[suggestion] crew war system

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    My previous post got removed idk why

    Hello peasants, today I would like to talk with you about Crew wars and some ideas to make people fight and pvp for their crew with a reason instead of going to warp south to show who has the bigger banana.

    So when you start a war with another crew there is no real need to fight, people tend to hide in their boxes or ask if you want to have an organized fight at warp south. But why would you fight at warp south to waste potions pearls and time to maybe get a gset or two but not actually winning a war? And I know there is /siege but people don’t really fight when they get sieged, most of the time they just hide in their box until the attacker is gone.

    So I would like to suggest a system that could  force crews to fight by typing in a command and then the 2 crews start of with the same amount of crew power and when a crew loses a fight or their members keep dying to the enemy their crew power drops. And then when their crew power hits zero it gets disbanded or something (idk what punishment would be the best). And a crew has to get kills in a certain time otherwise they will lose crew power (to make people fight). Keep in mind that a crew has to accept the war request first in order for this to happen.

    Also keep in mind that this is just a suggestion and I really don’t know if its possible to implement this into the server. So don’t get mad at me, I just think this would be very healthy for the server and would make people play more 😀


    ~ xMadMonkey ~

    «Godfather of La Famiglia»

    ~ Mememaster since 1969 ~

    Ic3y ;]
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    I have a big banana


    Blu Pearson
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    I like the idea but it would require a custom made plugin that taps into the claim plugin and the crew plugins api. The only other way would be to implement a new plugin like factions or similar set up. I havent seen any of those style plugins I like though.

    Anyone know enough java and bukkit to write a custom plugin?  😀 that would be sweet.

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    I have a big banana

    I have an even bigger banana


    -Proprietor of Fort Abercrombie

    -Patient #412 of the Asylum

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    Horatio Nelson

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    NickyB is the owner of the biggest banana

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    Tbh, no one actually wants to pvp on the server, and dying is almost impossible with a set of god armour and a few pearls considering the lack of a pearl cooldown and the 1.9 sharpness enchant nerf.
    A way to revive pvp on the server would be buffing the dmg (so that people can actually die), adding more blocks to the /info siege list or something like that since nowadays trying to win a siege is almost impossible (even if the defender lives in a 3×3 stone box considering cannons got nerfed) and adding some kind of pvp rewards (i.e. Kill 3 players who’re part of an enemy crew, Get a pvp streak of “X” ammount of kills).

    Best worldwide pvper

    Ganking noobs since 1876

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    So factions?

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    Tbh, no one actually wants to pvp on the server, and dying is almost impossible with a set of god armour and a few pearls considering the lack of a pearl cooldown and the 1.9 sharpness enchant nerf. A way to revive pvp on the server would be buffing the dmg (so that people can actually die), adding more blocks to the /info siege list or something like that since nowadays trying to win a siege is almost impossible (even if the defender lives in a 3×3 stone box considering cannons got nerfed) and adding some kind of pvp rewards (i.e. Kill 3 players who’re part of an enemy crew, Get a pvp streak of “X” ammount of kills).

    Lol back to the “I know how to “FIX” PvP” lol

    Problem with buffing damage, is new players are killed a LOT easier by peolpe that already have OP gear, like you just make it 1000x easier for OP players, that are already too op to destroy people much easier.

    A better alternative, would be to reduce the protectiveness of OP armour, If armour is easier to break and do damage through then you can actually kill people.

    Siege needs a complete overhaul, i want someone to re-program it from scratch. Im waiting on the GriefPrevention to separate siege from the main plugin as he said he would do a year ago, still waiting., then we can have our own custom siege. Find the siege post from a year ago to discuss.


    Crazy Pirate
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    In terms of fixing pvp, I’d say guns stand a pretty good chance of making pvp more interesting. We already know they’re on the way, and depending on how much damage they do and how common they are, they could have the effect of nerfing OP gear and opening a whole new avenue of pvp combat. People are much more likely to fight if a lucky shot can win them a battle.

    I’d agree with giving firework projectiles a bit of a boost though, its nigh on impossible to kill someone with cannons now.

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    (Response to the gun comment ^)

    In my opinion, guns would level the playing ground. It’d mean a deckie with a gun could take out someone who’s been playing for years. It’d also be more realistic too.

    I’m also all for it, because it would mean I’d actually be able to fight people. I’m a lot more handy with a gun. >:3

    - Solo player -

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    I think a lot of people would agree with me that we should spice the pvp up a little bit, we could do this in a lot of different ways but idk if all of them are able to be implemented onto the server

    And Wtf is this developer doing? !!!! WHY IS HE ALWAYS SO SLOW?!


    ~ xMadMonkey ~

    «Godfather of La Famiglia»

    ~ Mememaster since 1969 ~

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    I saw disbanding crew, though it’d make defeating others correct as it would in theory be “the destruction of the crew”, would possibly prove to be unpopular as it could be very upsetting.

    Though I’m afraid of stating the pint that it would bring money out of the eco as people remake their crews, would encourage more banding of people as well from different backgrounds so a greater more interlinked community and less crews and more politics

    But it’d be annoying if one large crew suddenly disappeared, so rather perhaps like in factions, a “power system implemented” and every time a new member is added (whom is active) adds to that power and it gradually regenerates for everyone, but goes down a each time a member dies, and let’s say if a crew member of a crew with higher power if killed by a crew member of a crew with a low power- loses more power, i don’t know about that one though as it’d again encourage small, overpowered pvp crews to form.

    There could also be a factor that the longer a crew member is offline their power eventually goes in negative numbers (like perhaps -10 as the lowest limit) encouraging crews to perhaps regulate their members, and maybe have a way of freezing certain important members (like me) power (to like 5) so they can keep them but can only do it to so many members (which HAVE to be inactive for like 5 days, and only after those 5 days can have their power frozen to a limit of 5).

