Search Results for 'Bazurka'

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  • _Augustus_Caesar
    • Topics: 10
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    This was a 1 hr 6 min mute because it was his 2nd of the day.  @Bazurka Muted him for mouthing off about an hour before this mute.  That is why it didn’t get a warning.  Oh and Nitro the Racist Comment Kick was actually an auto kick by the server when I typed what somebody was saying as the reason for /tempmute.  even though I was typing a command it still took it as something in main chat and kicked me.

    Founder and Princeps Civitas of SPQR.
    Owner of the city of Rome.
    Server Staff
    Nos Ava Caesar Morituri te Salutamus!


    In reply to: Unban request

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    The problem more likely is that you may have a instead a resource pack which gave you the unfair advantage of being able to see ores. Rather than it being a client or mod pack, which is much easier for the server to detect.

    I’m guessing @bazurka followed you and watched you gather ores with an incredibly strange success rate for a while, rather than straight out banning you due to mere suspicion.

    He also most likely asked you NOT to leave the server, and send him a screenshot of your resource folder and or your screen at the time- actually he did. I’ve checked chat logs and I can see Baz asked you in chat to not log out- he most likely asked you in private messages also. You then did not respond, so from this he has explained to you that he has jailed you due to you not complying with what he was asking of you.

    13 minutes later you were banned. I have little knowledge of what happened between those two times, but I’m guessing you either did not produce the evidence OR respond. I’ve know Bazurka for quite a while, and he does not tend to make misjudgements.

    I will encourage you to send screenshots as well of your Mod pack folder itself and your resource pack (texture pack) folder and when they were last edited. If you feel you cannot provide those, we will see you in 6 months time where a ban appeal for yourself written politely will get you most likely unbanned.

    See you either on the server soon as you show and prove that you were unjustly banned or in August.




    In reply to: What it do fly crew

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    In all seriousness, here’s a round up of the past 3 months:

    • Helper rank introduced as a temporary rank which allows the user to jail, mute, and kick I think. Admins can freely set anyone to this rank and demote as they please. Current helpers are LEGO, Nahadoth, Bazurka, and Palmerageddon.
    • Emielreijs and PythonAce promoted to Moderator
    • TAS and CLTN had land drama – it quickly escalated and involved staff
    • A shrek cult was formed by JUSAplayer1- basically a bunch of people with shrek names shreking people
    • The_Network, JavaInvader, and Kellyyore removed from staff positions, Creepermorderen promoted to developer
    • We discovered that Kettoh, Jmoo, and Riverwood202 had been spawning in money for the past 10 months, they were banned along with The_Network. CLTN – TAS drama largely stopped at that point. Their belongings were confiscated.
    • Introduction of the ‘Locker’ as a punishment – you are teleported to a separate world made of sand and must dig 3 double chests of sand (I think) with no tools. You are unable to talk, tp out, or skip the punishment.
    • Halloween crate was added and keys drop randomly to people every 30 minutes. Top prize is a highly sought after sharpness 11 hoe.
    • Shockerboy died
    • A small bit of drama ongoing right now between several crews


    « Build Team leader »
    « Server Admin »
    Crew History: Red Lotus, 0utlaws, Ottoman Empire, Xenon Empire, The Xanthian Order, The Asylum, Xenia


    In reply to: Alliance Request

    • Topics: 10
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    Declaration of Alliance,

    To the Imperial Crown and Parliament of the British,

    From the Imperial Crown of the Lancastrians,

    Date September of the 9th, of 2018,

    Here on this day we do by right of the Crown of Lancastria, submit a proposal to the British Empire asking for an alliance between our two nations.  We have for over a time which spans past one year been in a Non-Aggression Pact between us and, have grown in our friendship and trade.  We the Lancastrians, have been friends with members of the British including Bazurka, Lazydog11, and many others.  From which our intelligence has gathered, it seems that such proposal of alliance seems to be of most good for both our nations for prosperity, for the unlimited future henceforth.

    In best hopes of us both, we sign by the name of the Imperial Crown of Lancastria,



    ~His Majesty Crowned Minister of the Imperial del Lancastria~

    • Topics: 47
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    Congrats Bazurka if anyone deserves this it is you. I look forward to seeing more of you.

    I too am also thinking of perhapse becoming a Privateer, but only after I achieve the rank of Quatermaster on my own first.


    • Topics: 94
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    Its been 1 year and 6 months since the wonderful PaulOnFire made his own list back in January of 2017. Old list can be found -> here <-
    This list serves as a reference point, and comparison to the PMC of 1 year 6 months ago. I’ve tried to include as many crews as I can (I’m not doing all 243).



    Some key points before I start (very similar to Paul’s original post):

    1. This is based off data from the 16th July 2018. It is entirely possible that people have changed crews, come back from inactivity, or founded new crews in the meantime.
    2. The crews are ranked according to number of active players
    3. ‘Active players’ count as any players that were active in the last 30 days
    4. Some crew descriptions from the last list have been carried forward, as long as they are still relevant and/or the exact same crew
    5. I have tried to avoid 1 or 2 man crews, such as my own, and will only be including a few that are of mention
    6. The crew names are spelt as they are in-game, including typos and spacing issues. I might have types some of the player names wrong, but please don’t rip my head off because of that.
    7. There are a LOT of crews I don’t know anything about. Feel free to post more information below!


    • Terminology (these are my definitions, not official ones):
      • ‘Empire/Kingdom’ – A generally peaceful crew with anti-pirate intentions; featuring a distinctive government or leadership system, split into mostly the ruling class, generals and officials, and common folk
      • ‘Empire – esque’ – A generally peaceful crew with characteristics of empire crews, but who give more control to the non-leaders, or have a completely separate system. These are usually considered pretty chill crews.
      • ‘Collective crew’ – A crew with mixed intentions, whereby almost every member has an input in running the crew. There isn’t much in the form of hierarchy – mostly group decisions.
      • ‘Pirate crew’ – A crew with either anti-empire crew intentions, stealing and pillaging, or working as hired mercenaries. They are usually the smallest crews, but are seen as the greatest threat to peace for empire crews. There are some exceptions.
      • ‘Mafia crew’ – An organized international body of criminals that work together to achieve common goals.
      • If it just says ‘crew’ then the crew either doesn’t fit any of those descriptions above, or I just don’t know. I don’t want endless terms used; that can wait for another post :I


    The list (eventually):

    Active members: 73
    Total members: 73
    Leaders: lakesidekiller, JackRackam
    Description: A pirate crew created to help new deckhands, by teaching them how to fight and rise up against their oppressive leaders. This crew has grown immensely fast, and rivals the likes of the British Empire in size and scale of the crew.

