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  • #59864

    In reply to: Alliance Request

    • Topics: 6
    • Replies: 32
    • Total: 38
    • ★★

    I SpikyCactus2105,

    Prime Minister of The Dominion Of Canada (CAN),

    Hereby requests an alliance with The Mighty British Empire.

    I am starting a new crew and I need allies, I think that naturally we should alliance, because in real life the United Kingdom and Canada are strong allies, and we could be strong together. I currently have a city in British territory and in British waters, I want to stay peaceful with the mighty BE.

    Thank you for reading this!


    This is the account for SpikyCactus’ old username; Gamer_2105. It has been abandoned.

    Crew History:
    - Dawgs (leader)
    - CAN (leader)
    - BE (leader)
    - CSN (member)
    - HI (member)
    - PY (leader)


    In reply to: Alliance Request

    • Topics: 10
    • Replies: 46
    • Total: 56
    • ★★★

    Declaration of Alliance,

    To the Imperial Crown and Parliament of the British,

    From the Imperial Crown of the Lancastrians,

    Date September of the 9th, of 2018,

    Here on this day we do by right of the Crown of Lancastria, submit a proposal to the British Empire asking for an alliance between our two nations.  We have for over a time which spans past one year been in a Non-Aggression Pact between us and, have grown in our friendship and trade.  We the Lancastrians, have been friends with members of the British including Bazurka, Lazydog11, and many others.  From which our intelligence has gathered, it seems that such proposal of alliance seems to be of most good for both our nations for prosperity, for the unlimited future henceforth.

    In best hopes of us both, we sign by the name of the Imperial Crown of Lancastria,



    ~His Majesty Crowned Minister of the Imperial del Lancastria~

    • Topics: 794
    • Replies: 3343
    • Total: 4137
    • ★★★★★★★★

    Ahoy! I thought since our /staff was years out of date I would tackle it tonight, and it took me the entire evening!

    /staff now shows all online staff including helpers, builders and build leaders now, /staff 2 lists all staff and their commands and I have moved the inactive staff to an inactive panel so players now know who the active staff are.

    • I have re-formatted /staff and /staff 2 to reflect staff online and list all current and inactive staff.
    • Role change, The_Network will no longer be dealing with any moderation and was moved from RearAdmiral to Housewright, from Admin to Build Leader, so he no longer has any moderation/admin tools, but can now promote/demote craftsman (builder) across all servers and is building a build team, so get in contact on
    • Role change, creeprr was moved from Housewright (build leader) to shipwright (Developer) and will be working on custom plugins/fixing broken plugins, shipwright is the same color in game as housewright so not much change apart from title for creeprr at present!
    • Removed ranks from inactive staff: javainvader, PaulOnFire, Chailey, KellyYore, they are all welcome back if they start to playing again.
    • Created missing /Maximus_Terragon, /lazydog11, /emielreijs, /pythonace, /The_Network, /creeprr (updated lucky to /_freke_)
      These will be active from the next restart.
    • Updated /mountainrasta and /Lawzoneon to have the right colored usernames.

    Now at some point I need to update the website Team page.

    • Topics: 1
    • Replies: 0
    • Total: 1

    Current Username: MotiionFuRy
    Username when banned: MotiionFuRy
    UUID: 4e7bef42-17af-42e9-bd2f-8563ffcc0e87
    Your punishment tracker link: Its not up yet
    Banned By: lazydog11

    i got banned for xray because I was using a texture pack that made some blocks slightly transparent. i didnt make any money off of it and any diamonds i have in my inventory you can take if you want. i dont really care too much about them. just dont wanna be banned from a cool server. i changed my texture pack if you decide to unban me. if not then ill see you in 6 months if i remember. really cool server btw.

