Keteleone threatening me with reports and swearing

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    Look this is getting really petty so lemme shine some light on this. Whether Gen targeted you first or last, it doesn’t matter, you would of been killed eventually in whatever order suites Gen_Ben.

    Gen has done nothing wrong here, he might of targeted you first but either way everyone there was killed, therefore you threatening Gen is completely out of the question.

    Now let’s try and state actual points instead of snapping at each other like pathetic children…


    Leader of the Verussian Empire and the country Verussia.

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    ik this isn’t gonna help but ket is pretty annoying so….if ben chooses to attack someone that he dosent like once and a while it shount be harassment. this has gone to a point where you join a raid too kill and you die and then cry like a baby and threating the guy who killed you….I agree with elo on this one the harassment has to have a line it shount be like this anymore….


    Posesore of the Ope Ope No Mi

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    Thank you all. I am going to not irritate staff by leaving keto be. But! as everyone states i do not believe i have done anything wrong here and keto is mad cus he lost some stuff. Maybe hell have learnt his lesson and wont be so quick to irritate staff with petty threats and reports.


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    Ya know this is kinda my fault, i have a huge temper. Sorry Ben, it is my fault.

    My stupidity has gone to its max

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