    British Empire (BE)
    Active members: 65
    Total members: 100
    Leaders: Petalface, Taulov, michty, PaulOnFire, Bislo1, lazydog11, Bazurka, CrazyPirate1, benthebruce, WaterPool, gildor_stinky 
    Description: One of the oldest empires on the server that prides itself for the use of democracy. Home to established veterans and deckhands alike.

    CosaNostra (CSN)
    Active members: 46
    Total members: 46
    Leaders: SpiderDeluxe, Pizza_Lover_02, SirSharky, sarisinqatil
    Description: An Italian Mafia style crew that describes itself as “if you don’t respect us you will become a concrete pillar”

    Byzantium (BYZAN)
    Active members: 36
    Total members: 37
    Leaders: Jolem, sophiemw
    Description: An empire crew based on the East Roman Empire. With a fast growing member count, and a growing number of towns and cities; this crew might soon rival the likes of the British and Elven Empires

    The Asylum (TAS)
    Active members: 31
    Total members: 49
    Leaders: Cysteen, PythonAce, Torkey, Nahadoth
    Description: A collective crew and renowned mental institution for some of the richest and most powerful pirates on the server.

    Elven Empire (EM)
    Active members: 29
    Total members: 64
    Leaders: TarCalen, ThorinCalen, TheTikiTotem
    Description: An empire recreated from the remains of the former Elven Empire. With a fast growing member count, and growing number of cities, the Elves are here to stay.

    The New Roman Republic (TNRR)
    Active members: 25
    Total members: 73
    Leaders: cosmickingjoel, GingfulGlider, Palm_Top_Taiga_, GamerBoyMarcos, triple_diamondYT, LydsTheScrapper, TheSamuelSlayer
    Description: An empire-esque crew aiming to recreate the glory of the former Roman Republic.

    Warriors of the Sea (The)
    Active members: 17
    Total members: 17
    Leaders: TGKnife, AustinsAscension
    Description: Another fast growing crew with strong military routes, who value well trained warriors over everything else

    Scavangers of the deep (S0D)
    Active members: 16
    Total members: 16
    Leaders: BLURP_, blackviking236
    Description: A crew created to scavenge the depths of the oceans for riches, and kick ass it seems

    Parrot Lovers (PL)
    Active members: 14
    Total members: 28
    Leaders: Shockerboy686, Peppykiss395
    Description: A crew dedicated to parrot lovers alike, and those who enjoy Shockerboy’s youtube videos. As far as I can tell, they have the most allies out of any crew on the server at 71 crews! Lots of people most love parrots I guess.

    The Redstonian Legion (TRT)
    Active members: 12
    Total members: 12
    Leaders: MelonIsNotAFruit, LogoTRT
    Description: An organised crew created for redstone lovers.

    JuiceKings (Apple)
    Active members: 11
    Total members: 48
    Leaders: batteria_, francocicio, AppleJK, MarcoHero
    Description: An empire-esque crew with a fruit theme that has conquered many islands and turned them into a fruitful paradise. Marula island is home to the largest arena and one of the largest ports on the server.

    Lancastrian Empire (LE)
    Active members: 11
    Total members: 33
    Leaders: TheAgentGamer, RainbowInferno
    Description: An empire based on the popular series Game of Thrones, with a highly organised government system and several large towns and cities.

    Triumvirate (TRI)
    Active members: 11
    Total members: 20
    Leaders: BrassMonkey56, ArcticWarriorOG, tntdude1100, Mpr100, Prain6573
    Description: A slow growing crew with several towns and villages throughout the world.

    Armada (royal)
    Active members: 11
    Total members: 11
    Leaders: Guard10
    Description: A fast growing and organised crew which may soon rival active member counts of the British Empire or Elven Empire.

    Isengard (Isen)
    Active members: 10
    Total members: 12
    Leaders: VladDracul, HelloChap, Henry_The_Seeker, MABturquoise, sgbyellow
    Description: A kingdom with several large forts and castles, which has led the kingdom to become a very secure place for its citizens

    Forsaken (FSKN)
    Active members: 9
    Total members: 10
    Leaders: JUSAShrek1, anandak
    Description: A true pirate crew with a heavy focus on bringing even the most powerful crews to their knees

    Kingdom of Nador Duhl (KON)
    Active members: 8
    Total members: 10
    Leaders: WeirdoFish, LeeJP, lhenshaw, TerraTyphoon
    Description: A kingdom created to rival the likes of the British Empire, but one that has seen better days.

    Horsia (Horse)
    Active members: 7
    Total members: 26
    Leaders: Wemb, Unallowed, Gobiwan, Saltpigeon
    Description: A collective crew dedicated to horses… no wait, making even the largest crews on the server crumble in desperation with a strong focus on pvp.

    Eternal Empire of Hydra (Hydra)
    Active members: 5
    Total members: 8
    Leaders: Chiroptera419, dpex81, trooper306, Spock1101
    Description: A collective crew based on the evil Hydra organisation in the Marvel comic universe. Hydra has gained the respect of the community through its professional YouTube videos of daring heists.

    The New Empire (TNE)
    Active members: 5
    Total members: 34
    Leaders: ScriptX, Lord__MJ
    Description: An empire created at a time when existing empires were collapsing, and managing to grow quickly at the time. They own some of the most beautiful ports on the server.

    The German Empire (GE)
    Active members: 5
    Total members: 28
    Leaders: dupleximp, TucksLuck, nightstryker179, ZedXenon, MOLLYBEAR1123
    Description: A once powerful empire created to rival that of the British Empire and Elven Empires. It is largely considered a ‘dead’ crew now.

    The Verussian Republic (VER)
    Active members: 4
    Total members: 25
    Leaders: Prowil, warbluke, kaz1086, MCMonkeyGMx, emeraldfire11, zackbacon
    Description: An empire-esque crew created from the ruins of the old Verussian Empire, this crew prides itself as one of the oldest continually running crew. They own several large towns, and are constructing a new city.