    • Topics: 10
    • Replies: 32
    • Total: 42
    • ★★

    My Username: zackbacon

    Player(s) Being Reported.
    Username: ProWil
    UUID: dbda4951-8699-49ee-89ac-1e38b512ed25
    Punishment Tracker URL:

    Reason for Report: Harrassing, Breaking Rules

    Overview Description of Report
    I was Sailing my ship last night through an UNCLAIMED area around his base to get to the open ocean, and mid voyage, he claimed my entire ship and put cobblestone everywhere and we couldn’t move, then he logged so we couldn’t siege him to get our ship back, Lazydog11 was online and we told them about it but when they asked ProWil to unclaim our ship, he refused. ProWil has also been harrassing me by using his base that is only a 30 second walk from mine, to repeatedly come and try to kill me over and over again. Which would be abusing his claim and sethome. Please someone do something about this, I have done everything in my power to try to find a solution without staff, but ProWil is being too difficult and will not stopping the harassment and abuse.

    Detailed Information
    The ship is a 3000 block indiaman and he placed cobblestone in every direction, The only times we ever killed him or attacked him in any way during this was two times, once because he was attempting to claim it, and twice because he did claim it. He claims he did it to keep us from attacking him but I specifically said many times in chat “We are just passing through will we aren’t after you I just want to get by” he was the one who first attacked us.

    I made this on my phone so that hopefully it will be over sooner, but I’m going to add my screenshots tonight.


    Prepare for the worst, Hope for the best.

    • Topics: 4
    • Replies: 2
    • Total: 6

    Current Username: Alec_Rider
    Username when banned: Alec_Rider
    UUID: 902e77b5-74c6-480c-902b-7882c0dba849
    Your punishment tracker link:
    Banned By: lazydog11

    Unban Appeal:


    So it has been a long time since I got banned, I think over 7 months. In that time I appealed twice and got denied, as I had to wait 6 months for the unban to be considered. I really enjoyed the server and had no idea people got banned by xray. What’s more, i didn’t even know x-ray existed until people talked about it in the chat. I guessed it was wrong, but I never heard or read andywhere it was forbidden until i wen into the forums and into the unban appeals after getting a ban myself. I hope I am forgiven.


    • Topics: 94
    • Replies: 650
    • Total: 744
    • ★★★★★★

    Its been 1 year and 6 months since the wonderful PaulOnFire made his own list back in January of 2017. Old list can be found -> here <-
    This list serves as a reference point, and comparison to the PMC of 1 year 6 months ago. I’ve tried to include as many crews as I can (I’m not doing all 243).



    Some key points before I start (very similar to Paul’s original post):

    1. This is based off data from the 16th July 2018. It is entirely possible that people have changed crews, come back from inactivity, or founded new crews in the meantime.
    2. The crews are ranked according to number of active players
    3. ‘Active players’ count as any players that were active in the last 30 days
    4. Some crew descriptions from the last list have been carried forward, as long as they are still relevant and/or the exact same crew
    5. I have tried to avoid 1 or 2 man crews, such as my own, and will only be including a few that are of mention
    6. The crew names are spelt as they are in-game, including typos and spacing issues. I might have types some of the player names wrong, but please don’t rip my head off because of that.
    7. There are a LOT of crews I don’t know anything about. Feel free to post more information below!


    • Terminology (these are my definitions, not official ones):
      • ‘Empire/Kingdom’ – A generally peaceful crew with anti-pirate intentions; featuring a distinctive government or leadership system, split into mostly the ruling class, generals and officials, and common folk
      • ‘Empire – esque’ – A generally peaceful crew with characteristics of empire crews, but who give more control to the non-leaders, or have a completely separate system. These are usually considered pretty chill crews.
      • ‘Collective crew’ – A crew with mixed intentions, whereby almost every member has an input in running the crew. There isn’t much in the form of hierarchy – mostly group decisions.
      • ‘Pirate crew’ – A crew with either anti-empire crew intentions, stealing and pillaging, or working as hired mercenaries. They are usually the smallest crews, but are seen as the greatest threat to peace for empire crews. There are some exceptions.
      • ‘Mafia crew’ – An organized international body of criminals that work together to achieve common goals.
      • If it just says ‘crew’ then the crew either doesn’t fit any of those descriptions above, or I just don’t know. I don’t want endless terms used; that can wait for another post :I


    The list (eventually):

    Active members: 73
    Total members: 73
    Leaders: lakesidekiller, JackRackam
    Description: A pirate crew created to help new deckhands, by teaching them how to fight and rise up against their oppressive leaders. This crew has grown immensely fast, and rivals the likes of the British Empire in size and scale of the crew.

