Stone Co.Lets get down to business

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  • #24665
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    So lets down to business. We pay our workers 20-25 cents per stack and set up a nether colony for quick extraction of lava to smelt. We important cobble to the nether colony and smelt hundreds of stacks per hour. We sell each stack 2-4 dollars and make 500-2500$ per day. We can have our workers dig out tunnels around the world to find mob spawners. We could put small fast boats in the tunnel to save up on food or use minecarts which ever is faster and cheaper. Then we use the mob spawners found during mining and turn them into xp farms and use them to make lots of enchantment books for god picks to mine faster and increase stone production from around 250-500 stacks per day to 1000-10,000 stacks per day. We save up stacks of stone every day until we get enough to build Great Entaria. We will also make it so that each worker has his/her own room to put his/her stone in so that we can count the amount of stacks they mined. Also anyone who is caught stealing supplies will be killed.

    John Archaius - The Inventor whose machines usually blow up.

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