    The Coalition (CLTN)
    Active members: 4
    Total members: 24
    Leaders: JoeDanger_, KetohPie, Riverwood202, Cappur, The_Network
    Description: A collective crew created by a group of ex-TAS members as to offer an alternative crew to TAS with a heavier pvp focus. They own one of the largest navies on the server, docked securely at The Citadel.

    The Loners (Lone)
    Active members: 4
    Total members: 14
    Leaders: bloatedhippo
    Description: A small crew that manages to hold their own against some of the largest crews on the server

    The Whitherbeard Clan (YETI)
    Active members: 4
    Total members: 11
    Leaders: MrBluBeardedYeti, Galaxy219, 0romis
    Description: A clan of yeti people know for their peaceful nature.

    Hydra Division (Reich)
    Active members: 4
    Total members: 4
    Leaders: Kirn_, Bengtsen
    Description: A collective crew also based on Hydra from the Marvel universe, not associated with the Eternal Kingdom of Hydra

    Titan’s Hand
    Active members: 4
    Total members: 4
    Leaders: Galaxy218 (MysticTitan)
    Description: A small band of pirates

    The Xanthian Order (TXO)
    Active members: 3
    Total members: 28
    Leaders: Thymen, lareana, Hewwy, Icanra, PhanteonV
    Description: An empire-esque crew created via the merging of 4 smaller crews and their respective members, including merging with the Elven Empire at one point due to a diplomatic marriage. It is largely considered a ‘dead’ crew now.

    The plant Nation (PLANT)
    Active members: 3
    Total members: 74
    Leaders: SPOOKYPLANT_, azotar
    Description: An empire-esque crew created to help new people on the server find a home. The plant Nation’s crew home was once one of the most densely populated regions on the server. It is largely considered a ‘dead’ crew now.

    Of Moo MooLand (Land)
    Active members: 3
    Total members: 18
    Leaders: uarehere
    Description: A crew dedicated to cows I think, it also seems to be a dictatorship which sounds interesting

    BlackFlag (DMG)
    Active members: 3
    Total members: 18
    Leaders: tannereakin
    Description: An empire-esque crew that seems to be a peaceful pirate crew

    Nocturnal (NOCT)
    Active members: 3
    Total members: 3
    Leaders: Decsain
    Description: A small chill crew created by Decsain after being removed from Forsaken

    La Famiglia (Mafia)
    Active members: 2
    Total members: 8
    Leaders: Simbud, Monkss
    Description: The original Italian mafia crew, created alongside CSN to secure Italian dominance over the server.

    Forsaken Knights (FK)
    Active members: 2
    Total members: 8
    Leaders: Stronzoo
    Description: A bunch of pirate knights basically

    The Royal Italian Army (TRIA)
    Active members: 2
    Total members: 5
    Leaders: Moossolini
    Description: A crew created with a more heavily pvp focus than the likes of TAS or CLTN

    Savage (IDGAF)
    Active members: 2
    Total members: 4
    Leaders: vapecloudbear
    Description:  A small hideout crew for pirates to relax in

    XD (XD)
    Active members: 2
    Total members: 3
    Leaders: emielreijs
    Description: A peaceful crew with close connections to the British Empire, old and new Elven Empires, with a heavy focus on trade and setting up many shipping lanes across the 7 seas.

    The Law Pirates (LAW)
    Active members: 2
    Total members: 2
    Leaders: Lawzoneon
    Description: A pirate and scientists based crew, with peaceful intentions, whos members are scientists, building, and experimenting

    The Order of St Ender (Ender)
    Active members: 1
    Total members: 3
    Leaders: Kanube
    Description: A peaceful crew with a heavy focus on religion

    Xenia (Xenia)
    Active members: 1
    Total members: 1
    Leaders: Maximus_Terragon
    Description: A peaceful crew created and dedicated to the construction of a huge city and port named Xenia.

    TheVernerExpedition (Vern)
    Active members: 1
    Total members: 1
    Leaders: bcbcommish
    Description: A small peaceful crew for explorers

    Chailey (Chai)
    Active members: 1
    Total members: 1
    Leaders: Chailey
    Description: A peaceful crew created by Chailey to relax and stay far away from drama, quite cosy apparently

    Cove (Cove)
    Active members: 1
    Total members: 1
    Leaders: GodsDead
    Description: The most extreme crew on the server; its only ambition is to run the entire server, pay all the bills, sort out the website and any updates, and its only member is a god with godlike powers
    Dear Blizzard, plz nerf

    « Build Team leader »
    « Server Admin »
    Crew History: Red Lotus, 0utlaws, Ottoman Empire, Xenon Empire, The Xanthian Order, The Asylum, Xenia

    • Topics: 39
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    • ★★★★★

    My Username: Bazurka
    Coordinates: -3721 70 -2752
    Claim owner: natedawg7900
    Time the Claim owner has been offline:  1 year 6 months 22 days
    Claim Size: 11 x 11 = 121
    Reason: It’s next to my home base which I would like to expand.

    Thank you !

    You must be logged in to view attached files.

    Proud Member of the Piratecraft history 🙂


    In reply to: Season my Salmon

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    @silverstone47, yes it is above water.

    , yes I love Silverstone47’s persistence 110%. Keep it up, Silver! ☺

    , yes, wars don’t really help this server’s economy, but there has been a decline in pvping, an increase in Vault Dwelling, and an increase in just straight up suprise attacks by over-powered players on guys in leather. (Like me). A server wide war would probably appeal to a lot of pvpers, because they can kill more noobs, and it would also appeal to deckhands and up, because they can get back at a lot people they have been raided by.

    Leader of TLC (The Loners Crew)
    I have not failed, I just found 10,000 ways that won't work.
    ----Thomas A Edison----

    • Topics: 94
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    Ah the memories, really makes me realize how ungrateful I was…You rebuilt Vivenhiem and then I declare war on you :/ I apologize again! xD

    No sweat man, i was a bastard haha

    I love hearing these stories and it inspires me to continue them. This server has such a rich history and that is what makes it so special and stand out from others.

