Reporting: Mojake_69_420 (toxicity, harassment, etc etc)

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    My Username: Stewie0404

    Player(s) Being Reported: Mojake
    Username: Mojake_69_420
    UUID: Ima just put this in attachments bc well it also shows his skin….
    Punishment Tracker URL:

    Reason for Report (please select as needed)
    Toxicity, Inappropriate chat, Inappropriate skin

    Overview Description of Report:
    I think this speaks for itself but for theΒ god knows whatΒ time mojake has accused once again a player of hacking. Then called him a chode eater (a chode is were a males penis is wider than it is long). Also when I was looking for his UUID I found his skin…lets just say it aint pg

    Detailed Information:
    Muted twice since he got unbanned (for doxing someone btw)

    see yourself

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    The Clown (on leave until further notice)

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    I am embracing my European side by wearing a cute speedo. And how about you stop reporting things that I way to other people since they don’t involve you at all.

    Pls unban me

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    That’s ur defense didn’t involve me? huh not denying what u did was wrong tho kk

    also new attachment of what he named his sword

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    The Clown (on leave until further notice)

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    He responded with lol, i think your more offended them him

    Pls unban me

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    Yes it’s bad, but Stewie you’re only targeting him because of your hatred for his crew. Stop trying so hard.

    Overhead the albatross
    Hangs motionless upon the air

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    Portugal you are 100% right, stewie needs to shut up and mind his own business

    Dragonlord of the Valyrian Freehold (VAL)
    Former High Capal of Military and Conquest in ROME
    fucking no life loser

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    No I believe Stewie has the right to defend himself and you should not try and shut him down.

    That is the actions of the guilty who are trying to hide the truth from coming to light.

    Truth: Mojake is guilty of using /sethomes to siege, kill and, harass players on this server.

    Its nice to see you defending your friends Ender but not at the cost of silencing others and what they have to say.

    BeΒ  respectful if you can not then leave.


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    I think Stewie should be able to defend himself however this is none of his business and it did not involve him at all so he has nothing to defend. He butts in on everyone business and he has no involvement with any of this so he should not be commenting.

    Pls unban me

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    Stewie You annoy me here is how you fix that however be respectful and keep your nose out of players buisness and stop trying to play admin if you dont like these kind of things join another server and yes i do admit i think mojake is the 2nd most annoying player on the server it still gives you no right to get involved by reporting rome for things they do in a war that has nothing to do eith you

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    Thanks for the report.
    The player is banned atm.


    Proud Member of the Piratecraft history πŸ™‚

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