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  • #34661
    • Topics: 19
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    @CrazyPirate1 Thank you for the notes. I know the server started in 2013, so there are one year and a half of misterious dark age which I will pleasurably start to study as soon as I finish the correction of 2014-2015. As a start, Port Royal was founded by you, so you could tell me around which month it was founded, right?

    I think I modified TUPE, does it look correct now?

    and @NickyB_123 I think you should define togheter the exact dates of foundation of your empires.
    Regarding Icanra, I found the information on .
    The oldest forum topic I found about The Luteus Empire is this: but I don’t think somebody would put wrong information on the wiki.

    • Topics: 794
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    I’ve encountered a similar problem:

    God dammit. This isn’t something that is fixable or that I have control over.

    Hopefully its not actually changing the playtime in the database and just a visual bug.

    • Topics: 794
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    Updated PirateCraft to 1.9.4

    This build has not been tested by staff, as there isn’t any major changes, Spigot did remove some NBT tags, which may break some plugins, It broke XP bottles which they already pushed out an update for and Ive added, I cant see any issues in the console with errors apart from that. For good measure I updated our Protocolib and NoCheat plugins for compatibility.

    You are helping test 1.9.4, please report any issues or broken plugins in this thread.

    There are no major changes in 1.9.4, they are all bug fixes.

    Minecraft 1.9.4 Notable changes:

    • Improved memory usage of the pathfinder
    • Performance of the chunk cache improved
    • Use less memory for biome caching
    • Several tweaks to the AI
    • Tweaks to the Realms
    • Added /stopsound command
    • Removed herob…. (ok, this is getting old, I know)

    Update 1

    After extreme lag, I updated Paper Spigot after learning it was not unloading chunks, so we had 19,600+ chunks loaded and it was growing and growing, so I updated paperspigot, but this did not fix the issue, I then was forced to go back to Spigot 1.9.4 which does not have any hopper optimizations in place, so the latest Spigot should have fixed the chunk leaks, but were back to terrible pre-optimizations.

    To add to that; I updated our NoCheat plugin, which decided to crash the server because people were using built in boats, nice one cheat plugin.

    So I had to backdate that. This 1.9.4 is one of the buggiest we have had, so much for a “performance update” screw you mojang.

    Update 2

    PaperSpigot pulled the spigot changes, so I built this and put it on the server, so far so good, were on 19.97tps right now and the servers been up 3 hours, this brings our hopper fix back. Hopefully this build is a bit more stable.


    • Topics: 794
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    • ★★★★★★★★

    A tiny bit off-topic from what this thread is meant for, but is there any specific reason why players can’t change their own username? I’m guessing it has to do with associating data with the user, but really, I’m just curious :3 Anyone have the answer?

    1. its not a feature of the software I use.
    2. It breaks all mentions in posts
    3. It would cause grave confusion having a lot of people change their usernames, its better its all documented in a forum thread, like this.
    • Topics: 4
    • Replies: 73
    • Total: 77
    • ★★★

    A tiny bit off-topic from what this thread is meant for, but is there any specific reason why players can’t change their own username? I’m guessing it has to do with associating data with the user, but really, I’m just curious :3


    Anyone have the answer?


    In reply to: .

    • Topics: 50
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    Bazurka, I have contacted several crew leaders, they were concerned about this, I opted to bring all this to light, obviously they had not heard about this, I assume you’d be singing a different tune if I had been patient and waited for another crew leader I had talked to to make this article, it was a stupid idea for me to write this, since obviously, even though evidence is in my favor (several crew leaders voiced their displeasure and unknowing of this topic to me, as said before) someone turns things against me. Perhaps it is not a good idea for me to be a writer @Icanra, I will be deleting this.,%20First%20Emperor.
    Ω Former Consulate and Emperor of the New Romans Ω
    Vivat Rei Republicae

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    • Topics: 794
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    This is the service that we use to pull the heads haha

    we also use it on stats, and on the online users, right click a head and go view image, look at the URL.

