

    The way I understand your point, you are claiming that since defensive buildings historically did not have windows on the lower floors then they should not be used on lower floors in piratecraft, since windows on lower floors pose a security risk. Please correct me if I’m wrong.

    In my argument I am assuming you didnt mean to suggest that windows should not be used anywhere at all, as you chose to differentiate by floor when describing where windows are suitable.

    With the introduction of the elytra players are able to fly by boosting with fireworks, so windows at any level can be accessed by attackers. Due to this I would consider it unfair to claim that windows should not be used on lower floors as this implies they should be used on higher floors, which is not true as windows on higher floors pose just as much of a security risk as windows on lower floors. So this leaves windows unable to be used anywhere unless they are siegeproofed which makes them look ugly and out of place in certain builds.

    I dont see why every building should have to look defensive. Not every building in that historical period was defensive, so it would not be innacurate to allow buildings to be constructed that do not look defensive. My entire point boils down to a simple desire to replace my iron bars with something that looks nicer but has exactly the same function. I dont see that this would cause any issues in gameplay, since the function has not changed. The only change would be the block that performs the function.

    I’d also like to clarify that I am not complaining about how hard windows are to make. It is not difficult to use any of the methods I described for siegeproofing a build and I fail to see how it would be easier to use stained glass rather than iron bars. I dont want it to be easier to make windows, I’d just like windows to look a bit nicer.

    Oh and thanks for mentioning fences, I had forgotten about them. I’ve edited my original post to include them.


    Ex Prime Minister of the British Empire

    Crew History: TEE, Delta, Enigma, BE

    • Topics: 50
    • Replies: 321
    • Total: 371
    • ★★★★★

    Due to the nature of the game, it is important that buildings and bases be made siegeproof. This is possible to do while still retaining the integrity of the build through a variety of methods – using siegeproof blocks, and making a siegeproof layer then using non siegeproof blocks as a cladding, are two examples of this enabling a building to be built really from any block in the game. There is however one aspect of building I’ve noticed that is left with no way to create siegeproofed and retaining the integrity of the build – the windows. At the moment there are a few options available for the construction of windows in a build. You can use iron bars, glass with a layer of iron bars, trapdoors, fences or ice, however none of these methods provide a real window experience – there are problems with each one.

    Iron bars can be looked through however are not very transparent and look out of place in a lot of build styles.

    Glass with the layer of iron bars can look good from the outside however are difficult to see out of.

    Trapdoors can look nice as shutters however are difficult to see out of.

    Fences are hard to see out of and dont look very nice as windows. (Credit to Chailey for reminding me about fences, I’d forgotten about them.)

    Ice provides a large layer of clear trasnparency however tint everything you see out of it blue and dont look very nice as windows. There is also no way of using ice as panes.

    So this leaves the builder with no way to make windows that work with the build and are siegeproof. Although you could argue that you should just leave out the windows if you want a protected base, following this strategy results only in buildings that look awful which detracts from the character of the world and makes it a boring place to explore.

    To fix this problem I’d like to suggest picking a certain type of stained glass (my suggestion for that being light gray as it is very similar to normal glass)  and making it siegeproof. Although it is not very realistic for the golden age of piracy it is not outside the realm of possibility as hardened glass exists, and there are many innacurate details already in the game which dont cause any problems from their innacuracy. This would not impact siege gameplay in my opinion as at the moment people just tend to use the siegeproof window methods I have described above, so it wouldnt make any difference to a pvper whether the windows are made of iron bars or a type of siegeproof glass. The only change I can see to gameplay is that this would fix the problem of windows and allow players to create builds that look nicer than they would when having to compromise on windows.

    Thanks for reading, and could anyone who sees a problem with this please post what negative impact this would have on gameplay as me being only one person cannot of course consider everything.



    Ex Prime Minister of the British Empire

    Crew History: TEE, Delta, Enigma, BE

    • Topics: 94
    • Replies: 650
    • Total: 744
    • ★★★★★★

    I joined this server back in April 2015 – a time when the average people online was roughly 10-15. I know many of you reading this are probably part of the 2016/17 generation, but some like me know the server from back in 2015, or even as early as 2014.

    This post doesn’t have a point to make, it doesn’t try to judge individuals on their actions, its not trying to start a debate – it serves only one purpose; that to sit back, relax, and remember that ‘good ol’ days’ (from my perspective). So please, whether you’re a new player, and old player, or just browsing the forums searching for a new server, spare yourselves a few minutes and have a read.


    Now, I’m going to try and avoid going on and on and on.. I know i do it a lot. Most of this info can be found somewhere on our wiki page, but i figured I’ll just share some of my more personal stories.

    April 2015

    I remember finding this server after a previous Garry’s Mod server i played on (and was staff on) ran out of money and collapsed after 2 years of being active. I have always had a keen interest in ships, medieval times, and all that jazz, so finding this server back then was fantastic. I read a lot of forum pages, to see what was happening at the time, and came across the “Elven Empire (EE) – British Empire (BE) war” of early 2015.

