Reply To: I was calling staff "thots" and im upset I got a 1 hour mute.

Home Forums Server Support Player Reports I was calling staff "thots" and im upset I got a 1 hour mute. Reply To: I was calling staff "thots" and im upset I got a 1 hour mute.

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Ok vlad here is the thing Buck did this for the simple reply of “thot” and ive seen alot worse said to staff member’s. I get a 5 minute mute but eve that id kinda pushing it for “thot” you talk about kosmac taking jabs while buck possibly did an unteasonable action due to his bias and hatred for kosmac. Kosmac just thought that he would try to help out and report what he thought was an unacceptable response he just wanted to make sure this didnt happen to others and he wanted this issue to be checked out so i does not happen again because of personal conflicts. I just do not belive staff descsions should be based on a personal bias or hate. Not to mention on the 23rd buck was warned for racist comments which i belive is alot worse than “thot”. I know kosmac and i dont havevthe cleanest records but that doesnt mean my response is invalid because of that but in this situation we did not use racist language. You could argue the same saying buck’s racist comments warning doesnt make all yis punishments invalid but the thing is he is a staff member that is supposed to prevent such things from being said. In my point of view someone thats supposed to prevent players from getting out of hand should not have said somthing racist very recently and then do a unreasonable action a few days later. I understand i may not be the most PG character on the server but i expect everyone should be treated equally when it comes to staff interactions.

– sincerely Nitro

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