Siegable Blocks
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- This topic has 34 replies, 20 voices, and was last updated 8 years, 3 months ago by
November 15, 2016 at 9:00 pm #43409
… also for the love of god, tall grass; the grass stalks in a field are the most annoying thing to deal with when pvping.
I agree with Cysteen’s point, however I don’t think you can break any blocks at all while you are pvp tagged, even if those blocks are siegeable. This means that tall grass would still be annoying if it was added to the soft block list. Would it be possible to allow soft blocks to be broken during a siege even if a player is tagged?
November 15, 2016 at 9:23 pm #43410oh yeah… derp. well aside from the pvp, it’s still annoying if youre trying to get to a spot and theres tons of grass in the way. its just annoying.
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- A Proud Member of The Asylum-November 15, 2016 at 10:17 pm #43414Let’s all remember this as well: If we make stone brick siegable, then one will not change the way their bases are made, but what material they are made of. Instead of a stone brick box, one would expect to see a hardened clay box or a log box 0.o.
Imho, I believe that siege proof blocks should be logical to an extent. Stone bricks are pretty tough to break, yeah? Wood slab? Not much different than the soft wood block that is already breakable.
This isn’t a factions server, so the longer the list, the closer we become to one. On the same token, this isn’t a creative server acting as a “safe space” either. Raiding shouldn’t be impossible, just made somewhat difficult as it is a PIRATE server. The fact a chest can be locked and the copious amount of people that still manage to get cleaned out after a raid is unbelievable.
Back on topic, what I believe we are looking for is a happy medium- a system that allows the talent of our creative builders to be expressed within their piratey creations as well as the ruthless looting of said creations to occur without unnecessary damages. Just some food for though ;D
November 16, 2016 at 3:16 am #43434Guys, for the love of god don’t make stone brick siegable… I use it for all my designs. (None are boxes I promise)
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@GTerwilligerNovember 16, 2016 at 12:24 pm #43469Hmm… A part of this server’s appeal, in my arrogant opinion, is that it is similar to factions, yet not based on gameplay. The BE would be completely different on a factions server, London would not be a homely, eccentric city, but a practical box. I personally would prefer pirate-style domains then unseigable stone brick boxes, but including siegable cobble slabs and other soft blocks might make the latter much more appealing. Soft blocks are great for aesthetics, and to all soft blocks siegable would reduce their viability, in turn reducing the design and creativity on the server. Do we want gameplay influenced strongholds, or authentic ports and castles? TLDR: Soft blocks make houses look better, Making them siegable makes houses look worse.
Yup we all fully agree on staff, but the list is very old for siegeable blocks and could be updated with some new ones, thats why this thread exists to pick some more blocks so there is a balance between. On the other side of the fence we have all the PVP players saying, we need more blocks, so one cancels the other one out! we have to make a compromise somewhere, so you should give the blocks you think should be added.
I don’t agree with Vapes insane list, that would make griefprevention pointless, we don’t want to open up griefing for the sake of griefing, otherwise theres no point in having claims and grief-prevemntion.
Like leaves, why are leaves impenetrable in a siege? Tall grass what a simple thing! yes, I totally agree on tall grass.
Reasons I dont want dirt no the list; Grief, peolpe will just siege and blow up holes to be assholes and create grief, the issue with this is that nobody ever fills in the damn holes. people will just siege just to grief land around you, I agree it should be allowed to be sieged, I just don’t want griefing land to be an asshole to happen, and it will, If I can limit creeperheal to only fix dirt explosions, then it may be possible as the land will repair from explosions, but then this opens up new issues, what if you want to blow a hole in the ground and dont want it to heal?
November 16, 2016 at 12:40 pm #43470I agree with Madhatter that it would be sad to see pretty building materials become siegable. People won’t mix cracked stone and mossy stone bricks with normal stone bricks if they’re siegable. And that makes the server boring. Basically everything in vape’s list sounds reasonable plus the annoying grass. Add crops as well maybe?
To throw in a bit of a wacky idea: What about making stone and/or stone bricks siegable? They’re cheap and literally everywhere. Any base can be made pretty much siege-proof by simply digging a hole straight down into the ground. The downside is that 99% of bases on the server will immediately become siegable. Plus griefing might get out of hand.
Perhaps this would be more of an option for the upcoming hardcore world?
November 16, 2016 at 12:42 pm #43472This makes me so happy! PVP rating will grow because of this!
Mother and soul protector of the Elven Empire
November 16, 2016 at 12:53 pm #43474Stone brick is arguably the #1 building material in the game. If we made that siegable, anybody on will have to redesign their base.
What about players taking a break? Will they get sieged as soon as they join? It will cost the server hundreds of dollars (in-game, I’ve spent like 300 in total on stone brick) please, let’s not make it siegable, cracked nor normal.
