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February 17, 2022 at 5:29 pm #79129
Topic: PirateCraft Active Crew List July 2022
in forum PirateCraft GeneralIts been a while since someone has done something like this. The last list that has been made was in 2018 July by Xeron. It can be found >Here<.
This list serves as a reference point, and comparison to the PMC of 3 years 7 months ago O_O im getting old.
Im gonna try to include as many crews as I can (I’m NOT gonna mention every crew in existence or 2 hour old deckhand crews).
Here are the rules / key points (similar to Xeron’s and Paul’s original list)
1. This is based off data from the 17th of February. It is entirely
possible that people have changed crews, come back from inactivity, or founded
new crews in the meantime.
2. “Active Players” count as any players that were active in the
last 30 days.
3. Some crew descriptions from the previous list have been carried forward,
asl ong as they are still relevant and/or the exact same crew.
4. I tried to avoid 1 – 2 man crews and will only be including those that
are worth of mention.
5. The crew names are spelt as they are in-game. including typos and
spacing issues.
6. If I forget any crews feel free to message me on Discord! #Tulips4681 or
beneath this post
7. Honorable mentions are people that are well known and have been active recently.
The List of Active CrewsThe Shadow Realm (SDHW)
Description : From the depths of the darkest shadows (ESE), we are
the power lurking in the darkness.
Leaders : Ae0n, TobySF, LordArth2021
Honorable Mentions : Viper1093, Fatherfrog616, MrLimeWise, MsLimeWise, Crimpybark, Folsky
Type : Recruiting / EconomyRepublic of Promethea (RoP)
Description : I am Promethea. I have the high ground. I support the droid attack on the Wookies. Gonk gonk gonk.
Leaders : LEG𝙾, Coldat, khaiethan.
Honorable Mentions : CrazyMoneyy, Pjeturr, DeimosWreck, YellowTheMaster
Type : Economy / Build / PvP / Retirement HomeBritish Empire (BE)
Description : The British Empire is a long-standing Empire, with a
tradition rich history. Who are based on a democratic System.
Leaders : BGraph, lazydog11, CrazyPirate1, gildor_stinky, ItsCrazyDave, mdsegebre.
Honorable Mentions : MrMadBurrito, RatRaceRobot, Thederpymaster, Fat_Platapus, PanOfSteel
Type :Recruiting / Economy / Build / PvPValyrian Freehold (VAL)
Description : A crew run by experienced players, based on GoT. Also
the PMC retirement home.
Leaders : Mqstic, Atalantaa, EnderSalt, Solembus13, CreatingWithKass
Honorable Mentions : Bazurka, Taulov, Skyraine, Nado994, claymaester, EisenGraf, PandamoniumPrime, Masondave, _Tywin. malexdog, Janick_, BadBrando, SpikyCactus_,
Type : Economy / BuildCove (Cove)
Description : The overlords!
Leaders : GodsDead
Type : World DominationJunglePirates (JP)
Description : No description
Leaders : JunglePirateDave
Type : Recruiting / EconomyPolish Kingdom (PLK)
Description : The Polish Kingdom is a mostly peaceful crew,
focusing mostly on exploration of the new 1.18 lands.
Leaders : Tujek, Tulipss
Honorable Mentions : toni907
Type : Recruiting / Economy / Build / PvPSinister (Sin)
Description : Seclusion brings madness
Leaders : Frqstie, DeoFiloW1, Espul
Honorable Mentions : oWig, _knoedel, IgnFry
Type : PvPCosaNostra (CSN)
Description : set Ch’ a cousta lon ch’a cousta Viva l’Acusta
Leaders : RoMich02, WaterPool, Murubutu, Caldera23, Armqndo
Honorable Mentions : gepetrus, mikimoosey, Naqvity, CowTheMeek, Minemoppel, Slowmotionturbo, Ismaworkx, Lullaby93, SpiderDeluxe, Vec0203.MinisterMoo.