    Peeps say there isn’t much stuff going on right now, but we just have to wait a bit… I only included events which i deemed significant, and its hard to tell what is history and what is gibberish within a few weeks of it happening… it all takes time. But yeah, lots of stuff on here. And this is only my story! @keto tell me your story 😀


    Also, in one of those pictures near the top where me and Lego ‘fight the elves’, the people involved were (image was small sorry):

    • Ottoman Empire: Lego, Hamboning8, myself, and blockking2003 & rileyt (both off-screen)
    • Elven Empire: ‘Queen_Rep’, carpenters BestEmeraldMiner and TheAsianGamer, gunners Dr_Solid RaveTheWave Bazurka (?) – quite a few of them still play today haha

    « Build Team leader »
    « Server Admin »
    Crew History: Red Lotus, 0utlaws, Ottoman Empire, Xenon Empire, The Xanthian Order, The Asylum, Xenia

    • Topics: 3
    • Replies: 8
    • Total: 11

    Great idea Dark Guard. I will take it into account. 🙂 And thank you Bazurka. If anyone wishes to alliance, put your crew name and tag in a reply.

    • Topics: 0
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    Notice: This post is as a player, not a moderator.

    Looks like the posts have slowed down again so I’ll give my final response now.

    Before addressing everyone like I did in the last post, I would just like to include a little bit of proof of a player who was being pressured to become a colony after an attack began.

    That is just one example of a player we’ve spoken to. So there’s some proof for all those asking for it in addition to Gildor’s talk about colonies that Palmer posted.

    Monks: Yeah BE is corrupt in POTC and other pirate cinema. But as for the cool part, they’ve lost that factor.

    Kirn (x3): (1) Well would you look at that you wrote more sentences this time. Yeah we’re all hoping Taulov will man up, stop lying to his crew members, and return everything he took from Kauhy. As for the colonies, offering players assistance for the price of 1 gold bar a week isn’t bad at all. But that’s not how this is working is it. People are being sieged and attacked immediately to be persuaded into having the label of colony and paying a larger price than that I’m sure. Do people really need to make your crew happy? Can’t they just be their own crew and pay you for help when they need it? Not sure what rambling on about irl has to do with all that but ok? Also as seen above in the screenshot from River, it doesn’t look like BE is just talking it out with people. Looks to us like you’re doing exactly what we were saying, attacking someone repeatedly and pressuring them into colonization.
    (2) Being corrupt is one thing, bullying small crews into your plan is another.
    (3) What humor? What context? All your posts said before were “k lol” and “Dont get me wrong but this kinda reminds me of some north korean propaganda crap”. Wow hilarious? The propaganda joke would have been funny if this wasn’t actually happening on the server.

    Palmer: I didn’t even think of that video, quality pick man. Also spoiler alert, you know who loses in Star Wars, the Empire. (BE will lose in the end)

    Nado and JUSA: Killing brits is a lifestyle. Sadly we can’t actually start a war with them because they refuse to accept our war requests.

    Volpex: Nighty night?

    Palmer again: Little confused on the actual order of these posts of Gildor’s, but thank you for including this evidence. As people can see they are doing the original plan of repeatedly marching the “BE troops” in to attack the crew. But they clearly don’t try simply negotiating a deal first to assist. Also they would force their “laws” on whatever crew they are offering assistance to. Lots of information in those posts, so thanks for posting it here.

    Maximus: Yeah I figured this would be a better outlet for discussing this than arguing in the global chat in game.

    CrazyPirate: As clearly shown in the posts by Gildor that Palmer included, taxes would happen either way along with your little law enforcement. The real funny thing about it is this sentence: “Should a colony refuse to pay taxes without beforehand negotiating the termination of their colony status then the Royal Navy with me tasked with quelling the rebellion.” That sentence is hilarious. So not only will they be forced into being a colony, but any attempt to go back to doing their own thing and not paying you would lead to being attacked repeatedly again. I have nothing more to say on that bit…
    Who cares how many of you have donator rank, the ones that do spam near is all I’m saying. We can’t get near Petal_Face(Gildor) without him instantly teleporting into his house the moment we get within 120 blocks of him. Also you don’t have to be a donator to log. As monks would say “Thats common sense, duh.”
    No we don’t have a vendetta against the inanimate object that is your city. We have a disliking for the crew that lives in it. Also Cysteen didn’t run Ae0’s island, take a look at the claim. All TAS did was protect it from those who came to kill shoppers. I’m sure if someone got mad at Ae0 (for some odd reason even though he is very nice) they would want to see his island burned too.
    BE isn’t a dictatorship within, it is attempting to be a dictatorship over the server. For one example Peppykiss’s crew. As shown above, Jusa has more examples if you’d like him to post them later.
    Yeah the main buildings of London are unoriginal and taken from other sources. Other players have found buildings used in London on images and videos online. What a shame you don’t pay attention to this kind of stuff.
    Of course everyone is annoyed with Tau. Moo is an active player that trusted him as a friend. He clearly abused that trust and is now on a lying spree refusing to return Moo’s god sets and event items. Yeah people loot old bases they have trust to because either they don’t care about that person they are raiding, that player has quit the server, or even just because they can. But the problem with Tau, was that he raided a friend and now has decided the items are more important than becoming a trustworthy player again. I’m sure none of you will ever trust him to your personal bases now that you know this could happen. This guy is running for Prime Minister of BE, that speaks wonders for your crew. As for wanting to fight a war… We have tried to declare war about 10 times by now. You’re all too cowardly to accept it.
    Who says me or The Coalition is going anywhere? This crew is constantly getting stronger, while BE looks to be on a downhill slope. No, what you don’t like is that we will have front row seats to the collapse of BE, maybe you’ll fix yourself some day. Good luck with that. Outsiders, you are the first person to ever call me or my crew an outsider. Within a year of playing on this server I went from being a deckhand in a crew that went inactive within a weak, to owning two elytras, dubs of godsets, and being close friends with some of the kindest strongest players on the server. Go ahead call me an outsider, cause I don’t feel like one. My issue with BE has been stated, it’s been stated multiple times. So where are the balls on you not accepting our war requests. I don’t need dirt to “use”, I can declare war whenever I want. This thread was to expose the atrocities within BE, honestly it’s worked exactly how I wanted. Taulov isn’t a scapegoat, he’s a side issue that furthers the proof that BE is corrupt. We’re not being forced into anything, accept our war requests Mr. “have the balls”.

    Monks again: Yeah Monks, there is a difference in spamming near to track a player and spamming near to know when to run from someone coming to fight. We track, BE runs. Go ahead and prove something.

    Nado: Yes we can war, but sadly they won’t let us. We already had our reasons, this thread is to let the server see the flaws of BE and to warn them of their colonization plan.