    I’m no expert on the history of BE/EE prior to me joining, but it was something like: group of people in the Elven Empire got bored and made their own crew with elections. Shit happened and there was a short war that went sort of undecided.

    Back in these times, role play was still a very heavy component of this server. Pirates were pirates, empires were empires, and people who didn’t tag along well… missed out on a lot of fun…


    May-July 2015

    Ok, ill be more brief now:

    • First player that helped me was Lego – who introduced me to his friends; Keto, SirHayden, RileyT, blockking2003, and Icanra
    • Started building my port on the first day (found a nice location on the map before i even joined)
    • Was reluctant to join a crew, but eventually joined Red Lotus for a week, then the Outlaws after meeting MandarinPanda, and then Lego made his own crew; the Ottoman Empire and i joined
    • Reptaria and the Elves hosted their Elven ball at my port (which the Outlaws and HardTimez then gate crashed, screenshots below) – was killed for the first time by HardTimez
    • I made a small speedboat for Lego, and we unofficially fought the Elves in it (screenshots below)
    • ‘The Allied’ was created by the Elven Empire, British Empire, Verussian Empire, 13 Colonies, and Iborian Empire
    • Meesa was scared of all da big scary empire crews D:
    • I start building my first every ‘big ship’ which ends up being a manowar named ‘Shadow Atlas’


    August – December 2015

    • I joined Icanra’s crew; Luteus Republic for about and hour before leaving and making my own crew; Xenon Empire
    • Lego hired me to build something for me, and when i wanted to leave, he had me assassinated
    • I join the Piratecraft Teamspeak for the first time and hear Cysteen’s voice. Its scary so i leave and don’t join again for a good year and a half
    • Lego, KingKarim, Hardtimez all banned within a short amount of time for various reasons
    • Got new neighbors – the Verussian Empire (VE) (KingRS and WilsonManzer) and Chailey
    • One of the main Elven Cities; Vivenheim, falls and is abandoned. VE take it over and I rebuild it for free
    • Got a bit hairy with my neighbours over land
    • ‘the Allied’ let my empire join, and the Verussian Empire is kicked out of it over disputes
    • First Verussian War started – I helped fight, my crew members; Thymen, Steentje321, and Justluc helped attack the main VE towns. War ends after roughly 10 days with their surrender. My empire gains land, VE hate me, and i start turning my crew into a deckie crew
    • The Federated Nations Alliance (FNA) is created by Entaria (InventorJohn’s crew), VE, and SPQR (buckmaster1993’s crew)


    <b>January – April 2016</b>

    • I expand my port for like the 3rd time
    • I make friends with Koi and zee_king_bee – they join the now dominant pirate crew; CoV and they try to prevent me from getting attacked by CoV
    • ‘the Allied’ turns into the ‘League of Nations’, and we start recruiting new crews, including The Vikings – a crew owned by Joe_danger_2003
    • Lego unbanned and rebanned soon after
    • Tensions between the LoN and FNA are at their highest after either side accused them of spying. LoN and FNA send spies to each other’s forum groups. I am a member of both, but don’t act as a spy… until i start reading some stuff in the FNA forum and i basically became a spy…
    • BE declares war on VE
    • Second Verussian War starts – ended up in a sort of mess, the LoN wins, but several members refused to fight and it starts to lose its charm
    • I start building my ‘new generation’ of ships, and I am accepted into build team
    • The Grandma takes over Elven Empire and disbands it
    • I sell my ship ‘Shadow atlas’ to zee_king_bee for 1k, who sells it to ae0 (but it is never delivered to aeos island, and instead rested just outside the island for the next year)

    May – September 2016

    • Lack of drama causes my crew, and the LoN to become inactive
    • Rep does another Elven ball and it just ends badly again
    • CoV disbands after several members are banned. TAS is created instead – a crew uniting a bunch of people who hang out on Teamspeak
    • Map expands yay!
    • Drama and war between Templar and the LoN. I refuse to fight and remain neutral, damaging relations with the LoN

    October – December 2016

    • Bit of drama here and there
    • After a lot of inactivity, I disband XE and create TXO with Chailey (as a merger between Templars and XE)
    • Iborian Empire (Palmerageddon’s crew), and a little later the Elven Empire merge with TXO for a few weeks
    • I become like the 7th King of the Elves, Rep gets board, and EE is re-created as ‘EM’ (still elven empire)
    • I develop my previous style of ship building to be more realistic, bigger, and far more detailed (which was a big step for meh >.>)

    January – April 2017

    • I become housewright and build-team leader
    • Templar demerge with TXO for a few months
    • After a series of votes in the BE, BE and 13 Colonies leave the LoN
    • I join Teamspeak again, and become friends with TAS peoples
    • EM becomes very inactive, and TXO is the main member of the LoN
    • The BE setup the Commonwealth of Nations (CoN) – an entity which aims to unite allies of the BE
    • Horsia make their first appearance
    • I teach a deckhand named SnapCrackPlays how to sail ships to which he says “wow this is complex, i might go and find a different server” Nice going snap!

