[Suggestion] New siegeproof block

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    Due to the nature of the game, it is important that buildings and bases be made siegeproof. This is possible to do while still retaining the integrity of the build through a variety of methods – using siegeproof blocks, and making a siegeproof layer then using non siegeproof blocks as a cladding, are two examples of this enabling a building to be built really from any block in the game. There is however one aspect of building I’ve noticed that is left with no way to create siegeproofed and retaining the integrity of the build – the windows. At the moment there are a few options available for the construction of windows in a build. You can use iron bars, glass with a layer of iron bars, trapdoors, fences or ice, however none of these methods provide a real window experience – there are problems with each one.

    Iron bars can be looked through however are not very transparent and look out of place in a lot of build styles.

    Glass with the layer of iron bars can look good from the outside however are difficult to see out of.

    Trapdoors can look nice as shutters however are difficult to see out of.

    Fences are hard to see out of and dont look very nice as windows. (Credit to Chailey for reminding me about fences, I’d forgotten about them.)

    Ice provides a large layer of clear trasnparency however tint everything you see out of it blue and dont look very nice as windows. There is also no way of using ice as panes.

    So this leaves the builder with no way to make windows that work with the build and are siegeproof. Although you could argue that you should just leave out the windows if you want a protected base, following this strategy results only in buildings that look awful which detracts from the character of the world and makes it a boring place to explore.

    To fix this problem I’d like to suggest picking a certain type of stained glass (my suggestion for that being light gray as it is very similar to normal glass)  and making it siegeproof. Although it is not very realistic for the golden age of piracy it is not outside the realm of possibility as hardened glass exists, and there are many innacurate details already in the game which dont cause any problems from their innacuracy. This would not impact siege gameplay in my opinion as at the moment people just tend to use the siegeproof window methods I have described above, so it wouldnt make any difference to a pvper whether the windows are made of iron bars or a type of siegeproof glass. The only change I can see to gameplay is that this would fix the problem of windows and allow players to create builds that look nicer than they would when having to compromise on windows.

    Thanks for reading, and could anyone who sees a problem with this please post what negative impact this would have on gameplay as me being only one person cannot of course consider everything.



    Ex Prime Minister of the British Empire

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    1 word… Fences.

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    More than one word:

    If you look at historical buildings (especially castles), you will notice that they tend to not really have windows on the lower layers to prevent people getting in easily. There is a reason this was so widespread. Consider that, as well, instead of complaining about how hard windows are to make. Maybe, just maybe, they weren’t meant to be made on the lower parts of a building.

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    Thanks for responding Chailey.

    The way I understand your point, you are claiming that since defensive buildings historically did not have windows on the lower floors then they should not be used on lower floors in piratecraft, since windows on lower floors pose a security risk. Please correct me if I’m wrong.

    In my argument I am assuming you didnt mean to suggest that windows should not be used anywhere at all, as you chose to differentiate by floor when describing where windows are suitable.

    With the introduction of the elytra players are able to fly by boosting with fireworks, so windows at any level can be accessed by attackers. Due to this I would consider it unfair to claim that windows should not be used on lower floors as this implies they should be used on higher floors, which is not true as windows on higher floors pose just as much of a security risk as windows on lower floors. So this leaves windows unable to be used anywhere unless they are siegeproofed which makes them look ugly and out of place in certain builds.

    I dont see why every building should have to look defensive. Not every building in that historical period was defensive, so it would not be innacurate to allow buildings to be constructed that do not look defensive. My entire point boils down to a simple desire to replace my iron bars with something that looks nicer but has exactly the same function. I dont see that this would cause any issues in gameplay, since the function has not changed. The only change would be the block that performs the function.

    I’d also like to clarify that I am not complaining about how hard windows are to make. It is not difficult to use any of the methods I described for siegeproofing a build and I fail to see how it would be easier to use stained glass rather than iron bars. I dont want it to be easier to make windows, I’d just like windows to look a bit nicer.

    Oh and thanks for mentioning fences, I had forgotten about them. I’ve edited my original post to include them.


    Ex Prime Minister of the British Empire

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    I think of all things that need to be easily breakable, glass is one of them. So Im not going to make a specific stained glass siege-proof, this is confusing to new players that 1 type of glass is invincible.

    Also secondly, last time I tried to add/change the siege blocks it just didn’t work, the siege system is so outdated its barley working.

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    Everyone here has a good point…

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    Make everything behind the glass safer. Store all your important stuff in a siege proof area out of the way, and conduct important business in a safer area.

    , why don’t you sell glass for a set low, server wide price* (I don’t know like 5*?) for 64 panes, people can then buy this out to replace glass/panes lost in sieges, it can also take money out of the eco at the same time.

    Just an idea.


    *on revision, a set serverwide price would be hard to do, and any price could be produced for this, its also pretty un economically viable to produce glass at a low cost also, so doing this might be a good idea.

    But you could also just sell 32 or 16 glass per £1, and if people want to spend 1 for 64, it would be the person selling it loosing out.

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