    I do see the focus on encouraging pvp, perhaps there could be a way that if people once they get so much of their waring crew’s power down, or if they get their power down past a certain mark, their entire crew gets an exp boost for a couple of days. Killing people could instead invoke an reward, rather than just adding to their statistics or whatever that person holds. -just an idea

    Allies could perhaps come in somehow with the crew power thing perhaps also? Making people tactically think about who their allies are could encourage them to think more about who they add as an ally, and allies which perhaps are more detrimental could reduce their allies crew power.


    I think this could make it slightly more complicated though, as I know it took me a while even to understand how PirateCraft worked, and I’m yet to understand game modes such as towny (which i don’t know how people find that fun).


    Maybe something like what CrazyPirate said about levelling the playing field, which I can see is what the  anti-cheat is there for, but maybe again, bonuses if people use weapons in war which are weak, such as maybe leather and gold, instead of things such as iron or gold. This could perhaps encourage crews who are good at pvp, whom have good skills, to perhaps ‘take the risk’ against crews and player who may not have the godsets or skill to punch above their weight but can get basic diamond and iron gear, perhaps levelling the playing field(?).


    But I know some people spend a lot of time building their vaults etc, and building up resources, which yes can be annoying if people can’t get to them, but perhaps with these ‘levelling the playing field’ tactics, which can encourage higher pvp crews (or any crew) to use (and carry) less powerful gear, to get boosts in exp, get random prizes (like spawn eggs, books with enchants, saddles, horse armour, blaze rods), but no money prizes.

    I don’t know, I know there are problems, but whenever I get on PirateCraft they surround pvp, which don’t bother me as such as I don’t play to pvp on the server.

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    The biggest issue I see is NO ONE is willing to engage in a fight that they might lose good gear in. You observe this everywhere on the server. This is not the fault of the players, because everyone is guilty of it its obviously a property of game mechanics/economics. OP hunters cruise invisible for targets and hit them when they are vulnerable at little risk, that’s the majority of combat. Sometime you get fighters calling each other out, but ONLY EVER against someone they have high odds of beating and if not they usually agree to return gear after the fight. You might say this reflects pirate life and protecting ones interests, and it does, but how much fun is it?

    I recognized and stated the issue as soon as i joined the server. Here’s an idea to try to alleviate it-

    Get rid of OP gear. Get rid of enchanted diamond and allow minimum pro/dmg enchants of iron and below. Get rid of healing pots, apples, rejen, strength pots etc. (easy done with plugin). In general lower the fantasy aspect.

    The Pro’s are-

    *Death becomes more common and something to moan about less.

    *You can engage in a fight without having a full god set, full pot set, apples, a ping of 20ms and having warmed up for a week on a PVP server! People might actually start to do it for fun! Who knows! (and before you come in here and crap on about how easy that gear is to get and you should have it after first 2 hours of play…. just go away and lick some windows.)

    *The gear lost becomes less of an issue, no moaning over losing full god set.

    *The entry level to new players is lowered, so instead of the same OP players who have been on for 3 years there may be a greater injection of new blood.

    *It looks more ‘Piratey’ and will differentiate the server from standard survival PVP.

    *People might actually fight for fun instead of trying to score god sets or abuse easy targets!  The horror!!!!!!



    *Takes away a huge chunk of the ‘grind’ game play so may not appeal to everyone for that alone.

    *Would take some testing/balancing.

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    @Palmerageddon, I do not mean to be mean but

    like blood and guts said(aka George Patton)


    “Politicians are the lowest forms of life”


    and like Ben Franklin said “The heart of a fool is in his mouth, but the mouth of a wise man is in his heart.”

    royal navy shipwright
    developer of advanced armour for ships
    turns on hitboxes when pvping

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    @wiskey_waters no offence taken.

    All I was saying is that it could offer up more politics and more talking on the forums, which to me, have been rather as of late, inactive of that sort of talk, which I enjoy reading and partaking sometimes.

    @oktacraft the loss of OP gear is what a fear people have, but like you’ve said and others have said, it is the existence of the OP gear that makes people think ‘what is the point of fighting?’ especially when someone can just bound up to you and kill you before you can react.

    I know it WILL (not possibly) prove unpopular with much of the PvP player base, but if we want to see more battles occurring, such as more wars and sieges, you might as well give the often under siege player a fighting chance perhaps.

    I also know that many of the greater pvp players on the server are known for their skills in PvP, and so instead we should encourage them to sacrifice better weapons, for more mediocre or weaker weapons and provide a bonus to those players who attack a rival crew in that fashion, as more often than not, they attack those of a lower skill and lower armament.

    I know someone will turn around and say ‘its piratecraft, not princesscraft’, but if they’re going to use that excuse, they can take into account that pirates take risks (well those whom are under Hollywood’s charm which most people like to try replicate) so by possibly using not as good weapons against a target who has better weapons, but not particularly better skill, they’ll take their risk, but their target would also take the risk to wear better armour or weapons, especially if they know that those who may attack them may be wielding gear which is obsolete compare to theirs. There would then be a much more levelled playing field, with both sides playing it like a ‘pirate’, one risking possible death to either get a better bonus for themselves and better stats, and the other just going about their business, but risks losing their stuff if they cannot neutralise the threat at hand.

    This could also slightly work in the pvpper’s favour, as they could then save their better armaments for times when they need it, such as when they’re being sieged or in a battle with a rival crew.


    But then again, I’m not a pvpper, but rather the ‘going about their business’ kind, so I don’t know whether it’d work or not, but I’m sure the temptation of a reputation of having skill, rather than how many godsets they own.

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