    Monks and Nado: Just waiting on the bug reports to get sorted out by the developers.

    Astro: #StarFruit

    Bazurka: For those who don’t know tl;dr means ‘Too long; didn’t read’. Honestly Baz, it’s not that much to read. Take the time to read if you are going to write a post. I hope this response won’t be too long for you to read…
    I don’t care about being worked into the records of PirateMC history. Most pirate crews don’t have giant history books about them, they simply just existed and did their own thing. Yeah BE is taking a hit and is showing it in their responses like this one. Ketoh read over the post before actually starting this thread. He fully agreed with it. All the people I’m friends with that used to be in BE have stated that it is not the same as it once was. That things have clearly changed within the crew. The fact is, you just refuse to accept that it’s getting worse. BE isnt always helping new crews and new players. You all sit and build by yourself. The only person that helps new players is Lazydog. As of late, rest of you do nothing but talk about expanding London and overpowering small crews. I’d encourage Taulov to actually state his side of the story. Why he did what he did? Why he is lying about not having dubs of god sets? From what Moo said, he did it cause he was “Mad that Moo joined Jmoo’s crew and later my crew”, so I’d love to hear him expand on that. He returned a small fraction of stuff and claimed the rest blew up. No one loot a few chests then blows the rest of the loot up. That’s absurd.
    Your next comment here is fun.
    Warmongering: encouragement or advocacy of aggression toward other countries or groups.
    I’m sorry have I not made myself clear. This thread was to expose BE for it’s atrocities and warn people not to give in to your petty colonization scheme. Yeah I am totally asking everyone to go to war with you. This show’s you clearly didn’t read like your said. I am encouraging everyone to not submit to BE’s crap and to see what BE has become within it’s leadership.
    Yeah we have a anti-BE stance. Everyone has a stance against their main rival. Who cares what we chant in chat. It warns people what’s coming for them as part of BE. We don’t need anything clever. It’s war, accept it.
    This next paragraph seemed to just be an prideful encouragement to your crew to make you sound more respectable, so, um, ok I guess? Not sure what sleeper agent you are talking about. I just have people who just share about things within BE. You have fun with your rebuttals and votes, my crew just simply talks to each other about our opinions then decides an action to take. Not sure if you know this but pirates worked on a voting system too so you’re not all that special. Votes on crews happened very fast and you could go from working in the kitchen to being the quartermaster after just a quick vote.  Enjoy your dawdling and meandering.
    Not sure what you’re trying to build and improve, you mainly build in London (for your crew) in lazy’s town (for your crew) and build personal bases (for your crew). Don’t even bring up the canal as a “for the server” example. That’s no longer being discussed. As for us, yeah we mostly build for ourselves. We own bases, we raid players, and we commit piracy. Welcome to PirateCraft. But a large number of us are on build team, we don’t brag about it though. We just build what is needed and asked of us.
    Yeah we try to kill you all the time recently, we’re rivals. The war isn’t a threat, it’s already happening. One little fight after another, we will cut you down. Go ahead and run, there are other ways to defend yourself than PVP. Just don’t call us bad when you all run away.
    Lol nice plug here at the end for your wiki page. None of that matters in this situation, BE isn’t what it used to be.

    Oktacraft: You’re response is as meaningless as Kirns first post, you guys should totally take a writing class together.

    Sean: Ok? Thanks for letting us know I guess.

    JUSA: They will.

    Monks: Everyone already has BE banners? Also plenty of BE members were on when this was taken. None came to London though with us being there obviously.

    Snap: Well worded. Snap is one of the people I respected in BE, and the fact that he has had to leave the crew should tell you all how the BE “government” is quickly going downhill.

    Benthebruce: So the main part of your post is about the issue between Taulov and Moo. Which I have already spoken my mind on a good bit. However BE is not what it used to be, so whatever principles you may have had, may not exist anymore. That wasn’t that main point of this thread but I’m glad it has come up so that the man running for Prime Minister can be held responsible for his actions. Criticizing Snap in that second to last paragraph there probably wasn’t the best idea to mend relations with him, but that’s between you two. Thanks for sharing all that you’ve gathered on the Kau vs. Moo dilemma. I personally won’t be happy with that issue until Moo has the rest of his items returned.
    That aside, that incident wasn’t to sew server wide drama. It was to point out to your own crew how Taulov will just lead you down a deeper ditch as PM. Also to back up how awful BE is becoming. The point of this thread once again, is to prevent colonization.

    Palmer again: Cool video mate.

    Anyways, there’s my final post. Feel free to speak anymore thoughts you have. I may have to make another response if someone brings up something new, but for now I think I’ve stated my mind on all this. This thread wasn’t to incite drama as much as it was to expose an issue(s) within the British Empire.

    ~ A real pirate I guess. ~
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    “It was weird” to put it short


    A huge thank you to everyone taking part (or at least everyone who could make it). The first ‘ship only’ battle ended pretty well I feel. Players were sticking to the rules (mostly), and we had three huge ships fight it out at the end (+ one dhow).

    Note: I’m not actually sure who built/owns that ship that I call ‘dimondknight’s ship’. I only call it that because I thought he owned it >.>

    A explanation of the battle (because this one was a little different, and needs an explanation):

    There weren’t as many people taking part as I would have hoped at the beginning, sadly. And those taking part took their time getting ready and organizing their crew haha.

    I was expecting around 4-5 ships to take part, but we ended up having only two large ships; the Shadow Wanderer (sov copy, I’ll just call it SW from now on), and Dimondknight’s ship (the one from last week). The teams were pretty unfair from the start; the SW saw its first action, but had 5 experiences sailors on board with lots of cannons and armour. On the contrary, Dimondknight’s ship had SnapCrack as a captain, with 3-4 other inexperienced crew members wearing little armour, and the ship had only a few cannons, and was barely armoured.

    Round 1:

    As such, I delayed the start of the battle by around 20 minutes to ensure Snap could contact the rest of BE to get on and help fight. While I like seeing ships blown up, I don’t like seeing them get annihilated within the first few minutes of the battle.

    When the ships finally set off and started shooting at each other, it became clear that the SW was by far the superior ship, and dimondknight’s ship was being obliterated. This engagement can be considered as ‘Round 1’ of the entire battle. After many deaths, and seeing the ship heavily damaged, I offered Snap a chance to ready another, larger ship that was docked at the Freeport, and that I would give him 25 minutes to get a crew ready.