    May – September 2017

    • Elven Empire basically disbands after Reptaria leaves and cheats the Build of the Month marking the end of one of the oldest crews (leaving only BE to fill the gap really)
    • Browe formally hosts the first two server-wide ship battles. The Phantom Soveriegn (sov) survives and wins both battles and eventually is owned by Astrobolt
    • After the BE leave the LoN, TXO and any remaining member crews join the CoN. This marks the end of the League of Nations.
    • I become mod, yay!
    • zee_king_bee kindly returns the Shadow Atlas to my port, where i rebuild her into a 6th-rate ship, and re-name her ‘XNS Neptune’
    • I salvage an old Templar ship owned by Browe from warp west and sail it back to my port
    • I host a few CoN ship battles which end in a bloodbath
    • I build more large ships on the hub world, rebuild spawn and some other stuffs
    • Horsia and TAS start their infamous war, and large pvp battles between the two are now common
    • TXO is now basically just me and 3 other people
    • I get bored of building my old port – as i mostly just rebuild old structures to a better standard (which is very boring)
    • I steal the sov, and make a duplicate which i sail to the Freeport (which is now the Shadow Voyager, and the one which took part in the ship battles). The original is sailed to my port as a museum ship

    October – December 2017

    • After exactly 1 year to the day where me and Chailey create TXO, i leave and create my new solo-crew, Xenia
    • In order to fight TAS, BE recruit a bunch of pvpers, and ally Horsia
    • TAS splits and CLTN is created – with a greater focus on pvp and raiding
    • I regen roughly 40% of my port, and make a 200k claim slightly north of my port and start work on a new, larger, and better port
    • I get admin because reasons
    • I steal the ‘EM Titanic’ – the smallest ship of the old Elven Empire’s navy from the Freeport because reasons
    • I host the first few ship battles, which prove to be very popular at start – and then become less popular as people run out of gunpowder, ships, and crew members
    • My life is basically: log on, staff stuffs, build, staff stuffs, build, log off.
    • Lots of poi

    January 2018

    • I make this post and join teamspeak drunk one evening and somehow lose $20,000 of my bal that same evening
    • I steal the Domum Tranquilarium BoTM entry from the old Rome, and put it in my port (sorry buckmaster, kinda wanted it :P)

    « Build Team leader »
    « Server Admin »
    Crew History: Red Lotus, 0utlaws, Ottoman Empire, Xenon Empire, The Xanthian Order, The Asylum, Xenia

    • Topics: 66
    • Replies: 1044
    • Total: 1110
    • ★★★★★★★

    Oi don’t pester Gods, he has enough on his plate anyway… only I can pester, and that’s to pester Chailey again how the advent thing was my idea from last year and how you wouldn’t even have it if I hadn’t brought it up. 😛


    • Topics: 29
    • Replies: 230
    • Total: 259
    • ★★★★★

    I back flea up on this. When two friends nokkers and stampen joined the server and killed java, he immediately kicked them, removing their godsets and armor, then had f3’s done on them just for beating him in pvp. He also gave them warning when nothing was wrong. They never got their godsets returned either.

    You wonder why java dies alot now. Maybe its because chailey actually was onto something.

    A endermite kicked my ass


    In reply to: Report Montriq

    Smokey River
    • Topics: 22
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    • ★★★★★

    I s cons @chailey on this.

    This is Max hijacking someone’s post again – I have spoken to him and given him a verbal warning about his choice of words. No further action will be taken.


    I solemnly swear I am up to no good.


    -Founder of Crew Savage-
    -Rear Admiral or Super Mod-
    *depends on how you want to view my super powers*

    • Topics: 16
    • Replies: 100
    • Total: 116
    • ★★★★

    Righty so uh….this forum is more of a group effort so I’ll just get all the tagging out of the way! @Chailey @iketo @turkeyman11a @Cysteen @mountainrasta @N4D0M3T1CG4M3R @PythonAce @12965kj WHEW!!

    Long story short is that I decided to start my own small business making pens and what better way than to send the first ones to people who aren’t afraid to call me a $H1T@$$ to my face! I hope that everyone is able to post a picture of their pens because otherwise this post is going to be a waste.

    I never expected when I joined this server that it would take me to this point. Sending out real objects to real people because of a video game. The real effect of what I was doing really didn’t hit me until I had to pay for the stamps and it ran through my head that….holy crap…..this is happening. Thankyou so much for everything to pretty much everyone for making this experience one that has lasted going on 3 years for me. Every good and bad part of this trip has been totally beyond worth it and I really can’t put into words how I feel writing this right now.

    I’ll leave it here and let everyone post the pictures of their (hopefully) nice looking pens!

    Thankyou so much for everything PirateCraft. Fair seas to all!

    A promise made is a debt unpaid.
    -Robert W. Service

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