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  • #52226
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    Screenshots of Astrobolt’s Punishment Checker and Ban From GodsDead:

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    - Raven228
    Hey everyone Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ

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    Current Username: Raven228
    Username when banned: Raven228
    Your punishment tracker link:
    Banned By: Markusi13

    Unban Appeal:

    Before I say anything more, I would like to publically apologize to the PirateCraft community. I would like to apologize for my rude comments, foul language, and constant spamming that I did on that day and all days before. I would especially like to apologize to Turkeyman11a, Silverstone47, AstroBolt, and Wemb. I am truly sorry for disrespecting you all and the rest of the server. At the time I was upset with personal things going on in my life and I believe that my anger and frustration transferred onto this server as well. This as many of you know has happened before in the past. If you go to my punishment checker @ , you will see that I have been banned for similar occurrences. All I am asking is if the PirateCraft staff could even lessen my ban to a temporary ban, I would be willing to accept even a several month ban. If you all could give me one more chance, I would be very happy and I promise that I will NOT do any of this childish stuff in the future. I’m assuming that Astrobolt and Silverstone47 did not screenshot the messages and I failed to do so myself, but soon after this tantrum of mine, I did apologize to both of them. I am willing to reason with the staff and form some type of deal so that I can come back to this wonderful server. I have been a long time member and has always loved this one of a kind server from the bottom of my heart. I have voted for it many times and I have always wanted to donate to it, but I never was allowed to, but I’m sorry that I could not. So all in all, if you, the PirateCraft community, could just let me have one more chance at this amazing server, I promise you that I will not screw up again and cause problems with anyone on it. Thank you for reading through this, I will try and respond to any comments to this appeal. Once again I apologize for everything.


    Reply To Astrobolt’s Message:

    Astrobolt, I did message you in the game and apologized on the same day of this incident. If you do not want to believe it, that is up to you. You, however, have also messed up many times in the past even getting on the bad side of GodsDead, as seen in the image.

        Astrobolt wrote, “Having several bans and mutes in the past for similar occurences is an even better reason to deny this.”

    You have been permanetly banned many times by staff, some for jokes but others because you annoy the shit out of them. They gave you a chance and I apologized to you:

    “I would especially like to apologize to Turkeyman11a, Silverstone47, AstroBolt, and Wemb. I am truly sorry for disrespecting you all and the rest of the server.”

    I truly am sorry for what I did, but I do not like when people lie either.

    Astrobolt wrote, “Whenever you are online, all you do is troll, make threats, and tell people to kill themselves.. (it has been like this for several months)”

    I have been off the server for awhile lately due to personal reasons and I certainly have not talked to you for a long time. Ever since I joined the British Empire a few months ago, I have not verbally attacked you like I did the night of my ban. I also do not recall telling anyone to kill themselves and if I am wrong about that please show me a screenshot of when I said that.

    So really, I am sincerly sorry to you and everyone else, but please do not be a hypocrite when it comes to saying that I have been muted and kicked many times and because of that, I should not get a ban appeal. At a time, you were in this situation too.

    Astrobolt’s Punishment Checker Screenshots and Ban from GodsDead:

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    - Raven228
    Hey everyone Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ

    • Topics: 19
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    Astrobolt, I did message you in the game and apologized on the same day of this incident. If you do not want to believe it, that is up to you.               You, however, have also messed up many times in the past even getting on the bad side of GodsDead, as seen in the image.

        Astrobolt wrote, “Having several bans and mutes in the past for similar occurences is an even better reason to deny this.”

    You have been permanetly banned many times by staff, some for jokes but others because you annoy the shit out of them. They gave you a chance and I apologized to you:

    “I would especially like to apologize to Turkeyman11a, Silverstone47, AstroBolt, and Wemb. I am truly sorry for disrespecting you all and the rest of the server.”

    I truly am sorry for what I did, but I do not like when people lie either.

    Astrobolt wrote, “Whenever you are online, all you do is troll, make threats, and tell people to kill themselves.. (it has been like this for several months)”

    I have been off the server for awhile lately due to personal reasons and I certainly have not talked to you for a long time. Ever since I joined the British Empire a few months ago, I have not verbally attacked you like I did the night of my ban. I also do not recall telling anyone to kill themselves and if I am wrong about that please show me a screenshot of when I said that.

    So really, I am sincerly sorry to you and everyone else, but please do not be a hypocrite when it comes to saying that I have been muted and kicked many times and because of that I should not get a ban appeal because at one time, you were here too.

    Astrobolt’s Punishment Checker:

    You must be logged in to view attached files.