    So, dimondknight’s ship surrendered, the SW sailed away to repair, and I helped Snap and the rest of BE prepare a new ship; the Iron Duke.

    Round 2:

    The SW was repaired; the Iron Duke now had a sizable crew, sails, cannons, and armour; and surprisingly dimondknight’s ship was hastily repaired too by LogoTRT and JamminMas. PhlawedPhilosophy (a member of the old Lon Ship) also readied his own little dhow as a one-man team.

    By now, the SW had a crew of around 8-9 people. The Iron Duke had Snap as the captain, and another 5 or 6 people fighting. SS Boneyard (previously dimondknight’s) now had himself and LogoTRT on board, with added armour and cannons. Finally PhlawedPhilosphy’s ship was a wooden box with a single cannon on board.

    This ‘Round 2’ is what I considered the true battle – as teams were now much more on a level playing field (at least more so than before), and we had around 15 people actively taking part.

    Winners from Round 1 (including the people on board from round 1):

    1. Shadow Wanderer – Kauhy (Captain), JUSAplayer1, Riverwood202, Kepopie, The_Network
    2. DimondKnight’s Ship – SnapCrack (Captain), dimondknight998, SVM_Robespierre, xMadMonkeyx, GreenRoyal, CrazyPirate1

    Winners from Round 2 (the actual battle):

    1. Shadow Wanderer – Kauhy (Captain), AdmiralTrench (Captain later on), Riverwood202, The_Network, Driftingsixguns, edorii, CaptainCracken, JUSAplayer1 (?), CottageCooper (?)
    2. Iron Duke – SnapCrack (Captain), Bazurka (Captain later on), xMadMonkeyx, Dark_101, GreenRoyal, CrazyPirate1 (anyone else?)
    3. SS Boneyard (formally dimondknight’s ship) – JamminMas (Captain), LogoTRT
    4. Lone Ship 2.0 – PhlawedPhilosophy

    Other rankings, based on my observations:

    • Most damage received as % of the ship – Dimondknight/Jammin’s ship 
    • Most damage dealt as % of the ship – Shadow Wanderer
    • Most damage repaired as % of the ship – Iron Duke (because they repaired the ship during the battle a lot, while the other two ships repaired the damage during the break in between the rounds)
    • Most ships sunk/disabled – Shadow Wanderer (credited with disabling 3 ships – 1 in round 1, and 2 in round 2)
    • Most player kills – Shadow Wanderer (a lot)
    • Most physics defying ship based on the fact that it shouldn’t be sailing anymore, so hacks were probably involved 😛 – SS Boneyard

    Damage Report:

    If a ship was receiving a lot of damage, and has been stationary for a while, I would give the crew 60 seconds (in practice it was more like 3 minutes) to try and get the ships moving again or I deemed them out of the battle. I was very lenient on this rule throughout the battle, as I wanted ships to continue fighting ideally until they surrendered. Jammin’s ship was an exception, I’ll get to that in a bit.

    • Shadow Wanderer –  Recieved light damage in round 1, and utterly annihilated Dimondknight’s Ship with many broadsides. In round 2, she received moderate damage, but never to the point that she might be disabled. Being originally a copy of the sov – a ship that already won 2 prior ship battles a year ago, I knew that the ship had potential. The difference being that this was a version of the sov that was rebuilt, and I modified it further by adding additional armour, cannons, wool, and resource chests for fixing the ship mid-battle. All in all, she was very strong in this battle (and I even shot some of the cannons myself during the battle :P). Oh and much better looking than the Teletub.
    • Dimondknight’s Ship (Round 1 only) – Yeah it pretty much died within 10 minutes. From the last battle that she took part in, the ship had gained no additional armour or cannons – only patchy repairs and as such did not have the combat strength to compete with the Shadow Wanderer. But, with some added armour and other modifications I recon that we could see this ship returning in a future battle. You put up a good fight!
    • Iron Duke – Received quite substantial damage throughout the battle, losing her foremast, and most of her cannons, but she still looked great to the very end (if I may say so myself). Myself and Snap hastily made this indiaman combat ready in 25 minutes, adding sails, rigging, spare wool, armour, and cannons. xMadMonkeyx even made himself a little box in the crows next from which he shot at the SW‘s crew from above. She did gud
    • SS Boneyard (Round 2 only)  If you thought you can’t kill what’s already dead, think again. This ship, after been blown to bits from the first battle, was repaired and armoued, and went to fight again. After knowing she would be outgunned by other ships, her tactic seemed to involve ramming into the SW  – which was not illegal, but was not advised as the ships may merge. After a member of the ship attempted to board the SW and block it by placing cobblestone, the SW were granted 3 TNT shot to fire into the ship (I may do that in future when ships disobey the rules). After creating a huge hole, the ship was still moving and sailing, even after Jammin was put into jail for 10 minutes for breaking the rules. She was declared out of the battle when Jammin logged off, but I guess she would have still continued fighting, somehow. As such, this ship was never disabled or sunk, rather its crew broke the rules and it was technically disqualified. But GG anyways.
    • Lone Ship 2.0 – Not much to say to be honest haha. One player, in a wooden box, with a single cannon, and it was surprisingly effective, when not being shot at. PhlawedPhilosophy took out a lot of the SW‘s cannons, and dealt a lot of damage to the front of the ship, but was taken out quickly by a few shots. Good job though, you did your crew proud!

    Next ship battle: 7pm UK time/2pm EST (same time as this battle), next Saturday 18th

    Submarines only next battle – no ships. Plus, TNT shot, diamond shot, obsidian and stone are allowed anywhere on the submarine! – I’ll make the post soon

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    Crew History: Red Lotus, 0utlaws, Ottoman Empire, Xenon Empire, The Xanthian Order, The Asylum, Xenia

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    Well, this one ended with a bang…
    Once again, a huge thank you to everyone taking part in the battle, or helping to enforce the rules. We had a turnout of over 25 people in one indiaman, galleon, schooner, two submarines, and eventually one short-lived dhow. The battle, like the last time, was decided way into the second half of the battle.