Type : Economy / Build / PvPLa Familia (Mafia)
Description : and THAT’s how mafia works
Leaders : Simbud, Monkss, Nationalistic, DaddyVolpex, NoSoulz,
Honorable Mentions : Kirn_
Type : Economy / PvP / Retirement HomeChinese Communist Party (CCP)
Description : If you join you get free +15 Social Credit
Leaders : N0tMAD, notgodsdead
Honorable Mentions : FatMatt176
Type : Recruiting / Economy / Build / PvPThe New Empire (TNE)
Description : We are a big autonum Crew, with the will, to build
the biggest, and most beautiful city on the server.
Leaders : ScriptX, Two_Com, IndexOutOfMJ
Honorable Mentions :
Type : Economy / BUILDThe Verussian Republic (VER) (yes it still exists ikr)
Description : A republic for the people – by the people. Verussia
is governed by an elite council, and enforced by the Krimzon Guard.
Leaders : warbluke, KwesiYsell, InventorElric, PortugalJ
Honorable Mentions : JonahHulk10, ExperienceMoore
Type : Recruiting / BuildThe Church (TC)
Description : We The Church Live to Serve you the people of the
Leaders : FatherAnderson, FugalCoast95003
Honorable Mentions : RexStrafes, Kooksuba
Type : BuildRome (SPQR)
Description : SPQR is a Roman themed crew that focuses on building
in Roman style and roleplay.
Leaders : _Augustus_Caesar, duckmasterizzy
Honorable Mentions : missioncarp3127, _Scipio_, CottageSimcoe, TulipGX
Type : Economy / BuildThe Imperial Roman Empire (ROME)
Description : into cosmic’s basement we go
Leaders : CommanderAsher, CosmicKingSimp, Gqldn, Majsay23, Oski8164
Honorable Mentions : MionaTheGreat, lukaim
Type : Economy / BuildThe Papal State (Papal)
Description : If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you
can find them… maybe you can hire Papal.
Leaders : Olveron, DrBipper, _Ninja_8
Honorable Mentions : I_Sell_Hugs, OTheMan, ContDJ, DarkMatter51, Icyvains
Type : Economy / BuildThe Woo (WOO)
Description : No Description
Leaders : IronAR
Type : Economy / Build / PvPPS : Thanks Taulov for fixing all the bugs in this post!
Sincerely Tulips
- Honest, friendly and peaceful Citizen of Piratecraft
March 7, 2021 at 10:20 pm #72254In reply to: I’m not having it
You asked as I was doing the biggest upgrade we have ever done to the marketplace, a process that takes mutliple full on full time days, while I work full time like Atalantaa said. Your screenshot from
Shows literally no loss, you parsed it as though your entire shop was ruined. It was 1 wall, that your signs didn’t even fall off, the signs are still on the wall. So its just the brick that would be on the wall.
Your reply was to be passive aggressive in-game, constantly harass me after being told you need to wait as I was currently in the process of doing a massive task I couldn’t drop everything for to repair some brick on your shop wall BASEMENT.
You then decided to remove all the blocks/items from the shop and replace it with lava, you were no longer using it as a shop which is against the rules so you have been evicted from renting at the marketplace. Staff told you multiple times to remove the lava pit and use the location as a shop.
Your impatience, rudeness, arrogance and downright disrespect for staff will not be tolerated.
Please go learn some manners and come back. Just because you have donated does not mean you can act like a spoilt brat.
After speaking with you in game and with the rest of staff on the nature of claim rules I’m going to say this is legal – While it may seem harsh you must remember this is a pirate server and insiding/scamming is allowed. The damage that happened to your crew’s base was largely repairable (especially with the help of your crew!).
With your report about the /home and /trustlist – You trusted this player to your claim and allowed them to make a sethome within your walls, it is unfortunate what happened but you gave them the trust to be there so you have to resolve this on your own!
Thank you for making the report!
February 23, 2021 at 7:48 pm #64272In reply to: Unban Appeal
When I was first banned from the server I was pretty depressed I was truly saddened that not only did I get banned from a server that I had a lot of friends on but I could no longer play with my friends and the relationships that I built, I went to the store and spent 25$ on a new account I really don’t know what I was thinking or my rationality behind it but some way I was like hey I can join still play with my friends and start a new. It was a stupid mistake and I have not done it since then. I am sorry for this and it goes against a ton of rules however if you check the playtime of the alt you will see it only played for a few hours when a friend of mine who I told about the alt ordered me to get rid of it because it would just cause more issue and that snapped me out of it and made me realize he was right that I was banned for a reason and should just accept it like everyone else and make a post for staff to debate if I should be unbanned or not.