    British Empire (BE)
    Active members: 65
    Total members: 100
    Leaders: Petalface, Taulov, michty, PaulOnFire, Bislo1, lazydog11, Bazurka, CrazyPirate1, benthebruce, WaterPool, gildor_stinky 
    Description: One of the oldest empires on the server that prides itself for the use of democracy. Home to established veterans and deckhands alike.

    CosaNostra (CSN)
    Active members: 46
    Total members: 46
    Leaders: SpiderDeluxe, Pizza_Lover_02, SirSharky, sarisinqatil
    Description: An Italian Mafia style crew that describes itself as “if you don’t respect us you will become a concrete pillar”

    Byzantium (BYZAN)
    Active members: 36
    Total members: 37
    Leaders: Jolem, sophiemw
    Description: An empire crew based on the East Roman Empire. With a fast growing member count, and a growing number of towns and cities; this crew might soon rival the likes of the British and Elven Empires

    The Asylum (TAS)
    Active members: 31
    Total members: 49
    Leaders: Cysteen, PythonAce, Torkey, Nahadoth
    Description: A collective crew and renowned mental institution for some of the richest and most powerful pirates on the server.

    Elven Empire (EM)
    Active members: 29
    Total members: 64
    Leaders: TarCalen, ThorinCalen, TheTikiTotem
    Description: An empire recreated from the remains of the former Elven Empire. With a fast growing member count, and growing number of cities, the Elves are here to stay.

    The New Roman Republic (TNRR)
    Active members: 25
    Total members: 73
    Leaders: cosmickingjoel, GingfulGlider, Palm_Top_Taiga_, GamerBoyMarcos, triple_diamondYT, LydsTheScrapper, TheSamuelSlayer
    Description: An empire-esque crew aiming to recreate the glory of the former Roman Republic.

    Warriors of the Sea (The)
    Active members: 17
    Total members: 17
    Leaders: TGKnife, AustinsAscension
    Description: Another fast growing crew with strong military routes, who value well trained warriors over everything else

    Scavangers of the deep (S0D)
    Active members: 16
    Total members: 16
    Leaders: BLURP_, blackviking236
    Description: A crew created to scavenge the depths of the oceans for riches, and kick ass it seems

    Parrot Lovers (PL)
    Active members: 14
    Total members: 28
    Leaders: Shockerboy686, Peppykiss395
    Description: A crew dedicated to parrot lovers alike, and those who enjoy Shockerboy’s youtube videos. As far as I can tell, they have the most allies out of any crew on the server at 71 crews! Lots of people most love parrots I guess.

    The Redstonian Legion (TRT)
    Active members: 12
    Total members: 12
    Leaders: MelonIsNotAFruit, LogoTRT
    Description: An organised crew created for redstone lovers.

    JuiceKings (Apple)
    Active members: 11
    Total members: 48
    Leaders: batteria_, francocicio, AppleJK, MarcoHero
    Description: An empire-esque crew with a fruit theme that has conquered many islands and turned them into a fruitful paradise. Marula island is home to the largest arena and one of the largest ports on the server.

    Lancastrian Empire (LE)
    Active members: 11
    Total members: 33
    Leaders: TheAgentGamer, RainbowInferno
    Description: An empire based on the popular series Game of Thrones, with a highly organised government system and several large towns and cities.

    Triumvirate (TRI)
    Active members: 11
    Total members: 20
    Leaders: BrassMonkey56, ArcticWarriorOG, tntdude1100, Mpr100, Prain6573
    Description: A slow growing crew with several towns and villages throughout the world.