    Winners (based on who went out last):

    1. The Royal Narwhal – xMadBoltx (Captain), Nationalistic, xMadMonkeyx, Dark_101, ArcherSquid
    2. The Teletub (I’m not typing out the whole name, cba) – AdmiralTrench (Captain), Riverwood202, CottageCooper, Kepopie, Joe_danger_2003, Savagewolf_ (from another ship)
    3. The Flounder – Bazurka (Captain), CaptainReef, several more BE members
    4. The Wicked Wolf – Savagewolf (Captain), Jack5112, shozzey69
    5. DimondKnight’s Ship – dimondKnight998 (Captain), SPOOKYPLANT_, plus others
    6. Jammin’s Ship – Jammin_Mas (Captain) – Entered the battle 1 hour in but only lasted around 7 minutes, poor lil’ ship 🙁

    Important notice regarding the winners:
    The final two ships left, the Teletub, and the Royal Narwhal would have probably ended the match in a draw. While both ships sustained a lot of damage, and frequently had cannons knocked out, they were both still moving. Unfortunately, within the last 10 minutes of the battle a player from BE named spookymryellow2  managed to get on board the Teletub and set off at least 8 TNT on the main deck, destroying a large portion of the ship and disabling her completely (I am aware that this player acted out of their own accord, and not as instructed by BE). As such the Royal Narwhal was declared the winner, however they were not the ones to deal the final blow to the Teletub. Spookymryellow2 will not be allowed to participate in the next ship battle.

    Other rankings, based on my observations:

    • Most damage received as % of the ship (excluding the TNT incident) – The Wicked Wolf
    • Most damage dealt as % of the ship – Teletub
    • Most damage repaired as % of the ship – The Royal Narwhal 
    • Most ships sunk/disabled – Draw between Teletub and The Royal Narwhal (credited with disabling/sinking 2 ships each)
    • Most player kills – Teletub
    • First ship sunk (not just disabled) in a ship battle so far – Flounder (you put up a good fight guys!)

    Damage Report:

    Once again, if a ship was receiving a lot of damage, and has been stationary for a while, I would give the crew 60 seconds to trey and get the ship moving again or I deemed them out of the battle. As an additional rule in the last 15 minutes, all submarines were no longer allowed to submerge and stay underwater for long periods of time, as both subs were stationary for up to 10 minutes at a time repairing while being immune to the remaining ship (I wanted to get things moving again).

    • The Royal Narwhal – Received moderate damage throughout the battle, suffering most of the damage on one side of the submarine. She lost her horn for a brief period, and ended up surviving the battle heavily damaged and partially repaired. Her crew often took her underwater to repair her, out of the range of the cannons. After coming last in the previous ship battle, she redeemed herself this time, good job lads!
    • Teletub – Received moderate damage within the fist 20 minutes of the battle, and needed a lot of repairs to the front and port (left) side. Her cannons were being knocked out frequently, and she suffered a lot of frontal damage when coming under fire from the Royal Narwhal and the Flounder at the same time. She was critically damaged when a player got on board and placed TNT on her main deck, blowing up the main deck, all remaining cannons, taking out two masts (detaching the wool from the ship), and leaving a huge hole at the front and side of the ship. She surrendered within 30 seconds.
    • Flounder – Received minor damage in the first half, but later received critical damage within the last 15 minutes and was sunk by fire mostly from the Royal Narhwal. She is officially the first ship to be sunk by cannon fire during a battle, as all previous ships were always disables rather than sunk. Her design was very unique, featuring a detachable top part, and being circular in design. Her wreck now lies on the seafloor, and with permission from its owners, I would like to keep her there as a memorial 🙂 @bazurka
    • The Wicked Wolf – A worthy successor to the Lone Ship. Once again, this small ship entered armoured only with wooden planks, with a few cannons, and a crew of 4. She put up a good fight for the first 25 minutes of the battle, was but eventually battered by both the Teletub and Royal Narwhal, leading to her crew being unable to fix her in time. Once out of the battle, she was once again hastily repaired and taken back to port, ready for another battle.
    • DimondKnight’s Ship – Received heavy damage within the first 30 minutes of the battle. By dimensions, this was the largest ship in the battle, but being armoured with only wood, she could not hold up under sustained fire from the Teletub. Once she started to engage the Teletub, she quickly had two of her masts detached, leaving her stranded. A few volleys from the Teletub killed most of her crew, and she was eventually fully disabled.
    • Jammin’s Ship – Entered 1 hour into the battle (rare exception), but after only 4 cannonball hits from the Teletub, she was was heavily damaged. However, she did manage to to some decent damage to the Teletub within its 5 minute lifespan.

    Next ship battle: 7pm UK time/2pm EST (one hour earlier than before), next Saturday – I may not make it that day in which case The_Network will probably moderate the battle
    The next ship battle will be ships only – no submarines. I will host a submarine-only battle the following Saturday.

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    Crew History: Red Lotus, 0utlaws, Ottoman Empire, Xenon Empire, The Xanthian Order, The Asylum, Xenia

    • Topics: 94
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    (The original Ship Battle post was deleted due to that forum glitch)


    A big thank you for everyone taking part, this was the largest turnout for a ship battle ever! Without further adim here are the results for the 1 hour and 40 minute battle:

    Winners (based on who went out last):

    1. RSS xXx_Teletubbie_Trash_Heap_2000_xXx – Gruusha/Jmoo (Captain), Minister_Moo, LlewyMudlark, Riverwood202, Nahadoth, Joe_danger_2003, JUSAplayer1, reesepatterson04
    2. Bananawhal – Most of BE (If someone could send me a list of the crew that would be fab)
    3. Red Narwhal – Bazurka (Captain), CaptainReef
    4. Lone Ship – Lone crew members +romich
    5. The Royal Narwhal – xMadBoltx (Captain), Snapcrackplays

    It was a very close fight until the very end, and the last two narwhal ships took a beating before they were both disabled. It was really close!

    Other rankings, based on my observations:

    • Most damage received as % of the ship – Bananawhal
    • Most damage dealt as % of the ship – Teletubbie
    • Most damage repaired as % of the ship – Lone Ship (repaired the ship twice, before finally being disabled)
    • Most ships sunk/disabled – Teletubbie (4 ships disabled)
    • Most player kills – Draw between Teletubbie and Bananwhal, you both nailed everyone, and I stopped counting half way though haha

    Damage Report:

    If a ship was receiving a lot of damage, and has been stationary for a while, I would give the crew 60 seconds to try and get the ship moving again by any means, or I deemed them out of the battle. Once the time was up and only the Teletubbie and Bananawhal were left, they were both given 60 seconds to get their ship moving, only being allowed to place signs, but not allowing any other blocks placed or broken. The Teletubbie was moving, but the Bananawhal was out of action.

