crazywolf5000 has an auto fisher

Home Forums Server Support Player Reports crazywolf5000 has an auto fisher

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    My Username: Nick_A_Naut

    Player(s) Being Reported.
    Username: crazywolf5000
    UUID: 75a41cec-f728-43f2-8af3-c805c07fb2cf
    Punishment Tracker URL:

    Reason for Report:
    Exploiting: Has an afk fishing machine.

    Overview Description of Report
    During a siege earlier today, LEGO and I found a machine in his base which turned out to be an afk fishing machine.

    Coords are: -7337, -3330

    Detailed Information
    His roof was made out of glass, and so we could see into the top part of his base. There was some machine with tripwires, redstone, a noteblock and water, which all pointed towards it being an afk machine of some kind. I took a look in the chest and it was full of things you’d find while fishing; fish, fish heads, leather armor, bottles, tripwire hooks etc. I took screenshots and recreated the contraption on creative, tested it out and it was indeed an afk fishing machine. I told him he had some kind of afk fishing machine and he admitted he did.

    Him admitting it was an afk fisher:

    Screenshots of the machine:

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    Was he aware of the rules? Was he aware they’re considered, ” cheating “?

    Not to be that guy, (although you are) can’t we cut some slack because it’s the Christmas season? It wasn’t too long ago that the punishment for afk machines was a stats reset, why not deliver the same punishment, or even demote him a rank. A warning…? People make mistakes, people become frustrated and desperate, and even the ignorance and innocence of children (for whom this game showcases) is often confused with a cynical attitude. Do not forget to include this in punishment, or at least when seeking verdict. In fact, CrazyWolf5000’s punishment tracker is, well, almost pristine. Hello? There are way worse records of players here–all evidence points to the innocence of being unknowing.

    Again, not to be that guy, but nobody likes a tattletale. I’m sure Lego would’ve sufficiently and appropriately reported this, him being staff, and all…

    For once in anyone’s life, consider the other possibilities.

    Image result for Quotes about christmas and forgiveness

    Oops. How did that get here? Oh well!

    Merry Christmas, Joyeux Noel!


    ProWil (formerly Wilson Manzer),
    General Secretariat of The Papal State
    PirateCraft Veteran, circa 2015.

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