    Armada (royal)
    Active members: 11
    Total members: 11
    Leaders: Guard10
    Description: A fast growing and organised crew which may soon rival active member counts of the British Empire or Elven Empire.

    Isengard (Isen)
    Active members: 10
    Total members: 12
    Leaders: VladDracul, HelloChap, Henry_The_Seeker, MABturquoise, sgbyellow
    Description: A kingdom with several large forts and castles, which has led the kingdom to become a very secure place for its citizens

    Forsaken (FSKN)
    Active members: 9
    Total members: 10
    Leaders: JUSAShrek1, anandak
    Description: A true pirate crew with a heavy focus on bringing even the most powerful crews to their knees

    Kingdom of Nador Duhl (KON)
    Active members: 8
    Total members: 10
    Leaders: WeirdoFish, LeeJP, lhenshaw, TerraTyphoon
    Description: A kingdom created to rival the likes of the British Empire, but one that has seen better days.

    Horsia (Horse)
    Active members: 7
    Total members: 26
    Leaders: Wemb, Unallowed, Gobiwan, Saltpigeon
    Description: A collective crew dedicated to horses… no wait, making even the largest crews on the server crumble in desperation with a strong focus on pvp.

    Eternal Empire of Hydra (Hydra)
    Active members: 5
    Total members: 8
    Leaders: Chiroptera419, dpex81, trooper306, Spock1101
    Description: A collective crew based on the evil Hydra organisation in the Marvel comic universe. Hydra has gained the respect of the community through its professional YouTube videos of daring heists.

    The New Empire (TNE)
    Active members: 5
    Total members: 34
    Leaders: ScriptX, Lord__MJ
    Description: An empire created at a time when existing empires were collapsing, and managing to grow quickly at the time. They own some of the most beautiful ports on the server.

    The German Empire (GE)
    Active members: 5
    Total members: 28
    Leaders: dupleximp, TucksLuck, nightstryker179, ZedXenon, MOLLYBEAR1123
    Description: A once powerful empire created to rival that of the British Empire and Elven Empires. It is largely considered a ‘dead’ crew now.

    The Verussian Republic (VER)
    Active members: 4
    Total members: 25
    Leaders: Prowil, warbluke, kaz1086, MCMonkeyGMx, emeraldfire11, zackbacon
    Description: An empire-esque crew created from the ruins of the old Verussian Empire, this crew prides itself as one of the oldest continually running crew. They own several large towns, and are constructing a new city.

    The Coalition (CLTN)
    Active members: 4
    Total members: 24
    Leaders: JoeDanger_, KetohPie, Riverwood202, Cappur, The_Network
    Description: A collective crew created by a group of ex-TAS members as to offer an alternative crew to TAS with a heavier pvp focus. They own one of the largest navies on the server, docked securely at The Citadel.

    The Loners (Lone)
    Active members: 4
    Total members: 14
    Leaders: bloatedhippo
    Description: A small crew that manages to hold their own against some of the largest crews on the server

    The Whitherbeard Clan (YETI)
    Active members: 4
    Total members: 11
    Leaders: MrBluBeardedYeti, Galaxy219, 0romis
    Description: A clan of yeti people know for their peaceful nature.

    Hydra Division (Reich)
    Active members: 4
    Total members: 4
    Leaders: Kirn_, Bengtsen
    Description: A collective crew also based on Hydra from the Marvel universe, not associated with the Eternal Kingdom of Hydra

    Titan’s Hand
    Active members: 4
    Total members: 4
    Leaders: Galaxy218 (MysticTitan)
    Description: A small band of pirates

    The Xanthian Order (TXO)
    Active members: 3
    Total members: 28
    Leaders: Thymen, lareana, Hewwy, Icanra, PhanteonV
    Description: An empire-esque crew created via the merging of 4 smaller crews and their respective members, including merging with the Elven Empire at one point due to a diplomatic marriage. It is largely considered a ‘dead’ crew now.