    • Teletubbie – Received some damage in the first half of the battle, but received heavy damage in the last 30 minute. Ended up losing a mast, all of her original cannons (parts were salvaged and used to make new cannons), and most of her starboard (right side) armor. Went from an indiaman to a manowar due to the amount of damage received
    • Bananawhal – Received minimal damage in the first half of the battle, but received heavy damage in the last 30 minutes. Her roof was shot to bits, but her crew kept her going by submerging her and repairing what they could. The final moment of the battle saw her using hastily built cannons on her roof, however she was unable to move one the time was up, so she came a close seconds. Her wreck is on display at the Freeport (battle location)
    • Red Narwhal – received minimal damage in te first half of the battle, but received heavy damage in the seconds half. She kept up a good fight with the Teletubbie, taking her 1 on 1 and knocking out many of her cannons. However , she was heavily punished when the cannons were repaired and as a last ditch effort, her crew of two surrendered.
    • Lone Ship – Received heavy damage throughout the battle, and was almost out at one point, but her crew fixed her up swiftly. While the Teletubble and the Royal Narwhal were duelling in the first half of the battle, the Lone Ship was taking on the other two ships. Having lost her mast, and many holes in her sides, she almost went out after 40 minutes, but in the last seconds her crew got her moving again, and she ran off to conduct repairs. It was only in the seconds half where she was in the crossfire between the Bananawhal and the Teletubbie, she took so much damage that her crew could not fix her up in time and she was declared out of the battle.
    • The royal Narwhal – received heavy damage in the first half of the battle, disabling her within the first 30 minutes. A legendary ship, but luck was not her side this time. In the opening minutes of the battle, she fired the first shots at the Teletubbie, and dealt moderate damage, but she was quickly overwhelmed and subsequently disabled.

    Next ship battle: 8pm UK time/3pm EST (same time), Saturday 4th November (next Saturday) – I hope to see you there! I’ll make another post soon.

    Please post any screenshots down below, mine are on their way!

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    Crew History: Red Lotus, 0utlaws, Ottoman Empire, Xenon Empire, The Xanthian Order, The Asylum, Xenia

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    (The original ship battle post was deleted due to that forum glitch, welp)

    A big thank you for everyone taking part, this was the largest turnout for a ship battle ever (at least 25 taking part and a further 10 spectating)! Without further ado, here are the results of the 1 hour and 40 minute battle:

    Winners (based on who went out last): 

    1. RSS xXx_Teletubbie_Trash_Heap_2000_xXx – Gruusha/Jmoo (captain), Minister_Moo, LlewyMudlark, Riverwood202, Nahadoth, Joe_danger_2003, JUSAplayer1, reesepatterson04
    2. Bananawhal – Most of BE (If someone could send me a list of the crew that would be fab)
    3. Red Narwhal – Bazurka (Captain) CaptainReef
    4. Lone ship – Lone crew members + romich
    5. The royal Narwhal – xMadBoltx (Captain), Snapcrackplays

    It was a very close fight until the very end, and the last two narwhal ships took a beating before they were both disabled. It really was close!

    Other rankings, based on my observations:

    • Most damage received as a % of the ship – Bananawhal
    • Most damage dealt as % of the ship – RSS xXx_Teletubbie_Trash_Heap_2000_xXx
    • Most damage repaired as % of the ship – Lone Ship (repaired the ship twice, before finally being disabled)
    • Most ships sunk/disabled – RSS xXx_Teletubbie_Trash_Heap_200o_xXx (4 ships disabled)
    • Most player kills – Draw between RSS xXx_Teletubbie_Trash_Heap_2000_xXx and  Bananawhal (you two basically nailed everyone, I stopped counting half way through haha)

    Out of all 5 ships that took part, all three BE ships were subs, the Lone Ship was a brig (and made fully out of wood!), and the Teletubbie was an Indiaman

    Damage Report:
    If a ship was receiving a lot of damage, and has been stationary for a while, I would give the crew 60 seconds to try and get the ship moving again, or I deemed them out of the battle. They could fix the ship up with whatever materials, but they only had those 60 seconds. Once the time was up and only the Teletubbie and Bananawhal were left, they were both given 60 seconds to get the ship moving, only being allowed to place signs, but not allowing any other blocks placed or broken.</p>

    • Teletubbie 
      • Received minimal damage in the first half of the battle, but received heavy damage in the last 30 minutes. Ended up losing a mast, all her original cannons (parts were salvaged and used to make new cannons), and a most of her starboard (right side) armour. Went from an Indiaman to a manowar due to the amount of damage received.
    • Bananawhal
      • Received minimal damage in the first half of the battle, but received heavy damage in the last 30 minutes. Her roof was shot to bits, but her crew kept her going by submerging under the water and repairing what they could. The final moments of the battle saw her using hastily built cannons on her roof, however she was unable to move once the time was up, so she came a close second. Her wreck is on display at the Freeport (battle location)
    • Red Narwhal
      • Received minimal damage in the first half of the battle, but received heavy damage in the second half. She kept up a good fight with the Teletubbie, taking her 1 on 1 and knocking out many of her cannons. However, she was heavily punished when the cannons were repaired and as a last ditch effort, her crew of two surrendered.
    • Lone Ship
      • Received heavy damage throughout the battle, and was almost out at one point, but her crew fixed her up swiftly. While the Teletubbie and the Royal Narwhal  were duelling in the first half of the battle, the Lone Ship was taking on the other two ships. Having lost her mast, and many holes in her sides, she almost went out after 40 minutes, but in the last seconds her crew got her moving again, and ran off to conduct repairs. It was only in the second half, where she was in the crossfire between the Bananawhal and the Teletubbie, she took so much damage that her crew could not fix her up, and she was declared out of the battle.
    • The Royal Narwhal
      • Received heavy damage in the first half of the battle, disabling her within the first 30 minutes. A legendary ship, but luck was not on her side this time. In the opening minutes of the battle, she fired the first shots at the Teletubbie, and dealt moderate damage, but she was quickly overwhelmed and subsequently disabled.

    Next ship battle: 8pm UK time/3pm EST (same time), Saturday 4th November (next saturday) – I hope to see you there! (I’ll make another post soon)

    Please post any screenshots down below, mine are on their way!

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