Cysteen I do apologize you feel this way but I was a pretty ruthless pvper and some of that involved tricking players to let me in their bases, I however I do not feel this should change if I should be unbanned or not this server is a server for all people builders and pvpers it was build like purposely and it does a amazing job at it. I however did apologize to Emiel, attempted to however this is why Atalantaa said that I called him multiple times and spammed him however this was not the case I called emiel to verbally apologize to him for our friendship falling out this is because I hope to be unbanned from the server and I would like to go back to being allies with him truth is me and him would talk on the phone all the time even when not playing the game. He did not pick up the first time I called but I did see that his icon went from offline to online so I messaged him I said hey emiel I need to talk to you. I saw three bubbles pop up indicated that he was typing then they stopped so I said you there? to which no reply at this time I realized he may not have noticed who my discord name was due to me changing it so I called from my discord named bloatedhippo. At this point I was blocked and realized that emiel has no intentions to talk to me which does hurt but I know its from my own mistake. You can ask emiel if we had a great relationship prior to our crews going against eachother. When I realized emiel had no intrested in talking I messaged @LazyDog11 and asked if she would pass on a message from me which was and I quote
I just wanted to see if you would say sorry to emiel for me I tried apologizing last night for how I treated him and he blocked me. If you could that would be great thank you.
I really do feel bad about a ton of things that happened on the server but I did message a few people whom I was the worst to apologizing so that if I am unbanned I can hopefully be friends with those people again. Even if I am not unbanned I would like to speak to them as well.
@emielreijs if you are reading this I hope we can be on speaking terms again.
I wish there was a digital scale I could show you guys that measure matureness the best thing I can say is please listen to the people who have kept in touch with me since I have been banned and have talked to me everyday they have seen me mature and above all realized all the bad I did.
Thank you for reading and your consideration.
February 23, 2021 at 7:48 pm #64273In reply to: Unban Appeal
When I was first banned from the server I was pretty depressed I was truly saddened that not only did I get banned from a server that I had a lot of friends on but I could no longer play with my friends and the relationships that I built, I went to the store and spent 25$ on a new account I really don’t know what I was thinking or my rationality behind it but some way I was like hey I can join still play with my friends and start a new. It was a stupid mistake and I have not done it since then. I am sorry for this and it goes against a ton of rules however if you check the playtime of the alt you will see it only played for a few hours when a friend of mine who I told about the alt ordered me to get rid of it because it would just cause more issue and that snapped me out of it and made me realize he was right that I was banned for a reason and should just accept it like everyone else and make a post for staff to debate if I should be unbanned or not.
Cysteen I do apologize you feel this way but I was a pretty ruthless pvper and some of that involved tricking players to let me in their bases, I however I do not feel this should change if I should be unbanned or not this server is a server for all people builders and pvpers it was build like purposely and it does a amazing job at it. I however did apologize to Emiel, attempted to however this is why Atalantaa said that I called him multiple times and spammed him however this was not the case I called emiel to verbally apologize to him for our friendship falling out this is because I hope to be unbanned from the server and I would like to go back to being allies with him truth is me and him would talk on the phone all the time even when not playing the game. He did not pick up the first time I called but I did see that his icon went from offline to online so I messaged him I said hey emiel I need to talk to you. I saw three bubbles pop up indicated that he was typing then they stopped so I said you there? to which no reply at this time I realized he may not have noticed who my discord name was due to me changing it so I called from my discord named bloatedhippo. At this point I was blocked and realized that emiel has no intentions to talk to me which does hurt but I know its from my own mistake. You can ask emiel if we had a great relationship prior to our crews going against eachother. When I realized emiel had no intrested in talking I messaged @LazyDog11 and asked if she would pass on a message from me which was and I quote
I just wanted to see if you would say sorry to emiel for me I tried apologizing last night for how I treated him and he blocked me. If you could that would be great thank you.