    The plant Nation (PLANT)
    Active members: 3
    Total members: 74
    Leaders: SPOOKYPLANT_, azotar
    Description: An empire-esque crew created to help new people on the server find a home. The plant Nation’s crew home was once one of the most densely populated regions on the server. It is largely considered a ‘dead’ crew now.

    Of Moo MooLand (Land)
    Active members: 3
    Total members: 18
    Leaders: uarehere
    Description: A crew dedicated to cows I think, it also seems to be a dictatorship which sounds interesting

    BlackFlag (DMG)
    Active members: 3
    Total members: 18
    Leaders: tannereakin
    Description: An empire-esque crew that seems to be a peaceful pirate crew

    Nocturnal (NOCT)
    Active members: 3
    Total members: 3
    Leaders: Decsain
    Description: A small chill crew created by Decsain after being removed from Forsaken

    La Famiglia (Mafia)
    Active members: 2
    Total members: 8
    Leaders: Simbud, Monkss
    Description: The original Italian mafia crew, created alongside CSN to secure Italian dominance over the server.

    Forsaken Knights (FK)
    Active members: 2
    Total members: 8
    Leaders: Stronzoo
    Description: A bunch of pirate knights basically

    The Royal Italian Army (TRIA)
    Active members: 2
    Total members: 5
    Leaders: Moossolini
    Description: A crew created with a more heavily pvp focus than the likes of TAS or CLTN

    Savage (IDGAF)
    Active members: 2
    Total members: 4
    Leaders: vapecloudbear
    Description:  A small hideout crew for pirates to relax in

    XD (XD)
    Active members: 2
    Total members: 3
    Leaders: emielreijs
    Description: A peaceful crew with close connections to the British Empire, old and new Elven Empires, with a heavy focus on trade and setting up many shipping lanes across the 7 seas.

    The Law Pirates (LAW)
    Active members: 2
    Total members: 2
    Leaders: Lawzoneon
    Description: A pirate and scientists based crew, with peaceful intentions, whos members are scientists, building, and experimenting

    The Order of St Ender (Ender)
    Active members: 1
    Total members: 3
    Leaders: Kanube
    Description: A peaceful crew with a heavy focus on religion

    Xenia (Xenia)
    Active members: 1
    Total members: 1
    Leaders: Maximus_Terragon
    Description: A peaceful crew created and dedicated to the construction of a huge city and port named Xenia.

    TheVernerExpedition (Vern)
    Active members: 1
    Total members: 1
    Leaders: bcbcommish
    Description: A small peaceful crew for explorers

    Chailey (Chai)
    Active members: 1
    Total members: 1
    Leaders: Chailey
    Description: A peaceful crew created by Chailey to relax and stay far away from drama, quite cosy apparently

    Cove (Cove)
    Active members: 1
    Total members: 1
    Leaders: GodsDead
    Description: The most extreme crew on the server; its only ambition is to run the entire server, pay all the bills, sort out the website and any updates, and its only member is a god with godlike powers
    Dear Blizzard, plz nerf

    « Build Team leader »
    « Server Admin »
    Crew History: Red Lotus, 0utlaws, Ottoman Empire, Xenon Empire, The Xanthian Order, The Asylum, Xenia

    • Topics: 2
    • Replies: 0
    • Total: 2

    Current Username: Blackout_25
    Username when banned: Blackout_25
    UUID: 750e617b-3654-489c-b1a7-e5b285cd5f70
    Your punishment tracker link:
    Banned By: lazydog11

    Unban Appeal


    I was recently banned for xray and I love your server and instantly regretted xraying, I just got bored of not finding any ores and wasting my time and I just wanted to help my crew out and now I realize I can’t do anything for them.  Now I understand if you don’t unban me because xray is cheating and not allowed but I am asking for one more chance and I promise from the bottom of my heart I will never do it again.  I wish there were more players on the server to make it more fun and I really thank you for thinking about unbanning me.

    • Topics: 66
    • Replies: 1044
    • Total: 1110
    • ★★★★★★★

    Yeah its called a raid

    And that’s called ignorance.