    - Raven228
    Hey everyone Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ

    • Topics: 19
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    Astrobolt, I did message you in the game and apologized on the same day of this incident. If you do not want to believe it, that is up to you. You, however, have also messed up many times in the past even getting on the bad side of GodsDead, as seen in the image.

        Astrobolt wrote, “Having several bans and mutes in the past for similar occurences is an even better reason to deny this.”

    You have been permanetly banned many times by staff, some for jokes but others because you annoy the shit out of them. They gave you a chance and I apologized to you:

    I would especially like to apologize to Turkeyman11a, Silverstone47, AstroBolt, and Wemb. I am truly sorry for disrespecting you all and the rest of the server.”

    I truly am sorry for what I did, but I do not like when people lie either.

    Astrobolt wrote, “Whenever you are online, all you do is troll, make threats, and tell people to kill themselves.. (it has been like this for several months)”

    I have been off the server for awhile lately due to personal reasons and I certainly have not talked to you for a long time. Ever since I joined the British Empire a few months ago, I have not verbally attacked you like I did the night of my ban. I also do not recall telling anyone to kill themselves and if I am wrong about that please show me a screenshot of when I said that.

    So really, I am sincerly sorry to you and everyone else, but please do not be a hypocrite when it comes to saying that I have been muted and kicked many times and that I should not get a ban appeal because at one, you were here too.

    Astrobolt’s Punishment Checker:

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    - Raven228
    Hey everyone Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ

    • Topics: 2
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    Well AstroBolt he didn’t know forums were a thing then and whats funny why didn’t Cysteen report it she keep’s reporting us for what (They) as in some now (TAS) members..(This Does include xMadMonkeyx when he was known as Datboi or something)…But the fact of the matter is Cysteen was doing the same thing we are so how is it Harassment now when they did it then (And yes I understand things change but that should be no excuse)..

    What I honestly think is this is a pirate server let players do pirate things its ok to wanna build cool building’s or ships but if you wanna take the chance of losing G-tool’s thats up to you but to pretty much try and take away the PVP away from the server so you can basically turn Pmc into a Pirate Role-play or Creative building server:And from what I understand from the very little I’ve talked to him he wanted this server to be a Pirate themed pvp server…

    But as for the famous last saying Cysteen has said a lot that because of players killing Deckie’s that there are no new players..The Matter of that fact is there are and the ones that get killed and rage quit have no right to be here because the try hard players who actually read Guids on the website will probably end up donating which means Godsy is getting a little more cash in his pocket which is good..

    So Cysteen Im not attacking you personally but you try to play on the feelings of Godsy I think a little bit but if you look at what some of the players are they are whining babies who think the (Staff) should come running to there every command: And Because (Staff) doesn’t they end up quitting the server, But the TryHard players they bring pop to the server and if there not good at it they go to a KitPvp server and learn

    which is why they are called   “TryHards” aka kinda like Captain_Jones and Galaxy219 they got spawn killed and raided a lot when they were dickies:Now to just clarify I’m not trying to pat them or myself on the back I’m just stating fact’s and what to me seems like the stats of whats going on.

    Gimme a like if you agree on this.       <span style=”color: #555555; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 14px;”>Leader of (The New Viking Empire) and former member of (Horsia).</span>

    • Topics: 46
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    Crew: [TRUMP] Donald J. Trump

    Leader: Astrobolt

    Current member count: 1


    [SHP] Straw Hat Pirates; [PI] Pure_Insanity; [EM] The Elven Empire; [PV] Privateers


    [horse] Horsia; [Hax] HacksForums

    Leader of the Narwhal Syndicate
    Former Official Bitchnugget of the Asylum
    King of the Elves, 2016-2017 (Rumoured)

    Crew History:
    United States Empire
    The Asylum
    Phantom Pirates
    The British Empire
    The Coalition
    Dealer's Deck
    House Indoril

    • Topics: 794
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    I Have updated a lot via discord, a TON of people here reported the wrong issue (when the plugin looses connection to the server and shows 0 for everything) so this thread has been polluted and I no longer know who needs their stats doing. A ton of people would have logged on 24 hours later and would be fine. A bunch have had their stats already done via discord.

    If you still need your stats doing, please do send me an updated ESC > Statistics screenshot on here, or even better find me on /discord or I seem to get them done much faster. Since nobody has updated their post once I have completed it, its impossible to go back through this entire thread. I highly suggest you message me on discord, it will be much easier.





































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    @reptaria @astrobolt stop bashing the quote, this thread is about the canal.