I really do feel bad about a ton of things that happened on the server but I did message a few people whom I was the worst to apologizing so that if I am unbanned I can hopefully be friends with those people again. Even if I am not unbanned I would like to speak to them as well.
@emielreijs if you are reading this I hope we can be on speaking terms again.
I wish there was a digital scale I could show you guys that measure matureness the best thing I can say is please listen to the people who have kept in touch with me since I have been banned and have talked to me everyday they have seen me mature and above all realized all the bad I did.
Thank you for reading and your considering.
February 23, 2021 at 7:48 pm #64271In reply to: Unban Appeal
When I was first banned from the server I was pretty depressed I was truly saddened that not only did I get banned from a server that I had a lot of friends on but I could no longer play with my friends and the relationships that I built, I went to the store and spent 25$ on a new account I really don’t know what I was thinking or my rationality behind it but some way I was like hey I can join still play with my friends and start a new. It was a stupid mistake and I have not done it since then. I am sorry for this and it goes against a ton of rules however if you check the playtime of the alt you will see it only played for a few hours when a friend of mine who I told about the alt ordered me to get rid of it because it would just cause more issue and that snapped me out of it and made me realize he was right that I was banned for a reason and should just accept it like everyone else and make a post for staff to debate if I should be unbanned or not.
Cysteen I do apologize you feel this way but I was a pretty ruthless pvper and some of that involved tricking players to let me in their bases, I however I do not feel this should change if I should be unbanned or not this server is a server for all people builders and pvpers it was build like purposely and it does a amazing job at it. I however did apologize to Emiel, attempted to however this is why Atalantaa said that I called him multiple times and spammed him however this was not the case I called emiel to verbally apologize to him for our friendship falling out this is because I hope to be unbanned from the server and I would like to go back to being allies with him truth is me and him would talk on the phone all the time even when not playing the game. He did not pick up the first time I called but I did see that his icon went from offline to online so I messaged him I said hey emiel I need to talk to you. I saw three bubbles pop up indicated that he was typing then they stopped so I said you there? to which no reply at this time I realized he may not have noticed who my discord name was due to me changing it so I called from my discord named bloatedhippo. At this point I was blocked and realized that emiel has no intentions to talk to me which does hurt but I know its from my own mistake. You can ask emiel if we had a great relationship prior to our crews going against eachother. When I realized emiel had no intrested in talking I messaged @LazyDog11 and asked if she would pass on a message from me which was and I quote
I just wanted to see if you would say sorry to emiel for me I tried apologizing last night for how I treated him and he blocked me. If you could that would be great thank you.
I really do feel bad about a ton of things that happened on the server but I did message a few people whom I was the worst to apologizing so that if I am unbanned I can hopefully be friends with those people again. Even if I am not unbanned I would like to speak to them as well.
@emielreijs if you are reading this I hope we can be on speaking terms again.
I wish there was a digital scale I could show you guys that measure matureness the best thing I can say is please listen to the people who have kept in touch with me since I have been banned and have talked to me everyday they have seen me mature and above all realized all the bad I did.
Thank you for reading and considering.
February 8, 2021 at 3:08 am #71371In reply to: Muted on discord
Hi there Evan,
I believe it would be more suitable for you to have a few days rest from the PirateCraft discord. This sort of behaviour, regardless of the person involved, is unacceptable in both the discord and the PirateCraft server. I would encourage you to take a few days away from the discord and re-appeal your mute when you think you are ready to be mature.
December 20, 2020 at 11:52 am #70799In reply to: Unban Request
Hi there Stewie!
Staff have decided that you will be unbanned. Welcome back to PirateCraft
To be clear: One slip up and you will be banned again. Do not argue about the rules, treat everyone with respect and you’ll get along fine.
Thank you for appealing
– Atalantaa
November 6, 2020 at 12:18 am #70067In reply to: Unban request (Samreds)
Hi there
Short answer: No. Denied. You wasted staff time and the tone of this appeal is outright entitled.