    @godsdead @mrclusterfluxin @lazydog11

    TO stop idiots responding and picking holes were there are none, let me list where rules are broken and are not in this account on the incident.

    It all started when me and my teammate tried to attack a player which i was paid to attack. However, Drifting showed up, killed me gave my stuff to kzhu.

    -Within rules

    Then lakeside went afk, inside the pvp free zone, a small shack.

    -Within rules, I will infer from what you said that this period of being AFK would be for a short period.

    grabs some fireworks, pushes lake so the fireworks hit the ceiling, in the pvp free zone, hitting him until it kills him.

    -Abuse of game mechanics, and bypassing the pvp-protection zone.

    he pushes me into the same shack and does the same thing that he did to lake, killing me.

    -Read above.

    drifting sieges me

    -Within rules.

    they kill me and they have full access to the base

    -Within rules.

    kill me multiple times, everytime i respawn im killed again.

    -Breaks rule 1, killing a player repeatedly without a valid reason.

    More people are tpd in, and they all spawnkill me,

    -Read above, this looks really bad on our community.

    somone dies, i pick up their stuff, im killed again.

    -Within the rules (although I doubt it was because you have someone’s stuff as the main intention).

    I tried to fight back a bit

    -Often looks bad, but in this case you’ve described I would say fair enough.

    I dont have screenshots of this , but anyone online will vouch for me

    -Unfortunate, but could you please contact these witnesses, and ask them to provide any possible evidence.

    “diccless” hes bypassing chat filter

    -Please try to screenshot this, it also breaks rule 1.

    Overall, this is an incredibly stupid incident, hopefully you will have your fellow witnesses report a back, have the help of staff BUT I ask in this time you respect those who you have accused, as it will only make the process harder.


    Forum’s very own PC Plod.

    • Topics: 94
    • Replies: 650
    • Total: 744
    • ★★★★★★


    Forgot to make a results post for the ship battle at the end of March, so I’m doing a double whammy here. Largest number of ships in battle, and utter chaos for me trying to get it to work haha – don’t worry, things will be different once the arena is created. A post will follow up on that shortly. Thanks for taking part everyone.

    Both battles were split into 2 parts, with a roughly 15-20 minute break after 30 minutes of fighting. I can’t remember much from ship battle #9, and im really tired, so I’m only going to cover results. I know lots of people recorded this time – so that should be awesome.

    Winners (Ship Battle #9):

    1. Teletub 2.0 Myself and a few other people
      HMS Ajax – Italians
      USS Monitor – Moossolini, Blackshadow969
      Shadow Voyager (sov copy) – TAS/CLTN
    2. Unnamed Ship – Peppykiss365

    It was a boring 4-way draw to put it short. I’m thinking of new ways to determine a winner, so I trialed a % of ship left victory method for ship battle #10. Due to the chaos and uncertainty of this particular battle, and the outcome, no winner will be declared and the ships will not be added to the tally of winning ships.

    Results (Ship Battle #10):

    1. Giulio Cesare – Lego (captain), MagmaGolem, Valerio, Romich02, several other Italians
      Shadow Voyager (sov copy) – CreeperMorderen (captain), Cysteen, Maximus_Terragon, Cappur, CrazyMoneyy, MinisterMoo (joined at the end), Kaithefireninja (joined at the end)
      Phantom Narwhal – Astrobolt (captain), who else?
      Iron Duke – Lazydog11 (captain), emielreijs, iBrowe, several other BE members and allies
    2. HMS Ajax – GingfulGlider (captain), several other people
    3. HMS [something with A] – iBrowe (captain), Ic3y, few other people
    4. The Zucc – Kaithefireninja (captain), MinisterMoo, jmeatball
    5. [unnamed ship] – BLURP_ (captain), blackshadow969

    It was officially a 4-way tie again, so i’m not adding any names to the tally of ‘winners’ in the description. However, I did measure the % of the orginal ship still left once the battle was over and handed out prizes accordingly. These are as follows:

    1. Phantom Narwhal – 93.4%
    2. Giulio Cesare (second one) – 85.5%
    3. Shadow Voyager – 80.2%
    4. Iron Duke (second one) – 72.4%


    An apology.

