Search Results for 'mountainrasta'

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  • #39966
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    Mountainrasta, Danielmclachlen has used this method in the past of cannons, they were in the same crew, so, idk lel.


    • Topics: 12
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    Sorry, @mountainrasta there is no way to help me. The only way to fix it, is to log on on a computer and exiting the death screen… D:

    The enemy of my enemy is my friend
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    Hey guys!

    On wednesday I will fly to Ireland for a year abroad. I am very excited but sad too.
    So my crew and shop will stay alive, if you want something please contact Bengtsen. He will run the crew and shop while I am away. 😀

    I want to thank @GodsDead, that he runs this dope server, all the admins who let the server stay clean from gangsters 🙂 and every Player who let the server live! This was an amazing time since I joined the first time like nearly 3 years ago and I was alive during a long period of time with many players and a lot of experiences.
    I will miss you guys!
    See you soon <3



    You were one of the first persons I talked to when I joined. You let me live in your city and let me join the BE. Unfortunately our ways have split up 😀

    If you see this, I like you and you were my first German friend and I’m still angry that you were so stupid to make adverts for an other server -.-

    You were one of the first Admins! Ich hätte zwar gerne mal deine Stimme gehört, ist aber nicht so schlimm 😀
    Ich kann mich noch gut daran erinnern, dass du früher und heute immer mit eisen Rüssi rumgelaufen bist, aber trotzdem God-Schwert und God-Bogen dabei hattest. Das ist dein Markenzeichen 😛

    Ich werde nie vergessen wie wir den Stripclub gebaut haben! Außerdem hätten wir mal unser gespräche screenchotten sollen 😀

    @CaptainCrackerz Your stone brick factory was legendary in michty’s city. The stones helped you to get a very good PvPer!

    You are the only 16 year old grandpa I every saw :D. Btw you scared me when you where in the role of a priest.

    Solis with you were amazing and I hope you don’t blow up our G-farm 😛


    you helped me in every situation (with the Guardian Farm :P) and were a good friend! I swear when I am 18 years old I will buy you a beer for 10€!!!!!

    The last months were amazing with you, we setted up a little trading company! And btw your beard is gigantic and DOPE 😀

    I can’t believe, that there is something like an armistice between us and please get a drivers license I want to see you driving up a tree :3
    Without you, public traffic wouldn’t be fun.

    Why do you have this complicated name??? I hope you are still alive when I’m back!

    You were the one and only suicide squad from Solis and the one and only sheep head in my shop!

    Sooooliiiiis! You let me join one of the nicest crews on this server and we walked through victories and disgraces. You shaved the heads of the enemies with your hand! You are my man!

    You are the coolest irish rasta on the server! I will come and find you in Ireland!!!! muahahhaha

    @Riverwood202 #soliscrew! You are the only purpple, blue haired human cat I every saw 😀 OMG We had a lot of fun and i know that I am insane 😉 #music

    Why this name?! lol You are my dope PvP bro and I promis you when I am back we will raise the top of the KDR!!!!! yeeeah

    You are a Kartoffelchip! I will come and get you after what you did when I was a deckie/cadet/sailor -.-

    I still remember you and I ever bought in your shop! But now it’s me who tries to set up a shop like you 😀

    ROACH QUEEN number 1!!! Btw I never muted you when you sang something in TS



    The enemy of my enemy is my friend
    • Topics: 794
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    • Topics: 111
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    Figures, the one time I’m departed from Piratecraft this event happens.

    what recording software do you use?


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    Super news! Congratulations, Mountainrasta. I’m sure you’ll do a swell job! 😀

    • Topics: 44
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    Congratulations mountainrasta!!!

    Thanks for taking that on, there is always lots to do!

    I agree with Hades though, the gif is funny, but also strangely disturbing ?

    Brother Kanube, head of the Order of St. Ender, Watcher of the Void
    ~~~~~ from the dust of the void all is made, and to the void it returns~~~~~

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    Congrats mountainrasta! You are an excellent choice for staff

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    Congrats mountainrasta.

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    Please can you all welcome @mountainrasta to the PirateCraft team, he is on a 2 week trial as Commodore from now!

    Welcome to the team mountainrast, thank you for stepping up to help keep PirateCraft awesome.

    Everyone raise your rum bottles!


    • Topics: 16
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    I see 2 main flaws  in your logic.

    1. I think the way it will go is people will  claim an extra 20 blocks on all sides and fill them with a solis blocks to counter against the fruit, making alot of big stone boxes.

    People have to be insane to build 20 block thick walls. lets say that your base is…30 blocks by 30 blocks and 10 blocks high. In order to have a “chorus fruit proof base” you would need over 500 stacks of stone brick(over 32K blocks).

    2.  They take the skill out of getting into a base and also take take use of making a secure base when the only way to keep you stuff safe is to have a small room with blocked chests!

    Where is the skill in getting into a base in the first place if its a solid stone box? There is no skill in attacking something that cannot be attacked. It is also very easy as Cysteen said to spend 5 seconds and put a block over your chest and break it as well.

    Chorus fruit gives an actual meaning to attacking unsiegeable base nuber 6356. The fact that you now have a chance to actually get inside would motivate many more players  to go and attack someone with the hopes of getting into their god stash or diamond stash.

    A promise made is a debt unpaid.
    -Robert W. Service

    • Topics: 14
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    @mountainrasta Chorus Fruit DOES NOT work in your claim, nor do Ender Pearls. Unless someone has /accesstrust or more permissions.

    Winning a siege gives you that access, and thus they are free to roam your plot. Just because it’s a new game mechanic doesn’t make it a problem.

    "Life is not fair; get used to it."
    - Bill Gates


    In reply to: Post Ya Screenshots!

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    Hello Again :) This is my Third Album ? Please take some time off to take a look at them and honestly tell me what you think of them by either messaging me or posting down below. This album is by far my largest with over 120 Pictures. ? This time I tweaked some settings for the default texturepack and used the 126x HD Minecraft Texture Pack with the renowned SEUS High Motion Blur Shaders v1.2 Also I concentrated on the warps this time, some forgotten areas of cove, hidden areas at spawn and much more ? Link- 2nd Link coming soon … blame my internet ? @ChaileyOfficial, @GodsDead, @mountainrasta, @smokeyriver Hope You like em and also my 4 hours on this didn’t go to waste :)


    John Smith Legacy with the seus ultra shaders @secondeath


    In reply to: Post Ya Screenshots!

    • Topics: 19
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    Hello Again 🙂

    This is my Third Album 😛

    Please take some time off to take a look at them and honestly tell me what you think of them by either messaging me or posting down below.

    This album is by far my largest with over 120 Pictures. 😛

    This time I tweaked some settings for the default texturepack and used the 126x HD Minecraft Texture Pack with the renowned SEUS High Motion Blur Shaders v1.2

    Also I concentrated on the warps this time, some forgotten areas of cove, hidden areas at spawn and much more 😀


    2nd Link coming soon … blame my internet 😀

    @ChaileyOfficial, @GodsDead, @mountainrasta, @smokeyriver

    Hope You like em and also my 4 hours on this didn’t go to waste 🙂



    In reply to: Post Ya Screenshots!

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    Just wanted opinions on these 😀

    These are 2 albums but with the default texturepack and SEUS High Motion Blur Shaders



    More Albums Coming soon with LDB Real Texture Pack and Btw Mountainrasta what is the texturepack you are using? 😛


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