    They even have a secret hidden feature that isn’t listed on their website, to create a 3D version of your skin thats in an action pose:

    Just replace your username, and the size is at the end.

    Would give you:

    You can also render the image without the helmet on by removing helm from the url


    For those that do want to have their username changed:

    • Topics: 794
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    @mcshovel its that kind of effort that really does make a 2 year old map stay alive! I hate new players walking out of spawn and just seeing trashed land.

    An option that we talked about is getting west up and running as a second spawn, so they can be alternated between as spawn to fan out new players.

    This also brings up that topic of having a tutorial area on it.

    • Topics: 794
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    Im really glad you made this topic, I have personally regenerated this island 20-30 times in the past, Ive removed claims without warning, but its the closest hotspot from spawn. Is there anyone that is permanently setup here?

    I would love to take the entire island as part of spawn and get some builders to build something amazingly pirate/ruins/secrets to explore on this island for new spawns, being in the spawn it would be PVP free building to make something epic for the entire community.

    This entirely depends on the residents of the island. I am willing to move anything to a new location.

    • Topics: 19
    • Replies: 98
    • Total: 117
    • ★★★★

    Hello, this is my third little project after the map and the flags.
    The title says everything, it’s a list of crews sorted by time of creation and dissolution.
    It would be very nice if you corrected my mistakes.
    I have used this wiki pages for some dates, others are based on other information in forum topics.
    Thank you.


    BE    – British Empire
    CC    – The Defenders
    COV – Crusaders of the Void
    DL    – Delta
    EE    – Elven Empire
    EL    – Elite
    EN   – Ender
    FE    – French Empire
    HW  – Hawatis
    IE     – Iborian Empire
    KH   – Khaos
    LE    – Luteus Republic
    MB   – Milker Bandits
    NP    – New Providence
    NRE – New Roman Empire
    NRR – New Roman Republic
    OE    – Ottoman Empire
    OL    – 0utlaws – HardTimez
    PE    – Polynesian Empire
    PR   – Port Royal
    RL    – Red Lotus
    SO    – Solis
    SV    – SPQR and VRE
    TBE – The Batavian empire
    TO   – Tortuga
    TC    – Thirteen Colonies
    TEE – The Endurian Empire
    TUPE – The United People of the East
    USE  – United States Empire
    VE   – Verussian Empire
    XE   – Xenon Empire

    • Topics: 19
    • Replies: 98
    • Total: 117
    • ★★★★

    When I first joined the Piratecraft server, I started to learn about it alone, without asking for help in chat or in the forum. I have read all the guides and, even though it was a little bit confusing to learn all the features of Piratecraft, I kept on building my own house and ship because, like most of you, I was fascinated by the world of Piracy.

    The issue is that I see a lot of deckhands joining the server for a couple of minutes, chatting and then quitting forever. They knew they were joining a pirate themed server and not a random server because of the ip, so the they were surely curious about the world of ships and cannons, but something went wrong. They got bored or got confused, we can’t tell for sure, but they suddenly decided to stop exploring Piratecraft after two minutes.

    When I joined the server, I found it very, very confusing. I always played in SinglePlayer so I didn’t know anything at all about claims and plugins. Luckily I found the site guides and stayed here.
    The problem is that a lot of people are too lazy to read them. Piratecraft server and site are united and interdependent but some maybe don’t even know that the site and the forums are so important.
    I would suggest a larger advertising of the site in the game.

    We all spawned in a shipwreck. From there, you had to find your way with vain attempts to break some wood in the lands nearby, which are all claimed. You start there and are not sure about what to do. You have a book and some items. Books are great, but some find them boring.
    I would like to make a suggestion for the future. From 1.8, Minecraft can have first person text messages showing up on the screen of a player. I don’t know if you ever visited some big minigame servers, but some of them need to explain their brand new game rules in a fast and easy way.
    The key is to be quick and simple. When a player joins a minigame, his hotbar is disabled and he is teleported to a high position where he can see the whole game area and a central message pops up: “Welcome to x game”. Then he is teleported to another view with another message “The goal is to x”. Then another “Use this x in order to win! Avoid the x and stay alive!” Or thing like that. After 20 seconds, you have a clear understanding of the rules. It is set up usually to be showed for the first three times, then it stops popping up (because the player probably doesn’t need them anymore).