    I am aware that a lot of people enjoyed the battle, however I know of some individuals who may have misunderstood the rules and as such blown up ships with TNT, and/or killed crew members via boarding. This rule will be enforced differently in future, so sorry.

    I would also like to apologize for the chaos, and the ‘unfair advantage’ that some crews had by having a brand new copy of their ship copied in during the break. Future battles will be held differently, and more organized with me being on full-time ‘ship battle moderator’ – so i won’t be taking part in ships battles in future directly.

    Congratulations to all teams that survived the onslaught, and thanks for taking part. I’m looking forward to the screenshots/videos people have recorded! Godsy managed to record the whole battle and he may be able to use some of the material for a piratecraft trailer!

    There will be a followup post in a few days explaining my intentions for future battles – including how to make it more organised, fair, and hopefully fun. I’ll have a chat with godsy, and lay out the possibilities for you guys. :))

    « Build Team leader »
    « Server Admin »
    Crew History: Red Lotus, 0utlaws, Ottoman Empire, Xenon Empire, The Xanthian Order, The Asylum, Xenia


    Topic: UnBan request

    in forum Unban Requests
    • Topics: 2
    • Replies: 0
    • Total: 2

    Current Username: 50ShadersOfClick
    Username when banned: 50ShadersOfClick
    UUID: UUID 6fa0f27a-5707-4a90-81b9-c2313512a349
    Your punishment tracker link:
    Banned By: lazydog11

    Unban Appeal

    Hello dear PirateCraft staffers!. I’ve made this post to let you know that I’ve got the lesson. I have been rightfully banned for using x-ray , but since my ban in 4/28 . My free time is very boring without this wonderful server. I’ve always been respectful to the rules and the other players and with  my crew . I wonder if it’s possible to unban or at least reducing my ban , I’ve done an error that won’t happen a next time , I promise ! . I’ll more strictly follow all the rules of the server and I will be very grateful with this community that accepted me back after my mistake . I accept screenshares .



    • Topics: 4
    • Replies: 2
    • Total: 6

    Current Username: Alec_Rider
    Username when banned: Alec_Rider
    UUID: a77d4ff6-3979-402c-a1ed-e922b8d83483
    Your punishment tracker link:
    Banned By: lazydog11

    Unban Appeal:

    Hey Pirate Craft,

    I was wondering if I could get unbanned from the server, as I really enjoyed it. I know that what I did was wrong and shouldn’t have done it, but you have to take into account that I didn’t even know that was a cheat at the time, although looking back I now clearly do. I hope that after some months there may be a possibility of me being unbanned? After all this time I still like PirateCraft a lot, and would really enjoy to be back in the server.



    • Topics: 16
    • Replies: 161
    • Total: 177
    • ★★★★

    wow anandak has the third higest bal? k lemme list out ppl who have more than 10k

    cysteen, nadaha, cappur, benthebruce,bazurka,1oooreef(i think), jusa,mystic, lazydog11,gildor, petalface(ik they are the same person), dpex, chiro, max,kettoh,flea,gal,volp,cottage(i think), lego(i think). yeah sure mr. third highest bal

    (this is off the top of my head)


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    royal navy shipwright
    developer of advanced armour for ships
    turns on hitboxes when pvping

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    Hey thanks (no really, you do not know what it is like *crying blood emoji for exaggeration* for not turning this into a blame fest.

    I am sure staff will let you back in (but this also depends on what you said which was rude).

    But I am sure you have matured in the almost 11(/12?) months you have been banned for. I will tag them for you.

    @maximus @lazydog11 @Markusi13

    javan henderson
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    Current Username: JavanJ
    Username when banned: JavanJ
    UUID: UUID (You can get it from
    Your punishment tracker link:
    Banned By: Sabrina (lazydog11)

    Unban Appeal

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