You logged during an F3, had forge in your f3, admitted to using fullbright – all things that break the rules of the server. Kass moderated well, and fairly according to our rules
As a side note – attempting to bribe staff or explain how rich you are does not help in your appeal process.
Thanks – Atalantaa
July 23, 2020 at 6:31 am #68665Per server log, it showed you logged off during questioning (no kick shown). Obviously you have forge installed. One cannot say without a doubt you were running vanilla or optifine before your disconnect.
In fairness to all other players that are obeying our /rules, we are strict and banning all suspected people that cannot clear themselves right there.
Atalantaa moderated accordingly.
Proud Member of the Piratecraft history
July 20, 2020 at 10:46 am #68646In reply to: I was banned for the minimap
Hi there!
Unfortunately, both Forge and Voxelmap are not allowed on this server (which are shown in the image you provided). You admitted to a staff member that you were breaking the server rules through the use of modifications, which is an automatic ban.
– Atalantaa
July 19, 2020 at 12:56 pm #68629In reply to: Help I got banned for no reason
Hey there!
As a general rule on this server, if staff think you are playing in a way that is against the server rules, we will ask you not to log out so we can ask you a few questions. I suspected that of you and asked you not to log out. As you mentioned – I also cuffed you to help speed up the questioning, but you logged out before I could do so.
Sorry it happened to you – But if you log out while staff are questioning you, it is an automatic ban.
– Atalantaa
June 3, 2020 at 12:45 pm #66985In reply to: x-ray unban request banned for no reason
Do i need to wait 8 weeks and then can i be unbanned
Sorry for asking this question my english isnt that good
And does my inventory get cleared ?
But thanks for the support-Juliuvert
June 3, 2020 at 10:33 am #66983In reply to: x-ray unban request banned for no reason
Hi there Juliuvert!
You were temporarily banned as I watched you mine in a tunnel in one direction, and divert specifically towards clusters of diamond ores, suggesting the use of a texture pack that showed ores/caves.
You’re welcome to join Piratecraft once more in 8 weeks time
– Atalantaa
April 2, 2020 at 9:26 am #65718In reply to: I want my docks.
This…this just sounds like a whole lot of crew drama and not a support ticket. I mean it’s clear you lot haven’t really talked this out on discord yet, and I see no reason why staff should get involved with this lol.
Now I’m not gonna read through all of that stuff you lot wrote, but here’s my view on claims and stuff, and I’ll leave it down to you to interpret and figure this out:
- If multiple people claim bits of a city/port as part of the expansion process (ie. not just because you found an unclaimed road and shoved down a claim), then the city owner/crew that owns the majority of the crew has the right to claim ownership of everything within the city walls.
- For example, Atalantaa owns most of her city, but other smaller members have got things claimed too. When it comes down to it, she has the right to claim ownership of everyone’s claims there.
- This does not mean staff will get involved or even unclaim things, I just don’t think it’s unreasonable for a crew to do that.
- Docks are not what I would consider a ‘base’, its a part of a city that was built to expand that city… for that specific city. Therefore these docks are owned and should be controlled by the city they were built for. The moment you build something for a city, you can not claim it as solely yours, but acknowledge that it now belongs to that crew.
- I personally don’t hold ships in the same regard, as these can be privately owned. Whoever has the claim (or better, has their name on that ‘pilot’ sign) owns the ship.
Perhaps you guys can come to an agreement in the form of a building favor for MoJake in exchange for him removing his claims/revoking ownership of them (I didn’t read much of this sorry). Whether Rome likes it or not, as long as those docks exist Mojake is contributing to your crew, so would it really be so difficult for Rome to spare a few hours and build a nice dock for Mojake, and then you lot go on your merry ways?
« Build Team leader »
« Server Admin »
Crew History: Red Lotus, 0utlaws, Ottoman Empire, Xenon Empire, The Xanthian Order, The Asylum, Xenia
@Xeron - If multiple people claim bits of a city/port as part of the expansion process (ie. not just because you found an unclaimed road and shoved down a claim), then the city owner/crew that owns the majority of the crew has the right to claim ownership of everything within the city walls.
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