    Here are some examples I found on the internet.

    Piratecraft is not a minigame and needs much more information to be explained, which is always available in the forums and website, but a brief, quick, exciting teaser of all the Piratecraft features would be a good way to give good basics for the deckhands.
    Key topics are ships, cannons, ranks, warps, gates, money, admins.
    Wooden sign are pirate themed, but not efficient! They are small and limited. Player’s bases and shops have enough of them.
    When first spawning, a player could be teleported to a high view of the spawn with the message “Welcome to Piratecraft!”. Then a high view of a line of different ships sorted by rank with the message “Build and sail your own ships! Get high ranks for the big ones!” And a subtext “Go to /warp ships to see them! (A good next view would be showcasing a moving ship, maybe with a commandblock preset? But it’s too difficult I think and we can jump this one. Then the player can be teleported to a view of a set of cannons in line, sorted by rank and the text “Working cannons! The highest the rank, the more powerful the cannon!” and a subtext “Go to /warp cannons to see them!”. Then a view of armor stands and item frames, sorted by rank kits, with a message “Build, mine and kill in order to get a higher rank!” and a subtext “Go to /warp ranks to get more details”, then a view of the vertical/horizontal portcullis gates  with a text “You can build massive working gates for ports and castles!” and subtext “Go to /warp gates for further information”. A view of adimn’s heads with the message “Contact our admins for every problem” and a subtext “GodsDead, SuperGL, MCshovel, Austerity”.
    All these views need to be in close areas, otherwise the new player wll have to load a lot of chunks to see all the slides.
    The spawn can have a visible button to press so the deckhand can push it to rewatch the slideshow in case he missed something. The first time at joining the server must be forced though!
    These are raw modifiable examples, ideas. I could have just given the suggestion of the pop up teleport text, but somewhere I read that is better to write actual detailed proposals instead of gripes with no solution given.

    Also, I think the Cove town needs an update. Apart from the aesthetics, (all that oak wooden plank color isn’t that pleasurable), I would say that is a labyrinth. I struggled a lot to find the right way for the wood selling area and I had to annoy people to get some indications. I think the same can be said for the rest of the shops. While keeping the messy pirate theme, some better roads and coloured wool/clay blocks distinctions as street signs for the shops, maybe even item frames with shop’s selling items would be appreciated, at least by me.

    It is a lot of work. Maybe somebody already said this in another topic and I am sorry if I missed it. Or maybe this project wouldn’t be that useful. Thank you anyway for the attention and the reply.

    • Topics: 794
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    Usernames are set in stone when they are created, some people have changed their minecraft name since they created their account, or some were not able to register with underscores that they use in their minecraft name.

    This forum thread is a request to change your username on website from what it is now to what you would like it.

    I will only do this once, so make your mind up and stick to it.

    Bare in mind, anywhere you have been tagged on the website with your old username will no longer be clickable.

    This is a master thread and will stay open and be linked in my Master thread list linked in my forum signature.

    • Topics: 133
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    Welcome to the team Asterity! 🙂

    Also, I cannot stop watching that gif. xD

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    I wondered what all that was on the forum, I still don’t get it. But listen to your fellow pirates and stop the shenanigans!

    • Topics: 50
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    nah @everyone essentialy I put a target on my back and said “hey this is what others do” essentially myrtering myself, but yeah essentially it was a bad idea, and thats kiiiiinda why its stopping,%20First%20Emperor.
    Ω Former Consulate and Emperor of the New Romans Ω
    Vivat Rei Republicae

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