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@GTerwilligerNovember 16, 2016 at 1:07 pm #43485I agree with Cysteen’s point, however I don’t think you can break any blocks at all while you are pvp tagged, even if those blocks are siegeable. This means that tall grass would still be annoying if it was added to the soft block list. Would it be possible to allow soft blocks to be broken during a siege even if a player is tagged?
Nope its a separate plugin that manages PVP tagging and is nothing to do with siege. can you request this thread in please.
@GTerwilliger @PaulOnFire @NickyB_123We’re not going to make stone bricks siegeable, I think that was made as a bad joke by @Redstone_Potato who even said it was a joke. that some of you took seriously? *rolls eyes*
So far long grass has made the cut (get the pun hur hur) will people stop replying to a bad joke as though its going to happen
November 16, 2016 at 2:09 pm #43487I thought it was a pretty good joke…
Also, I’d like to add that maybe we should make string a soft block(maybe only if its connected to a tripwire hook?) just to make it so a trap can be avoided by a careful raider.
Currently, I can see someone just keeping shears on hand to remove a tripwire every time they want to enter their base, then replace it and wire it to an inescapable death trap.
November 16, 2016 at 3:17 pm #43495I thought it was a pretty good joke…
You are right, it was great, until I had to explain it.. haha
String is a good though, I quite like the idea of traps though, you are usually screwed in a siege unless you prepair for it, and a cannon trap is usually a good bet for maybe doing some damage! So not agreeing on this, since people hardly create traps, I would prefer more peolpe spent time creating them! I love a good trap! ive had a cannon one on my doorway forever (cannons can be fired from redstone)
November 16, 2016 at 5:18 pm #43506Yeah I was going to say the same thing as @Godsdead on this one. Cobwebs were also mentioned, which are also used in traps of the sort. To encourage the use of traps, we just need to be sure that the redstone related blocks aren’t on the siege list.
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~ Deckie of Angels ~November 16, 2016 at 5:31 pm #43507I’m with CrazyPirate here. I believe the list of seigeable blocks needs to remain very small. The purpose of seige is to kill and loot. Not to grief. If you add all slabs and all stairs to that list youre builds on the server are going to go down immensely in quality. It’s the slabs and the stairs and the fences and the walls that add the necessary detail to make a good build become exceptional.
Furthermore, if you add little things like plants to the list, you aren’t achieving anything. A poppy has never stopped me from getting to another player. Most plants you can move through anyways. So all you would achieve by making them seigeable is that when a player gets seiged, and is safe inside his house, the Seiger will proceed to tear out all his landscaping, yard, and build details out of anger that he can’t get to the player, which is costing that player potentially dozens of hours of work. Not to mention seige still doesn’t have a timer of 20 minutes like before. It’s a neverending free for all of grief if the player is safe.
Yes, this is a PVP server. But we are just as much about the pride of our builds. As a builder primarily, to lose slabs and stairs would devastate me.
Finally, there are many players who have preexisting builds that use a lot of slabs stairs etc because they wanted a good looking build. Some of these players do not get on anymore but once in a blue moon. IF the decision is made to change the seigeable block list, which I hope it doesn’t, the new list needs to be announced, and players will need time to edit their builds before the change is implemented. This change would take me approx 12 hours of gameplay if you add slabs and stairs to the list. I have an entire build made out of cobble stone slab so that it was diverse and different.
So all this goes to say, unless you want to ruin a lot of the gorgeous builds on the server, have our griefing complaints increase tenfold, and want us all to live in stonebrick boxes, I urge you all to PLEASE consider the builders and exercise restraint when considering adding blocks to the seigeable list.
November 16, 2016 at 8:25 pm #43524it truly is a shame we must worry about needless griefing of pretty builds.. this is why we cannot have nice things, people!!! =_=”
tall grass added- THANK YOU!!!!!
slabs/stairs- as a builder I do use a lot of those. slabs allows a lot of detail, since cobble isn’t that bad of a block if used as an accent. stairs was debatable, but im kinda negative on that one even though I did suggest it.
as for leaves, I build custom trees, and placing the leaves is difficult and annoying (difficult to get the damn thing to look nice), but it’s also annoying to be unable to get to someone because theyre hiding behind a tree, or if they live in a thick forest and run in circles, having you play a game of cat and mouse in a maze.
Builder: if I have to rebuild my trees I will cut a @#$%^&*.
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- A Proud Member of The Asylum-November 16, 2016 at 9:32 pm #43531yea like cys im torn, pretty much everyone on here knows i cant build for shit :P, but i do like being able to build nice things and not seeing a stone brick box everywhere.
once again as cys said, its a shame there is always gonna be those assholes that want to kill everything in a siege, which is why im torn. i want sieges to be more realistic, like breaking wood variants and pretty much all dirt, but i also dont want those assholes to make the map look like swiss cheese.
im fine with whatever is decided in here, but i would like to keep the list relatively short so we dont turn into a factions server.
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