PirateCraft updated to 1.9.4 (Lag, boat fly kick etc..) Updated 2

Home Forums PirateCraft Server Updates PirateCraft updated to 1.9.4 (Lag, boat fly kick etc..) Updated 2

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    Updated PirateCraft to 1.9.4

    This build has not been tested by staff, as there isn’t any major changes, Spigot did remove some NBT tags, which may break some plugins, It broke XP bottles which they already pushed out an update for and Ive added, I cant see any issues in the console with errors apart from that. For good measure I updated our Protocolib and NoCheat plugins for compatibility.

    You are helping test 1.9.4, please report any issues or broken plugins in this thread.

    There are no major changes in 1.9.4, they are all bug fixes.

    Minecraft 1.9.4 Notable changes:

    • Improved memory usage of the pathfinder
    • Performance of the chunk cache improved
    • Use less memory for biome caching
    • Several tweaks to the AI
    • Tweaks to the Realms
    • Added /stopsound command
    • Removed herob…. (ok, this is getting old, I know)

    Update 1

    After extreme lag, I updated Paper Spigot after learning it was not unloading chunks, so we had 19,600+ chunks loaded and it was growing and growing, so I updated paperspigot, but this did not fix the issue, I then was forced to go back to Spigot 1.9.4 which does not have any hopper optimizations in place, so the latest Spigot should have fixed the chunk leaks, but were back to terrible pre-optimizations.

    To add to that; I updated our NoCheat plugin, which decided to crash the server because people were using built in boats, nice one cheat plugin.

    So I had to backdate that. This 1.9.4 is one of the buggiest we have had, so much for a “performance update” screw you mojang.

    Update 2

    PaperSpigot pulled the spigot changes, so I built this and put it on the server, so far so good, were on 19.97tps right now and the servers been up 3 hours, this brings our hopper fix back. Hopefully this build is a bit more stable.


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    Thanks godsy πŸ˜€

    Mojang did such a good job with Minecraft 1.9.4

    Founder of the Coalition

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    I hope this fixed the hits not being registered. πŸ˜‰


    Proud member of the British Empire.
    Also known as Salty_Shay πŸ™‚

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    Lol Shay, that would be your high quality internet connection πŸ™‚

    "Life is not fair; get used to it."
    - Bill Gates

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    i did find a little bug in the /rank command with the timer. insead of it being fast, its not fast and going in reverse after a few seconds.

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    Crazy Pirate
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    i did find a little bug in the /rank command with the timer. insead of it being fast, its not fast and going in reverse after a few seconds.

    Did you just stumble onto the why people aren’t ranking up bug?

    Crazy Pirate
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    I’ve encountered a similar problem:

    View post on imgur.com

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    I’ve encountered a similar problem:

    God dammit. This isn’t something that is fixable or that I have control over.

    Hopefully its not actually changing the playtime in the database and just a visual bug.

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    It isnt changing the playtime in the database.

    When i do /rank it shows me i have about 54 days of playtime but my real playtime can be seen on /ar leaderboard where its 66days


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    apparently chairs are broken


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    Chairs did break, I removed the plugin. Forgot to menton that.

    Worried about the “performance upgrade” which was the entire point of 1.9.4. Mojang can go play in a rusty shipwreck

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    k den



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    Pushed an updated server jar just now to fix the issue with chunks not getting unloaded, I logged on and we had 19,760 Chunks loaded! holy moly! Had to kick 41 players online to push it, hopefully this fixes the chunks.

    Also in the change logs it says that lighting was fixed for those that reported lighting issues to me.

    Keep me updated.


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    Rip Chairs ;-;

    They will be dearly missed

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    Updated first post

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