    • Topics: 63
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    “Juice Justice”

    Over the last few days I have been informed of many different bases that have been invaded by new Juice crew members. The most outstanding of these bases being, RiverKitty’s base, and Admiral_Trench’s base. Now usually I wouldn’t be too concerned if it was one occurrence, or it were two different crews that built right next to these players claims. In this case however I was intrigued by the fact that the same crew built bases right next to these players claim without their say-so. Both players stated their disgruntled attitude towards their neighbors, and in the case of Admiral_Trench, he stated that if the mountain between his base and the Juice’s claim had been removed, he could have looked right into their city. RiverKitty also stated that the Juice had claimed right next to her base multiple times and built their while she was offline. This is an extremely troubling issue to me as both a writer and player and I would like to get more information about such occurrences as the week progresses. Stay tuned for more on this in the Thursday edition!


    “Llama Love” (By SnapCrackPlays)

    Two days ago, CottageCooper decided to purchase a llama spawn egg from the cove, and decided to spawn it on the beach. Within seconds Astrobolt had flung himself onto the saddle and a battle began around cove for possession of the llama, ending with a trip down a railway line, a knockabout in the cove public house, and one very angry llama.


    “Chailey’s Birthday!” 

    Today was one of our favorite moderator’s birthday. This special person was Chailey, who was finally able to use his mic on teamspeak and lull all who were listening to his cool relaxed British accent repeating “Fuck off” lightheartedly. It was an event that the whole server seemed to take part in as most everyone who was on PirateCraft wished Chailey a happy birthday as we did in the ts. If you see Chailey on the server and you didn’t get the chance to wish him a happy birthday please take the time to do so as he is one of the hard working mods that keep this server running at top shape! ?





    Be sure to visit the magnificent elven fortress of Greywatch, situated next to Donator Isle just above Shipbreaker Bay! Whether you want to have a tour around the beautiful castle, do some shopping in the castle village, or even rent a shop yourself, you’ll leave Greywatch wanting to come back time and time again!



    Are you running out of materials on the battlefield? Do you need potions? Head on over to shop 40! Cheap prices! ? */msg or /mail RiverKitty if anything is out of stock.*



    Visit the piratecraft casino and shop, featuring a cash gambling machine and items to sell or buy. /warp shop, turn right at the end of the main street and find s48. (Hot deal right now: Brewing recipe books, reduced in price)


    “Quote of the Day”

    “Fuck Off!” ~ Chailey <3

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    "Nec possum tecum vivere, nec sine te."
    -"I can live neither with you, nor without you."- ~ Uta

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    @Astrobolt I might lol, it would be fun.


    Proud former leader of The Coalition
    Former member of build team
    ez got banned
    pirate veteran and yeehaw'er

    Crew history:

    "Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up." -Thomas Edison

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    @Astrobolt Done


    Done. Minus admin claim.


    @oktacraft done



    Caught up. =D



    In reply to: Report Law Breakers

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    I would point out that Astrobolt quoted the british law “§3 Must not engage in PvP with peaceful players. An engagement counts as entering combat mode or damaging a fellow player through any means.”
    The law says “peaceful players” in general, not “peaceful towards the British Empire”, and Astrobolt is not a peaceful player at all, having he built up a reputation of teleport trapper.

    You could have quoted the law “§3.3 Must not engage in PvP with foreign players who are not in conflict with the Empire unless the Minister of War, Vice Prime Minister or Prime Minister has granted this.”, but we are talking about the Minister of Defense himself.


    In reply to: Report Law Breakers

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    Evidence is needed for us to do anything about this. I cannot take your word that this has just happened, so either you get a log of him killing you, get him to admit he did violate our laws, or record the incident. I will not talk to him, but you can tag him in this post to notify that he has been reported to violate a law.

    BGraph is no longer the Minister of Justice of the BE, som may know, some may not, so I will take over the management of these matters for the time being.

    Founder of Port Hope

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    My Username: AstroTrump (changing to Astrobolt in early march 2017)

    Coords: -5470 2877

    Pending Claim Removal Request:

    Leader of the Narwhal Syndicate
    Former Official Bitchnugget of the Asylum
    King of the Elves, 2016-2017 (Rumoured)

    Crew History:
    United States Empire
    The Asylum
    Phantom Pirates
    The British Empire
    The Coalition
    Dealer's Deck
    House Indoril


    In reply to: Quitting for a While

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    Bai Riv! Gl! 🙁

    *please still control Astrobolt on da discord too 🙂

    A endermite kicked my ass

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